Big Ten Medal of Honor

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Big Ten Medal of Honor
Big Ten Medal of Honor.jpg
Awarded forGreatest Proficiency in Athletics and Scholastic Work
CountryUnited States
Presented by Big Ten Conference
First awarded1915
Currently held by28 each year (since 2014–15)

One of the most prestigious conference awards in college athletics, the Big Ten Medal of Honor was first awarded in 1915 to one student-athlete from the graduating class of each university who had "attained the greatest proficiency in athletics and scholastic work." The 14 institutions of the Big Ten feature over 10,000 student-athletes, more than any other conference, and only 28 of those individuals are recognized each year with the Big Ten Medal of Honor. In the nearly 100 years of the Medal of Honor, just over 1,300 student-athletes have earned this distinction. [1] The medal features the Latin phrase Mens fervida in corpore lacertoso ("a fervent mind in a vigorous body") on one side and the student's name and the phrase For Scholarship and Athletic Prowess on the reverse side. [2]



The award was first given in 1915. It was the first award in intercollegiate athletics to demonstrate support of the educational emphasis placed on athletics and honor those who embody the values of the "student athlete". [2] Although originally awarded only to male athletes, since 1982, a female athlete from each institution has also been recognized.

Notable recipients

The Big Ten Medal of Honor has been awarded to numerous decorated athletes [3] [4] [5] who achieved success after college both in athletics and beyond, including:

