2024 FIFA Futsal World Cup squads

Last updated

The 2024 FIFA Futsal World Cup is an international futsal tournament to be held in Uzbekistan from 14 September to 6 October 2024. The 24 national teams involved in the tournament were required by FIFA to register a squad of 14 players, including at least two goalkeepers.


This article lists the national futsal squads that take part in the tournament. The age listed for each player is as of 14 September 2024, the first day of the tournament, and the names of the players shown are that of the FIFA Display Names listed on the official squad document issued by FIFA.

Group A


The final squad was announced on 10 September 2024. [1]

Head coach: Flag of Spain.svg José Venancio López

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Sunnatjon Anvarov (1998-09-05)5 September 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Bunyodkor MFK
22 DF Fazliddin Botirov (2004-11-12)12 November 2004 (aged 19) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg FK AGMK
32 DF Mashrab Adilov (1994-08-15)15 August 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg BMB Futsal
43 MF Ikhtiyor Ropiev (1993-09-19)19 September 1993 (aged 30) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Oil Star Futsal
54 FW Muzaffar Akhadjonov (1997-11-08)8 November 1997 (aged 26) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg BMB Futsal
62 DF Ilkhomjon Khamroev (captain) (1997-09-25)25 September 1997 (aged 26) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Oil Star Futsal
73 MF Anaskhon Rakhmatov (1994-06-20)20 June 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Oil Star Futsal
83 MF Khusniddin Nishonov (1998-05-19)19 May 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Oil Star Futsal
94 FW Elbek Tulkinov (2000-12-24)24 December 2000 (aged 23) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg FK AGMK
104 FW Akbar Usmonov (1997-03-09)9 March 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg BMB Futsal
114 FW Abror Akhmetzyanov (2004-05-22)22 May 2004 (aged 20) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg FK AGMK
121 GK Abbos Elmurodov (1998-09-04)4 September 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg BMB Futsal
132 DF Mekhroj Khudoyberdiev (1998-05-14)14 May 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Dinamo Samarqand
143 MF Samariddin Berkinov (2000-07-18)18 July 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Dinamo Samarqand


The final squad was announced on 31 August 2024. [2] Saber Ben Khalou had to withdrawn from the squad due to an injury and was replaced by Steije Kee. [3]

Head coach: Flag of Spain.svg Miguel Andrés Moreno

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Manuel Kuijk (1994-10-13)13 October 1994 (aged 29) Flag of the Netherlands.svg Tigers Roermond
22 DF Jordy Cretier (1994-07-16)16 July 1994 (aged 30) Flag of the Netherlands.svg VNS United
32 DF Steije Kee (2003-03-05)5 March 2003 (aged 21) Flag of the Netherlands.svg FC Marlène
42 DF Tevfik Ceyar (1990-05-02)2 May 1990 (aged 34) Flag of the Netherlands.svg FC Eindhoven
54 FW Ayoub Boukhari (1997-05-06)6 May 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Belgium (civil).svg FT Borgerhout
63 MF Karim Mossaoui (1988-02-27)27 February 1988 (aged 36) Flag of the Netherlands.svg Tigers Roermond
74 FW Jordany Martinus (captain) (1990-07-10)10 July 1990 (aged 34) Flag of the Netherlands.svg FC Eindhoven
82 DF Abdessamad Attahiri (1994-12-19)19 December 1994 (aged 29) Flag of the Netherlands.svg VNS United
94 FW Said Bouzambou (1990-02-09)9 February 1990 (aged 34) Flag of the Netherlands.svg FC Eindhoven
104 FW Ismaïl Ouaddouh (1994-11-14)14 November 1994 (aged 29) Flag of the Netherlands.svg BE '79
113 MF Lahcen Bouyouzan (1993-04-17)17 April 1993 (aged 31) Flag of the Netherlands.svg Tigers Roermond
121 GK Mika Spigt (2005-09-10)10 September 2005 (aged 19) Flag of the Netherlands.svg FC Marlène
133 MF Ishak Belhaj (1993-08-20)20 August 1993 (aged 31) Flag of the Netherlands.svg Tigers Roermond
142 DF Mohamed Chih (1999-08-12)12 August 1999 (aged 25) Flag of the Netherlands.svg Os Lusitanos


The final squad was announced on 30 August 2024. [4]

Head coach: Carlos Chilavert

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Igor Insfrán (2002-08-29)29 August 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Paraguay.svg Club Olimpia
22 DF Alan Rojas (1998-10-20)20 October 1998 (aged 25) Flag of France.svg Sporting Paris
32 DF Damián Mareco (captain) (1994-09-04)4 September 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Spain.svg Córdoba Futsal
43 MF Emerson Méndez (2001-11-18)18 November 2001 (aged 22) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
51 GK Marcio Ramírez (2004-06-10)10 June 2004 (aged 20) Flag of Paraguay.svg Club Olimpia
63 MF Lucas Suárez (1993-02-07)7 February 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Argentina.svg 17 de Agosto
74 FW Javier Adolfo Salas (1993-09-22)22 September 1993 (aged 30) Flag of Italy.svg Napoli C5
83 MF Pedro Pascottini (1998-11-30)30 November 1998 (aged 25) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño
93 MF Hugo Martínez (1993-01-12)12 January 1993 (aged 31) Flag of France.svg Béthune Essars Futsal
104 FW Arnaldo Báez (1996-03-30)30 March 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg Córdoba Futsal
114 FW Francisco Martínez (1993-01-12)12 January 1993 (aged 31) Flag of France.svg Béthune Essars Futsal
121 GK Giovanni González (1995-05-05)5 May 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Spain.svg Servigroup Peñíscola
134 FW Aldo Amarilla (1994-12-31)31 December 1994 (aged 29) Flag of France.svg Sporting Paris
143 MF Jorge Espinoza (1993-11-22)22 November 1993 (aged 30) Flag of Paraguay.svg Cerro Porteño

