In mathematics, a split-biquaternion is a hypercomplex number of the form
where w, x, y, and z are split-complex numbers and i, j, and k multiply as in the quaternion group. Since each coefficient w, x, y, z spans two real dimensions, the split-biquaternion is an element of an eight-dimensional vector space. Considering that it carries a multiplication, this vector space is an algebra over the real field, or an algebra over a ring where the split-complex numbers form the ring. This algebra was introduced by William Kingdon Clifford in an 1873 article for the London Mathematical Society. It has been repeatedly noted in mathematical literature since then, variously as a deviation in terminology, an illustration of the tensor product of algebras, and as an illustration of the direct sum of algebras. The split-biquaternions have been identified in various ways by algebraists; see § Synonyms below.
A split-biquaternion is ring isomorphic to the Clifford algebra Cl0,3(R). This is the geometric algebra generated by three orthogonal imaginary unit basis directions, {e1, e2, e3} under the combination rule
giving an algebra spanned by the 8 basis elements {1, e1, e2, e3, e1e2, e2e3, e3e1, e1e2e3}, with (e1e2)2 = (e2e3)2 = (e3e1)2 = −1 and ω2 = (e1e2e3)2 = +1. The sub-algebra spanned by the 4 elements {1, i = e1, j = e2, k = e1e2} is the division ring of Hamilton's quaternions, H = Cl0,2(R). One can therefore see that
where D = Cl1,0(R) is the algebra spanned by {1, ω}, the algebra of the split-complex numbers. Equivalently,
The split-biquaternions form an associative ring as is clear from considering multiplications in its basis {1, ω, i, j, k, ωi, ωj, ωk}. When ω is adjoined to the quaternion group one obtains a 16 element group
Since elements {1, i, j, k} of the quaternion group can be taken as a basis of the space of split-biquaternions, it may be compared to a vector space. But split-complex numbers form a ring, not a field, so vector space is not appropriate. Rather the space of split-biquaternions forms a free module. This standard term of ring theory expresses a similarity to a vector space, and this structure by Clifford in 1873 is an instance. Split-biquaternions form an algebra over a ring, but not a group ring.
The direct sum of the division ring of quaternions with itself is denoted . The product of two elements and is in this direct sum algebra.
Proposition: The algebra of split-biquaternions is isomorphic to
proof: Every split-biquaternion has an expression q = w + z ω where w and z are quaternions and ω2 = +1. Now if p = u + v ω is another split-biquaternion, their product is
The isomorphism mapping from split-biquaternions to is given by
In , the product of these images, according to the algebra-product of indicated above, is
This element is also the image of pq under the mapping into Thus the products agree, the mapping is a homomorphism; and since it is bijective, it is an isomorphism.
Though split-biquaternions form an eight-dimensional space like Hamilton's biquaternions, on the basis of the Proposition it is apparent that this algebra splits into the direct sum of two copies of the real quaternions.
The split-biquaternions should not be confused with the (ordinary) biquaternions previously introduced by William Rowan Hamilton. Hamilton's biquaternions are elements of the algebra
The following terms and compounds refer to the split-biquaternion algebra:
In mathematics, an associative algebraA is an algebraic structure with compatible operations of addition, multiplication, and a scalar multiplication by elements in some field K. The addition and multiplication operations together give A the structure of a ring; the addition and scalar multiplication operations together give A the structure of a vector space over K. In this article we will also use the term K-algebra to mean an associative algebra over the field K. A standard first example of a K-algebra is a ring of square matrices over a field K, with the usual matrix multiplication.
In geometry and physics, spinors are elements of a complex number-based vector space that can be associated with Euclidean space. A spinor transforms linearly when the Euclidean space is subjected to a slight (infinitesimal) rotation, but unlike geometric vectors and tensors, a spinor transforms to its negative when the space rotates through 360°. It takes a rotation of 720° for a spinor to go back to its original state. This property characterizes spinors: spinors can be viewed as the "square roots" of vectors.
In mathematics, a Clifford algebra is an algebra generated by a vector space with a quadratic form, and is a unital associative algebra. As K-algebras, they generalize the real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions and several other hypercomplex number systems. The theory of Clifford algebras is intimately connected with the theory of quadratic forms and orthogonal transformations. Clifford algebras have important applications in a variety of fields including geometry, theoretical physics and digital image processing. They are named after the English mathematician William Kingdon Clifford (1845–1879).
In mathematics, hypercomplex number is a traditional term for an element of a finite-dimensional unital algebra over the field of real numbers. The study of hypercomplex numbers in the late 19th century forms the basis of modern group representation theory.
In mathematics, the quaternion number system extends the complex numbers. Quaternions were first described by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. Hamilton defined a quaternion as the quotient of two directed lines in a three-dimensional space, or, equivalently, as the quotient of two vectors. Multiplication of quaternions is noncommutative.