List of winners

Winners by year [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
SchoolYearMen's nameMen's sportWomen's nameWomen's sport
Chicago1915Francis T. WardTrack & Field
Illinois1915Edward A. WillifordBasketball
Indiana1915Matthew WintersBaseball
Iowa1915Herman VonLackumFootball
Minnesota1915Boles A. RosenthalFootball/Track & Field
Northwestern1915Harold G. OsbornTrack & Field
Ohio State1915Arthur S. KieferFootball
Purdue1915Harry B. RouthFootball
Wisconsin1915Martin Thomas KennedyRowing
Chicago1916Paul S. RussellFootball
Illinois1916 Elmo Paul Hohman Track & Field
Indiana1916George J. ShivelyBaseball
Iowa1916Forrest W. DeardorffBaseball
Minnesota1916Bernard W. BiermanFootball/Basketball/Track & Field
Northwestern1916John Harvey EllisBasketball
Ohio State1916Charles A. CarranTennis
Purdue1916Paul L. WalterFootball/Basketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1916William Dow HarveyTrack & Field
Chicago1917Daniel J. FisherTrack & Field
Illinois1917Clyde Godel AlwoodBasketball
Indiana1917DeWitt T. MullettBasketball
Iowa1917Wayne J. FosterBaseball
Minnesota1917Joseph M. SprafkaFootball/Track & Field
Northwestern1917Edgar Paul WilliamsFootball
Ohio State1917Allen R. RankinTrack & Field
Purdue1917Melvin John ProudFootball
Wisconsin1917Mead BurkeTrack & Field
Chicago1918Walter C. EarleSwimming & Diving
Illinois1918John Leo KleinFootball/Baseball
Indiana1918Wilbur J. DalzellFootball/Wrestling
Iowa1918John VonLackumFootball
Minnesota1918George W. HauserFootball/Track & Field
Northwestern1918No Award
Ohio State1918Howard F. YergesFootball
Purdue1918Herbert L. HartFootball
Wisconsin1918Ebert Edward Simpson Jr.Basketball
Michigan1918Alan W. BoydFootball
Chicago1919William C. GorgasBasketball
Illinois1919G. C. GucheitFootball
Indiana1919William M. ZellerBasketball
Iowa1919Homer W. ScottFootball
Minnesota1919Erling S. PlatouBasketball/Track & Field
Northwestern1919Ruben Allen MarquardtBasketball
Ohio State1919Sheldon J. MannBaseball
Purdue1919Robert E. MarkleyFootball/Basketball.Baseball
Wisconsin1919Charles H. CarpenterFootball
Michigan1919No Award
Chicago1920Charles G. HigginsFootball
Illinois1920John B. FelmleyBasketball/Track & Field
Indiana1920Willard G. RauschenbachBaseball
Iowa1920Charles MockmoreFootball
Minnesota1920Norman W. KingsleyFootball/Basketball/Track & Field
Northwestern1920Bruce DeSwarteTrack & Field
Ohio State1920Harold Lee KimeBaseball
Purdue1920Paul B. ChurchFootball/Basketball
Wisconsin1920Anthony G. ZulferBasketball/Baseball
Michigan1920Carl E. JohnsonTrack & Field
Chicago1921Harold L. HanischFootball
Illinois1921John S. PrescottTrack & Field
Indiana1921Everett S. DeanBasketball
Iowa1921Robert J. KaufmannFootball/Basketball
Minnesota1921Neal A. ArnstonFootball/Basketball
Northwestern1921Robert W. TownleyFootball
Ohio State1921Andrew J. NemecekFootball
Purdue1921Cecil George CooleyFootball
Wisconsin1921Allan C. DaveyFootball
Michigan1921Elton E. WiemanFootball
Chicago1922Herbert O. CrislerFootball/Basketball/Baseball
Illinois1922Clarence CrossleyBaseball
Indiana1922William G. McCawFootball
Iowa1922Aubrey DevineFootball/Basketball/Track & Field
Minnesota1922Arnold OssBasketball/Track & Field
Northwestern1922Graham PenfieldFootball
Ohio State1922Iolas M. HuffmanFootball/Baseball
Purdue1922Clifford C. FurnasCross Country/Track & Field
Wisconsin1922George BungeFootball
Michigan1922Robert J. DunneFootball
Chicago1923Harold A. FletcherFootball
Illinois1923Otto H. VogelFootball/Basketball/Baseball
Indiana1923Omar HeldWrestling
Iowa1923Gordon C. LockeFootball/Baseball
Minnesota1923Rudolph HultkransBasketball/Football/Track & Field
Northwestern1923James J. PetersonBasketball
Ohio State1923Harry WorkmanFootball
Purdue1923William R. SwankFootball
Wisconsin1923Gustave K. TebellBaseball/Basketball/Football
Michigan1923Paul C. GoebelFootball
Chicago1924Campbell DicksonBasketball
Illinois1924Walter RoettgerBasketball/Baseball
Indiana1924John Milton NayTrack & Field
Iowa1924Wayland HicksBasketball/Baseball
Minnesota1924Earl MartineauFootball/Track & Field
Northwestern1924Guy William DavisFootball
Ohio State1924Harry D. SteelWrestling/Football
Purdue1924Edward R. DyeFootball/Wrestling
Wisconsin1924Harold J. BentsonRowing
Michigan1924Franklin C. CapponFootball
Chicago1925Harry G. FriedaTrack & Field
Illinois1925Gilbert J. RobertsFootball
Indiana1925Harlan LoganBasketball/Tennis/Track & Field
Iowa1925John HancockFootball/Track & Field
Minnesota1925Louis GrossFootball/Track & Field
Northwestern1925Ralph T. BreyerSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1925Lawrence N. SnyderTrack & Field
Purdue1925Ferdinand J. WellmanFootball/Basketball
Wisconsin1925Lloyd VallelyCross Country/Track & Field
Michigan1925William B. GilesBaseball
Chicago1926Graham A. KerwinFootball
Illinois1926John W. MauerBasketball
Indiana1926Daniel G. BernoskeFootball
Iowa1926Donald GrahamFootball
Minnesota1926Raymond F. RaseyBasketball/Baseball
Northwestern1926Walter SeidelFootball
Ohio State1926Ralph E. SeifferFootball
Purdue1926Donald S. CunninghamFootball/Track & Field
Wisconsin1926Stephen H. PolaskiFootball
Michigan1926Harold FreybergTrack & Field
Chicago1927Anton Behme BurgTrack & Field
Illinois1927Doran T. RueTrack & Field
Indiana1927Charles F. BenzelTrack & Field
Iowa1927Carl D. VoltmerFootball
Minnesota1927Roger WheelerFootball/Basketball
Northwestern1927Robert W. JohnsonFootball
Ohio State1927Harold W. KennedyTrack & Field
Purdue1927J.E. Littlecross country/track & fieldCountry/Track & Field
Wisconsin1927Jefferson DeMent BurrusRowing
Michigan1927Paul C. SamsonSwimming & Diving
Chicago1928Kenneth A. RouseFootball
Illinois1928Richard G. FinnBaseball
Indiana1928Arthur J. BecknerBasketball
Iowa1928Lawrence HarrisonBasketball/Baseball
Minnesota1928Malvin J. NydahlBaseball/Football/Basketball
Northwestern1928Wm. H. DroegemuellerTrack & Field/Football/Basketball
Ohio State1928Cornelius AckermannFootball
Purdue1928Harry A. KemmerBasketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1928Louis BehrBasketball
Michigan1928Norman GabelFootball
Chicago1929Rudolph P. LeyersFootball
Illinois1929Robert B. OrlovichTrack & Field
Indiana1929Wilmer T. RinehartTrack & Field
Iowa1929Forest TwogoodBasketball
Minnesota1929George E. MacKinnonBasketball/Football/Track & Field
Northwestern1929Bertrand FoxFootball
Ohio State1929William P. TooleyTrack & Field
Purdue1929C.S. LyleBasketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1929Theodore A. ThelanderBaseball/Basketball/Football
Michigan1929Ernest B. McCoyBaseball
Chicago1930Harold E. HaydenTrack & Field
Illinois1930Richard C. OelerGymnastics
Indiana1930William E. ClaphamTrack & Field
Iowa1930Willis A. GlassgowFootball/Baseball
Minnesota1930Robert TannerFootball/Basketball/Baseball
Northwestern1930Richard L. HinchSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1930Joseph A. UjhelyiFootball
Purdue1930Elmer N. SleightFootball
Wisconsin1930Donald W. MeikeljohnTennis
Michigan1930Edwin B. PoormanFootball
Chicago1931Dale Allen LettsTrack & Field
Illinois1931Lee SentmanTrack & Field
Indiana1931James E. HatfieldTrack & Field
Iowa1931No Award
Minnesota1931Lowell MarshSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1931Laurence E. OliphantFootball
Ohio State1931Charles R. LarkinsFootball/Basketball
Purdue1931George VanBibblerFootball/Baseball
Wisconsin1931Louis E. OberdeckRowing
Michigan1931J. Perry AustinTrack & Field
Chicago1932Everett C. OlsonGymnastics
Illinois1932Edward F. GburBaseball
Indiana1932Henry A. BrocksmithCross Country/Track & Field
Iowa1932Stuart W. SkowboTrack & Field
Minnesota1932Earl W. LooseBasketball/Baseball
Northwestern1932Volney C. WilsonSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1932James R. BachmanWrestling
Purdue1932 John R. Wooden Basketball
Wisconsin1932Harvey H. SchneiderBasketball
Michigan1932Edwin F. RussellTrack & Field
Chicago1933Keith I. ParsonsBasketball/Football
Illinois1933R. Dean WoolseyTrack & Field/Cross Country
Indiana1933Noble L. BiddingerTrack & Field
Iowa1933William A. McCloySwimming & Diving
Minnesota1933Kenneth GayFootball/Baseball
Northwestern1933Kenneth A. WillardSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1933John A. KellerTrack & Field
Purdue1933Roy J. HorstmannFootball
Wisconsin1933Nello Anthony PacettiFootball
Michigan1933Ivan B. WilliamsonFootball
Chicago1934George H. WrighteGymnastics
Illinois1934Ralph J. EpsteinFencing
Indiana1934Raymond F. DauerFootball
Iowa1934Tom W. MooreTrack & Field
Minnesota1934Marshall WellsFootball
Northwestern1934Donald BrewerBasketball
Ohio State1934Bartlette EwellSwimming & Diving
Purdue1934W.P. FehringFootball/Basketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1934Robert A. SchillerWrestling
Michigan1934James C. Cristy Jr.Swimming & Diving
Chicago1935Ellmore C. Patterson Jr.Football
Illinois1935Irving SeeleyTrack & Field
Indiana1935Don A. VellerFootball
Iowa1935James P. McClintockSwimming & Diving
Minnesota1935Robert TannerFootball
Northwestern1935Chester H. TaylorSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1935No Award
Purdue1935Carl HeldtFootball
Wisconsin1935Rolf Falk PoserBasketball
Michigan1935Harvey SmithTrack & Field
Chicago1936Gordon C. PetersonBasketball
Illinois1936Arthur FisherGymnastics
Indiana1936Reed H. KelsoFootball
Iowa1936 Francis X. Cretzmeyer Track & Field
Minnesota1936Glenn SeidelFootball/Hockey
Northwestern1936Curtis M. ShanahanWater Polo/Baseball
Ohio State1936Bruce B. LaybourneBasketball
Purdue1936Robert L. KesslerBasketball
Wisconsin1936Howard Thurston HeunRowing
Michigan1936Harvey W. PattonTrack & Field
Chicago1937Floyd R. StaufferSwimming & Diving
Illinois1937Harry CombesBasketball
Indiana1937Vernon R. HuffmanBasketball
Iowa1937Cornelius J. WalkerFootball
Minnesota1937Charles Bud WilkinsonFootball/Hockey/Golf
Northwestern1937Albert AdelmanTennis/Football
Ohio State1937Inwood SmithFootball
Purdue1937Glynn M. DowneyBasketball
Wisconsin1937Leonard L. LovshinFootball
Michigan1937 John A. Gee Baseball
Chicago1938George C. HarcrowTrack & Field
Illinois1938Allen SaporaWrestling
Indiana1938Charles E. McDanielWrestling
Iowa1938Robert G. LannonFootball
Minnesota1938Dominic KrezowskiTrack & Field
Northwestern1938Daniel ZehrSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1938Ralph C. WolfFootball
Purdue1938Martin A. SchreyerFootball
Wisconsin1938Charles H. FenskCross Country/Track & Field
Michigan1938John TownsendTrack & Field
Chicago1939Robert E. CasselsBasketball/Track & Field
Illinois1939Archie DeuschmanWrestling
Indiana1939Chris TraicoffWrestling
Iowa1939Wilbur V. NeadFootball
Minnesota1939John A. KundlaBasketball/Baseball
Northwestern1939Marvin WachmanTennis
Ohio State1939James A. WhittakerCross Country/Track & Field
Purdue1939Joseph MihalFootball