Costa Rica

The final squad was announced on 16 August 2024. [5]

Head coach: Alexander Ramos

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK César Vargas (1998-02-15)15 February 1998 (aged 23) Flag of Costa Rica.svg AD Borussia
23 MF Gilberth Vindas (1997-12-07)7 December 1997 (aged 23) Flag of Poland.svg FC Toruń
33 MF Jeremy Gómez (2001-10-21)21 October 2001 (aged 19) Flag of Costa Rica.svg San Isidro Futsal
44 FW Diego Chavarría (2002-11-29)29 November 2002 (aged 18) Flag of Costa Rica.svg Sporting FC
52 DF Jean Carlo Salas (1998-07-04)4 July 1998 (aged 23) Flag of Estonia.svg Sillamäe Silla FC
62 DF Víctor Fonseca (captain) (1992-11-16)16 November 1992 (aged 28) Flag of Costa Rica.svg RS Hatillo Futsal
74 FW Minor Cabalceta (1994-05-24)24 May 1994 (aged 27) Flag of Poland.svg BSF Bochnia
83 MF Yosel León (2000-05-09)9 May 2000 (aged 21) Flag of Estonia.svg Sillamäe Silla FC
93 MF Pablo Rodríguez (1998-05-15)15 May 1998 (aged 23) Flag of Poland.svg FC Toruń
103 MF Edwin Cubillo (1987-08-23)23 August 1987 (aged 34) Flag of Costa Rica.svg AD Borussia
113 MF Daniel Gómez (1994-07-08)8 July 1994 (aged 27) Flag of Costa Rica.svg Orotina Futsal
121 GK Danny Vásquez (2001-11-07)7 November 2001 (aged 19) Flag of Costa Rica.svg Sporting FC
133 MF Luis Navarrete (1991-08-25)25 August 1991 (aged 30) Flag of Costa Rica.svg RS Hatillo Futsal
144 FW Emanuel Gamboa (1999-07-24)24 July 1999 (aged 22) Flag of Costa Rica.svg Paraíso Futsal

Group B


Initial list with 15 athletes was announced on 18 July 2024 and has not changed until the departure of the delegation to Uzbekistan. [6] However the player Lucas Gomes, was not included in the final list of 14 players. [7] [8]

Head coach: Marquinhos Xavier

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Guitta (1987-06-11)11 June 1987 (aged 37) Flag of Russia.svg MFK Ukhta
21 GK Diego Roncáglio (1988-07-15)15 July 1988 (aged 36) Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Anderlecht
31 GK Willian Dorn (1994-12-16)16 December 1994 (aged 29) Flag of Russia.svg Norilsk Nickel
42 DF Marlon (1987-12-28)28 December 1987 (aged 36) Flag of Spain.svg ElPozo Murcia
52 DF Neguinho (2000-07-12)12 July 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Spain.svg Palma Futsal
63 MF Marcel (1996-07-26)26 July 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg ElPozo Murcia
73 MF Dyego Zuffo (captain) (1989-08-05)5 August 1989 (aged 35) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
83 MF Marcênio (1987-10-05)5 October 1987 (aged 36) Flag of Brazil.svg Jaraguá
93 MF Leandro Lino (1995-07-25)25 July 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Brazil.svg Magnus Futsal
104 FW Pito (1991-11-06)6 November 1991 (aged 32) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
114 FW Ferrão (1990-10-29)29 October 1990 (aged 33) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Semey  [ kk ]
123 MF Arthur Guilherme (1994-05-16)16 May 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Portugal.svg Benfica
134 FW Rafa Santos (1990-09-25)25 September 1990 (aged 33) Flag of Spain.svg ElPozo Murcia
143 MF Felipe Valério (1993-07-08)8 July 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Spain.svg ElPozo Murcia


