Comparison of anti-ballistic missile systems

Last updated

This is a table of the most widespread or notable anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems, intended in whole or part, to counter ballistic missiles. Since many systems have developed in stages or have many iterations or upgrades, only the most notable versions are described. Such systems are typically highly integrated with radar and guidance systems, so the emphasis is chiefly on system capability rather than the specific missile employed. For example, David's Sling is a system that employs the Stunner missile.


Legend for ABM system status in below table:  Operational  In development  Inactive  Unknown status

System nameCountry of originPeriod of useInterceptRole againstWeightWarhead typesRange (max)Ceiling (max)SpeedLauncherCost/round (2024)
A-35M/A-350 (5V61R) [1] [nb 1] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 19781995Exo-atmospheric [1] ICBM 32,700 kgNuclear 2-3 MT320350 km [1] 120 kmMach 4Fixed launcher
A-135 ABM (51T6 Gorgon) [1] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1995presentExo-atmosphericMRBM, ICBM [3] 33,00045,000 kgNuclear 10 KT350900 kmMach 7 Silo
A-135 ABM (53T6 Gazelle) [1] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1995presentRe-entryMRBM, ICBM [1] [3] 10,000 kgNuclear 10 KT80100 km80100 kmMach 17Silo
A-235 Nudol [4] [5] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia In developmentRe-entry, terminalICBM, [4] ASAT [5] Conventional [4] [5] 150 km [4] 5–80 km [4] (ASAT 700 km) [5] Mobile, silo
S-300 (V/SA-12B/9M82M) [6] [7] [nb 2] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1983–present [7] Terminal MRBM, IRBM 5800 kg [6] Blast [6] [7] 40 km [6] [7] 30 km [6] Mach 7.8+ [6] Mobile [6] $1,000,000 (48N6) [8]
S-400 (48N6DM Triumf, 40N6, 9M96E/E2) [4] [9] [10] [11] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2007present [10] Terminal SRBM, IRBM [9] 1800–1900 kg [9] Blast [10] 80250 km (48N6DM) [4] [9] 400 km (40N6), 120 km (9M96E/E2) [11] 30 km [4] [9] Mach 5.9Mobile
S-500 [4] [12] [13] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2021presentIRBM, MRBM, ICBM, [4] ASAT [13] 600 km [13] 200 kmMach 12Mobile
HQ-9/HQ-19 [14] [15] Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 2018present [16] TerminalSRBM, MRBM, [16] IRBM [15] 1300 kg250 km [14] 50 km [14] Mobile
Aster (30 1N, SAMP/T) [17] [18] Flag of France.svg  France Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2011–present [18] TerminalSRBM, MRBM450 kg [17] [18] Blast [17] 150 km [17] 25 km [17] Mach 4.5 [17] Ship silo, mobile [17] $2,000,000 [8]
Prithvi ADV Phase I [19] [20] Flag of India.svg  India Awaiting deployment?Exo-atmospheric [21] MRBM, IRBM, ICBM, ASAT [22] Blast300>1000 km50180 km [17] Mach 5
AAD/Ashwin Phase I [19] [20] Flag of India.svg  India Awaiting deloyment?Terminal [21] MRBM, IRBM1200 kgKill vehicle200 km1550 km [17]
AD-1 Phase II [19] [20] [23] Flag of India.svg  India In developmentEndo-exo-atmosphericMRBM, IRBM18,000 kg
AD-2 Phase II [19] [20] [23] Flag of India.svg  India In developmentTerminalIRBM
David's Sling/Stunner [24] [25] Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 2018present [26] TerminalSRBM, MRBM [24] Kill vehicle [24] [25] 250 km [27] 15 km [25] Mach 7.5Mobile$1,000,000 [28]
Arrow 2 (Block 4) [24] [29] [nb 3] Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 2012–presentRe-entry [29] MRBM, IRBM2800 kgBlast [29] 90 km +Exo-atmospheric [30] Mach 9Mobile$3,500,000 [28]
Arrow 3 [24] [31] [32] Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 2017present [31] Exo-atmospheric, [24] ASAT MRBM, IRBMless than 1400 kg [31] Kill vehicle [32] 2400 km [31] 100 km [31] Mach 9+Silo [31] $2,000,000 [33]
KM-SAM (Block II)Flag of South Korea.svg  Republic of Korea (Block II with ABM capabilities)