Wisconsin1939Walter I. BietilaBaseball
Michigan1939Leo C. BeebeBaseball
Chicago1940Martin LevitBaseball
Illinois1940Frank E. Richart Jr.Golf
Indiana1940Robert I. HokeTrack & Field
Iowa1940Andrew J. KantorBaseball
Minnesota1940Harold Van EveryFootball/Basketball
Northwestern1940John Thomas RyanFootball
Ohio State1940Esco SarkkinenFootball
Purdue1940Richard C. PotterFootball
Wisconsin1940Ralph H. MoellerFootball
Michigan1940James R. RaeTrack & Field
Chicago1941James Lloyd RayTrack & Field
Illinois1941Park BrownTrack & Field/Cross Country
Indiana1941Harold L. ZimmerFootball
Iowa1941James R. Murphy Jr.Football
Minnesota1941George FranckFootball/Track & Field
Northwestern1941Glenn E. ThistlewaitFootball
Ohio State1941Clifford P. MorganBaseball
Purdue1941William J. NeffFootball
Wisconsin1941Kenneth E. BixbyBaseball
Michigan1941Forest EvashevskiFootball
Chicago1942Calvin P. SawyierTennis
Illinois1942William HockingBasketball
Indiana1942Hugh B. McAdamsTrack & Field
Iowa1942Richard E. HeinBasketball/Baseball
Minnesota1942Eugene FlickFootball/Baseball
Northwestern1942Richard ErditzFootball
Ohio State1942Benjamin P. BurttFencing
Purdue1942Paul B. AnthonyTrack & Field
Wisconsin1942Burleigh E. JacobsGolf
Michigan1942David M. NelsonFootball
Chicago1943Haymond SieverFencing
Illinois1943Edwin S. ParkerBasketball/Baseball
Indiana1943Fred HuffFootball
Iowa1943Thomas FarmerFootball
Minnesota1943Christie GeankoplisTennis
Northwestern1943Russell WendlandBasketball
Ohio State1943William E. Vickroy Jr.Football
Purdue1943Allen Carl MenkeBasketball
Wisconsin1943Frederick R. RehmBasketball
Michigan1943George F. CeithamlFootball
Chicago1944Edward A. CooperriderBaseball
Illinois1944Warren F. GoodellTrack & Field
Indiana1944No Award
Iowa1944No Award
Minnesota1944Stuart A. OlsonBaseball
Northwestern1944Arthur NethercotJr.Wrestling
Ohio State1944George R. HoeflingerTrack & Field
Purdue1944No Award
Wisconsin1944Edward M. DzirbikWrestling
Michigan1944Paul Grover WhiteFootball
Illinois1945Donald DelaneyBasketball
Indiana1945No Award
Iowa1945No Award
Minnesota1945Arnold LehrmanBasketball/Baseball
Northwestern1945Ben SchadlerBaseball/Basketball/Football
Ohio State1945Jack R. DuggerFootball/Basketball/Track & Field
Purdue1945Joseph Allen CollingsFootball
Wisconsin1945Ken ChandlerTrack & Field
Michigan1945Robert L. WieseFootball
Illinois1946Robert PhelpsTrack & Field
Indiana1946No Award
Iowa1946Arthur Harold JohnsonFootball
Minnesota1946John AdamsTennis/Hockey
Northwestern1946Andrew IvyFootball
Ohio State1946Donald SteinbergFootball
Purdue1946Thomas P. HughesFootball/Baseball
Wisconsin1946Jerry ThompsonFootball
Michigan1946Bliss Bowman Jr.Baseball
Illinois1947Robert RichardsTrack & Field
Indiana1947Ralph HamiltonBasketball
Iowa1947John Kenneth HunterTrack & Field
Minnesota1947Robert SandbergFootball
Northwestern1947John HennerichBaseball
Ohio State1947Warren E. AmlingFootball/Basketball
Purdue1947Myrwin AndersonBasketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1947Exner MenzelBasketball
Michigan1947Paul G. WhiteFootball
Illinois1948George FischerBaseball
Indiana1948Leroy Thomas DealTrack & Field
Iowa1948Herbert W. WilkinsonTrack & Field
Minnesota1948Steve SilianoffFootball
Northwestern1948Charles TourekBasketball
Ohio State1948Robert O. JabbuschFootball
Purdue1948Henry StramFootball
Wisconsin1948Carlyle Fay Jr.Rowing
Michigan1948John E. WeisenburgerFootball
Illinois1949T. Dwight EddlemanFootball/Basketball/Track & Field
Indiana1949Joseph LaweckiBaseball
Iowa1949Evan LeRoy HultmanCross Country/Track & Field
Minnesota1949James B. PetersonGymnastics/Track & Field
Northwestern1949William HeusnerSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1949Lloyd T. DuffTrack & Field
Purdue1949Keith E. CarterSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin1949Donald R. PetersonRowing
Michigan1949Peter R. ElliottFootball
Illinois1950Russell W. StegerFootball/Baseball
Indiana1950Walter C. BartkiewiczFootball
Iowa1950Donald C. HaysBasketball
Minnesota1950Richard S. KiltyTrack & Field/Cross Country
Northwestern1950Donald M. BursonFootball
Ohio State1950Bruce HarlanSwimming & Diving
Purdue1950Norbert H. AdamsFootball/Baseball
Wisconsin1950Robert J. WilsonFootball
Michigan1950Thomas R. PetersonFootball
Illinois1951Don LazFootball/Track & Field
Indiana1951John H. PhillipsBaseball
Iowa1951Ralph W. ThomasWrestling
Minnesota1951Myer U. SkoogBasketball
Northwestern1951Donald C. BlasiusBasketball
Ohio State1951Richard D. WiddoesFootball
Purdue1951Neil SchmidtFootball/Basketball
Wisconsin1951David StaigerTrack & Field
Michigan1951Leo R. KoceskiFootball
Michigan State1951Everett GrandeliusFootball
Illinois1952Richard CalischTrack & Field
Indiana1952Robert Watson MastersBasketball
Iowa1952Charles Chuck DarlingBasketball/Track & Field
Minnesota1952Richard K. MeansBasketball/Tennis
Northwestern1952Richard H. AlbanFootball
Ohio State1952Stewart HeinBaseball
Purdue1952John G. DurhamFootball
Wisconsin1952Walter E. DeikeCross Country/Track & Field
Michigan1952Donald S. McEwenTrack & Field
Michigan State1952Orris BenderWrestling
Illinois1953Clive FollmerBasketball/Baseball
Indiana1953George BellFootball
Iowa1953Burt BritzmannFootball
Minnesota1953Robert D. GelleBasketball/Football
Northwestern1953Raymond W. HuizingaFootball
Ohio State1953Jerry F. WelbournTrack & Field
Purdue1953Walter R. ViellieuFootball/Wrestling
Wisconsin1953James T. MoranFootball/Rowing
Michigan1953David J. TinkhamFootball
Michigan State1953John D. WilsonFootball
Illinois1954Robert LenziniFootball/Track & Field
Indiana1954Ernest Duane GomerTennis
Iowa1954Bill FentonFootball
Minnesota1954Paul R. GielFootball/Baseball
Northwestern1954Lawrence E. KurkaBasketball
Ohio State1954Paul Allen EbertBasketball/Baseball
Purdue1954Gene R. MathewsTrack & Field
Wisconsin1954Norbert J. EsserBasketball/Football/Track & Field
Michigan1954Richard E. BalzhiserFootball
Michigan State1954Bob HokeWrestling
Illinois1955Edwin G. Jackson Jr.Wrestling
Indiana1955Arthur Michael Cusick Jr.Track & Field
Iowa1955LeRoy Anton EbertTrack & Field
Minnesota1955Charles J. MencelBasketball
Northwestern1955Sigmund NiepokojFootball
Ohio State1955Richard Allen YoungFootball
Purdue1955Dennis C. BlindBasketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1955Richard W. CableBasketball
Michigan1955J. Daniel ClineFootball
Michigan State1955R. Kevan GosperTrack & Field
Illinois1956Daniel E. DudasBaseball
Indiana1956Samuel L. ReedBaseball
Iowa1956Andrew HoughFootball/Basketball
Minnesota1956Darrell R. CochranFootball/Baseball
Northwestern1956Alfred John KuhnSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1956Arthur Chas. BorrorFencing
Purdue1956Joe W. SexsonBasketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1956Robert E. KonovskyFootball/Wrestling
Michigan1956James M. KruthersSwimming & Diving
Michigan State1956Carl NystromFootball
Illinois1957Robert DintelmannTrack & Field/Cross Country
Indiana1957Harold Richard NealBasketball
Iowa1957Frank Otis SeboltBasketball
Minnesota1957Robert D. HobertFootball
Northwestern1957John SmithFootball
Ohio State1957Albert Marcus WigginsSwimming & Diving
Purdue1957Joe CampbellBasketball/Golf
Wisconsin1957Patrick J. LevenhagenFootball
Michigan1957Terry A. BarrFootball
Michigan State1957Selwyn JonesTrack & Field
Illinois1958Lee SentmanFencing
Indiana1958Gregory BellTrack & Field
Iowa1958Gary E. MeyerWrestling
Minnesota1958John W. McCartanHockey/Baseball
Northwestern1958Tom ScheuermanBaseball
Ohio State1958Donald D. HarperGymnastics
Purdue1958William Royce StroudBaseball
Wisconsin1958Walter V. (Bunk) HoltBasketball/Baseball
Michigan1958James B. OrwigFootball
Michigan State1958Robert W. JassonHockey
Illinois1959 Abraham Grossfeld Gymnastics
Indiana1959Ronald L. WaldenGymnastics
Iowa1959James Van YoungTrack & Field
Minnesota1959Perry GehringFootball
Northwestern1959Andy CverckoFootball
Ohio State1959Larry P. HustonBasketball
Purdue1959Walter EversmanSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin1959John R. HobbsBasketball/Football/Track & Field
Michigan1959Walter N. JohnsonFootball
Michigan State1959Robert AndereggBasketball
Illinois1960Robert J. MadixBaseball
Indiana1960Donald G. NooneFootball
Iowa1960William Lloyd VoxmanTennis
Minnesota1960Orville PetersonSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1960Arthur KraftWrestling
Ohio State1960Richard L. FurryBasketball
Purdue1960John P. KonsekGolf
Wisconsin1960Dale L. HackbartFootball
Michigan1960Terry O. MillerBasketball
Michigan State1960Stanley TarshisGymnastics
Illinois1961Charles CampbellFencing
Indiana1961Gary V. LongBasketball
Iowa1961William Davis BuckGymnastics
Minnesota1961Robert J. SchwarzkopfGymnastics
Northwestern1961Michael StockFootball
Ohio State1961Richard H. HoytBasketball
Purdue1961Robert T. OrrillBasketball
Wisconsin1961Gerald L. KulcinskiFootball
Michigan1961John D. GillandersSwimming & Diving
Michigan State1961William ReynoldsTrack & Field/Cross Country
Illinois1962Stuart R. CohnFencing
Indiana1962Willard ElyeaBaseball
Iowa1962Joel D. NovakBasketball
Minnesota1962James A. FischerTrack & Field
Northwestern1962Boyd C. MelvinFootball
Ohio State1962Roger K. BeckLacrosse
Purdue1962John D. VogelSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin1962Thomas M. HughbanksBaseball/Basketball/Football/Track & Field
Michigan1962Thomas N. OsterlandGymnastics
Michigan State1962Edward J. RyanFootball
Illinois1963David J. DowneyBasketball
Indiana1963Chester A. JastremskiSwimming & Diving
Iowa1963Ralph W. TrimbleTrack & Field
Minnesota1963Robert J. BatemanBasketball
Northwestern1963Paul FlatleyFootball
Ohio State1963 Jerry R. Lucas Basketball
Purdue1963Ronald S. MeyerFootball
Wisconsin1963 Hugh V. (Pat) Richter Baseball/Basketball/Football
Michigan1963Charles F. AquinoTrack & Field
Michigan State1963Richard SchloemerFencing
Illinois1964Richard W. DellerFootball
Indiana1964James L. BinkleyTennis
Iowa1964Andrew J. HankinsBasketball
Minnesota1964Arthur (Bill) DavisBasketball/Baseball
Northwestern1964Martin C. RiessenTennis/Basketball
Ohio State1964Donald H. FlattBasketball
Purdue1964Melvyn J. GarlandBasketball/Baseball
Wisconsin1964William R. SmithTrack & Field
Michigan1964Gordon J. WilkeHockey
Michigan State1964George (Pete) GentBasketball
Illinois1965G. Bogie RedmonBasketball/Track & Field
Indiana1965Douglas H. SpicerFootball
Iowa1965Glenn GailisGymnastics
Minnesota1965Walter P. RichardsonSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1965Thomas W. MyersFootball
Ohio State1965Arnold M. ChonkoFootball
Purdue1965William B. HowardFootball
Wisconsin1965Gary V. KirkTennis
Michigan1965Robert W. TimberlakeFootball
Michigan State1965David PriceGymnastics
Illinois1966James S. GrabowskiFootball
Indiana1966Wayne L. WitmerBaseball
Iowa1966James M. MosesBasketball