Head coach: Osmel Valdivia

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Kevin Rueda (2003-12-27)27 December 2003 (aged 20) Flag of Cuba.svg FC Ciego de Ávila
23 MF Dyllan Hernández (2005-04-15)15 April 2005 (aged 19) Flag of Cuba.svg La Habana Futsal
33 MF Cristian Cabrera (2002-04-24)24 April 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Cuba.svg FC Camagüey
42 DF Jorge González (2002-02-05)5 February 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Cuba.svg La Habana Futsal
52 DF Cristian Morejon (2003-03-27)27 March 2003 (aged 21) Flag of Cuba.svg La Habana Futsal
64 FW Berni Llanes (2005-07-25)25 July 2005 (aged 19) Flag of Cuba.svg La Habana Futsal
73 MF Cristian Valiente (2001-07-11)11 July 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Cuba.svg FC Holguín
83 MF Pablo Tamayo (2002-09-15)15 September 2002 (aged 21) Flag of Cuba.svg FC Ciego de Ávila
94 FW Jonathan Hernández (captain) (2001-01-23)23 January 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Argentina.svg Newell's Old Boys
103 MF Iduan Martínez (2000-02-25)25 February 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Nicaragua.svg Camoapa FC
113 MF Dayan Cotilla (2000-07-02)2 July 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Nicaragua.svg Camoapa FC
121 GK Ariel Pérez (1991-05-28)28 May 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Cuba.svg La Habana Futsal
133 MF Diego Ramírez (1998-11-03)3 November 1998 (aged 25) Flag of Spain.svg FS Riba-Roja
144 FW Bárbaro Álvarez (2000-04-17)17 April 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Nicaragua.svg Camoapa FC


The final squad was announced on 20 August 2024. [9]

Head coach: Marinko Mavrović

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Zoran Primić (1991-04-21)21 April 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Square
21 GK Filip Bašković (1993-01-09)9 January 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Novo Vrijeme
33 MF Kristian Čekol (1997-12-30)30 December 1997 (aged 26) Flag of Croatia.svg Futsal Dinamo
42 DF Duje Kustura (1998-07-02)2 July 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Olmissum
52 DF Niko Vukmir (2001-08-27)27 August 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Croatia.svg Futsal Pula
63 MF Marko Kuraja (1997-02-27)27 February 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Latvia.svg RFS Futsal
73 MF Franco Jelovčić (captain) (1991-07-06)6 July 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Torcida
83 MF Dario Marinović (1990-05-24)24 May 1990 (aged 34) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Torcida
94 FW Luka Perić (1997-02-09)9 February 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg MNK Bubamara Cazin
102 DF Tihomir Novak (1986-10-24)24 October 1986 (aged 37) Flag of Croatia.svg Futsal Dinamo
114 FW Antonio Sekulić (1999-01-22)22 January 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Anderlecht
123 MF Josip Jurlina (2000-01-13)13 January 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Olmissum
134 FW David Mataja (1997-03-17)17 March 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Croatia.svg Futsal Pula
143 MF Kristijan Postružin (1995-08-28)28 August 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg MNK Bubamara Cazin


The final squad was announced on 6 September 2024. [10]

Head coach: Flag of Spain.svg Miguel Rodrigo

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Arut Senbat (1988-11-26)26 November 1988 (aged 35) Flag of Thailand.svg Black Pearl United
22 DF Narongsak Wingwon (1998-02-18)18 February 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Thailand.svg Hongyen Thakam
33 MF Alongkorn Janphon (1994-09-16)16 September 1994 (aged 29) Flag of Thailand.svg Port Futsal Club
43 MF Krit Aransanyalak (2001-03-27)27 March 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Thailand.svg Chonburi Bluewave
52 DF Itticha Praphaphan (1991-12-31)31 December 1991 (aged 32) Flag of Thailand.svg Port Futsal Club
62 DF Jirawat Sornwichian (captain) (1988-10-25)25 October 1988 (aged 35) Flag of Thailand.svg Thammasat Stallion
73 MF Kritsada Wongkaeo (1988-04-29)29 April 1988 (aged 36) Flag of Thailand.svg Chonburi Bluewave
83 MF Worasak Srirangpirot (1992-12-26)26 December 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Thailand.svg Hongyen Thakam
94 FW Suphawut Thueanklang (1989-07-14)14 July 1989 (aged 35) Flag of Thailand.svg Chonburi Bluewave
102 DF Sarawut Phalaphruek (1997-06-09)9 June 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Thailand.svg Hongyen Thakam
114 FW Muhammad Osamanmusa (1998-01-19)19 January 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Spain.svg Jimbee Cartagena
121 GK Katawut Hankampa (1992-05-27)27 May 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Thailand.svg Thammasat Stallion
132 DF Ronnachai Jungwongsuk (1997-03-04)4 March 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Thailand.svg Chonburi Bluewave
143 MF Apiwat Chaemcharoen (1991-03-31)31 March 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Thailand.svg Chonburi Bluewave

Group C


The final squad was announced on 3 September 2024. [11] Andrés Geraghty had to withdrawn from the squad due to an injury and was replaced by Kevin Arrieta. [12]

