Britain's Got Talent: The Champions

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Britain's Got Talent: The Champions
BGT champions.jpeg
Genre Talent show
Created by Simon Cowell
Based on America's Got Talent: The Champions
by Simon Cowell
Developed by Britain's Got Talent
by Simon Cowell
Presented by
Country of originUnited Kingdom
Original languageEnglish
No. of series1
No. of episodes6
Production companies Syco Entertainment
Original release
Network ITV
Release31 August (2019-08-31) 
5 October 2019 (2019-10-05)

Britain's Got Talent: The Champions is a spin-off of Britain's Got Talent , a British talent competition series, which began broadcasting on ITV on 31 August 2019. [1] The programme functions similar to BGT, but features a selection of participants - winners, finalists and other notable acts - from across the history of both Britain's Got Talent and the Got Talent franchise, [2] [3] [4] who compete in a series of preliminaries to secure a place in the grand final and a chance to win a large prize and to be crowned Britain's champion within Got Talent.


The spin-off is hosted by Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly (colloquially known as Ant & Dec), and is based upon America's Got Talent: The Champions , in that the format is different to the main programme - episodes are pre-recorded, and votes for participants are conducted under a different system. The spin-off series averaged 5.84 million viewers across the 6 episodes during its broadcast.

Judges and Presenter(s) for Britain's Got Talent: The Champions


Following the success of America's Got Talent: The Champions in early 2019, Simon Cowell opted to create a similar spin-off competition for Britain's Got Talent, which, along with the same subtitle, would operate under the same format. Production was green-lighted by the broadcaster ITV, with the contest taking place between July and August of the same year, and using the same presenters and panel of judges as the regular show. [5] Much like the American spin-off, the episodes were pre-recorded – filming of the spin-off took place during the contest's operation, with production staff editing the finalised footage for full broadcast over a weekly basis, towards the end of the Summer TV schedule that year.

Contest overview

Around 45 participants from across the Got Talent franchise, ranging from winners, live round participants – both quarter-finalists (where applicable) and semi-finalists – and other notable acts, participated during The Champions contest in 2019, with each of the contest's preliminaries featuring around 9 participants. The following table lists each participants that took part, their history in the Got Talent franchise – per respective international version, series, and performance – and their overall result in the contest:

Got Talent History KeyAGT America's Got Talent AGTC America's Got Talent: The Champions ArGT - Arab's Got Talent AsGT Asia's Got Talent
AuGT Australia's Got Talent BGT Britain's Got Talent BeGT Belgium's Got Talent ČSMT Česko Slovensko má talent
DS Das Supertalent FIT La France a un incroyable talent GGT - Georgia's Got Talent! GTE Got Talent España
HGT Holland's Got Talent IGT Italia's Got Talent InGT India's Got Talent MS Minuta slavy
PGT Pilipinas Got Talent SAGT South Africa's Got Talent UMT Ukrayina maye talant Ireland (excluded)
  Winner |   Runner-up |   Third place
  Finalist |   Eliminated | Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Golden Buzzer
ParticipantAct Got Talent historyPreliminaryResults
100 Voices of GospelGospel ChoirBGT: 10 - Finalist2Eliminated
Alex MagalaSword SwallowerAGT: S8 - Quarter-finalist ; IGT: S5 - Finalist ; MS: S8 - Winner ;
UMT: S6 - Semi-finalist ; FIT: S9 - Participant ; BGT: S10 - Finalist ;
ČSMT: S6 - Semi-finalist; AGTC : S1 - Participant; AuGT S9 - Participant
Alexa Lauenburger Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Dog Tricks Act DS : S11 - Winner2Finalist
Antonio SorgentoneSinger & PianistIGT: S9 - Winner2Eliminated
Ashleigh & Sully Dancing Dog ActBGT: S6 - Winner ; AGTC : S1 - Participant1Eliminated
Bad Salsa Salsa Dance DuoInGT: S4 - Winner1Eliminated
Bars & Melody Rapper & SingerBGT: S8 - Third Place5Finalist
Bello & Annaliese Nock Comic Daredevil DuoAGT: S12 - Quarter-finalist (Bello), S13 - Participant (Annaliese)1Finalist
Ben Hart MagicianBGT: S13 - Third Place5Eliminated
Billy & Emily EnglandExtreme Rollerskating DuoBGT: S9 - Semi-finalist ; AGT: S12 - Semifinalist; AGTC : S1 - Participant4Eliminated
Bonnie Anderson SingerAuGT: S1 - Winner4Eliminated
Boogie StormDance GroupBGT: S10 - Third Place1Eliminated
Colin Thackery SingerBGT: S13 - Winner4Eliminated
Collabro Musical Theatre GroupBGT: S8 - Winner5Eliminated
Connie Talbot SingerBGT: S1 - Finalist1Eliminated
Cristina RamosOpera & Rock SingerGTE: S1 - Winner ; AGTC : S1 - Grand-finalist3Eliminated
Daliso Chaponda Stand Up ComedianBGT: S11 - Third Place5Eliminated
Darcy OakeIllusionistBGT: S8 - Finalist ; AGTC : S1 - Participant3Finalist
Deadly Games 1 Knife Throwing DuoAGT: S11 - Semi-finalist ; FIT: S12 - Semi-Finalist ; AGTC : S1 - Top 12 Finalist2Eliminated
DJ Arch JnrDJSAGT: S6 - Winner ; AGTC : S1 - Participant3Eliminated
DM-X ComvaleñozDance GroupPGT: S5 - Semi Finalist ; AsGT : S2 - Runner Up5Eliminated
Gao Lin & Liu XinAcrobatic DuoBGT: S11 - Participant ; AsGT : S1 - Finalist2Eliminated
Gennady Tkachenko-PapizhVocalistGGT - Participant; UMT: S6 - Finalist ; DS : S12 - Finalist5Eliminated
George Sampson BreakdancerBGT: S2 - Winner4Eliminated
Issy SimpsonIllusionistBGT: S11 - Runner-up ; AGTC : S1 - Participant4Eliminated
Jack Carroll Stand Up ComedianBGT: S7 - Runner Up3Eliminated
Jai McDowall SingerBGT: S5 - Winner2Eliminated
Kseniya Simonova Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Sand ArtistUMT: S1 - Winner ; AGTC : S1 - Third Place1Third Place
Lost Voice Guy Stand Up ComedianBGT: S12 - Winner ; AGTC : S1 - Participant2Eliminated
Mayyas Dance GroupArGT: S6 - Winner3Eliminated
MerseyGirlsDance GroupBGT: S11 - Finalist2Finalist
Mirror FamilyDance GroupČSMT: S5 - Finalist4Eliminated
Paddy & Nico Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Salsa Dance DuoBGT: S8 - Finalist ; FIT: S11 - Semi-finalist3Finalist
Paul Potts Opera SingerBGT: S1 - Winner ; AGTC : S1 - Top 12 Finalist1Eliminated
Paul Zerdin VentriloquistAGT: S10 - Winner ; AGTC : S1 - Participant2Eliminated
Preacher Lawson Stand Up ComedianAGT: S12 - Finalist ; AGTC : S1 - Grand-finalist4Finalist
Richard & Adam Singing DuoBGT: S7 - Third Place3Eliminated
Richard Jones Close-up MagicianBGT: S10 - Winner3Eliminated
Stavros Flatley Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Comic Dance DuoBGT: S3 - Finalist4Runner-up
Tape Face MimeAGT: S11 - Finalist ; AGTC : S1 - Participant4Eliminated
The FireDance GroupHGT: S9 - Winner3Eliminated
The Nelson TwinsComedy DuoAuGT: S6 - Finalist1Eliminated
The Sacred Riana IllusionistAsGT : S2 - Winner ; AGT: S13 - Quarter-finalist1Eliminated
Twist and Pulse Yellow ffff00 pog.svg Comic Dance DuoBGT: S4 - Runner-up5Winner
Vicki Barbolak Stand Up ComedianAGT: S13 - Finalist ; AGTC : S1 - Participant5Eliminated


  Golden Buzzer Advancement |   Advanced - 1st in Audience Vote |   Eliminated - 2nd in Audience Vote
  Eliminated - 3rd in Audience Vote |   Eliminated | Crystal Clear action button cancel.svg Buzzed Out

Preliminaries 1 (31 August)

Ashleigh & Sully1Dancing Dog ActEliminated (3rd in Audience Vote)
Bello & Annaliese Nock2Comic Daredevil DuoAdvanced (Won Audience Vote)
Connie Talbot3SingerEliminated
The Nelson Twins 4Comedy DuoEliminated
Bad Salsa5Salsa Dance DuoEliminated
Kseniya Simonova6Sand ArtistAdvanced Immediately (by Holden)
Boogie Storm7Dance GroupEliminated (2nd in Audience Vote)
The Sacred Riana8IllusionistEliminated
Paul Potts9Opera SingerEliminated