Minnesota1966Paul T. FaustFootball
Northwestern1966Richard T. AbrahamsSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1966Donald V. UnverferthFootball
Purdue1966Dave G. SchellhaseBasketball
Wisconsin1966David N. FronekFootball
Michigan1966John Karl HedrickTennis
Michigan State1966Stephen A. JudayFootball
Illinois1967Robert J. BachmanSwimming
Indiana1967Kenneth R. SitzbergerSwimming & Diving
Iowa1967Kenneth GordonGymnastics
Minnesota1967Thomas G. HeinonenTrack & Field/Cross Country
Northwestern1967Kenneth C. RamseyFootball
Ohio State1967Willard F. SanderFootball
Purdue1967 Robert A. Griese Football
Wisconsin1967Dennis J. SweeneyBaseball
Michigan1967David R. FisherFootball
Michigan State1967Eugene WashingtonFootball/Track & Field
Illinois1968Paul Gary ShapinGymnastics
Indiana1968Stanely Eugene DenisarWrestling
Iowa1968Tony WilliamsFootball
Minnesota1968Gary A. GambucciHockey
Northwestern1968Thomas A. GarretsonFootball
Ohio State1968Wilmer F. HosketBasketball
Purdue1968James P. BeimeFootball
Wisconsin1968Michael GluckWrestling
Michigan1968Richard F. VidmerFootball
Michigan State1968Dale AndersonWrestling
Illinois1969Dennis A. RottWrestling
Indiana1969Richard A. FuhsTrack & Field
Iowa1969Scott MillerFootball
Minnesota1969Noel C. JenkeFootball/Hockey/Baseball
Northwestern1969Ralph SchultzTrack & Field
Ohio State1969David Edward FoleyFootball/Track & Field
Purdue1969Charles Douglas KyleFootball
Wisconsin1969Karl RudatFootball
Michigan1969Ronald A. JohnsonFootball
Michigan State1969Allen BrennerFootball
Illinois1970Lawrence B. SchwartzFencing
Indiana1970William H. WolfeFootball
Iowa1970Richard JensenBasketball
Minnesota1970David A. CosgroveBaseball
Northwestern1970Bruce HubbardFootball
Ohio State1970Bruce T. TrottGymnastics
Purdue1970Michael E. PhippsFootball
Wisconsin1970Douglas R. McFadyenHockey
Michigan1970Mark W. HenryBaseball
Michigan State1970Richard SaulFootball
Illinois1971Ernest ClementsTennis
Indiana1971Mark StevensFootball
Iowa1971Craig SandvigTennis
Minnesota1971Wally OldsHockey
Northwestern1971John RodmanFootball
Ohio State1971James CleamonsBasketball
Purdue1971George FaerberBasketball
Wisconsin1971Don VandreyTrack & Field
Michigan1971Richard A. RydzeSwimming & Diving
Michigan State1971Thomas MuirWrestling
Illinois1972Robert BucklinFootball
Indiana1972Chuck ThomsonSwimming & Diving
Iowa1972 Dave Triplett Football
Minnesota1972Craig LincolnSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1972Maurice DaigneauFootball
Ohio State1972Rick SimonFootball
Purdue1972Robert A. FordBasketball
Wisconsin1972Pat MatzdorfTrack & Field
Michigan1972Bruce N. ElliottFootball
Michigan State1972Herb WashingtonTrack & Field
Illinois1973Robert J. MangoTrack & Field
Indiana1973Gary W. HallSwimming & Diving
Iowa1973Daniel ShermanWrestling
Minnesota1973James T. BrewerBasketball
Northwestern1973Gregory J. StrunkFootball
Ohio State1973David A. HoylesHockey
Purdue1973James H. PrattBaseball
Wisconsin1973 Keith D. Nosbusch Football
Michigan1973Godfrey E. MurrayTrack & Field
Michigan State1973Ken PopejoyTrack & Field
Illinois1974Howard BeckGymnastics
Indiana1974Daniel F. HayesTrack & Field
Iowa1974Carl WalinGymnastics
Minnesota1974Garry BjorklundCross Country/Track & Field
Northwestern1974Steven A. CraigFootball
Ohio State1974Randolph C. GradisharFootball
Purdue1974Jeffrey T. BolinTrack & Field
Wisconsin1974Gary D. AndersonBasketball
Michigan1974David D. GallagherFootball
Michigan State1974Robert CasslemanTrack & Field
Illinois1975Howard BeckGymnastics
Indiana1975Orlando FernandezGymnastics
Iowa1975Robert C. FickFootball
Minnesota1975Michael T. PolichHockey
Northwestern1975David A. FroehlichWrestling
Ohio State1975Patrick T. MooreSwimming & Diving
Purdue1975Lawrence G. Burton Jr.Football/Track & Field
Wisconsin1975James R. Dyreby Jr.Rowing
Michigan1975 Jerry Karzen Tennis
Michigan State1975Dennis OlmsteadHockey
Illinois1976Glenn HummellTennis
Indiana1976Bruce DicksonSwimming & Diving
Iowa1976Bob ElliottFootball
Minnesota1976Jeffrey N. LaFleurGymnastics
Northwestern1976Kim GirkinsFootball
Ohio State1976Brian BaschnagelFootball
Purdue1976Kenneth NovakFootball
Wisconsin1976Patrick J. ChristensoWrestling
Michigan1976Richard WalterhouseBaseball
Michigan State1976Patrick MilkovichWrestling
Illinois1977Craig VirginTrack & Field/Cross Country
Indiana1977James P. MontgomerySwimming & Diving
Iowa1977Rick ZussmanTennis
Minnesota1977 Tony Dungy Football
Northwestern1977Randy DeanFootball
Ohio State1977John SandlundTrack & Field
Purdue1977Bruce ParkinsonBasketball
Wisconsin1977Peter W. BreyBasketball
Michigan1977Steve GroteBasketball
Michigan State1977Lionel (Ty) WillinghamFootball/Baseball
Illinois1978Steve YasukawaGymnastics
Indiana1978Richard R. HofstetterSwimming & Diving
Iowa1978Rod SearsFootball
Minnesota1978Timothy J. LaFleurGymnastics
Northwestern1978Alan E. MarzanoWrestling
Ohio State1978Frank D’AmicoSwimming & Diving
Purdue1978Noel RuebelTrack & Field
Wisconsin1978Michael EavesHockey
Michigan1978Derek HowardFootball
Michigan State1978Larry BetheaFootball
Illinois1979John DavisGymnastics
Indiana1979David AbramsFootball
Iowa1979Tim GutshallFootball
Minnesota1979Bill BakerHockey
Northwestern1979Scott StranskiBaseball
Ohio State1979Doug DillieBaseball
Purdue1979Joe MenzykTrack & Field
Wisconsin1979Steve LacyCross Country/Track & Field
Michigan1979Mark ChurellaWrestling
Michigan State1979Gregory KelserBasketball
Illinois1980Dave StoldtGymnastics
Indiana1980Marc SchlatterSwimming & Diving
Iowa1980Dan GlennWrestling
Minnesota1980Dan ZilverbergWrestling
Northwestern1980Mike CampbellBasketball
Ohio State1980Stephen CraneTrack & Field
Purdue1980Ken LoushinFootball
Wisconsin1980Thoams G. StaussFootball
Michigan1980George FoussianesBaseball
Michigan State1980Mark BrammerFootball
Illinois1981John KakacekWrestling
Indiana1981Kevin SpeerFootball
Iowa1981Steve WaiteBasketball
Minnesota1981Thomas LehmanGolf
Northwestern1981Jim FordFootball
Ohio State1981Mike WukelicSoccer
Purdue1981Brian WalkerBasketball
Wisconsin1981David C. GoodspeedWrestling
Michigan1981John WanglerFootball
Michigan State1981Jay VincentBasketball
Illinois1982Randy ConteBaseballLisa RobinsonBasketball
Indiana1982Bob StephensonFootballKaren MarincekGolf
Iowa1982Brad WebbFootballNo Award
Minnesota1982Brian MeekerGymnasticsChris Curry-GentzSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1982Bob GradyBasketballPatience VanderbushBasketball
Ohio State1982Gregory RakeBaseballKaren CallaghanSynchronized Swimming & Diving
Purdue1982Tim SeneffFootballAnne McMenanyVolleyball
Wisconsin1982David MohappFootballAnn FrenchBadminton
Michigan1982Jim PaciorekBaseballDiane DietzBasketball
Michigan State1982Morten AndersenFootballLisa SpeakerGolf
Illinois1983Rich BaaderTrack & FieldMary Ellen MurphyGolf
Indiana1983Tony NelsonBaseballPatricia EitingTrack & Field
Iowa1983Ed BanachWrestlingKerry StewartSwimming & Diving
Minnesota1983Randy BreuerBasketballJill HalstedVolleyball
Northwestern1983Jeff MunnFencingSue HebsonSoftball
Ohio State1983Sam LinzellGymnasticsNancy PearsonSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1983Joe SmithFootball
Ohio State1983Steven HirschTrack & Field
Purdue1983Jack FarsonCross Country/Track & FieldJane NeffVolleyball
Wisconsin1983David FarleyGolfRose ThomsonCross country/Track & field
Michigan1983Brian DiemerTrack & FieldMelanie WeaverTrack & Field
Michigan State1983Mike BrownSwimming & DivingKaren WellsBasketball
Illinois1984Kerry DicksonTrack & FieldKaren BremsGymnastics
Indiana1984George GianokopolousFootballLynne BeckVolleyball
Iowa1984Dave RossSwimming & DivingLisa AndersonBasketball
Minnesota1984Joey RayGymnasticsNancy HarrisGolf
Northwestern1984John KiddFootballLorie MillerVolleyball
Ohio State1984John FrankFootballKelly RobinsonBasketball
Purdue1984Adam AbeleTennisJan HooslineVolleyball
Wisconsin1984John JohannsonHockeyJanet HuffBasketball
Michigan1984Stefan HumphriesFootballAlison NobleVolleyball
Michigan State1984Kelly MillerHockeyAnne PeweCross country/Track & field
Illinois1985Peter BoutonTennisSue ArildsenTennis
Indiana1985Uwe BlabBasketballKelly GreenleeCross country
Iowa1985Rob MoelleringTennisDee Ann DavidsonVolleyball
Minnesota1985Dave MorrisonTrack & Field/Cross CountryJocelyn SmithGolf
Northwestern1985Jim BobbittFootballAnucha BrowneBasketball
Ohio State1985Robert PlayterGymnasticsSarah JosephsonSynchronized Swimming & Diving
Purdue1985Steve ReidBasketballAnnette BauerVolleyball
Wisconsin1985John EaskerCross country/Track & fieldCathy BrantaCross country/Track & field
Michigan1985Ken HaywardBaseballAndrea WilliamsVolleyball
Michigan State1985Carlton EvansLacrosseKelly BelangerBasketball
Illinois1986Jim JurigaFootballChristy FlesvigTennis
Indiana1986Terry BrahmTrack & FieldLynn DennisonGolf
Iowa1986Larry StationFootballMarcia PankratzField hockey
Minnesota1986Ron BackesTrack & FieldJody EderCross country/Track & field
Northwestern1986 Joe Girardi BaseballAmy KekeisenField hockey/Softball
Ohio State1986Mike LaneseFootballAdrian LehmanSynchronized swimming & diving
Purdue1986Jim EverettFootballCheryl FlowersVolleyball
Wisconsin1986Tim HackerCross Country/Track & FieldLisa FortmanTennis
Michigan1986 Casey Close BaseballSue SchroederCross Country
Michigan State1986Don McSweenHockeyJulie PolakowskiBasketball
Illinois1987Graeme McGuffickeSwimmingJonelle PolkBasketball
Indiana1987 Steve Alford BasketballKarleen MooreSoftball
Iowa1987Andy WieseTrack & FieldKaren NapoliatanoField Hockey
Minnesota1987Collin GodkinGymnasticsSue RoellSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1987Bob DirkesFootballJennifer AverillField Hockey
Ohio State1987Mike WantuckSwimming & DivingKathy ZittelSynchronized Swimming & Diving
Purdue1987Kevin GregoryTennisKaren MoschettoField Hockey
Wisconsin1987J. J. WeberBasketballAmy JustesonSwimming & Diving
Michigan1987Ken HigginsFootballHeidi CohenGymnastics
Michigan State1987Dean AltobelliFootballLisa MarinoGolf
Illinois1988Tim SimonTrack & FieldDisa JohnsonVolleyball
Indiana1988Sven SalumaaTennisKaren DunhamVolleyball
Iowa1988Mike FlaggFootballLiz TchouField Hockey
Minnesota1988Paul GisselquistCross Country/Track & FieldRochele GoetzVolleyball
Northwestern1988Shon MorrisBasketballBarb HarrisSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1988Ron GharboWrestlingKaren LaFaceSwimming & Diving
Purdue1988Bob StolzCross Country/Track & FieldSharon VersypBasketball
Wisconsin1988Paul GruberFootballChris GillesTennis
Michigan1988Jonathan MorrisTennisTina BasleTennis
Michigan State1988Mike DavidsonBaseballKim HartwickGymnastics
Illinois1989Peter FreundFootballChris SchwarzVolleyball
Indiana1989Simon KatnerSoccerAnn MooneyBasketball
Iowa1989Paul WozniakGymnasticsDeb RobertsonField Hockey
Minnesota1989Mike ZechmeisterSwimming & DivingKate HughesGolf


