Ample SDK

Last updated
Ample SDK
Stable release
0.9.4 / December 1, 2012 (2012-12-01)
Written in JavaScript
Type Web application framework
License Dual license: GPL / MIT [1]

Ample SDK is a pre-release stage lightweight JavaScript library intended to simplify cross-browser web application development. Although Ample SDK allows you to do client-side scripting in a very similar way as jQuery and many other JavaScript libraries, its main purpose is to enable development of declarative GUI's for Rich Internet applications rather than enhancing HTML pages. The last release of Ample SDK was in December 2012 although work continues on GitHub along with developers responding to issues and multiple active forks.

A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX and other web-centric technologies.

Web application application that uses a web browser as a client

In computing, a web application or web app is a client–server computer program which the client runs in a web browser. Common web applications include webmail, online retail sales, and online auction.

Because its documentation is still sparse and the examples lack clear explanation, the Ample SDK is not suited for beginners. For the experienced web developer however, it offers many features, listed below.


The features of Ample include:

Document Object Model convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent application programming interface that treats an HTML, XHTML, or XML document as a tree structure wherein each node is an object representing a part of the document. The DOM represents a document with a logical tree. Each branch of the tree ends in a node, and each node contains objects. DOM methods allow programmatic access to the tree; with them one can change the structure, style or content of a document. Nodes can have event handlers attached to them. Once an event is triggered, the event handlers get executed.

XUL, which stands for XML User Interface Language, is a user interface markup language developed by Mozilla. XUL is implemented as an XML dialect, enabling graphical user interfaces to be written in a similar manner to web pages. Such applications must be created using the Mozilla codebase ; the most prominent example is the Firefox web browser.

XML Markup language developed by the W3C for encoding of data

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. The W3C's XML 1.0 Specification and several other related specifications—all of them free open standards—define XML.


The runtime is the core module of the Ample SDK framework. It contains implementations for:

Scripting APIs

XML technologies

UI Managers

  • Drag & Drop
  • Resize
  • Focus
  • Capture
  • Selection

UI Markup Languages

The UI Markup Languages are implemented in JavaScript independently on each other:


There is a jQuery-like plugin system in Ample SDK, some of the plugins coming with version 0.9.3:

Hello Ample! Example

The Ample web page is an HTML document with decorations. To use the Ample framework you would include the runtime library in the head section of the HTML document and in addition the library for one or more GUI languages.

Here is an example which includes the runtime and XHTML as a GUI language:


We also included a CSS style sheet for the XHTML library.

A further note to make is that the document should contain namespace declarations for the GUI languages used, which is most conveniently placed in the HTML tag:

<htmlxmlns=""{{deadlink|date=July2017|bot=InternetArchiveBot|fix-attempted=yes}}> ... </html>

If you would like to introduce dynamic behavior, you can include JavaScript functions, in a very similar way as most JavaScript libraries allow you to include behavior: as body of a document ready function:

<scripttype="text/javascript">ample.ready(function(){ample.query("b").bind("click",function(oEvent){alert('Element "''" was clicked');})})</script>

This script says something like: for every b element in the part of the document that is controlled by Ample, there will be an alert with showing the nodeValue of the firstChild of the element.

On purpose we were talking about part of the document, because you can designate a number of sections within the body of an HTML document to be processed by Ample and the rest of the document will remain untouched:

<script></script><b>Hello, World!</b><script>ample.close()</script>

Therefore, if the HTML document would contain more b elements outside the Ample sections, the alert would not occur when you would click on it.

Standards-based web-development

So far, we have shown nothing that could not be done slightly more easily in a JavaScript library like jQuery. The power of declarative GUI development will become clear with the next example, showing a table with a rich interface. You should contrast the source code shown in the example below, with similar functionality in a jQuery plugin, where you probably would see only a


on a page and where you would have to guess what the final appearance of the element would be from looking at the JavaScript code.

User Interface

In the next example we will use XUL as the GUI language. XUL is an XML Markup Language, developed by Mozilla and used for example for the Firefox browser. Ample offers a full implementation of XUL.

<scripttype="application/ample+xml"xmlns:xul=""><xul:listboxtype="checkbox"height="200"onselect="onListBoxSelect(event)"><xul:listhead><xul:listheaderwidth="30"minwidth="30"label="id"/><xul:listheaderwidth="200"minwidth="300"label="First Name"tooltiptext="Shows first name of the person. Click to sort."/><xul:listheaderlabel="Profession"minwidth="200"tooltiptext="Shows profession of the person. Click to sort."/><xul:listheaderwidth="200"minwidth="200"label="Location"tooltiptext="Shows person location. Click to sort."/></xul:listhead><xul:listbodyid="listbody"><xul:listitemclass="test"><xul:listcelllabel="1"/><xul:listcelllabel="George"/><xul:listcelllabel="House Painter"/><xul:listcelllabel="USA"/></xul:listitem><xul:listitemclass="test2"><xul:listcelllabel="2"/><xul:listcelllabel="Mary Ellen"/><xul:listcelllabel="Candle Maker"/><xul:listcelllabel="Java"/></xul:listitem></xul:listbody></xul:listbox></script>


The Application Logic of your client web application is written in JavaScript. For example:



The styling of your application is done in CSS, for example:


From the XUL code it is easy to see what the layout of the table will be. The assumption is that for web-designers it is much easier to look at a declarative page that uses familiar, HTML like tags. The application developers can concentrate on specifying the behavior for the GUI elements. There is also a good separation between layout, styling and processing.

Componentization model

Although there is a set of pre-defined UI Markup Languages (including XUL, XHTML, SVG and HTML5) it is easy to extend the base (to adjust it to certain application needs) and create new languages and UI components. This is done by either prototyping objects in JavaScript and registering them with the framework, or by implementing these components in XBL2. The UI Languages that are currently present in Ample are prototype implementations.


  1. "Licensing Ample SDK". Archived from the original on 28 November 2009. Retrieved 2009-11-26.