Head coach: Matías Lucuix

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Nicolás Sarmiento (1992-12-03)3 December 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Anderlecht
22 DF Lucas Tripodi (1994-06-18)18 June 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Spain.svg Ribera Navarra FS
33 MF Ángel Claudino (1995-12-08)8 December 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Latvia.svg Riga FC
42 DF Lucas Bolo Alemany (1992-03-12)12 March 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Italy.svg Napoli C5
54 FW Agustín Plaza (1999-07-05)5 July 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Spain.svg Servigroup Peñíscola
63 MF Sebastián Corso (1992-02-12)12 February 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Spain.svg Industrias Santa Coloma
73 MF Matías Rosa (1995-09-18)18 September 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg Jaén Paraíso Interior
83 MF Luciano Gauna (2001-02-24)24 February 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Spain.svg Servigroup Peñíscola
94 FW Cristian Borruto (1987-05-07)7 May 1987 (aged 37) Flag of Italy.svg Napoli C5
103 MF Constantino Vaporaki (1990-01-06)6 January 1990 (aged 34) Flag of Latvia.svg RFS Futsal
114 FW Alan Brandi (1987-11-24)24 November 1987 (aged 36) Flag of Spain.svg Jaén Paraíso Interior
121 GK Nicolás Kravetzky (1996-10-18)18 October 1996 (aged 27) Flag of Argentina.svg Barracas Central
133 MF Kevin Arrieta (1997-02-16)16 February 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Spain.svg Alzira FS
142 DF Pablo Taborda (captain) (1986-09-03)3 September 1986 (aged 38) Flag of Italy.svg Ecocity Genzano


The final squad was announced on 8 September 2024. [13]

Head coach: Oleksandr Kosenko

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Kyrylo Tsypun (1987-07-30)30 July 1987 (aged 37) Flag of Poland.svg Piast Gliwice
21 GK Oleksandr Sukhov (1997-06-08)8 June 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Ukraine.svg HIT Kyiv
32 DF Nazar Shved (1997-03-16)16 March 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Poland.svg Eurobus Przemyśl
44 FW Andriy Melnyk (2000-05-10)10 May 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Ukraine.svg HIT Kyiv
52 DF Yevheniy Zhuk (1993-04-15)15 April 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Ukraine.svg HIT Kyiv
63 MF Mykola Mykytiuk (1996-09-13)13 September 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg Córdoba Futsal
74 FW Rostyslav Semenchenko (2003-09-01)1 September 2003 (aged 21) Flag of Ukraine.svg Aurora Futsal
82 DF Ihor Cherniavskiy (1995-09-14)14 September 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Ukraine.svg HIT Kyiv
94 FW Danyil Abakshyn (1997-12-22)22 December 1997 (aged 26) Flag of Ukraine.svg HIT Kyiv
102 DF Mykhailo Zvarych (1992-11-23)23 November 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Ukraine.svg Energia Lviv
114 FW Artem Fareniuk (1992-11-09)9 November 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Poland.svg Eurobus Przemyśl
121 GK Yuriy Savenko (1992-01-21)21 January 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Ukraine.svg Aurora Futsal
132 DF Ihor Korsun (1993-06-15)15 June 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Spain.svg Osasuna Magna Xota
142 DF Petro Shoturma (captain) (1992-06-27)27 June 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Ukraine.svg Uragan Ivano-Frankivsk


The final squad was announced on 9 September 2024. [14]

Head coach: Flag of Iran.svg Majid Mortezaei

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Javad Safari (2000-03-16)16 March 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
21 GK Alireza Jafari (2005-01-23)23 January 2005 (aged 19) Flag of Iran.svg Safir Gofteman
31 GK Ali Ahmad Mohseni (2003-06-03)3 June 2003 (aged 21) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Sidaqat Kabul
42 DF Mahdi Norowzi (captain) (1996-05-11)11 May 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Iran.svg Sunich Saveh
53 MF Hussain Mohammadi (2005-01-28)28 January 2005 (aged 19) Flag of Iran.svg Farsh Ara Mashhad
63 MF Hamid Reza Hossaini (2000-09-30)30 September 2000 (aged 23) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Saadat Nimrooz
72 DF Reza Hosseinpour (1999-08-23)23 August 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Asree Jadid
83 MF Mehran Gholami (2005-10-31)31 October 2005 (aged 18) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Sidaqat Kabul
94 FW Omid Qanbari (2004-06-29)29 June 2004 (aged 20) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Sidaqat Kabul
104 FW Akbar Kazemi (1996-05-12)12 May 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Sidaqat Kabul
113 MF Mohammad Moradi (2005-05-22)22 May 2005 (aged 19) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
123 MF Farzad Mahmoodi (1999-04-14)14 April 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Piroze Panjsher
132 DF Khodadad Ebrahimi (2004-03-02)2 March 2004 (aged 20) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Sidaqat Kabul
142 DF Sayed Mojtaba Hosseini (2003-10-06)6 October 2003 (aged 20) Flag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg Saadat Nimrooz


The final squad was announced on 7 September 2024. [15]