WrestlingLori HolmesSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1989Ted GlavasTennisMichelle SchulteGymnastics
Ohio State1989Scott PowellFootball
Purdue1989John SteinCross Country/Track & FieldBarbara MeekerVolleyball
Wisconsin1989Dave LeeWrestlingMaureen HartzheimCross Country/Track & Field
Michigan1989John SchererTrack & FieldTraci BabcockTrack & Field
Michigan State1989Danton ColeHockeyMary SchoenleSwimming & Diving
Illinois1990John MurrayTennis Celena Mondie-Milner Track & Field
Indiana1990Scott HolmanWrestlingJulie GoeddeVolleyball
Iowa1990Brian WujickBaseballErica RichardsField Hockey
Minnesota1990Chuck HeiseWrestling Marie Roethlisberger Gymnastics
Northwestern1990Jack GriffinWrestlingKim MetcalfField Hockey/Softball
Ohio State1990 Joe Staysniak FootballJoan PeroTrack & Field
Ohio State1990 Mike Racanelli Gymnastics
Purdue1990 Stephen Scheffler BasketballLori OverturfCross Country/Track & Field
Wisconsin1990 John Byce HockeySusan TempleVolleyball
Michigan1990 Brent Lang Swimming & Diving Jenny Allard Softball
Michigan State1990Walter BartelsHockeyEileen SheaBasketball
Illinois1991Aaron MobarakTrack & FieldLynn DeversGymnastics
Indiana1991Scott BoatmanFootballJoy JordanVolleyball
Iowa1991David BrownTrack & FieldJanet MoylanVolleyball
Minnesota1991 Marty Morgan WrestlingRachel LewisTrack & Field
Northwestern1991 Bob Christian FootballMarilyn PeckSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1991Michael DiSabatoWrestlingCheryl PerozekBasketball
Purdue1991Dave BarrettBasketball/Baseball Joy Holmes Basketball
Wisconsin1991 Jack Waite TennisElaine DemetroulisTennis
Michigan1991 Mike Barrowman Swimming & DivingStacy BergTennis
Michigan State1991Walter BartelsHockeyEmily CoatneySoccer
Illinois1992 Mike Hopkins FootballKatie RileyBasketball
Indiana1992Mark HagenFootballKatrin KochTrack & Field
Iowa1992Paul BautelGymnasticsJennifer BrowerCross Country/Track & Field
Minnesota1992Scott TrippsSwimming & DivingUta HerrmannSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1992Matt CaseWrestlingMichele SavageBasketball
Ohio State1992Paul HuzyakTrack & FieldStacia GoffSwimming & Diving
Purdue1992Craig RileyBasketball MaChelle Joseph Basketball
Wisconsin1992Matt DemarayWrestlingHeather TaggartSoccer
Michigan1992Eric BaileySwimming & DivingAmy BannisterTrack & Field
Michigan State1992Stuart HirschmanBaseballMisty AllisonCross Country/Track & Field
Penn State1992Gregory B. GuartonLacrosseMichele R. RobinsonVolleyball
Illinois1993Brad LawtonTrack & FieldLindsey NimmoTennis
Indiana1993David HeldTennisCourtney CoxBasketball/Golf
Iowa1993 Matt Whitaker Football Andrea Wieland Field Hockey
Minnesota1993 John Roethlisberger GymnasticsLaura HermanSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1993 Mark Loretta BaseballNancy KennellyBasketball
Ohio State1993Jim KnoppGymnasticsErika CottrellSwimming & Diving
Purdue1993Brian DalySwimming & DivingHeidi ReynoldsSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin1993Donovan BergstromTrack & FieldKim ShermanCross Country/Track & Field
Michigan1993Robert PelinkaBasketball Mindy Gehrs Swimming & Diving
Michigan State1993Dave SmithCross Country/Track & FieldRuth AguayoGymnastics
Penn State1993Vitali NazlymovFencingJenny KretchmarBasketball
Illinois1994Forry WellsFootball/BaseballTonya BookerBasketball
Indiana1994Vito MauriciWrestlingAnne EastmanVolleyball
Iowa1994Kevin HerdCross Country/Track & FieldTina StecCross Country/Track & Field
Minnesota1994 Martin Eriksson Track & Field Carol Ann Shudick Basketball
Northwestern1994 Kevin Rankin BasketballSusan DonahoeSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1994Mike RepaskyBaseballHolly HumphreySwimming & Diving
Purdue1994Ron GabriskoBaseballKim FritschSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin1994Louis HinshawTrack & FieldSusie HoltSoccer
Michigan1994Tobin Van PeltTrack & FieldMolly McClimonCross Country
Michigan State1994Steve WasylkFootballLaura BellCross Country/Track & Field
Penn State1994Craig FayakFootballHelen HollowayBasketball
Illinois1995Steve MarianettiWrestlingCarmel CorbettTrack & Field
Indiana1995Erik BarrettTennis Michelle Venturella Softball
Iowa1995Bryan CrowleyTennisLaura DvorakTennis
Minnesota1995Brian YeeGymnasticsKara MartinSwimming & Diving
Northwestern1995Ron RojasBaseballGretchen ScheuermannField Hockey
Ohio State1995 Joey Galloway FootballKatie HedmanSoftball
Purdue1995Jon PergandeTrack & FieldCindy LampingBasketball
Purdue1995Katy KoonzTrack & Field
Wisconsin1995Jeff GoldSoccerDana TzakisGolf
Michigan1995 Todd Collins Football Beth Wymer Gymnastics
Michigan State1995Emilio CollinsWrestlingLaura BellCross Country/Track & Field
Penn State1995 John Amaechi BasketballJill PearsallField Hockey
Illinois1996 Marko Koers Track & FieldDawn RileyTrack & Field
Indiana1996John HammersteinFootballGina UgoSoftball
Iowa1996Jay ThorntonGymnasticsKim BakerGymnastics
Minnesota1996Bernie ZeruhnSwimming & DivingLori TownsendTrack & Field
Northwestern1996Rohan GardnerWrestlingBetsy VanceField Hockey
Ohio State1996Andy GerkenSwimming & Diving Katie Smith Basketball
Ohio State1996Adam SpitznagelVolleyball
Purdue1996Chris KessickBaseball Corissa Yasen Basketball
Wisconsin1996 Scott Lamphear SoccerLauren GavarisTennis
Michigan1996 Jay Riemersma FootballMonika BlackTrack & Field
Michigan State1996Brian PickloWrestlingPatti RaduenzSoftball
Penn State1996 Jeff Hartings FootballOlga KalinovskayaFencing
Illinois1997Seth BradyWrestlingKelly ScherrVolleyball
Indiana1997Tom LukawskiFootballMary VajgrtGolf
Iowa1997Peter MasucciGymnasticsJennifer (McMahon) StrongSoftball
Iowa1997 Andre Woolridge Basketball
Minnesota1997Matt SchlessmanSwimming & DivingKatrien DeDeckerVolleyball
Northwestern1997 Pat Fitzgerald FootballMichele RatayBasketball
Ohio State1997 Greg Bellisari FootballGina PietrasSynchronized Swimming & Diving
Purdue1997Matt BrownSwimming & Diving Jannon Roland Basketball
Wisconsin1997Alastair SteelSoccer Kathy Butler Cross Country/Track & Field
Michigan1997 Jason Botterill HockeyShareen LuzeVolleyball
Michigan State1997 Tyler Harlton Hockey Sevatheda Fynes Track & Field
Michigan State1997Val SterkVolleyball
Penn State1997Mac FraserSwimming & DivingBecky GusicTrack & Field
Illinois1998Eric SiebertWrestling Ashley Berggren Basketball
Indiana1998Robert IglinskiSwimming & DivingJennifer GrayGolf
Iowa1998Jeff McGinnessWrestlingAnne WestRowing
Minnesota1998 Brandon Paulson WrestlingJennifer McElmurySoccer
Northwestern1998Brian MussoFootballJoy StoverSwimming & Diving
Ohio State1998 Marko Strahija Swimming & DivingSharon E. WongSwimming & Diving
Purdue1998Chad AustinBasketballMarisa WattsSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin1998Erik RaygorHockeyKatie VoigtBasketball
Michigan1998 Kevin Sullivan Cross CountryKim JohnsonSwimming & Diving
Michigan State1998 Tyler Harlton HockeyMelissa PryorField Hockey
Penn State1998Joseph M. RoemerGymnasticsKimberly L. McGreevyCross Country
Illinois1999 Bobby True Track & FieldStacey SchapiroTennis
Indiana1999Bryan HolcombCross Country/Track & FieldMelissa RooneyVolleyball
Iowa1999Derek RoseFootballAnne WestRowing
Minnesota1999Tim HartungWrestlingShannon BeelerSoftball
Northwestern1999 Evan Eschmeyer BasketballMegan ChawanskyBasketball
Ohio State1999Jason TrottBaseballBecky BorchersSoccer
Purdue1999Vilmos KovacaSwimming & Diving Stephanie White-McCarty Basketball
Wisconsin1999Brian DohertySoccerShannon BrownSoccer
Michigan1999 Jon Jansen FootballBeth AmelkovichGymnastics
Michigan State1999Steve SchellCross Country/Track & FieldCarrie CarpenterSoftball
Penn State1999Mike GriesserTennisLesley SpadaSwimming & Diving
Illinois2000Travis RomagnoliGymnasticsTara MendozzaTrack & Field/Cross Country
Indiana2000Matt SnyderFootballJessica AndersonTennis
Iowa2000Stetson SteeleCross Country/Track & FieldShera WieglerTennis
Minnesota2000Brandon EggumWrestlingTerri JashinskySwimming & Diving
Northwestern2000Scott SchatzmanWrestlingCourtney AllenSwimming & Diving
Ohio State2000Angel AjaVolleyballLaura MurrayPistol
Purdue2000 Brian Cardinal BasketballCarrie LongTrack & Field
Wisconsin2000Jay SchoenfelderCross Country/Track & FieldGina PanighettiSwimming & Diving
Michigan2000 Rob Renes FootballElizabeth KampfeCross Country
Michigan State2000 Shawn Horcoff HockeyCarly WeidenSwimming & Diving
Penn State2000Dan SchallVolleyballTasha KulkaSwimming & Diving
Illinois2001 Graydon Oliver TennisBetsy SpicerVolleyball
Indiana2001Ian AronsTennisJennifer HsiaTennis
Iowa2001Kevin AgnewGymnasticsKatie GarrelsRowing
Minnesota2001 Ben Hamilton FootballAubrey SchmittTrack & Field
Northwestern2001 Luke Donald GolfColleen ChengTennis
Ohio State2001 Jamie Natalie GymnasticsFane GroesFencing
Purdue2001 Drew Brees Football Camille Cooper Basketball
