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Zoroastrianism |
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Zoroastrian or Iranian cosmology refers to the origins (cosmogony) and structure (cosmography) of the cosmos in Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrian literature describing cosmographical beliefs include the Avesta (especially in its description of Avestan geography) and, in later Middle Persian literature, texts including the Bundahishn, Denkard, and the Wizidagiha-i Zadspram.
According to the Zoroastrian creation myth, there is one universal, transcendent, all-good, and uncreated supreme creator deity Ahura Mazda, [1] or the "Wise Lord" (Ahura meaning "Lord" and Mazda meaning "Wisdom" in Avestan), [1] [2] omniscient although not omnipotent. [1]
Ahura Mazda existed in light and goodness above, while Angra Mainyu (or "Ahriman") [3] [4] existed in darkness and ignorance below. They have existed independently of each other for all time, and manifest contrary substances. In the Gathas, Ahura Mazda works through emanations known as the Amesha Spenta [5] and with the help of "other ahuras". [6] These emanations support him and held to represent and guard different aspects of creation and the ideal personality. [5] Ahura Mazda is immanent in humankind and interacts with creation through these bounteous/holy divinities. He is also assisted by a league of divinities called Yazatas, meaning "worthy of worship." Each is a hypostasis of a moral or physical aspect of creation. Asha [1] [7] is the main spiritual force which comes from Ahura Mazda. [7] It is the cosmic order and is the antithesis of chaos, which is evident as druj, falsehood and disorder, that comes from Angra Mainyu. [8] The resulting cosmic conflict involves all of creation, mental/spiritual and material, including humanity at its core, which has an active role to play in the conflict. [9] The main representative of Asha in this conflict is Spenta Mainyu, the creative spirit/mentality. [3] Ahura Mazda created the material and visible world itself in order to ensnare evil. He created the floating, egg-shaped universe in two parts: first the spiritual (menog) and 3,000 years later, the physical (getig). [10] Ahura Mazda then created Gayomard, the archetypical perfect man, and Gavaevodata, the primordial bovine. [11]
While Ahura Mazda created the universe and humankind, Angra Mainyu, whose very nature is to destroy, miscreated demons, evil daevas, and noxious creatures (khrafstar) such as snakes, ants, and flies. Angra Mainyu created an opposite, evil being for each good being, except for humans, which he found he could not match. Angra Mainyu invaded the universe through the base of the sky, inflicting Gayomard and the bull with suffering and death. However, the evil forces were trapped in the universe and could not retreat. The dying primordial man and bovine emitted seeds, which were protect by Mah, the Moon. From the bull's seed grew all beneficial plants and animals of the world and from the man's seed grew a plant whose leaves became the first human couple. Humans thus struggle in a two-fold universe of the material and spiritual trapped and in long combat with evil. The evils of this physical world are not products of an inherent weakness but are the fault of Angra Mainyu's assault on creation. This assault turned the perfectly flat, peaceful, and daily illuminated world into a mountainous, violent place that is half night. [11] According to Zoroastrian cosmology, in articulating the Ahuna Vairya formula, Ahura Mazda made the ultimate triumph of good against Angra Mainyu evident. [12] Ahura Mazda will ultimately prevail over the evil Angra Mainyu, at which point reality will undergo a cosmic renovation called Frashokereti [13] and limited time will end. In the final renovation, all of creation—even the souls of the dead that were initially banished to or chose to descend into "darkness"—will be reunited with Ahura Mazda in the Kshatra Vairya (meaning "best dominion"), [14] being resurrected to immortality.
Avestan sources regularly describe the cosmos as being constituted by the heaven and earth, for example, some phrases that appear include "we worship the earth and the heaven" and "between heaven and earth". [15] The original separation of the heavens and the earth is attributed to Ahura Mazda. [16] One text enumerates the elements of the cosmos as follows [17] :
Seven referring to different kinds of stars;
Two referring to the Luminaries (Moon and Sun);
Three referring to the highest paradisiacal abode.