Head coach: Flag of Portugal.svg Marcos Antunes

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Gomito (2002-08-04)4 August 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Portugal.svg G.D. Macedense
22 DF Arroz Doce (1997-07-03)3 July 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Angola.svg SCDR Maculusso
32 DF Vedo (2000-05-09)9 May 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Angola.svg 4 de Junho Huambo
44 FW Pesado (2001-06-22)22 June 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Angola.svg JCY de Luanda
54 FW Bráulio Fontoura (1994-08-06)6 August 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Angola.svg G.D. RNT
63 MF Anderson Fortes (2004-01-20)20 January 2004 (aged 20) Flag of Portugal.svg Leões de Porto Salvo
73 MF Helber Garcia (2000-08-27)27 August 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Angola.svg SCDR Maculusso
82 DF Chico (1997-05-30)30 May 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Angola.svg Sagrada Esperança
93 MF Kaluanda (1995-03-08)8 March 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Angola.svg JCY de Luanda
103 MF Jó Mahrez (1998-04-15)15 April 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Portugal.svg SC Ferreira do Zêzere
114 FW Adérito Barros (2001-08-03)3 August 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Angola.svg JCY de Luanda
121 GK Nelsinho (1990-09-19)19 September 1990 (aged 33) Flag of Angola.svg SCDR Maculusso
132 DF Paulo Ricardo (captain) (2001-09-10)10 September 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Angola.svg SCDR Maculusso
141 GK Dennis (2003-05-05)5 May 2003 (aged 21) Flag of Angola.svg G.D. RNT

Group D


The final squad was announced on 4 September 2024. [16] César Velasco had to withdrawn from the squad due to an injury and was replaced by Jesús Gordillo. [17]

Head coach: Fede Vidal

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Jesús Herrero (1986-11-04)4 November 1986 (aged 37) Flag of Spain.svg Inter Movistar
22 DF Antonio Pérez (2000-10-19)19 October 2000 (aged 23) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
33 MF Juanjo Catela (1995-04-15)15 April 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
42 DF Tomaz Braga (1990-09-13)13 September 1990 (aged 34) Flag of Spain.svg Jimbee Cartagena
52 DF Boyis Sánchez (1989-12-26)26 December 1989 (aged 34) Flag of Spain.svg Viña Albali Valdepeñas
64 FW Raúl Gómez (1995-10-25)25 October 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg Inter Movistar
73 MF Francisco Cortés (1995-10-13)13 October 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg Jimbee Cartagena
83 MF Adolfo Fernández (1993-05-19)19 May 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
93 MF Sergio Lozano (1988-11-09)9 November 1988 (aged 35) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
103 MF Jesús Gordillo (2001-02-08)8 February 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Spain.svg Palma Futsal
111 GK Chemi (1996-02-19)19 February 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg Jimbee Cartagena
121 GK Dídac Plana (1990-05-22)22 May 1990 (aged 34) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
133 MF Miguel Mellado (1999-07-23)23 July 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Spain.svg Jimbee Cartagena
144 FW Raúl Campos (captain) (1987-12-17)17 December 1987 (aged 36) Flag of Spain.svg Manzanares FS


The final squad was announced on 7 September 2024. [18]

Head coach: Flag of Brazil.svg Kaká

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Narun Serikov (2001-09-30)30 September 2001 (aged 22) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kairat
21 GK Leo Higuita (captain) (1986-06-06)6 June 1986 (aged 38) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Semey
32 DF Arnold Knaub (1995-01-16)16 January 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Astana
44 FW Rinat Turegazin (1995-07-02)2 July 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Semey
54 FW Akzhol Daribay (1999-07-26)26 July 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Semey
64 FW Abdirassil Abdumanapuly (2000-12-20)20 December 2000 (aged 23) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Ayat
74 FW Azat Valiullin (1992-05-05)5 May 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Ayat
82 DF Leo Jaraguá (1987-05-21)21 May 1987 (aged 37) Flag of Latvia.svg RFS Futsal
94 FW Albert Akbalikov (1995-01-05)5 January 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kairat
102 DF Chingiz Yesenamanov (1989-03-10)10 March 1989 (aged 35) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Semey
112 DF Birzhan Orazov (1994-10-17)17 October 1994 (aged 29) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kairat
124 FW Dauren Tursagulov (1996-01-16)16 January 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kairat
134 FW Zhakhangir Rashit (2000-03-28)28 March 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kairat
142 DF Douglas Júnior (1988-10-15)15 October 1988 (aged 35) Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Al-Ula

New Zealand

The final squad was announced on 28 August 2024. [19]

Head coach: Marvin Eakins

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Mike Antamanov (1987-04-27)27 April 1987 (aged 37) Flag of New Zealand.svg Auckland City Futsal
23 MF Adam Paulsen (2001-06-02)2 June 2001 (aged 23) Flag of New Zealand.svg Auckland City Futsal
33 MF Hamish Grey (2002-04-06)6 April 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Spain.svg Zambú CFS Pinatar
44 FW Art Twigg (1997-04-17)17 April 1997 (aged 27) Flag of New Zealand.svg Auckland City Futsal
52 DF Miroslav Malivuk (1983-07-17)17 July 1983 (aged 41) Flag of New Zealand.svg Palmerston North Marist
64 FW Rahan Ali (1997-04-03)3 April 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Australia (converted).svg Moreland Blues FC
72 DF Ethan Martin (2000-01-11)11 January 2000 (aged 24) Flag of New Zealand.svg Waikato Rapids
82 DF Logan Wisnewski (2000-11-16)16 November 2000 (aged 23) Flag of England.svg Bloomsbury Futsal
92 DF Stephen Ashby-Peckham (1995-04-09)9 April 1995 (aged 29) Flag of New Zealand.svg Auckland City Futsal
103 MF Dylan Manickum (captain) (1992-06-16)16 June 1992 (aged 32) Flag of New Zealand.svg Auckland City Futsal
113 MF Jordan Ditfort (1998-06-09)9 June 1998 (aged 26) Flag of England.svg Bloomsbury Futsal
121 GK Patrick Steele (2000-11-14)14 November 2000 (aged 23) Flag of New Zealand.svg Waikato Rapids
133 MF Oban Hawkins (2000-10-06)6 October 2000 (aged 23) Flag of New Zealand.svg Southern United
143 MF Casey Sharplin (2001-08-26)26 August 2001 (aged 23) Flag of New Zealand.svg Waikato Rapids


Head coach: Flag of Spain.svg Ricardo Iñiguez

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Ziyad Azeez (2000-10-12)12 October 2000 (aged 23) Flag of Libya.svg Al-Ittihad
22 DF Ahmed Abdelhafide (1994-09-01)1 September 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Morocco.svg RS Berkane
32 DF Abraheem Suhayb (1996-01-29)29 January 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Libya.svg Al-Ahly
44 FW Mohamed Zreeg (1991-04-28)28 April 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Libya.svg Olympic
52 DF Suliman Aldrwish (1990-12-15)15 December 1990 (aged 33) Flag of Libya.svg Asswehly
62 DF Husam Banina (1993-12-03)3 December 1993 (aged 30) Flag of Libya.svg Al-Ittihad
73 MF Ahmed Alajnef (2000-12-14)14 December 2000 (aged 23) Flag of Libya.svg Olympic
83 MF Mohamed Khamis (1995-12-01)1 December 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Libya.svg Asswehly
94 FW Ali Jazoora (1992-09-17)17 September 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Libya.svg Asswehly
103 MF Ahmed Alyamny (1994-06-03)3 June 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Libya.svg Al-Ahly
113 MF Rashid Hakam (1998-01-20)20 January 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Libya.svg Olympic
121 GK Feras Abuksheam (1995-12-02)2 December 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Libya.svg Olympic
133 MF Ibrahim Lemhammel (1999-08-25)25 August 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Libya.svg Asswehly
142 DF Mohamed Suleiman (captain) (1988-09-27)27 September 1988 (aged 35) Flag of Libya.svg Al-Ittihad

Group E


The final squad was announced on 5 September 2024. [20]

Head coach: Jorge Braz

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Edu Sousa (1996-08-19)19 August 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg ElPozo Murcia
22 DF André Coelho (1993-10-30)30 October 1993 (aged 30) Flag of Portugal.svg Benfica
32 DF Tomás Paçó (2000-04-19)19 April 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Portugal.svg Sporting CP
42 DF Afonso Jesus (1998-01-06)6 January 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Portugal.svg Benfica
54 FW Fábio Cecílio (1993-04-30)30 April 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Portugal.svg SC Braga
64 FW Zicky Té (2001-09-01)1 September 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Portugal.svg Sporting CP
73 MF Lúcio Rocha (2004-05-05)5 May 2004 (aged 20) Flag of Portugal.svg Benfica
83 MF Erick Mendonça (1995-07-21)21 July 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
92 DF João Matos (captain) (1987-02-21)21 February 1987 (aged 37) Flag of Portugal.svg Sporting CP
103 MF Bruno Coelho (1987-08-01)1 August 1987 (aged 37) Flag of Latvia.svg RFS Futsal
113 MF Pany Varela (1989-02-25)25 February 1989 (aged 35) Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Al Nassr
121 GK André Correia (1998-02-17)17 February 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Portugal.svg Benfica
133 MF Tiago Brito (1991-07-22)22 July 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Portugal.svg SC Braga
143 MF Edmilson Kutchy (2002-10-12)12 October 2002 (aged 21) Flag of Portugal.svg Benfica


The final squad was announced on 4 September 2024. [21]

Head coach: Alex Del Rosario

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Jaime Peñaloza (captain) (1997-05-03)3 May 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Panama.svg CD Los Lobos
22 DF José Caballero (1996-08-27)27 August 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Panama.svg Villa 9 La Paz
33 MF Mario Forero (1998-12-05)5 December 1998 (aged 25) Flag of Panama.svg Chorrillo FC
43 MF Yail García (1991-10-26)26 October 1991 (aged 32) Flag of Panama.svg Villa 9 La Paz
52 DF Ricardo Castillo (1996-11-15)15 November 1996 (aged 27) Flag of Panama.svg Villa 9 La Paz
63 MF Abdiel Ortiz (1996-07-01)1 July 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Panama.svg CD Los Lobos
72 DF José Escobar (2000-02-07)7 February 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Panama.svg CD Milenio Panamá Oeste
83 MF Ruman Milord (1998-05-04)4 May 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Panama.svg CD Los Lobos
94 FW Aquiles Campos (1991-11-13)13 November 1991 (aged 32) Flag of Panama.svg CD Los Lobos
102 DF Alfonso Maquensi (1997-08-07)7 August 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Peru (state).svg Panta Walon
114 FW Abdiel Castrellón (1991-07-19)19 July 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Panama.svg Perejil FC
121 GK José Álvarez (1990-10-29)29 October 1990 (aged 33) Flag of Panama.svg Villa 9 La Paz
133 MF Luis Vásquez (1996-10-19)19 October 1996 (aged 27) Flag of Costa Rica.svg Paraíso Futsal
143 MF José Yearwood (2001-03-12)12 March 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Panama.svg Villa 9 La Paz