Wisconsin2001Mike KelleyBasketballAllie BlomquistGolf
Michigan2001Chris ThompsonSwimming & DivingKacy BeitelSoccer
Michigan State2001Shawn MasonFootballCarly WeidenSwimming & Diving
Penn State2001Omar J. BhuttaFencingBeth BuchheitCross Country/Track & Field
Illinois2002John LockhartWrestling Gia Lewis Track & Field
Indiana2002Colin RogersSoccerMolly FonnerWater Polo
Iowa2002 Aaron Kampman FootballLindsey MederBasketball
Minnesota2002Owen ElzenWrestling Lindsey Berg Volleyball
Northwestern2002 Zak Kustok FootballMerritt AdamsSwimming & Diving
Ohio State2002Kevin StephanLacrosseAllison BlantonField Hockey
Purdue2002 Travis Dorsch FootballKelly KomaraBasketball
Wisconsin2002Danny WestermanTennisAndrea WanezekSwimming & Diving
Michigan2002Justin TomanGymnasticsKatie JazwinskiTrack & Field
Michigan State2002 Josh Thornhill FootballCarly WeidenSwimming & Diving
Michigan State2002Krista BuzzellRowing
Penn State2002Andy LatowskiGolfKatie AndersonSwimming & Diving
Illinois2003Andy SchutzenhoferBaseballMichelle WebbTennis
Indiana2003Kyle HornsbyBasketballKristin StanfordWater Polo
Iowa2003Andrew LightfootFootballKristin JohnsonSoftball
Minnesota2003Jared LawrenceWrestling Shani Marks Track & Field
Northwestern2003Kellan O’ConnorSwimming & DivingRachel EvjenCross Country
Northwestern2003Cristelle GrierTennis
Ohio State2003Vincent NgTennisVictoria BowenSynchronized Swimming & Diving
Purdue2003 Gene Mruczkowski FootballLindsay LangeSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin2003 Kirk Penney BasketballErin ByrdVolleyball
Michigan2003Jeff HopwoodSwimming & DivingJanessa GriecoGymnastics
Michigan State2003Tyler RobinsonSoccerStephanie AniskoSwimming & Diving
Penn State2003Martin SchierhornSwimming & Diving Emily Oleksiuk Soccer
Illinois2004Phil StoltTennisJennifer McGaffiganTennis
Indiana2004Chris PowersTrack & FieldAudrey GieslerCross Country/Track & Field
Iowa2004 Nate Kaeding FootballJennie LillisBasketball
Minnesota2004Adam SteeleTrack & Field Cassie Busse Volleyball
Northwestern2004Tony SwansonSwimming & DivingJessica RushTennis
Ohio State2004 Ben Hartsock FootballJessica MarshallPistol
Purdue2004 John Standeford Football Shereka Wright Basketball
Wisconsin2004Ryan TremellingTrack & FieldMorgan ShieldsVolleyball
Michigan2004Pat OwenWrestlingMelissa BickettTrack & Field
Michigan State2004Steve ManzTrack & FieldMichelle CarsonCross Country/Track & Field
Penn State2004Clint KeithleyTennisKatie FutcherGolf
Illinois2005Jack IngramBasketballCynthya GouletTennis
Indiana2005 Danny O'Rourke SoccerJessica GallCross Country/Track & Field
Iowa2005 Sean Considine FootballJennifer SkolaskiSwimming & Diving
Minnesota2005 Guillermo Alvarez GymnasticsLindsey TaatjesVolleyball
Northwestern2005 Luis Castillo FootballCourtney KoesterLacrosse
Ohio State2005Mitchell RichesonSwimming & DivingKristen WhiteGolf
Purdue2005Louis PaulSwimming & DivingAndrea HillseySoftball
Wisconsin2005 Jim Leonhard Football Carla MacLeod Ice Hockey
Michigan2005 Ryan Bertin Wrestling Lindsey Gallo Track & Field
Michigan State2005 Chris Hill BasketballVeerle GoudswaardField Hockey
Penn State2005Jerker TaudienGymnastics Joanna Lohman Soccer
Illinois2006 Dee Brown BasketballChristen KarniskiSoccer
Indiana2006Clint CrosierBaseballCourtney O’BryanSoccer
Iowa2006 Greg Brunner BasketballNancilea UnderwoodSwimming & Diving
Minnesota2006 Greg Eslinger FootballLaura JohnsonGymnastics
Northwestern2006 Brett Basanez Football Lindsey Munday Lacrosse
Ohio State2006 Jason Rogers FencingKeturah LoftonTrack & Field
Purdue2006Giordan PogioliSwimming & DivingCarrie McCambridgeSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin2006Nathan BrownTrack & FieldJessica RingSoccer
Michigan2006 Davis Tarwater Water Polo/Swimming & DivingGrace LueteleSoftball
Michigan State2006 Drew Stanton Football Liz Shimek Basketball
Penn State2006Matt ProperVolleyballSarah HauptSwimming & Diving
Illinois2007 Warren Carter BasketballYvonne MensahTrack & Field
Indiana2007Will MeyersFootballStacey ClausingTrack & Field
Iowa2007 Adam Haluska BasketballHeather SchnepfField Hockey
Minnesota2007 Matt Spaeth FootballEmily BrownCross Country/Track & Field
Northwestern2007 Chris Wilson Golf Alexis Prousis Tennis
Ohio State2007Kellen HarknessSwimming & DivingSaskia MuellerField Hockey
Purdue2007 Mike Otto Football Katie Gearlds Basketball
Wisconsin2007 Joe Thomas Football Sara Bauer Ice Hockey
Michigan2007 Jeff Porter Track & FieldKatie ErdmanTrack & Field
Michigan State2007 Drew Stanton FootballKristen ColemanGymnastics
Penn State2007Daniel KaiserianSwimming & DivingStephanie SullivanGymnastics
Illinois2008 Jeremy Leman Football Mary Therese McDonnell Soccer
Indiana2008Thomas RichterTennisHaley ExnerField Hockey
Iowa2008 Mike Klinkenborg FootballMeghan ArmstrongCross Country/Track & Field
Minnesota2008C.P. SchlatterWrestlingLiz PodominickTrack & Field
Northwestern2008 David Roth SoccerChristy FinchLacrosse
Ohio State2008Daniel MathewsVolleyballJenna GriffinTrack & Field
Purdue2008Jared ArmstrongFootballShauna StapletonSoccer
Wisconsin2008Adam BarhamandRowingKatrina RundhaugTrack & Field/Cross Country
Michigan2008Matko MaravicTennisLindsey CottrellSoccer
Michigan State2008 Drew Neitzel BasketballKate BurdickRowing
Penn State2008Conrad TaylorSoccerMolly CrispellSwimming & Diving
Illinois2009 Trent Meacham Basketball Emily Zurrer Soccer
Indiana2009Austin StarrFootballWhitney ThomasBasketball
Iowa2009Eric MacTaggartTrack & Field Lauren Pfeiffer Field Hockey
Minnesota2009Matthew NoheltyBaseballJenny ShaughnessySwimming & Diving
Northwestern2009 Eric Peterman FootballSamantha NemecekFencing
Ohio State2009 Brian Robiskie FootballLinda HaussenerField Hockey
Purdue2009Jake PatacsilWrestling Kara Patterson Track & Field
Wisconsin2009 Joe Krabbenhoft Basketball Gwen Jorgensen Track & Field
Michigan2009Steve LukeWrestling Tiffany Ofili Track & Field
Michigan State2009 Doug DeMartin SoccerSarah SchmidtRowing
Penn State2009James PaganaTrack & FieldZoe BouchelleSoccer
Illinois2010 Jon Asamoah Football Angela Bizzarri Track & Field/Cross Country
Indiana2010Ofori SarkodieSoccerWendi RobinsonTrack & Field
Iowa2010 Brent Metcalf WrestlingTricia DeanField Hockey
Minnesota2010Jayson NessWrestling Heather Dorniden Track & Field
Northwestern2010Mark BladesSoccerLauren LuiTennis
Ohio State2010Stefan SigristSwimming & DivingChelsea DavisSwimming & Diving
Purdue2010 Chris Kramer BasketballFahKara MaloneBasketball
Wisconsin2010 Jack Bolas Track & FieldChavon RobinsonTrack & Field
Michigan2010Phillip GoldbergGymnasticsAngela FindlaySoftball
Michigan State2010 Blair White Football Allyssa DeHaan Basketball
Penn State2010 Jason Yeisley SoccerAshley GriffithSoftball
Illinois2011 Scott Langley GolfHillary HaenVolleyball
Indiana2011Ben ChappellFootballVera NeuenswanderTrack & Field
Iowa2011 Julian Vandervelde FootballBethany PraskaTrack & Field
Minnesota2011Mike ThornWrestlingKaylee JamisonSwimming & Diving
Northwestern2011Matt EliasonSoccerMaria MosolovaTennis
Ohio State2011 Steven Kehoe VolleyballCassie DickersonSoccer
Purdue2011 Kyle Adams FootballAllie SmithSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin2011 Gabe Carimi FootballMaggie MeyerSwimming & Diving
Michigan2011 Carl Hagelin HockeySarah CurtisGymnastics
Michigan State2011Brandon EckerleBaseballAimee NeffGolf
Penn State2011 Stefen Wisniewski FootballJessica BabcockTrack & Field
Illinois2012 Luke Guthrie GolfJenna CarosioSoccer
Indiana2012Matt RothBasketball Margaux Farrell Swimming & Diving
Iowa2012 Erik Sowinski Track & FieldMcKenzie MelanderCross Country
Minnesota2012David PachutaTrack & Field Anne Schleper Ice Hockey
Northwestern2012Francis BrookeBaseballChelsea ArmstrongField Hockey
Ohio State2012Andrew ElliottSwimming & DivingBianca AlvarezSwimming & Diving
Purdue2012 Robbie Hummel BasketballBrittany RayburnBasketball
Wisconsin2012 Peter Konz FootballLaurie NosbuschSoccer
Michigan2012 Dan Madwed Swimming & Diving Amanda Chidester Softball
Michigan State2012 Kirk Cousins FootballJenilee RathjeVolleyball
Penn State2012Miguel PinedaGymnasticsErin ThomasSwimming & Diving
Nebraska2012Tyler HitchlerTrack & FieldAshley MillerTrack & Field
Illinois2013 Brandon Paul BasketballAlina WeinsteinGymnastics
Indiana2013 Luis Soffner Soccer Amy Cozad Swimming & Diving
Iowa2013Javier BalboaGymnasticsMorgan JohnsonBasketball
Minnesota2013Quentin MegeTrack & Field Noora Räty Ice Hockey
Northwestern2013 Luke Farrell BaseballGabriella FlibotteLacrosse
Ohio State2013Max StearnsFencingAlicia HerronSoftball
Purdue2013Robert MaciFootballAriel TurnerVolleyball
Wisconsin2013Elliot KrauseCross Country/Track & FieldKendall SchmidtRowing
Michigan2013Jack GreenleeTrack & FieldKatie ZuralesGymnastics
Michigan State2013Jacob JarzenSwimming & DivingCaroline PowersGolf