TerminalSRBM400kgKill Vehicle50 km20 kmMach 4.5+Mobile
L-SAM (Block I) [34] Flag of South Korea.svg  Republic of Korea In developmentExo-atmosphericSRBMKill vehicle [34] 150 km4060 km [35] Mach 5+Mobile [34]
Sky Bow III/Tien-Kung III [36] Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Republic of China 2014-presentTerminalSRBM [37] 200 km [38] 45 kmMach 7Mobile
Strong Bow I [39] Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Republic of China In developmentExo-atmosphericSRBM70 km [40] Mobile
Violet Friend/Bloodhound Mk. III Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Canceled 1965TerminalNuclear low KT [41] 120 km [42] 9 km+Mobile
Patriot (PAC-3) [43] [44] [45] [nb 4] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2009presentTerminal [44] SRBM, MRBM [44] 312 kg [45] Kill vehicle [44] 160 km24 km +Mobile$3,729,769 [8]
THAAD [43] [46] [47] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2008presentRe-entrySRBM, MRBM, IRBM [43] [46] 900 kg [48] Kill vehicle [46] [48] 200 km + [48] [47] 150 km [48] Mach 8.2Mobile [46] $12,600,000 (2017) [49]
Aegis SM-6 ERAM [50] [51] [52] [nb 5] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2009–presentTerminal [50] MRBM, IRBM1500 kg [53] Blast [53] 240370 km [51] [53] 33 km [53] Mach 3.5Ship silo$3,901,818 (IA) [8]
Aegis SM-3 (IIA) [51] [54] [55] [56] [nb 6] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2014presentBoost (naval), mid-courseMRBM, IRBM, [54] ICBM, [56] [57] ASAT [55] [56] 1500 kg [58] Kill vehicle [58] 1200 km [51] 900 – 1,050 km (depending on the type of target)  [58] Mach 13.2 (IIA)Ship and land silo$27,915,625 (IIA), $9,698,617 (IB) [8]
Nike Zeus (B) [59] [nb 7] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Canceled 1963, ASAT role to 1964 [60] Re-entryICBM, [59] ASAT [60] 10,300 kg [59] Nuclear 400 KT [59] 400 km [59] 280 km [59] Mach 4+Silo
Safeguard/Spartan [nb 8] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 197576 [63] [59] Exo atmospheric [64] ICBM [59] 13,100 kg [59] Nuclear 5 MT [59] 740 km [59] 560 km [59] Mach 3–4Silo
Safeguard/Sprint [nb 9] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 197576TerminalICBM [6] 3,500 kg [6] Nuclear low KT [6] 40 km [6] 30 km [6] Mach 10+ [6] Silo
Sentry/Overlay [65] [66] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 197783 (study)Exo-atmosphericICBMExo-atmospheric [65] [66] Silo
Sentry/LoAD [67] [66] [nb 10] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 197783 (study)TerminalICBMConventional [67] or nuclear [68] 15 km [67] [66] Silo
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense/GBI [69] [70] [nb 11] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2010presentMid-courseICBM [69] 21,600 kgKill vehicle [69] Silo$70,000,000 [8]
Next Generation Interceptor [71] [72] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States In developmentMid-courseICBMKill vehicleSilo$111,000,000 [8]


The Israeli Iron Dome system is not specifically an anti-ballistic missile system, as it is intended primarily to counter unguided rockets and artillery projectiles, rather than guided missiles on trajectories that take them above Earth's atmosphere, re-entering at extreme velocities. [85] Iron Dome uses principles that are similar to a true anti-ballistic missile system to intercept slower-moving short-range rockets and artillery projectiles, employing the Tamir missile at ranges of up to 70km and altitudes to 10km, at a cost of about $50,000 per missile. Iron Dome also has an anti-aircraft capability. [86]

The U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) investigated a variety of missile defense strategies, many involving exotic technologies such as the X-ray lasers [87] envisioned by Project Excalibur, or the Brilliant Pebbles kinetic-kill satellite system. [88] None of the more exotic systems were pursued to prototyping.


  1. The original A-35 was introduced in 1972 with the A-350Zh missile. It was replaced by the A-350R in 1974, and then by A-350M in 1978. [2]
  2. The S-300 requires specific missile models to be used in the ABM role. Most missiles are optimized for anti-aircraft use.
  3. The Arrow 1 (Hetz) never went into service, as it was quickly overtaken by the smaller Arrow 2.
  4. Patriot initially was solely an anti-aircraft missile. with no capability against ballistic missiles. The PAC-1 upgrade introduced this capability as a software upgrade. PAC-2 improved this capability, and the GEM+ upgrade introduced separate versions optimized for cruise missiles or ballistic missiles. PAC-3 is a new design, intended primarily for ABM use.
  5. SM-6 is a general-purpose weapon that can be used against ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, aircraft, and surface targets.
  6. SM-3 is a specialty weapon intended solely for ABM use .
  7. The U.S. ABM concepts proposed in the 1950s, 60s and 70s share a common genesis, with overlapping technologies and often confusingly similar names. Refer to the individual articles on these topics for fuller discussions of their histories and characteristics.
  8. The precursor programs to Safeguard (or follow-on to Nike-Zeus) were Nike-X and then the Sentinel programs. These projects incorporated most of the same systems and concepts, differing chiefly in scope of coverage and defensive philosophy. Nike-X emphasized close-range interception using small, fast missiles with low-yield neutron-enhanced weapons for the terminal defense component. These became Sprint. Sentinel resurrected Nike-Zeus, now named Spartan, alongside Sprint, using large x-ray-enhanced nuclear warheads for the Spartan exo-atmospheric component, allowing the system to operate with significantly loosened accuracy requirements due to the much greater kill radius of an x-ray-enhanced nuclear explosive outside the atmosphere compared to pure blast or neutron effects. [61] [62] After China demonstrated a nuclear capability in 1967, Nike-X became the Sentinel program, using both Spartan and Sprint, but in a scaled-back scope.
  9. Sprint was the principal component of Nike-X, and was combined with Spartan for Sentinel.
  10. LoAD used a Sprint-like missile.
  11. The GBI uses a three-stage booster based on the Minotaur-C launch vehicle, itself a derivative of the Peacekeeper/MX ICBM.

See also


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