Glutamate rich 5

Last updated
Aliases ERICH5 , C8orf47, glutamate rich 5
External IDs MGI: 2447772; HomoloGene: 52129; GeneCards: ERICH5; OMA:ERICH5 - orthologs
RefSeq (mRNA)



RefSeq (protein)



Location (UCSC) Chr 8: 98.06 – 98.09 Mb Chr 15: 34.45 – 34.47 Mb
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Glutamate rich protein 5 is a protein in humans encoded by the ERICH5 gene, also known as chromosome 8 open reading frame 47 (C8orf47).



The ERICH5 gene is located on human chromosome 8 at 8q22.2 and spans 29 kb on the plus strand of the DNA. [5] ERICH5 contains three exons and two introns. [6] ERICH5 is also known as C8orf47 and glutamate rich 5. [5]



The ERICH5 protein has two isofroms. The longest isofrom, isofrom 1, spans 1,550 base pairs and is composed of 374 amino acids. The second isoform lacks the third and final exon and is 596 base pairs long. [6]

Domains and motifs

ERICH5 contains one conserved domain, a domain of unknown function called DUF4573. [7] ERICH5 is predicted to contain two highly conserved motifs, an APC/C binding motif and the LIG_FHA_2 motif. [8] The APC/C motif spans amino acid 222-226 and serves as a binding site for the anaphase-promoting complex. [9] The LIG_FHA_2 motif is involved in the cell checkpoint pathway and is found in many proteins localized in the nucleus that regulate cell cycle. [10]

Post-translational modifications

ERICH5 is predicted to undergo several post-translational modifications including phosphorylation, O-glycosylation, and sumoylation. [11] [12] [13] Many of the phosphorylation sites and O-glycosylation sites were predicted at the same amino acid. The post translational modifications shown are those conserved among ERICH5 orthologs. Several kinases were predicted to phosphorylate ERICH5 including PKC, cdc2, CKI, PKA, DNAPK, ATM, EGFR, and CKII. [11]

Post-translational modificationAmino acid location
PhosphorylationS4, S5, S27, S32, S49, T50, S58, S100, T101, T104, T138, S169, S227, S234, T239,T248, S274, T289, S307,Y320, T340, T346
O-GlycosylationS5,S27, S32, S49, T50, S58, S100, T101, T104, T138, S169, S227, S234, T239, T248, S274, T289,S307
SumoylationK121, K131, K211, K251, ,K343, K360

Secondary structure

ERICH5 was predicted to contain three alpha helices and two beta sheets as well as regions of random coils. [14]

ERICH5 secondary structure. ERICH5 secondary structure.png
ERICH5 secondary structure.
ERICH5 protein interactions. ERICH5 Protein Interactions.png
ERICH5 protein interactions.

Sub-cellular localization

ERICH5 was predicted to be localized in the nucleus. [16]

Protein interactions

ERICH5 was predicted to interact with several proteins through yeast two-hybrid screening and affinity chromatography. [15] Several of the proteins ERICH5 was predicted to interact with were also localized in the nucleus. [15]


Normal expression of ERICH5 in various tissues. Normal Expression of ERICH5.png
Normal expression of ERICH5 in various tissues.

Normal expression

ERICH5 shows elevated levels of expression in the fetal liver, liver, pancreas, and retina compared to other tissues.

Expression in disease

Expression of ERICH5 in alcoholic hepatitis. Expression of ERICH5 in Alcoholic Hepatitis.png
Expression of ERICH5 in alcoholic hepatitis.

ERICH5 shows increased expression in Alcoholic Hepatitis.



There are no known paralogs of ERICH5. [19]


True orthologs of ERICH5 have only been identified among mammalian species. The most distantly related mammalian ortholog is in Monodelphis domestica, or the gray short-tailed opossum. [20]

Species nameCommon namesMYA% similarity% identityAccession #Protein length
Acinonyx jubatusCheetah9671%65%XP_014937513.1358
CerathotheriumWhite rhino9671%66%XP_004431343.2358
Trichechus manatus latirostrisManatee10568%59%XP_004370879.3342
MonodelphisGray short-tailed opossum15940%28%XP_007488209.1478

Distant orthologs

ERICH5 has distant orthologs among birds and reptiles. These distant orthologs contain only the third exon of ERICH5. [20]

Species nameCommon nameMYA% similarity% identityAccession #Protein length
Gallus gallusChicken31280%64%XP_004940017.1207
Chysemys picta belliPainted turtle31274%59%XP_008166572.1442

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