In mathematics, the cross product or vector product is a binary operation on two vectors in a three-dimensional oriented Euclidean vector space, and is denoted by the symbol . Given two linearly independent vectors a and b, the cross product, a × b, is a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b, and thus normal to the plane containing them. The units of the cross-product are the product of the units of each vector. It has many applications in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer programming. It should not be confused with the dot product.
In mathematics, the tensor algebra of a vector space V, denoted T(V) or T•(V), is the algebra of tensors on V (of any rank) with multiplication being the tensor product. It is the free algebra on V, in the sense of being left adjoint to the forgetful functor from algebras to vector spaces: it is the "most general" algebra containing V, in the sense of the corresponding universal property (see below).
In mathematics the spin group Spin(n) is a Lie group whose underlying manifold is the double cover of the special orthogonal group SO(n) = SO(n, R), such that there exists a short exact sequence of Lie groups (when n ≠ 2)
In abstract algebra, the Weyl algebra is the ring of differential operators with polynomial coefficients, namely expressions of the form
In mathematics, the complexification of a vector space V over the field of real numbers yields a vector space VC over the complex number field, obtained by formally extending the scaling of vectors by real numbers to include their scaling ("multiplication") by complex numbers. Any basis for V may also serve as a basis for VC over the complex numbers.
In mathematics, the Bott periodicity theorem describes a periodicity in the homotopy groups of classical groups, discovered by Raoul Bott, which proved to be of foundational significance for much further research, in particular in K-theory of stable complex vector bundles, as well as the stable homotopy groups of spheres. Bott periodicity can be formulated in numerous ways, with the periodicity in question always appearing as a period-2 phenomenon, with respect to dimension, for the theory associated to the unitary group. See for example topological K-theory.
In abstract algebra, in particular in the theory of nondegenerate quadratic forms on vector spaces, the structures of finite-dimensional real and complex Clifford algebras for a nondegenerate quadratic form have been completely classified. In each case, the Clifford algebra is algebra isomorphic to a full matrix ring over R, C, or H, or to a direct sum of two copies of such an algebra, though not in a canonical way. Below it is shown that distinct Clifford algebras may be algebra-isomorphic, as is the case of Cl1,1(R) and Cl2,0(R), which are both isomorphic as rings to the ring of two-by-two matrices over the real numbers.
In abstract algebra, the biquaternions are the numbers w + xi + yj + zk, where w, x, y, and z are complex numbers, or variants thereof, and the elements of {1, i, j, k} multiply as in the quaternion group and commute with their coefficients. There are three types of biquaternions corresponding to complex numbers and the variations thereof:
In abstract algebra, the split-quaternions or coquaternions form an algebraic structure introduced by James Cockle in 1849 under the latter name. They form an associative algebra of dimension four over the real numbers.
In mathematics, a complex structure on a real vector space V is an automorphism of V that squares to the minus identity, −I. Such a structure on V allows one to define multiplication by complex scalars in a canonical fashion so as to regard V as a complex vector space.
In mathematics, a super vector space is a -graded vector space, that is, a vector space over a field with a given decomposition of subspaces of grade and grade . The study of super vector spaces and their generalizations is sometimes called super linear algebra. These objects find their principal application in theoretical physics where they are used to describe the various algebraic aspects of supersymmetry.
In mathematics—more specifically, in differential geometry—the musical isomorphism is an isomorphism between the tangent bundle and the cotangent bundle of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold induced by its metric tensor. There are similar isomorphisms on symplectic manifolds. The term musical refers to the use of the symbols (flat) and (sharp).
In mathematics, the dual quaternions are an 8-dimensional real algebra isomorphic to the tensor product of the quaternions and the dual numbers. Thus, they may be constructed in the same way as the quaternions, except using dual numbers instead of real numbers as coefficients. A dual quaternion can be represented in the form A + εB, where A and B are ordinary quaternions and ε is the dual unit, which satisfies ε2 = 0 and commutes with every element of the algebra. Unlike quaternions, the dual quaternions do not form a division algebra.
A gyrovector space is a mathematical concept proposed by Abraham A. Ungar for studying hyperbolic geometry in analogy to the way vector spaces are used in Euclidean geometry. Ungar introduced the concept of gyrovectors that have addition based on gyrogroups instead of vectors which have addition based on groups. Ungar developed his concept as a tool for the formulation of special relativity as an alternative to the use of Lorentz transformations to represent compositions of velocities. This is achieved by introducing "gyro operators"; two 3d velocity vectors are used to construct an operator, which acts on another 3d velocity.
In mathematics, a bivector is the vector part of a biquaternion. For biquaternion q = w + xi + yj + zk, w is called the biscalar and xi + yj + zk is its bivector part. The coordinates w, x, y, z are complex numbers with imaginary unit h: