In mathematics, the capacity of a set in Euclidean space is a measure of the "size" of that set. Unlike, say, Lebesgue measure, which measures a set's volume or physical extent, capacity is a mathematical analogue of a set's ability to hold electrical charge. More precisely, it is the capacitance of the set: the total charge a set can hold while maintaining a given potential energy. The potential energy is computed with respect to an idealized ground at infinity for the harmonic or Newtonian capacity, and with respect to a surface for the condenser capacity.
The notion of capacity of a set and of "capacitable" set was introduced by Gustave Choquet in 1950: for a detailed account, see reference ( Choquet 1986 ).
Let Σ be a closed, smooth, (n − 1)-dimensional hypersurface in n-dimensional Euclidean space , n ≥ 3; K will denote the n-dimensional compact (i.e., closed and bounded) set of which Σ is the boundary. Let S be another (n− 1)-dimensional hypersurface that encloses Σ: in reference to its origins in electromagnetism, the pair (Σ, S) is known as a condenser. The condenser capacity of Σ relative to S, denoted C(Σ, S) or cap(Σ, S), is given by the surface integral
C(Σ, S) can be equivalently defined by the volume integral
The condenser capacity also has a variational characterization: C(Σ, S) is the infimum of the Dirichlet's energy functional
over all continuously differentiable functions v on D with v(x) = 1 on Σ and v(x) = 0 on S.
Heuristically, the harmonic capacity of K, the region bounded by Σ, can be found by taking the condenser capacity of Σ with respect to infinity. More precisely, let u be the harmonic function in the complement of K satisfying u = 1 on Σ and u(x) → 0 as x → ∞. Thus u is the Newtonian potential of the simple layer Σ. Then the harmonic capacity or Newtonian capacity of K, denoted C(K) or cap(K), is then defined by
If S is a rectifiable hypersurface completely enclosing K, then the harmonic capacity can be equivalently rewritten as the integral over S of the outward normal derivative of u:
The harmonic capacity can also be understood as a limit of the condenser capacity. To wit, let Sr denote the sphere of radius r about the origin in . Since K is bounded, for sufficiently large r, Sr will enclose K and (Σ, Sr) will form a condenser pair. The harmonic capacity is then the limit as r tends to infinity:
The harmonic capacity is a mathematically abstract version of the electrostatic capacity of the conductor K and is always non-negative and finite: 0 ≤ C(K) < +∞.
The Wiener capacity or Robin constantW(K) of K is given by
In two dimensions, the capacity is defined as above, but dropping the factor of in the definition:
This is often called the logarithmic capacity, the term logarithmic arises, as the potential function goes from being an inverse power to a logarithm in the limit. This is articulated below. It may also be called the conformal capacity, in reference to its relation to the conformal radius.
The harmonic function u is called the capacity potential, the Newtonian potential when and the logarithmic potential when . It can be obtained via a Green's function as
with x a point exterior to S, and
when and
for .
The measure is called the capacitary measure or equilibrium measure. It is generally taken to be a Borel measure. It is related to the capacity as
The variational definition of capacity over the Dirichlet energy can be re-expressed as
with the infimum taken over all positive Borel measures concentrated on K, normalized so that and with is the energy integral
The characterization of the capacity of a set as the minimum of an energy functional achieving particular boundary values, given above, can be extended to other energy functionals in the calculus of variations.
Solutions to a uniformly elliptic partial differential equation with divergence form
are minimizers of the associated energy functional
subject to appropriate boundary conditions.
The capacity of a set E with respect to a domain D containing E is defined as the infimum of the energy over all continuously differentiable functions v on D with v(x) = 1 on E; and v(x) = 0 on the boundary of D.
The minimum energy is achieved by a function known as the capacitary potential of E with respect to D, and it solves the obstacle problem on D with the obstacle function provided by the indicator function of E. The capacitary potential is alternately characterized as the unique solution of the equation with the appropriate boundary conditions.