The final squad was announced on 11 September 2024. [22]

Head coach: Pairav Vakhidov

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Nuriddin Dzhabarov (2002-03-02)2 March 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Soro Company
21 GK Firuz Bekmurodov (1998-01-10)10 January 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Istiklol
32 DF Abduqaiyum Umarov (2001-02-11)11 February 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Istiklol
42 DF Nasratsho Ismoilov (2002-01-20)20 January 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Istiklol
53 MF Samandar Rizomov (2001-01-05)5 January 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Soro Company
63 MF Idris Yorov (2000-09-18)18 September 2000 (aged 23) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Soro Company
73 MF Bahodur Khojaev (1995-04-26)26 April 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Istaravshan
83 MF Muhamadjon Sharipov (1998-09-14)14 September 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Istiklol
94 FW Fayzali Sardorov (1998-04-08)8 April 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Soro Company
103 MF Nekruz Alimakhmadov (1995-08-10)10 August 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Istiklol
114 FW Komron Aliev (2001-02-08)8 February 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Istiklol
123 MF Umed Kuziev (1997-12-17)17 December 1997 (aged 26) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Amonatbank
132 DF Bakhtiyor Soliev (2001-12-16)16 December 2001 (aged 22) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Soro Company
142 DF Dilshod Salomov (captain) (1995-10-05)5 October 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Tajikistan.svg Soro Company


The final squad was announced on 3 September 2024. [23]

Head coach: Hicham Dguig

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Abdelkrim Anbia (1989-04-08)8 April 1989 (aged 35) Flag of Morocco.svg ASF Agadir
23 MF Anas Dahani (1999-12-14)14 December 1999 (aged 24) Flag of Morocco.svg ASF Agadir
34 FW Anás El Ayyane (1992-10-30)30 October 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Italy.svg Meta Catania
43 MF Mohamed Kamal (2003-01-04)4 January 2003 (aged 21) Flag of Morocco.svg RS Berkane
53 MF Othmane El Idrissi (1999-08-07)7 August 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Morocco.svg CL Ksar El Kebir
62 DF Soufiane Borite (1992-12-11)11 December 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Finland.svg FC Kemi
72 DF Ismail Amazal (1996-10-10)10 October 1996 (aged 27) Flag of Morocco.svg ASF Agadir
84 FW Soufian Charraoui (1996-11-15)15 November 1996 (aged 27) Flag of the Netherlands.svg Tigers Roermond
94 FW Otmane Boumezou (1992-07-08)8 July 1992 (aged 32) Flag of France.svg GOAL Futsal Club
103 MF Soufiane El Mesrar (captain) (1990-06-05)5 June 1990 (aged 34) Flag of France.svg Étoile Lavalloise
113 MF Khalid Bouzid (1998-04-20)20 April 1998 (aged 26) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
121 GK Mohammed Cheridou (1999-09-20)20 September 1999 (aged 24) Flag of Morocco.svg AOKH Kenitra
131 GK Youssef Ben Sellam (2000-08-16)16 August 2000 (aged 24) Flag of the Netherlands.svg FC Eindhoven
143 MF Idriss Raiss El-Fenni (1996-05-09)9 May 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Morocco.svg CL Ksar El Kebir

Group F


The final squad was announced on 2 September 2024. [24]

Head coach: Vahid Shamsaei

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Bagher Mohammadi (1991-06-21)21 June 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
21 GK Saeid Momeni (1992-11-23)23 November 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Iran.svg Crop Alvand
33 MF Sajad Youssefkhah (1995-04-17)17 April 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Iran.svg Crop Alvand
42 DF Alireza Rafieipour (1993-10-09)9 October 1993 (aged 30) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
52 DF Mohammad Hossein Derakhshani (1993-04-01)1 April 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
62 DF Mohammad Reza Sangsefidi (1989-11-02)2 November 1989 (aged 34) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
73 MF Ali Asghar Hassanzadeh (captain) (1987-11-02)2 November 1987 (aged 36) Flag of Iran.svg Mes Sungun
83 MF Moslem Oladghobad (1995-11-29)29 November 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Iran.svg Gohar Zamin
94 FW Saeid Ahmadabbasi (1992-07-31)31 July 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
104 FW Hossein Tayyebi (1988-09-29)29 September 1988 (aged 35) Flag of Iran.svg Gohar Zamin
113 MF Mahdi Karimi (1997-01-28)28 January 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
123 MF Salar Aghapour (2000-03-07)7 March 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Iran.svg Gohar Zamin
133 MF Amir Hossein Davoudi (2002-08-16)16 August 2002 (aged 22) Flag of Iran.svg Giti Pasand
144 FW Behrooz Azimi (2001-08-25)25 August 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Iran.svg Mes Sungun


The final squad was announced on 9 September 2024. [25]

