Child marriage in Sudan

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Child Marriage in Sudan. In 2017 in Sudan, 34% of girls were married off before they turned 18 years old. 12% were married before they turned 15. [1] Sudan is the 29th highest nation in the world for child marriage.

The current legal marriage of children in Sudan is at age 18, after the nation removed all exemptions to the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) in late 2020. [2] This ratified all articles and explicitly outlawed child marriage. [3] Previously, there was lax legislation and the legal marriageable age was 10. [4]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Child marriage in South Sudan</span>

Child marriage is a marriage or union between a child under the age of 18 to another child or to an adult. Child marriage is common in a multitude of African countries. In South Sudan, child marriage is a growing epidemic. Child marriage in South Sudan is driven by socioeconomic factors such as poverty and gender inequality. Current figures state that South Sudan is one of the leading countries in the world when it comes to child marriage. Child marriage has negative consequences for children, including health problems and lower education rates for South Sudanese girls. Many initiatives have been taken to combat child marriage in South Sudan, but the presence of societal norms and instability continues to drive its presence in the nation.

Child marriage in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the eighteenth highest in the world. In a child marriage, one or both parties are under the age of eighteen years old. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 37% of girls are married before they turn eighteen, and 10% of girls are married before age fifteen. Though significantly less than the rate of child marriage for girls, 6% of boys in the DRC are married before age eighteen.

Child marriage is the betrothal of girls and boys below the age of 18.

UNICEF's Early Marriage: A Harmful Traditional Practice report characterizes child marriage as a harmful institution that often exposes young women in developing nations to damaging domestic, health, and sexual conditions. The report also highlights the practice as a human rights violation. In World Vision's "Before She's Ready: 15 Places Girls Marry by 15", the organization highlights the socioeconomic consequences of child marriage on girls, noting that many girls are forced to stop their schooling as a result of their marriages. With the denial of education, girl brides are often not able to make income as adults or become politically active citizens.

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  1. "Child marriage around the world: SUDAN", Girls Not Brides
  2. "Joint Press Release Day of the African Child 2021". Retrieved 2021-06-20.
  3. "ACERWC - African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child". Retrieved 2021-06-20.
  4. Katy Migiro, "Sudan worst in Africa with legal marriage at age 10", Thomson Reuters Foundation