Angraecopsis is a genus of plants in the family Orchidaceae. It was first described by Fritz Kraenzlin in 1900 and given its name on account with the genus' similarity to Angraecum species. Angraecopsis are native to Africa, Madagascar, Réunion, Mauritius and the Comoros. The growth habit is rather small and the leaves emerge from a woody stem.

Genyorchis is a genus of plant in family Orchidaceae. It is native to tropical Africa from Liberia to Uganda.

Polystachya, abbreviated Pol in horticultural trade, and commonly known as yellowspike orchid, is a flowering plant genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae). This rather distinctive genus was described by William Jackson Hooker in 1824 and is the type genus of the subtribe Polystachyinae. It contains about 100 species widespread across many of the tropical areas of the world.
Basiphyllaea is a genus of orchids, known as Carter's orchid or crab orchids. They are native to Florida and the West Indies. At the present time, 7 species are recognized:

Mystacidium, abbreviated as Mycdm in horticultural trade, is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae). It is native to eastern and southern Africa from Tanzania to South Africa.

Dendrophylax is a genus of leafless neotropical orchids native to Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and Florida. The name is from Greek δένδρον ("tree") and φύλαξ. One species, Dendrophylax lindenii, featured heavily in the book The Orchid Thief.
Auxopus is a genus of the family Orchidaceae. It belongs to the tribe Gastrodieae.

Ancistrorhynchus is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family Orchidaceae. It contains 16 species native to tropical Africa.

Bolusiella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists of 4 currently recognized species that are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and the Comoro Islands.

Centrostigma is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. There are three currently accepted species, all native to Africa:

Cyrtorchis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 18 currently accepted species, all native to Africa.
- Cyrtorchis acuminata(Rolfe) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis arcuata(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis aschersonii(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis brownii(Rolfe) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis chailluana(Hook.f.) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis crassifoliaSchltr. in R.E.Fries
- Cyrtorchis erythraeae(Rolfe) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis glaucifoliaSummerh.
- Cyrtorchis guillaumetii(Pérez-Vera) R.Rice
- Cyrtorchis hamata(Rolfe) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis henriquesiana(Ridl.) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis injoloensis(De Wild.) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis letouzeyiSzlach. & Olszewski
- Cyrtorchis monteiroae(Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Cyrtorchis neglectaSummerh.
- Cyrtorchis praetermissaSummerh.
- Cyrtorchis ringens(Rchb.f.) Summerh
- Cyrtorchis seretii(De Wild.) Schltr.

Diaphananthe is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. As currently conceived, it contains 33 accepted species, all endemic to sub-Saharan Africa
- Diaphananthe arbonnieriGeerinck
- Diaphananthe bidens(Afzel. ex Sw.) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe bueae(Schltr.) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe cerifloraJ.B.Petersen
- Diaphananthe delepierreanaJ.-P.Lebel & Geerinck
- Diaphananthe divitiflora(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe dorotheae(Rendle) Summerh.
- Diaphananthe eggelingiiP.J.Cribb
- Diaphananthe fragrantissima(Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe gabonensis(Summerh.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe garayanaSzlach. & Olszewski
- Diaphananthe ichneumonea(Lindl.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe lanceolata(Summerh.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe lecomtei(Finet) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe letouzeyi(Szlach. & Olszewski) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe lorifoliaSummerh.
- Diaphananthe millarii(Bolus) H.P.Linder
- Diaphananthe odoratissima(Rchb.f.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe pellucida(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe plehniana(Schltr.) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe rohrii(Rchb.f.) Summerh.
- Diaphananthe sanfordianaSzlach. & Olszewski
- Diaphananthe sarcophylla(Schltr. ex Prain) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe sarcorhynchoidesJ.B.Hall
- Diaphananthe spiralis(Stévart & Droissart) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe subclavata(Rolfe) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe suborbicularisSummerh.
- Diaphananthe thomensis(Rolfe) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe trigonopetalaSchltr.
- Diaphananthe vagans (Lindl.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe vandiformis(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Diaphananthe vesicata(Lindl.) P.J.Cribb & Carlsward
- Diaphananthe welwitschii(Rchb.f.) Schltr
Tridactyle is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It has about 60-70 known species, all native to sub-Saharan Africa.