Head coach: Robinson Romero

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Carlos Vásquez (1989-03-03)3 March 1989 (aged 35) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Centauros de Caracas
22 DF Carlos Sanz (1996-03-21)21 March 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Spain.svg Jaén Paraíso Interior
34 FW Wilmer Cabarcas (1994-09-15)15 September 1994 (aged 29) Flag of Italy.svg Manfredonia C5
42 DF Carlos Jiménez (1991-05-04)4 May 1991 (aged 33) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Piratas de La Guaira
53 MF Alexander Moreno (1994-10-03)3 October 1994 (aged 29) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Monagas Futsal
63 MF Víctor Carreño (1999-05-04)4 May 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Centauros de Caracas
73 MF Jesús Viamonte (1997-04-09)9 April 1997 (aged 27) Flag of Uruguay.svg Peñarol
83 MF Maikel Torres (1999-11-24)24 November 1999 (aged 24) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Centauros de Caracas
94 FW Kevin Briceño (2000-08-24)24 August 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Centauros de Caracas
102 DF Rafael Morillo (captain) (1992-10-20)20 October 1992 (aged 31) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Centauros de Caracas
113 MF Alfredo Vidal (1994-02-03)3 February 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Peru (state).svg Panta Walon
121 GK José Villalobos (1991-11-26)26 November 1991 (aged 32) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Monagas Futsal
132 DF Milton Francia (1994-12-18)18 December 1994 (aged 29) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Piratas de La Guaira
142 DF Saimond Francia (2004-02-22)22 February 2004 (aged 20) Flag of Venezuela (state).svg Centauros de Caracas


The final squad was announced on 10 September 2024. [26]

Head coach: Carlos Estrada

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Angel Mazariegos (1999-04-29)29 April 1999 (aged 25) Flag of Guatemala.svg Legendarios FSC
21 GK José Reyes (1995-11-20)20 November 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
32 DF Jenner Paniagua (1997-12-27)27 December 1997 (aged 26) Flag of Guatemala.svg Legendarios FSC
44 FW Nelson Tagre (2000-01-25)25 January 2000 (aged 24) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
52 DF Edgar Santizo (1987-02-02)2 February 1987 (aged 37) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
63 MF José Marín (1992-01-25)25 January 1992 (aged 32) Flag of Guatemala.svg CSD Tellioz
73 MF Román Alvarado (1997-12-02)2 December 1997 (aged 26) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
83 MF Patrick Ruiz (1993-01-10)10 January 1993 (aged 31) Flag of Guatemala.svg Legendarios FSC
93 MF Marvin Sandoval (1989-03-22)22 March 1989 (aged 35) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
103 MF Wanderley Ruiz (1995-08-09)9 August 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Guatemala.svg Legendarios FSC
112 DF Alan Aguilar (captain) (1989-12-02)2 December 1989 (aged 34) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
123 MF Jhonny Díaz (2001-03-18)18 March 2001 (aged 23) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
134 FW Fernando Campaignac (1994-06-13)13 June 1994 (aged 30) Flag of Guatemala.svg Glucosoral FSC
143 MF Bryan Santizo (1995-01-31)31 January 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Guatemala.svg CSD Tellioz


The final squad was announced on 6 September 2024. [27]

Head coach: Raphaël Reynaud

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)Club
11 GK Francis Lokoka (1993-09-08)8 September 1993 (aged 31) Flag of France.svg Sporting Paris
22 DF Sid Belhaj (1992-08-28)28 August 1992 (aged 32) Flag of France.svg Sporting Paris
33 MF Mamadou Siragassy Touré (2001-09-15)15 September 2001 (aged 22) Flag of Spain.svg FC Barcelona
44 FW Nicolas Ménendez (1996-02-03)3 February 1996 (aged 28) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Novo Vrijeme
54 FW Arthur Tchaptchet (1995-11-02)2 November 1995 (aged 28) Flag of Croatia.svg MNK Novo Vrijeme
62 DF Kévin Ramirez (1987-08-10)10 August 1987 (aged 37) Flag of France.svg Sporting Paris
73 MF Steve Bendali (1994-11-12)12 November 1994 (aged 29) Flag of Croatia.svg Futsal Pula
82 DF Ayoub Saadaoui (1994-12-14)14 December 1994 (aged 29) Flag of France.svg Kremlin-Bicêtre
93 MF Nelson Lutin (1997-12-05)5 December 1997 (aged 26) Flag of France.svg Étoile Lavalloise
104 FW Abdessamad Mohammed (1990-12-10)10 December 1990 (aged 33) Flag of France.svg Étoile Lavalloise
112 DF Souheil Mouhoudine (captain) (1995-03-29)29 March 1995 (aged 29) Flag of Spain.svg Jimbee Cartagena
121 GK Thibaut Garros (2003-01-02)2 January 2003 (aged 21) Flag of France.svg UJS Toulouse
132 DF Mamadou Touré (1998-01-27)27 January 1998 (aged 26) Flag of France.svg Sporting Paris
143 MF Ouassini Guirio (2000-12-14)14 December 2000 (aged 23) Flag of France.svg Étoile Lavalloise

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