Preliminaries 2 (7 September)

100 Voices of Gospel1Gospel ChoirEliminated
Lost Voice Guy2Stand Up ComedianEliminated
Alexa Lauenburger3Dog Tricks ActAdvanced Immediately (by Ant & Dec)
Paul Zerdin4VentriloquistEliminated (2nd in Audience Vote)
Gao Lin & Liu Xin5Acrobatic DuoEliminated
Antonio Sorgentone6Singer & PianistEliminated (3rd in Audience Vote)
MerseyGirls7Dance GroupAdvanced (Won Audience Vote)
Deadly Games8Knife Throwing DuoEliminated
Jai McDowall9SingerEliminated

Preliminaries 3 (14 September)

Richard Jones1Close Up MagicianEliminated (2nd in Audience Vote)
Mayyas2Dance GroupEliminated
DJ Arch Jr3DJEliminated (3rd in Audience Vote)
Jack Carroll4Stand Up ComedianEliminated
Paddy & Nico5Salsa Dance DuoAdvanced Immediately (by Walliams)
Richard & Adam6Singing DuoEliminated
The Fire7Dance GroupEliminated
Darcy Oake8IllusionistAdvanced (Won Audience Vote)
Cristina Ramos9SingerEliminated

Preliminaries 4 (21 September)

George Sampson1BreakdancerEliminated
Bonnie Anderson2SingerEliminated
Issy Simpson3IllusionistEliminated
Mirror Family4Dance GroupEliminated
Tape Face5MimeEliminated
Preacher Lawson6Stand Up ComedianAdvanced (Won Audience Vote)
Stavros Flatley7Comic Dance DuoAdvanced Immediately (by Cowell)
Colin Thackery8SingerEliminated (2nd in Audience Vote)
Billy & Emily England9Extreme Rollerskating DuoEliminated (3rd in Audience Vote)

Preliminaries 5 (28 September)

Daliso Chaponda1Stand Up ComedianEliminated
DM-X Comvaleñoz2Dance GroupEliminated
Ben Hart3MagicianEliminated
Alex Magala4Sword SwallowerEliminated (2nd in Audience Vote)
Bars & Melody5Rapper & SingerAdvanced (Won Audience Vote)
Gennady Tkachenko-Papizh6VocalistEliminated
Vicki Barbolak7Stand Up ComedianEliminated
Twist & Pulse8Comic Dance DuoAdvanced Immediately (by Dixon)
Collabro9Musical Theatre GroupEliminated (3rd in Audience Vote)

Grand Final (5 October)

  Winner |   Runner-up |   3rd place | Finalist
Bars & Melody1Rapper & SingerFinalist
Preacher Lawson2Stand Up ComedianFinalist
Kseniya Simonova3Sand ArtistThird Place
Darcy Oake4IllusionistFinalist
MerseyGirls5Dance GroupFinalist
Bello & Annaliese Nock6Comic Daredevil DuoFinalist
Twist & Pulse7Comic Dance DuoWinner
Alexa Lauenburger8Dog Tricks ActFinalist
Stavros Flatley9Comedy Dance DuoRunner-Up
Paddy & Nico10Salsa Dance DuoFinalist


EpisodeAir dateTotal viewers (millions) [6] a ITV weekly
rank [6]
Preliminary 131 August7.201
Preliminary 27 September6.235
Preliminary 314 September5.898
Preliminary 421 September5.0713
Preliminary 528 September5.2114
Final5 October5.6313



  1. Cydney Yeates (6 August 2019). "Britain's Got Talent: The Champions launches this month after winner accidentally revealed". Retrieved 6 August 2019.
  2. tellymix. "Britain's Got Talent confirms all star The Champions series to air this year | Britain's Got Talent 2019". TellyMix. Retrieved 3 June 2019.
  3. "Susan Boyle finally confirmed for Britain's Got Talent: The Champions | Metro News". Metro. 2 June 2019. Retrieved 3 June 2019.
  4. "Simon Cowell announces BRAND NEW Britain's Got Talent: The Champions😲". Heat. 15 February 2019. Retrieved 3 June 2019.
  5. Kimberley Bond. "When is Britain's Got Talent: The Champions on TV? Who will be competing? Who are the judges?". Retrieved 11 August 2019.
  6. 1 2 "BARB Weekly Top Programmes on Four Screens". Broadcasters' Audience Research Board.