America's Got Talent: Fantasy League

Last updated
America's Got Talent: Fantasy League
AGT Fantasy League logo.jpg
ShowrunnerJason Raff [1]
Directed byRussell Norman
Presented by Terry Crews
Country of originUnited States
Original languageEnglish
No. of seasons1
No. of episodes8
Executive producers
  • Simon Cowell
  • Jason Raff
  • Sam Donnelly
  • Natasha Brugler
Camera setup Multi-camera
Production companies
Original release
Network NBC
ReleaseJanuary 1 (2024-01-01) 
February 12, 2024 (2024-02-12)

America's Got Talent: Fantasy League (also known as AGT: Fantasy League) is an American reality television and talent competition series that premiered on NBC on January 1, 2024. The "fantasy league" series is a spinoff featuring winners, finalists, fan favorites, and others from previous seasons of America's Got Talent and across the Got Talent franchise, with each judge serving as a mentor for a set of acts. Terry Crews hosts the series, with Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel serving as judges. [2]


Judges and Presenter for America's Got Talent: Fantasy League


Similar to America's Got Talent: The Champions and America's Got Talent: All-Stars , the "fantasy league" format includes past winners, finalists, and fan favorites from across previous seasons of the franchise, competing for the Fantasy League title. However, apart from the other spin-offs, Fantasy League allows the judges to have a team of 10 acts that they selected to compete. The judges serve as mentors to their respective acts throughout the show with the goal of each judge having one of their own acts crowned champion. Once all participants in a round have completed their performance, an off-stage vote is conducted by the studio audience, which determines the five participants securing a place in the semi-finals. The golden buzzer takes on a new role in the series: a judge can either use it to advance one of their own acts or steal an act from another judge's team. Each golden buzzer recipient bypasses the semi-finals and goes directly to the finals. In the finale, the winner receives a cash prize of $250,000. [3]


On May 12, 2023, it was announced that an untitled America's Got Talent series was in the works, set for premiere midseason of the 2023–24 television season. [4] [5] On September 21, 2023, the series was officially revealed as AGT: Fantasy League, with judges Simon Cowell, Mel B, Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel as well as host Terry Crews. [6] On November 15, 2023, it was announced that the series would premiere on January 1, 2024. [7] [8] [9]


Teams color key
     Winner                                   Stolen in the Semi-finals
     Runner-up                                   Eliminated in the Semi-finals
     Third place                                   Stolen in the Qualifiers
     Grand-finalist                                   Eliminated in the Qualifiers
     Eliminated in the Finals
Mentors' teams
MentorTop 40 Acts
Howie Mandel
Ramadhani BrothersShadow AceKodi LeeV.UnbeatableKseniya SimonovaKristy Sellars
Anna DeGuzmanPreacher LawsonFritzy RosmerianGeneviève CôtéIchikawa KoikuchiDrake Milligan
Heidi Klum
V.UnbeatableSofie DossiAidan BryantGrace GoodDarci LynneYu Hojin
Enkh-ErdeneRamadhani BrothersThe ClairvoyantsPiff the Magic DragonHans
Mel B
Aidan BryantBilly and Emily EnglandSheldon RileyVardanyan BrothersGhetto KidsTravis Japan
Brian Justin CrumJunior New SystemMerseyGirlsJon DorenbosMaria SeirenTape Face
Simon Cowell
Pack DrumlineSAINTEDMusa MothaKodi LeeAdrian Stoica & HurricaneChapel Hart
Loren AllredBilly and Emily EnglandCillian O'ConnorWes-P
Note: Italicized names are acts stolen or saved from a team during the Qualifiers. Bold names are acts stolen or saved from a team during the Semi-finals.