Homalopetalum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 8 known species native to Central America, northern South America, Mexico and the West Indies.
- Homalopetalum alticola(Garay & Dunst.) Soto Arenas - Venezuela
- Homalopetalum hypoleptum(Lindl.) Soto Arenas - Brazil
- Homalopetalum kienastii(Rchb.f.) Withner - Mexico
- Homalopetalum leochilus(Rchb.f.) Soto Arenas - Cuba, Dominican Republic
- Homalopetalum pachyphyllum(L.O.Williams) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum pumilio(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Mexico, Central America, Ecuador
- Homalopetalum pumilum(Ames) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum vomeriforme(Sw.) Fawc. & Rendle - Cuba, Jamaica

Microcoelia is a genus of orchids native to sub-Saharan Africa as well as to Madagascar and other islands of the Indian Ocean.
- Microcoelia aphylla(Thouars) Summerh. - from Kenya and Uganda south to KwaZulu-Natal, plus Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion
- Microcoelia aurantiaca(Schltr.) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia bispiculataL.Jonss. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia bulbocalcarataL.Jonss. - Príncipe, Cameroon, Gabon, Uganda, Rwanda
- Microcoelia caespitosa(Rolfe) Summerh. in J.Hutchinson & J.M.Dalziel - western and central Africa from Liberia to Zaïre and Uganda
- Microcoelia corallinaSummerh. - Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi
- Microcoelia cornuta(Ridl.) Carlsward - Madagascar, Comoros
- Microcoelia decaryanaL.Jonss. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia dolichorhiza(Schltr.) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia elliotii(Finet) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia exilisLindl. - from Kenya and Uganda south to KwaZulu-Natal, plus Madagascar
- Microcoelia gilpinae(Rchb.f. & S.Moore) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia globulosa(Hochst.) L.Jonss. - from Nigeria east to Eritrea, south to Angola and Zimbabwe
- Microcoelia hirschbergiiSummerh. - Zaïre, Zambia
- Microcoelia jonssoniiSzlach. & Olszewski - Central African Republic
- Microcoelia koehleri(Schltr.) Summerh. - from Nigeria to Tanzania, south to Zimbabwe
- Microcoelia konduensis(De Wild.) Summerh - western and central Africa
- Microcoelia leptostele(Summerh.) L.Jonss. - Central African Republic, Zaïre
- Microcoelia macrantha(H.Perrier) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia macrorhynchia(Schltr.) Summerh. in J.Hutchinson & J.M.Dalziel - central Africa
- Microcoelia megalorrhiza(Rchb.f.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi
- Microcoelia microglossaSummerh. - central Africa
- Microcoelia moreauaeL.Jonss - Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
- Microcoelia nyungwensisL.Jonss. - Rwanda
- Microcoelia obovataSummerh. - from Kenya south to KwaZulu-Natal
- Microcoelia ornithocephalaP.J.Cribb - Malawi
- Microcoelia perrieri(Finet) Summerh. - Madagascar
- Microcoelia physophora(Rchb.f.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar
- Microcoelia sanfordiiL.Jonss - Cameroon
- Microcoelia smithii(Rolfe) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi
- Microcoelia stolzii(Schltr.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Neobolusia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 3 known species, all native to eastern and southern Africa.

Oeceoclades, collectively known as the monk orchids, is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is related to Eulophia and like that genus is mostly terrestrial in habit. A few species extend into very arid environments, unusual for an orchid.
Otostylis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to South America and Trinidad.
- Otostylis alba(Ridl.) Summerh. - Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana
- Otostylis brachystalix(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana, Trinidad, Colombia, Peru
- Otostylis lepida(Linden & Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana, Suriname
- Otostylis paludosa(Cogn.) Schltr. - Peru, Mato Grosso

Stolzia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to tropical Africa, with 8 of the 15 known species endemic to Tanzania.