Clavelina moluccensis

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Clavelina molluccensis
Bluebell tunicates Nick Hobgood.jpg
Scientific classification
C. moluccensis

(Sluiter, 1904) [1]
Binomial name
Clavelina moluccensis

Clavelina molluccensis (Sluiter, 1904) (misspelling in literature)
Podoclavella moluccensis Sluiter, 1904


Clavelina moluccensis, common name bluebell tunicate, blue bell tunicate, or blue sea squirt [2] is a species of tunicate (sea squirt), in the genus Clavelina (the "little bottles"). Like all ascidians, these sessile animals are filter feeders.


This species is 0.5-2.5 cm long, and light to medium blue in colour. The top of the zooids contain characteristic dark blue patches and spots that are always visible. [3]


This species is found in the waters around Australia, [4] Western Pacific, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Mariana Islands, [2] Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. [2]


This species grows in clusters attached to dead coral [5] or other hard substrates, normally under overhangs. [2]

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  1. WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Clavelina moluccensis (Sluiter, 1904)
  2. 1 2 3 4 View Clavelina moluccensis
  3. Allen, Gerald (2001), Marine Life of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Tuttle Publishing and Periplus (Singapore), p. 62
  4. Data Use Agreement – GBIF Portal
  5. Allen, Gerald, (2000), Marine Life of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Tuttle Publishing, pg. 62