Got Talent History KeyAGT America's Got Talent AGTAS America's Got Talent: All-Stars AGTC America's Got Talent: The Champions AsGT Asia's Got Talent AuGT Australia's Got Talent
BGT Britain's Got Talent BGTC Britain's Got Talent: The Champions BGTUMBritain's Got Talent: The Ultimate MagicianBTTBalgariya tarsi talant (Bulgaria's Got Talent)CGT Canada's Got Talent
CSTČesko Slovensko má talent (Czech Slovak's Got Talent)EETΕλλάδα Έχεις Ταλέντο (Greece's Got Talent)FITLa France a un incroyable talent (France's Got Talent)FITBJLa France a un incroyable talent: La Bataille Du Jury (France's Got Talent: Battle Of The Judges)GGTნიჭიერი (Georgia's Got Talent)
GTEGot Talent EspañaGTEASGot Talent España: All StarsIGT Indonesia's Got Talent ItGTItalia's Got TalentJGTJapan's Got Talent
MGTАвьяаслаг Монголчууд (Mongolia's Got Talent)MSМинута славы (Russia's Got Talent)PGTPilipinas Got Talent (Philippines's Got Talent)RTRomânii au talent (Romania's Got Talent)SITSlovenija ima talent (Slovenia's Got Talent)
  Winner |   Runner-up |   Third place |   Finalist |   Semi-finalist
  Eliminated | Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Golden Buzzer – Qualifiers | Crystal Clear action bookmark.png Golden Buzzer – Semi-finals
Participant [7] [10] ActMentor Got Talent historyQualifierResults
Adrian Stoica & Hurricane Dog ActSimon CowellAGT: S18 – Winner; ItGT: S8 – Semi-finalist; RT: S12 – Participant2Semi-finalist
Aidan Bryant Crystal Clear action bookmark.png AerialistMel BAGT: S16 – Runner-up; AGTAS: – Winner; GTEAS: S1 – Finalist4Finalist
Anna DeGuzmanMagicianHowie MandelAuGT: Season 10 – Participant; AGT: S18 – Runner Up4Semi-finalist
Billy and Emily England Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Extreme Rollerblading DuoMel BBGT: S9 – Semifinalist; AGT: S12 – Semi-finalist; AGTC: S1 – Participant; BGTC: S1 – Participant1Finalist
Brian Justin Crum SingerMel BAGT: S11 – Fourth place; AGTC: S1 – Finalist4Eliminated
Chapel Hart Vocal TrioSimon CowellAGT: S17 – Fifth place3Semi-finalist
Cillian O'ConnorMagicianSimon CowellBGT: S16 – Third place4Eliminated
Darci Lynne SingerHeidi KlumAGT: S12 – Winner; AGTC: S1 – Runner-up4Semi-finalist
Drake Milligan SingerHowie MandelAGT: S17 – Third place2Eliminated
Enkh-ErdeneSingerHeidi KlumMGT: S2 – Winner3Semi-finalist
Fritzy RosmerianMagicianHowie MandelIGT: S3 – Fifth place3Eliminated
Geneviève CôtéVocalistHowie MandelCGT: S3 – Finalist3Eliminated
Ghetto Kids Dance GroupMel BBGT: S16 – Finalist4Semi-finalist
Grace GoodHula Hoop ArtistHeidi KlumAGT: S18 – Semi-finalist2Semi-finalist
HansSingerHeidi KlumAGT: S13 – Quarter-finalist; AGTC: S2 – Finalist1Eliminated
Ichikawa KoikuchiFlatulistHowie MandelAsGT: S3, Participant; BGT: S16, Semi-finalist, FIT: S17, Participant; GTE: S9, Participant3Eliminated
Jon Dorenbos MagicianMel BAGT: S11 – Third place; AGTC: S1 – Finalist1Eliminated
Junior New SystemDance GroupMel BAsGT: S1 – Finalist; AGT: S13 – Semi-finalist3Eliminated
Kodi Lee Crystal Clear action bookmark.png Singer & PianistHowie MandelAGT: S14 – Winner; AGTAS: – Finalist1Finalist
Kristy SellarsPole DancerHowie MandelAuGT: S9 – Winner; AGT: S17 – Runner-up1Semi-finalist
Kseniya Simonova Sand ArtistHowie MandelUMT: S1 – Winner; AGTC: S1 – Third place; BGTC: S1 – Third place1Semi-finalist
Loren Allred SingerSimon CowellBGT: S15 – Finalist3Semi-finalist
Maria SeirenSingerMel BJGT: S1 – Winner1Eliminated
MerseyGirlsDance GroupMel BBGT: S11 – Finalist; BGTC: Finalist2Eliminated
Musa Motha Crystal Clear action bookmark.png DancerSimon CowellBGT: S16 – Finalist45th
Pack DrumlinePercussion GroupSimon CowellAGT: S17 – Semi-finalist3Runner-up
Piff the Magic Dragon Comedy MagicianHeidi KlumAGT: S10 – Finalist; AGTC: S1 – Participant2Eliminated
Preacher Lawson ComedianHowie MandelAGT: S12 – Finalist; AGTC: S1 – Fifth place; BGTC: S1 -Finalist2Semi-finalist
Ramadhani Brothers Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Balancing DuoHowie MandelAuGT: S10 – Finalist;AGT: S18 – Fifth place; CST: Season 11 – Participant; FIT: Season 17 – Finalist; GTEAS: Finalist; RT: Season 13 – Semi-finalist2Winner
SAINTED Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Trap ChoirSimon CowellAGT: S18 – Semi-finalist44th
Shadow AceShadow ArtistHowie MandelAsGT: S3 – Finalist; AGT: S18 – Semi-finalist; PGT: S5 – Semi-finalist1Finalist
Sheldon Riley SingerMel BAGT: S15 – Quarter-finalist2Semi-finalist
Sofie Dossi Yellow ffff00 pog.svg ContortionistHeidi KlumAGT: S11 – Finalist; AGTC: S1 – Participant3Finalist
Tape Face MimeMel BAGT: S11 – Finalist; AGTC: S1 – Participant; BGTC: S1 – Participant; FITBJ: Participant; GTEAS: S1 – Participant1Eliminated
The Clairvoyants Magic DuoHeidi KlumAGT: S11 – Runner-up; AGTC: S1 – Participant; BGTUM: S1 – Participant4Eliminated
Travis Japan J-Pop BandMel BAGT: S17 – Semifinalist4Eliminated
V.Unbeatable Crystal Clear action bookmark.png Dance GroupHeidi KlumAGT: S14 – Fourth place; AGTC: S2 – Winner1Third place
Vardanyan BrothersBalancing DuoMel BBGT: S13 – Semifinalist; GTEAS: S1 – Runner-up; MS: S9 – Winner2Semi-finalist
Wes-P Novelty ActSimon CowellGeGT: S7 – Semi-finalist; BGT: S12 – Semi-finalist; AGT: S13 – Participant; FGT: S13 – Finalist; AiGT: S3 – Participant; RT: S10 – Participant; GrGT: S7 – Participant; BTT: S8 – Participant; AuGT: S10 – Participant; GTE: S9 – Semi-finalist2Eliminated
Yu HojinMagicianHeidi KlumAGT: S17 – Finalist3Semi-finalist