Penn State2013 John Urschel FootballPetra JanuskovaTennis
Nebraska2013 Bjorn Barrefors Track & FieldMary WeatherholtTennis
Illinois2014 Nathan Scheelhaase Football Vanessa DiBernardo Soccer
Indiana2014Ryan LeBlancWrestlingMeghan LappanWater Polo
Iowa2014James MorrisFootballMarike StribosField Hockey
Michigan2014John WojciechowskiSwimming & DivingJillian SmithCross Country/Track & Field
Michigan State2014Greg WolfeIce HockeyKristen HennField Hockey
Minnesota2014Derek ToomeySwimming & DivingSara MoultonSoftball
Nebraska2014Seth WiedelTrack & FieldEmily WongGymnastics
Northwestern2014Raleigh SmithTennisMarisa BastSoftball
Ohio State2014 Aaron Craft BasketballAllison ElberRowing
Penn State2014Adrian EvansGymnasticsEmily GiannottiTrack & Field
Purdue2014Matt FriedeSwimming & DivingCasey MatthewsSwimming & Diving
Wisconsin2014Reed ConnorTrack & FieldMary MasseiSoftball
Illinois2015Will KrugBaseballLiz McMahonVolleyball
Indiana2015Mark MurphyFootballRebecca GerrityWater Polo
Iowa2015Kevin LewisCross Country/Track & Field Samantha Logic Basketball
Maryland2015 Varun Ram BasketballMalina HowardBasketball
Michigan2015Justin GlandaSwimming & DivingNicole ElmbladBasketball
Michigan State2015Mike SadlerFootballAbby BarkerField Hockey
Minnesota2015 Kyle Rau Ice HockeyJessica PlantSwimming & Diving
Nebraska2015John WelkTrack & Field Jessie DeZiel Gymnastics
Northwestern2015Brandon VitabileFootballMaddy CarpenterField Hockey
Ohio State2015Kevin MetkaTennisKatie BorchersCross Country
Penn State2015Matt BrownWrestlingNia GrantVolleyball
Purdue2015MacKenzie TweardySwimming & DivingJamie BissettSwimming & Diving
Rutgers2015David MilewskiFootball Betnijah Laney Basketball
Wisconsin2015Drew teDuitsSwimming & DivingKimberly DinhGolf
Illinois2016 Charlie Danielson GolfAllie BauchSoftball
Indiana2016 Nick Zeisloft BasketballNicole VolgrafField Hockey
Iowa2016Mike GesellBasketballKatie BrownRowing
Maryland2016Michl McCarneyLacrosse Rachelle Beanlands Soccer
Michigan2016 Mason Ferlic Track & FieldShannon ScavelliField Hockey
Michigan State2016 Jack Allen FootballLisa BurtGymnastics
Minnesota2016Aaron BartnikCross Country/Track & Field Hannah Brandt Hockey
Nebraska2016 Shavon Shields BasketballMattie FowlerSoftball
Northwestern2016 Joey Calistri SoccerLisa McCarthyField Hockey
Ohio State2016Jacoby BorenFootballCatherine ShieldsRowing
Penn State2016Nico MegaludisWrestling Britt Eckerstrom Soccer
Purdue2016Matthew McClintockCross Country/Track & FieldKatie HoevetCross Country/Track & Field
Rutgers2016Corey CrawfordTrack & Field Brianne Reed Soccer
Wisconsin2016 Joel Stave Football Kelsey Card Track & Field
Illinois2017Joe SpencerFootballNicole EvansSoftball
Indiana2017Derek CrevistonSoccerCaraMia TsirigosSoftball
Iowa2017Alex MeyerWrestlingAlly DisterhoftBasketball
Maryland2017Cody NiedermeierSoccerZoe StukenbergLacrosse
Michigan2017 Jake Butt FootballNicole ArtzGymnastics
Michigan State2017Josiah PriceFootballAlexis WiersmaCross Country/Track & Field
Minnesota2017Luca WielandTrack & Field Lee Stecklein Hockey
Nebraska2017Drew WisemanTrack & FieldTierra WilliamsTrack & Field
Northwestern2017 Austin Carr FootballNandi MehtaSoccer
Ohio State2017Christy BloughVolleyballEmma BaranskiSynchronized Swimming
Penn State2017 David Goodwin HockeyAbby SmuckerLacrosse
Purdue2017Jake ReplogleFootball August Kim Golf
Rutgers2017Ken TheoboldWrestlingAlyssa BullField Hockey
Wisconsin2017Connor MedberyWrestling Lauren Carlini Volleyball
Illinois2018 Isaiah Martinez WrestlingNicole ChoquetteCross Country/Track & Field
Indiana2018Laren EustaceBaseballTyra BussBasketball
Iowa2018Kevin DochertyCross Country/Track & FieldZoe DouglasTennis
Maryland2018Alex LetoTrack & FieldKristen ConfroyBasketball
Michigan2018PJ RansfordSwimming & Diving Erin Finn Cross Country/Track & Field
Michigan State2018Jimmy FiscusSoccerKatelyn DanielsTrack & Field
Minnesota2018Derek WiebkeCross Country/Track & FieldCarlie WagnerBasketball
Nebraska2018Chris StephensonGymnasticsDanielle BreenGymnastics
Northwestern2018 Justin Jackson FootballHannah KimGolf
Ohio State2018 Kyle Snyder Wrestling Kelsey Mitchell Basketball
Penn State2018 Zain Retherford WrestlingHaleigh WashingtonVolleyball
Purdue2018Marat AmaltdinovSwimming & DivingAshley EvansVolleyball
Rutgers2018Michael RexrodeLacrosse Casey Murphy Soccer
Wisconsin2018Josh McDonaldTrack & Field Georgia Ellenwood Track & Field
Illinois2019 Nick Allegretti FootballAli BastianelliVolleyball
Indiana2019 Juwan Morgan Basketball Jessica Parratto Swimming & Diving
Iowa2019 Matt Nelson Football Megan Gustafson Basketball
Maryland2019Jahi JonesWrestlingAbigail BentzVolleyball
Michigan2019 Robbie Mertz Soccer Siobhán Haughey Swimming & Diving
Michigan State2019 Khari Willis FootballJessica LingGymnastics
Minnesota2019Justin KarstadtGymnasticsTemi OgunrindeTrack & Field
Nebraska2019Anton StephensonGymnasticsMikaela FoeckeVolleyball
Northwestern2019Ryan LumsdenGolfYvonne ChartFencing
Ohio State2019Mason JobstIce HockeyKarrington WintersTrack & Field
Penn State2019 Jason Nolf WrestlingAlly McHughSwimming & Diving
Purdue2019 David Blough FootballTaite KitchelSwimming & Diving
Rutgers2019 Anthony Ashnault WrestlingSarah JohanekRowing
Wisconsin2019 D’Cota Dixon Football Annie Pankowski Ice Hockey
Illinois2020Michael ParadiseGymnasticsTaylor EdwardsBasketball/Softball
Indiana2020Jake KleimolaWrestlingEmily PowellWater Polo
Iowa2020 Nate Stanley FootballHannah GreenleeRowing
Maryland2020Jared BernhardtLacrosse Kaila Charles Basketball
Michigan2020Thomas CopeSwimming & Diving Guadalupe Fernández Lacort Field hockey
Michigan State2020 Cassius Winston BasketballGabriella DouglasGymnastics
Minnesota2020 Carter Coughlin FootballIvy LuGymnastics
Nebraska2020Luke SiedhoffTrack & FieldSierra HasselGymnastics
Northwestern2020Jared ThomasFootballKirsten MansfieldField Hockey
Ohio State2020Kollin MooreWrestling Jincy Roese Ice Hockey
Penn State2020Stephen NedoroscikGymnastics Kaleigh Riehl Soccer
Purdue2020Jaret CarpenterCross Country/Track & FieldJanae’ MoffittTrack & Field
Rutgers2020Jordan PaganoWrestlingAmanda ViscoSoccer
Wisconsin2020Zach LorbeckTrack & FieldBeata NelsonSwimming & Diving
Illinois2021Mike CarrWrestlingTristyn NowlinGolf
Indiana2021Ethan ShepherdGolfHanna NémethSoccer
Iowa2021Spencer LeeWrestlingAnthe NijzielField hockey
Maryland2021Roman PugliseLacrosseGrace GriffinLacrosse
Michigan2021Adam ShibleyFootballAlice HillCross country/Track & field
Michigan State2021Bryce KelleyBaseballAmanda LingSwimming & Diving
Minnesota2021Jack LaFontaineHockeySarah BaconSwimming & Diving
Nebraska2021Evan HymansonGymnasticsAbigail KnaptonSwimming & Diving
Northwestern2021Ryan DeakinWrestlingLindsey PulliamBasketball
Ohio State2021Ryan TerefenkoLacrosse Sade Olatoye Track & Field
Penn State2021 Pierre Reedy Soccer Kerry Abello Soccer
Purdue2021Brandon LoschiavoSwimming & DivingEmily BretscherSwimming & Diving
Rutgers2021Kieran MullinsLacrosseGianna GlatzField hockey
Wisconsin2021Linus WeissbachIce hockeySydney HilleyVolleyball
Illinois2022Blake HayesFootballMegan CooneyVolleyball
Indiana2022Ben VeatchCross country/Track & fieldKristen HaydenSwimming & Diving
Iowa2022 Tyler Linderbaum FootballManuela LizarazuGolf
Maryland2022Logan WisnauskasLacrosseBrooke DeBerdineField hockey
Michigan2022 Nick Blankenburg Ice hockeyArielle WeissmanLacrosse
Michigan State2022 Morgan Beadlescomb Cross country/Track & fieldLea MitchellGymnastics
Minnesota2022 Gable Steveson WrestlingBethany HaszCross country/Track & field
Nebraska2022Dylan LeClairGymnasticsAndy JacobsTrack & Field
Northwestern2022Steven FormanTennis Veronica Burton Basketball
Ohio State2022Tyler JohnsonTrack & Field Izzy Rodriguez Soccer
Penn State2022John HarrarBasketballJonni ParkerVolleyball
Purdue2022Benjamin BramleySwimming & DivingGrace ClevelandVolleyball
Rutgers2022 Geo Baker BasketballTaralyn NaslonskiLacrosse
Wisconsin2022 Brad Davison BasketballLauren BarnesVolleyball
Illinois2023 Adrien Dumont de Chassart GolfMia TakekawaGymnastics
Indiana2023 Andrew Capobianco Swimming & DivingNoelle PeplowskiSwimming & Diving
Iowa2023 Spencer Lee Wrestling Monika Czinano Basketball
Maryland2023Nick LorussoBaseball Diamond Miller Basketball
Michigan2023Kevin BucaSoccer Sierra Brooks Gymnastics
Michigan State2023Cameron CaffeyWrestlingAbby GardinerSoccer
Minnesota2023 John Michael Schmitz Football Taylor Heise Ice Hockey
Nebraska2023Trent HixsonFootballIeva TurkeTrack & Field
Northwestern2023 David Nyfjäll GolfKayla BlasField hockey
Ohio State2023Kaleb RomeroWrestling Sophie Jaques Ice Hockey
Penn State2023 Sean Clifford FootballLexie BlackSoftball
Purdue2023Parker FiliusWrestlingMaycey VietaSwimming & Diving
Rutgers2023 Adam Korsak FootballHannah JoynerGymnastics
Wisconsin2023Trent HillgerWrestlingKayla KonwentSoftball

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The Big Ten Conference is the oldest NCAA Division I collegiate athletic conference in the United States. Founded as the Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Representatives in 1896, it predates the founding of its regulating organization, the NCAA. It is based in the Chicago area in Rosemont, Illinois. For many decades the conference consisted of ten prominent universities, which accounts for its name. On August 2, 2024, the conference expanded to 18 member institutions and 2 affiliate institutions. The conference competes in the NCAA Division I and its football teams compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS), formerly known as Division I-A, the highest level of NCAA competition in that sport.

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The 2006 Penn State Nittany Lions football team represented the Pennsylvania State University in the 2006 NCAA Division I FBS football season. The team's head coach was Joe Paterno. It played its home games at Beaver Stadium in University Park, Pennsylvania.

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The 2008 Penn State Nittany Lions football team represented the Pennsylvania State University in the 2008 NCAA Division I FBS football season. The team was coached by Joe Paterno and played its home games in Beaver Stadium in University Park, Pennsylvania.

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The Penn State Nittany Lions women's volleyball program has had a long tradition, founded in 1976 by Tom Tait, long-time coach of the Penn State men's team, who coached the women's team from 1976 to 1979 and was named a USA Volleyball All-Time great coach in 2007.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2009 Big Ten Conference football season</span> Sports season

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2008–09 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season</span> Sports season

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2009–10 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season</span> Sports season

The 2009–10 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season marked the continuation of competitive basketball among Big Ten Conference members that began in 1904. On October 16, 2009 five schools celebrated Midnight Madness to mark the beginning of the 2009–10 NCAA Division I men's basketball season.

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The 2010 Big Ten Conference football season was the 115th season for the Big Ten. The conference started its season on Thursday, September 2, as conference member Minnesota traveled to Murfreesboro, Tennessee to face Middle Tennessee, and Ohio State hosted the Thundering Herd of Marshall. The conference's other 9 teams began their respective 2010 season of NCAA Division I FBS competition on Saturday, September 4. It was also the final season for the conference before the Nebraska Cornhuskers joined the conference from the Big 12 the following season.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2010–11 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season</span> Sports season

The 2010–11 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season marked the continuation of the annual tradition of competitive basketball among Big Ten Conference members that began in 1904. The non-conference portion of the 2010–11 NCAA Division I men's basketball season began on November 8, 2010. Conference play began on December 27, 2010.|Ohio state won the regular season Big Ten title. Following conference play, Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis hosted the 2011 Big Ten Conference men's basketball tournament from Thursday, March 10 through Sunday, March 13, which was also won by Ohio State. The Big Ten Conference hosted second and third round games of the 2011 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament at the United Center in Chicago March 18 and 20, 2011.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2016 Northwestern Wildcats football team</span> American college football season

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2021–22 Big Ten Conference men's basketball season</span> Sports season

The 2021–22 Big Ten men's basketball season was the season for Big Ten Conference basketball teams that began with practices in October 2021, followed by the start of the 2021–22 NCAA Division I men's basketball season in November 2021. The regular season ended in March 2022.


  1. Big Ten Medal of Honor
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  15. "Big Ten Highlights 107th Big Ten Medal of Honor Class". Big Ten. July 29, 2021. Archived from the original on 2021-07-29. Retrieved November 4, 2021.
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