The total sum of all the mentioned loci, starting with the seven continents of the earth and stopping with the Paradise, is of twenty-nine
Other descriptions of the cosmos reflect the creations of Ohrmazd. In one text, during his creation of the heaven, he creates the stars, the twelve signs of the Zodiac (constellations; just called the "twelve ones") corresponding to the twelve months of the year, the twenty-seven or twenty-eight lunar mansions, as well as 6,488,000 supporting small stars for the constellations. [18]
The Zoroastrian conception of heaven initially divided it into three levels. The lowest is the heaven of the stars, followed by the heaven of the moon, and the highest is the heaven of the sun, closest to the abode of Ahura Mazda and where Paradise lies, unreachable by Ahriman. [19] Above the heavens themselves are the "Endless Lights". Pahlavi sources suggest that the distance between each of these stations is the equivalent of 34,000 parasangs. [20] In later literature, numerous models emerged and elaborated on this basic framework. In one, the lowest heaven of the stars is itself split into four levels, encompassing the heaven of the stars with (1) the seed or nature of the waters (2) having the seed or nature of the earth (3) having the seed or nature of the plants (4) of the Holy Spirit. Another representation is that the sky/heaven itself is spherical. The innermost sphere is the zodiacal sphere insofar as it contains the twelve constellations as well as other zodiacal stars. Above the sphere of the sun is the Throne (gāh) of the Amahraspandān. This Throne is in contact with the Throne of Ohrmazd and Endless Light. Another model describes seven heavenly stations: the clouds, the sphere of the stars, the sphere of the unmixable stars, moon, sun, Throne of Amahraspandan, and the Endless Light where Ohrmazd's Throne is located. Some additions, such as the lowermost station of the clouds, reflects astronomical additions to what was originally a mythical conception of the heavens. [21] One text to elaborate the original threefold sky into a sevenfold one was the Bundahishn. [22]
The source for tripartite sky (heaven) has been discussed extensively, especially in relation to ancient near eastern cosmology, early Greek cosmology (especially in Anaximander), and Hindu cosmology. All three had tripartite skies, although the order of astral bodies was different in the Vedic texts. [23] Recent evidence indicates the Zoroastrian tripartite sky and the Zoroastrian tradition of uranography was not independent, but is thought to instead have been influenced by cosmological traditions originating in Mesopotamia. [24] In turn, the Zoroastrian tradition may have been passed on to Greek sources. [25] [26] The placement of the moon further up than the stars was maintained despite evidence that Sasanian astronomers knew that this was observationally impossible. Furthermore, other influences from Greek and Indian sources on Zoroastrian cosmography are likely, such as the introduction of the notion of sphericity from Greek influences (with respect to both the heaven and earth) [27] and the concept of planetary motion (especially retrogradation) being determined by celestial cords or ropes. [28] The exact source for the rope concept is unclear: it could ultimately come from Plato's Timaeus 38a–39a which describes "living bonds" that control the movements of the heavenly bodies. At some point in late antiquity, these ropes took on an antidemonic role insofar as they were a mechanism by which shooting stars could be directed at and striking demons, a notion shared in Zoroastrian, Manichaean, and Mandaean thought. [29]
Avestan liturgy worshiped the sky or heavens as a divinity, created without support or pillars over forty days as the first of seven acts of creation (in the order of: heavens, earth, water, plants, cattle, man, fire). [16] The sky can be referred to as nabah or "mist, cloud, vapor". [30]
The Earth is said to have a cosmic mountain known as the Harā Bərəz. This mountains peak, called Taēra, lies at the world center of the (flat) Earth, similar to the role played by Mount Meru in Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist cosmologies. [31] The Earth also has three "Aquatic Features," three "Terrestrial Features," and three "Mountainous Features". The latter correspond to mount Harā, mount Hukairiia, and the Peak of Haraitī. The peak of the mountains reach the atmosphere, and at least two of them are astronomical, insofar as the star Sadwēs rotates around the peak of Mount Hukairiia and, according to a text known as Rašn Yašt, the stars, sun, and moon revolve around the peak of Mount Haraitī. [32] Furthermore, Mount Harā is sometimes expressed to be the first mountain in a chain of 2,244 mountains that circle the enter outer edge of the Earth. Harā also represents the most prominent peak, as the suns nearness to it ensures that it never experiences night. [32]
The mountains were placed into the earth while it was being created in order to help anchor it. When it first rained, the earth was divided into seven primary landmasses or continents. The first human couple were the progeny of Gayōmard. Life and movement was made possible by the protection of fire. [33]
Familiarity of the planets, such as Mercury and Venus, is absent from early Iranian and Zoroastrian sources like the Avesta, likely reflecting the disinterest in them or classifying them into astronomical or astrological systems. A term like "constellation" denoting a general group of stars also was not used in this early period, although a plural for the word for star existed as well as some terms for some specific star clusters, like the Pleiades. Overall, however, knowledge of the main stars and star groups remained archaic. [34] On the other hand, an interest was taken up with astral bodies of irregular movement, particularly falling stars (or meteors) and bolides (meteors which explode in the atmosphere), as opposed to 'fixed' stars (i.e. stars which did not have any visible movement and were thought to be fixed in the firmament). These irregularly moving stars were considered to be demons/witches (pairikās). [25] By the time of Middle Persian literature, the names of all five (known) planets were documented as a product of Babylonian influence: Anāhīd (Pahlavi for Venus), Tīr (Mercury), Wahrām (Mars), Ohrmazd (Jupiter), and Kēwān (Saturn). [35] Of all the planet names, only Kēwān is derived from Mesopotamian (in particular, Akkadian) influences. [36]
The planets were also demonized as they took on the role of the astral mythology of the falling stars, being called demons, robbers, bandits, etc. [37] [38] This can be contextualized into the arena of other cosmological traditions, such as Mandaean cosmology, where all planets including the two luminaries (sun and moon) were demonized, Manichaean cosmology, where all planets excluding the two luminaries were demonized, and Mazdakite cosmology, where all astral bodies were viewed positively. [39]
Zoroastrianism, also known as Mazdayasna and Behdin, is an Iranian religion. Among the world's oldest organized faiths, it is based on the teachings of Iranian prophet Zarathustra—commonly known by his Greek name Zoroaster—as set forth in the primary religious text called the Avesta. Zoroastrians exalt an uncreated and benevolent deity of wisdom, commonly referred to as Ahura Mazda, as the universe's supreme being; opposed to Ahura Mazda is Angra Mainyu, who is personified as a destructive spirit and the adversary of all things good. Zoroastrianism combines a dualistic cosmology of good and evil with an eschatology that predicts the ultimate triumph of Ahura Mazda over evil. Opinions vary among scholars as to whether the religion is monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistic, or a combination of all three. Zoroastrianism shaped Iranian culture and history, while scholars differ on whether it significantly influenced ancient Western philosophy and the Abrahamic religions, or gradually reconciled with other religions and traditions, such as Christianity and Islam.
Ahura Mazda, also known as Horomazes, is the creator deity and god of the sky in the ancient Iranian religion Zoroastrianism. He is the first and most frequently invoked spirit in the Yasna. The literal meaning of the word Ahura is "lord", and that of Mazda is "wisdom".
Angra Mainyu or Ahriman is the Avestan name of Zoroastrianism's hypostasis of the "destructive/evil spirit" and the main adversary in Zoroastrianism either of the Spenta Mainyu, the "holy/creative spirits/mentality", or directly of Ahura Mazda, the highest deity of Zoroastrianism. The Middle Persian equivalent is Ahriman 𐭠𐭧𐭫𐭬𐭭𐭩. The name can appear in English-language works as Ahrimanes.
Mångha is the Avestan for "Moon, month", equivalent to Persian Māh . It is the name of the lunar deity in Zoroastrianism. The Iranian word is masculine. Although Mah is not a prominent deity in the Avestan scripture, his crescent was an important symbol of royalty throughout the Parthian and Sassanid periods.
Iranian mythology, or Persian mythology in western term, is the body of the myths originally told by ancient Persians and other Iranian peoples and a genre of ancient Persian folklore. These stories concern the origin and nature of the world, the lives and activities of deities, heroes, and mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the ancient Persians' own cult and ritual practices. Modern scholars study the myths to shed light on the religious and political institutions of not only Iran but of the Persosphere, which includes regions of West Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, and Transcaucasia where the culture of Iran has had significant influence. Historically, these were regions long ruled by dynasties of various Iranian empires, that incorporated considerable aspects of Persian culture through extensive contact with them, or where sufficient Iranian peoples settled to still maintain communities who patronize their respective cultures. It roughly corresponds to the Iranian Plateau and its bordering plains.
In Zoroastrianism, the Amesha Spenta are a class of seven divine entities emanating from Ahura Mazda, the highest divinity of the religion. Later Middle Persian variations of the term include the contraction 'Ameshaspand' as well as the specifically Zoroastrian 'Mahraspand' and 'Amahraspand'.
Zurvanism is a fatalistic religious movement of Zoroastrianism in which the divinity Zurvan is a first principle who engendered equal-but-opposite twins, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu. Zurvanism is also known as "Zurvanite Zoroastrianism", and may be contrasted with Mazdaism.
A daeva is a Zoroastrian supernatural entity with disagreeable characteristics. In the Gathas, the oldest texts of the Zoroastrian canon, the daevas are "gods that are rejected". This meaning is – subject to interpretation – perhaps also evident in the Old Persian "daiva inscription" of the 5th century BCE. In the Younger Avesta, the daevas are divinities that promote chaos and disorder. In later tradition and folklore, the dēws are personifications of every imaginable evil. Over time, the Daeva myth as Div became integrated to Islam.
Yazata is the Avestan word for a Zoroastrian concept with a wide range of meanings but generally signifying a divinity. The term literally means "worthy of worship or veneration", and is thus, in this more general sense, also applied to certain healing plants, primordial creatures, the fravashis of the dead, and to certain prayers that are themselves considered holy. The yazatas collectively are "the good powers under Ahura Mazda", who is "the greatest of the yazatas".
Keyumars or Kiomars was the name of the first king (shah) of the Pishdadian dynasty of Iran according to the Shahnameh.
Fravashi is the Avestan term for the Zoroastrian concept of a personal spirit of an individual, whether dead, living, or yet-unborn. The fravashi of an individual sends out the urvan into the material world to fight the battle of good versus evil. On the morning of the fourth day after death, the urvan returns to its fravashi, where its experiences in the material world are collected to assist the next generation in their fight between good and evil.
The Bundahishn is an encyclopedic collection of beliefs about Zoroastrian cosmology written in the Book Pahlavi script. The original name of the work is not known. It is one of the most important extant witnesses to Zoroastrian literature in the Middle Persian language.
Jahi is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demoness of "lasciviousness." As a hypostatic entity, Jahi is variously interpreted as "hussy," "rake," "libertine," "courtesan" and "one who leads a licentious life." Her standard epithet is "the Whore."
Aeshma is the Younger Avestan name of Zoroastrianism's demon of "wrath". As a hypostatic entity, Aeshma is variously interpreted as "wrath", "rage", and "fury". His standard epithet is "of the bloody mace".
Aka Manah is the Avestan language name for the Zoroastrian daeva "Evil Mind", "Evil Purpose", "Evil Thinking", or "Evil Intention". Aka Manah also known as Akoman in Middle Persian and Akvan in New Persian, represents the malevolent force of sensual desire that was sent by Ahriman to seduce the prophet Zoroaster. His eternal opponent is Vohu Manah. Aka Manah is the hypostatic abstraction of accusative akem manah, "manah made evil". The objectification of this malign influence is the demon Aka/Akem Manah, who appears in later texts as Middle Persian Akoman and New Persian Akvan.
Amerdad is the Avestan language name of the Zoroastrian divinity/divine concept of immortality. Amerdad is the Amesha Spenta of long life on earth and perpetuality in the hereafter.
Haurvatat /ˈhəʊrvətət/ is the Avestan language word for the Zoroastrian concept of "wholeness" or "perfection." In post-Gathic Zoroastrianism, Haurvatat was the Amesha Spenta associated with water, prosperity, and health.
Apaosha is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demon of drought. He is the epitomized antithesis of Tishtrya, divinity of the star Sirius and guardian of rainfall. In Zoroastrian tradition, Apaosha appears as Aposh or Apaush.
In Zoroastrianism, darvand, in its original Avestan form dregvant means 'wicked'. It is an ethical appellation of unrighteous persons. Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit, is a dregvant or darvand or wicked, as Spenta Mainyu, the Good Spirit, is ashavan or righteous.
"Thou Ahura Mazda, most recognize only two classes among mankind, the 'ashavan' or righteous and the 'dregvant,' 'darvand' or wicked to whatever religion they may belong. Those alone among Zoroastrians, who think good thoughts, speak good words and do good deeds are 'ashavan' or righteous in thy sight. Those who don Sudrah and Kusti, the sacred shirt and girdle, and call themselves the Mazda worshipping Zoroastrians yet think evil thoughts and speak evil words and do evil deeds, are 'darvands' or wicked. Those that profess to be good Mazdayasnians, but whose conduct gives the lie to their profession, are themselves 'darvands,' wicked indeed."
Ancient Iranian religion or Iranian paganism was a set of ancient beliefs and practices of the Iranian peoples before the rise of Zoroastrianism. The religion closest to it was the historical Vedic religion that was practiced in India. The major deities worshipped were Ahura Mazda and Mithra from Iran to Rome, but Atar was also worshipped, as names of kings and common public showing devotion to these three exist in most cases. But some sects, the precursors of the Magi, also worshipped Ahura Mazda, the chief of the Ahuras. With the rise of Zoroaster and his new, reformatory religion, Ahura Mazda became the principle deity while the Daevas were relegated to the background. A lot of the attributes and commandments of Varuna, called Fahrana in Median times, were later attributed to Ahura Mazda by Zoroaster.