Qualifiers summary

  Golden Buzzer Advancement |    Advanced to Semi-finals |   Eliminated | Crystal Clear action button cancel.svg Buzzed out

Qualifier 1 (January 1)

CowellMel BKlumMandel
Kristy SellarsHowie Mandel1Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Jon DorenbosMel B2Eliminated
HansHeidi Klum3Eliminated
Kseniya SimonovaHowie Mandel4Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
V.UnbeatableHowie Mandel5Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Maria SeirenMel B6Eliminated
Billy and Emily EnglandSimon Cowell7Advanced to Finals (Stolen by Mel B)
Tape FaceMel B8Eliminated
Shadow AceHowie Mandel9Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Kodi LeeSimon Cowell10Advanced (Won Audience Vote)

Qualifier 2 (January 8)

CowellMel BKlumMandel
Adrian Stoica & HurricaneSimon Cowell1Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Piff the Magic DragonHeidi Klum2Eliminated
MerseyGirlsMel B3Eliminated
Drake MilliganHowie Mandel4Eliminated
Ramadhani BrothersHeidi Klum5Advanced to Finals (Stolen by Howie Mandel)
Preacher LawsonHowie Mandel6Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Grace GoodHeidi Klum7Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Vardanyan BrothersMel B8Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Wes-PSimon Cowell9 Crystal Clear action button cancel.svg Eliminated
Sheldon RileyMel B10Advanced (Won Audience Vote)

Qualifier 3 (January 15)

CowellMel BKlumMandel
Junior New SystemMel B1Eliminated
Chapel HartSimon Cowell2Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Fritzy RosmerianHowie Mandel3Eliminated
Pack DrumlineSimon Cowell4Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Enkh-ErdeneHeidi Klum5Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Sofie DossiHeidi Klum6Advanced to Finals
Geneviève CôtéHowie Mandel7Eliminated
Yu HojinHeidi Klum8Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Ichikawa KoikuchiHowie Mandel9 Crystal Clear action button cancel.svg Eliminated
Loren AllredSimon Cowell10Advanced (Won Audience Vote)

Qualifier 4 (January 22)

CowellMel BKlumMandel
Aidan BryantHeidi Klum1Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Travis JapanMel B2Eliminated
Cillian O'ConnorSimon Cowell3Eliminated
Brian Justin CrumMel B4Eliminated
Ghetto KidsMel B5Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
Anna DeGuzmanHowie Mandel6Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
SAINTEDSimon Cowell7Advanced to Finals
Darci LynneHeidi Klum8Advanced (Won Audience Vote)
The ClairvoyantsHeidi Klum9Eliminated
Musa Motha [a] Simon Cowell10Advanced (Won Audience Vote)

Semi-finals summary

  Golden Buzzer Advancement |    Advanced to Finals |   Eliminated (2nd in Audience Vote) |   Eliminated (3rd in Audience Vote) |   Eliminated | Crystal Clear action button cancel.svg Buzzed out

Semi-finals 1 (January 29)

CowellMel BKlumMandel
Kristy SellarsHowie Mandel1Eliminated
Loren AllredSimon Cowell2Eliminated (2nd in Audience Vote)
Aidan BryantHeidi Klum3Advanced to Finals (Stolen by Mel B)
Enkh-ErdeneHeidi Klum4Eliminated
Anna DeGuzmanHowie Mandel5Eliminated
Vardanyan BrothersMel B6Eliminated (3rd in Audience Vote)
Ghetto KidsMel B7Eliminated
Kodi LeeSimon Cowell8Advanced to Finals (Stolen by Howie Mandel)
Preacher LawsonHowie Mandel9Eliminated
Pack DrumlineSimon Cowell10Advanced (Won Audience Vote)

Semi-finals 2 (February 5)

CowellMel BKlumMandel
Grace GoodHeidi Klum1Eliminated
Kseniya SimonovaHowie Mandel2Eliminated (3rd in Audience Vote)
Darci LynneHeidi Klum3Eliminated
Musa MothaSimon Cowell4Advanced to Finals
Sheldon RileyMel B5Eliminated
Adrian Stoica & HurricaneSimon Cowell6Eliminated (2nd in Audience Vote)
Yu HojinHeidi Klum7Eliminated
Chapel HartSimon Cowell8Eliminated
V.UnbeatableHowie Mandel9Advanced to Finals (Stolen by Heidi Klum)
Shadow AceHowie Mandel10Advanced (Won Audience Vote)

Finals (February 12)

  Winner |   Runner-up |   3rd place |   Top 5

Guest performers: Chapel Hart and Drake Milligan

FinalistTeamOrderPerformed with
(2nd Performance)
Result (February 19)
Pack DrumlineSimon Cowell1 Sheila E. 1 2nd
Sofie DossiHeidi Klum2 Loren Allred and Brian Justin Crum 2 Finalist
Kodi LeeHowie Mandel3 Stephen Sanchez Finalist
V.UnbeatableHeidi Klum4Sheila E. 1 3rd
Ramadhani BrothersHowie Mandel5Loren Allred and Brian Justin Crum 2 1st
Musa MothaSimon Cowell6 Calum Scott 5th
Aidan BryantMel B7Loren Allred and Brian Justin Crum 2 Finalist
Shadow AceHowie Mandel8 David Taylor Finalist
Billy and Emily EnglandMel B9Loren Allred and Brian Justin Crum 2 Finalist
SAINTEDSimon Cowell10 Robin S. 4th


Viewership and ratings per episode of America's Got Talent: Fantasy League
No.TitleAir date Rating
1"Qualifiers 1"January 1, 20240.33.07 [11]
2"Qualifiers 2"January 8, 20240.33.85 [12]
3"Qualifiers 3"January 15, 20240.33.07 [13]
4"Qualifiers 4"January 22, 20240.44.33 [14]
5"Semi-Finals 1"January 29, 20240.44.12 [15]
6"Semi-Finals 2"February 5, 20240.44.33 [16]
7"Final Performances"February 12, 20240.44.08 [17]
8"Final Results"February 19, 20240.44.07 [18]


  1. Because Musa Motha's paperwork to allow himself clearance into America was incomplete, he had to do his act remotely.


  1. Hailu, Selome (October 28, 2024). "'America's Got Talent': Jason Raff Out as Showrunner After 19 Seasons Due to Budget Cuts". Variety . Retrieved October 31, 2024.
  2. Elizabeth Logan (November 20, 2023). "Everything to Know About AGT: Fantasy League". NBC Insider . Retrieved January 11, 2024.
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  10. Esther Kang; Joelle Goldstein (November 15, 2023). "Kodi Lee, Darci Lynne, and Other AGT Favorites Return to Compete on New Fantasy League Spinoff (Exclusive)". People . Retrieved January 11, 2024.
  11. Douglas Pucci (January 2, 2024). "Monday Ratings: ESPN the Dominant Leader in Prime Time Overall with College Football Playoff Semifinals, America's Got Talent: Fantasy League Debut Underwhelms at NBC". Programming Insider. Retrieved January 3, 2024.
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