Dual-complex number

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Dual-complex multiplication

The dual-complex numbers make up a four-dimensional algebra over the real numbers. [1] [2] Their primary application is in representing rigid body motions in 2D space.


Unlike multiplication of dual numbers or of complex numbers, that of dual-complex numbers is non-commutative.


In this article, the set of dual-complex numbers is denoted . A general element of has the form where , , and are real numbers; is a dual number that squares to zero; and , , and are the standard basis elements of the quaternions.

Multiplication is done in the same way as with the quaternions, but with the additional rule that is nilpotent of index , i.e. , which in some circumstances makes comparable to an infinitesimal number. It follows that the multiplicative inverses of dual-complex numbers are given by

The set forms a basis of the vector space of dual-complex numbers, where the scalars are real numbers.

The magnitude of a dual-complex number is defined to be

For applications in computer graphics, the number is commonly represented as the 4-tuple .

Matrix representation

A dual-complex number has the following representation as a 2x2 complex matrix:

It can also be represented as a 2x2 dual number matrix:

The above two matrix representations are related to the Möbius transformations and Laguerre transformations respectively.


The algebra discussed in this article is sometimes called the dual complex numbers. This may be a misleading name because it suggests that the algebra should take the form of either:

  1. The dual numbers, but with complex-number entries
  2. The complex numbers, but with dual-number entries

An algebra meeting either description exists. And both descriptions are equivalent. (This is due to the fact that the tensor product of algebras is commutative up to isomorphism). This algebra can be denoted as using ring quotienting. The resulting algebra has a commutative product and is not discussed any further.

Representing rigid body motions


be a unit-length dual-complex number, i.e. we must have that

The Euclidean plane can be represented by the set .

An element on represents the point on the Euclidean plane with cartesian coordinate .

can be made to act on by

which maps onto some other point on .

We have the following (multiple) polar forms for :

  1. When , the element can be written as
    which denotes a rotation of angle around the point .
  2. When , the element can be written as
    which denotes a translation by vector

Geometric construction

A principled construction of the dual-complex numbers can be found by first noticing that they are a subset of the dual-quaternions.

There are two geometric interpretations of the dual-quaternions, both of which can be used to derive the action of the dual-complex numbers on the plane:

Observe then that as a subset of the dual quaternions, the dual complex numbers rotate the plane back onto itself. The effect this has on depends on the value of in :
  1. When , the axis of rotation points towards some point on , so that the points on experience a rotation around .
  2. When , the axis of rotation points away from the plane, with the angle of rotation being infinitesimal. In this case, the points on experience a translation.

See also

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Dual quaternion

In mathematics, the dual quaternions are an 8-dimensional real algebra isomorphic to the tensor product of the quaternions and the dual numbers. Thus, they may be constructed in the same way as the quaternions, except using dual numbers instead of real numbers as coefficients. A dual quaternion can be represented in the form A + εB, where A and B are ordinary quaternions and ε is the dual unit, which satisfies ε2 = 0 and commutes with every element of the algebra. Unlike quaternions, the dual quaternions do not form a division algebra.

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The Laguerre transformations or axial homographies are an analogue of Möbius transformations over the dual numbers. When studying these transformations, the dual numbers are often interpreted as representing oriented lines on the plane. The Laguerre transformations map lines to lines, and include in particular all isometries of the plane.


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