Golden Globes (Portugal)

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Golden Globes (Portugal)
Current: 2023 Golden Globes (Portugal)
Awarded forExcellence in different areas
Location Coliseu dos Recreios, Lisbon
First award8 April 1996;28 years ago (1996-04-08)
Most awards Cristiano Ronaldo (11)
Television/radio coverage
Network SIC, SIC Caras
Produced by SIC, Caras
  2022  [ pt ] · 2023  [ pt ]·  2024  

The Golden Globes (Portuguese : Globos de Ouro) are awards given each year in Portugal since 1996 by the Golden Globes Academy, made up by professionals of SIC TV and Caras magazine, which award several areas of art and entertainment in the country, with theatre, sports, cinema, fashion and music.



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I 8 April 1996 Coliseu dos Recreios Catarina Furtado
II 7 April 1997
III 5 April 1998
IV 11 April 1999
V 2 April 2000
VI 8 April 2001
VII 5 May 2002Catarina Furtado and Herman José
VIII 30 May 2003Catarina Furtado, Herman José and Fátima Lopes  [ pt ]
IX 24 May 2004Herman José, Sílvia Alberto and Fátima Lopes
X 17 April 2005
XI 21 May 2006 Praça de Touros do Campo Pequeno Bárbara Guimarães
XII 1 April 2007
XIII 11 May 2008Coliseu dos Recreios
XIV  [ pt ]17 May 2009
XV  [ pt ]23 May 2010
XVI  [ pt ]29 May 2011
XVII 20 May 2012
XVIII  [ pt ]19 May 2013
XIX  [ pt ]18 May 2014
XX  [ pt ]24 May 2015
XXI  [ pt ]15 May 2016
XXII 21 May 2017 João Manzarra
XXIII 20 May 2018 César Mourão  [ pt ]
XXIV  [ pt ]29 September 2019 Cristina Ferreira
XXV  [ pt ]3 October 2021 Clara de Sousa  [ pt ]
XXVI  [ pt ]2 October 2022
XXVII  [ pt ]1 October 2023




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Year Best Film Best DirectorBest ActressBest Actor
1996 Adam and Eve Joaquim Leitão Joaquim Leitão Adam and Eve Maria de Medeiros Adam and Eve Joaquim de Almeida Adam and Eve
1997 Five Days, Five Nights José Fonseca e Costa Manoel de Oliveira Party Inês de Medeiros Pandora Diogo Infante Dying to Go Home
1998 Temptation Joaquim Leitão Joaquim Leitão Temptation Ana ZanattiPorto Santo Joaquim de Almeida Temptation
1999 J Zone Leonel Vieira Manoel de Oliveira Ana Bustorff Black Shoes and Zona J Diogo Infante Sweet Nightmare
2000 Jaime António Pedro Vasconcelos António Pedro Vasconcelos Ana Bustorff Vitor Norte
2001 April Captains Maria de Medeiros Manoel de Oliveira Maria de Medeiros April Captains Vítor Norte Too Late
2002 I'm Going Home Manoel de Oliveira Rita Blanco Get a Life Joaquim de Almeida A Samba for Sherlock
2003 The Forest Leonel Vieira Alexandra Lencastre The Dauphin Vítor Norte Light Drops
2004Quaresma José Álvaro Morais Beatriz Batarda Quaresma Nicolau Breyner The Immortals
2005 In the Darkness of the Night João Canijo Beatriz Batarda The Murmuring Coast Nicolau Breyner Kiss Me
2006 Alice Marco Martins Ana Moreira Adriana Nuno Lopes Alice
2007 Blood Curse Tiago Guedes e Frederico Serra Isabel Ruth VanitasJosé Afonso Pimentel Blood Curse
2008 Call Girl António Pedro Vasconcelos Soraia Chaves Call Girl Ivo Canelas Call Girl and The Mystery of Sintra Road
2009 Our Beloved Month of August Miguel Gomes Sandra Barata Belo Amália Nuno Lopes Goodnight Irene 
2010 Doomed Love Mário Barroso Catarina Wallenstein Eccentricities of a Blonde-Haired Girl , Doomed Love and Salazar: The Private LifeRui MorrisonVacances portugaises
2011 Mysteries of Lisbon Raúl Ruiz Maria João Bastos Mysteries of Lisbon Adriano Luz Mysteries of Lisbon
2012 Blood of My Blood João Canijo Rita Blanco Blood of My Blood Nuno Melo The Baron
2013 Tabu Miguel Gomes Dalila Carmo Florbela   Nuno Lopes Lines of Wellington 
2014It's Love João Canijo Rita Blanco The Glided Cage Pedro HestnesSecond Hand
2015The Maias João Botelho Maria do Céu Guerra Cats Don't Have Vertigo Filipe Duarte The Invisible Life
2016 Arabian Nights Miguel Gomes Victoria GuerraImpossible LoveJosé MataImpossible Love
2017 Letters from War Ivo Ferreira Ana Padrão Game of Checkers Nuno Lopes An Outpost of Progress
2018 Saint George Marco Martins Rita Blanco Fatima Nuno Lopes Saint George
2019RageSérgio Tréfaut Isabel Ruth Rage Carloto Cotta Diamantino
2021 The Domain Tiago Guedes Lúcia Moniz Listen Albano Jerónimo The Domain


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YearBest ProjectBest ActressBest Actor
2021EsperançaPedro Varela Maria João Abreu Golpe de Sorte Ricardo Pereira Amor Amor


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YearBest Individual SingerBest GroupBest Song
1996 Dulce Pontes Delfins Sou como um Rio Delfins
1997Luís Represas Delfins Se eu fosse um dia o teu olhar Pedro Abrunhosa
1998 Paulo Gonzo Madredeus Jardins Proibidos Paulo Gonzo
1999 Rui Veloso Silence 4 Todo o tempo do mundo Rui Veloso
2000 Sara Tavares Ala dos Namorados Solta-se o Beijo Ala dos Namorados
2001 Camané Silence 4 Sopro do Coração Clã
2002 João Pedro Pais Santamaria Não Há João Pedro Pais
2003 Carlos do Carmo Nove Fados e uma Canção de Amor Madredeus Euforia and Electrónico Momento – Uma espécie de Céu Pedro Abrunhosa
2004 Rui Veloso Mesa Carta Toranja
2005 Rodrigo Leão Da Weasel Re-Tratamento Da Weasel
2006 Mariza Transparente Blasted Mechanism AvataraPrincesa Boss AC
In 2007, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
AnoBest Individual SingerBest GroupPersonality of the Year
2007 Sérgio Godinho The Gift Mickael Carreira
In 2008, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
AnoBest Individual SingerBest GroupBest Newcomer
2008 Jorge Palma Voo Nocturno Da Weasel Amor, Escárnio e Maldizer Mundo CãoMundo Cão
2009 Mariza Terra   Buraka Som Sistema Black Diamond   Deolinda Canção ao Lado
In 2010, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
YearBest PerformerBest GroupBest Song
2010 Ana Moura Leva-me aos Fados   Xutos & Pontapés 30 Anos à Nossa Maneira GaivotaHoje
2011 Aurea Aurea  Deolinda Dois Selos e Um Carimbo O Amor É Mágico Expensive Soul
2012 Jorge Palma Com Todo o Respeito  Amor Electro Cai o Carmo e a Trindade A Máquina Amor Electro
2013 Carminho Alma   Expensive Soul Syphonic Experience Desfado Ana Moura
2014 Gisela João Gisela João Deolinda Mundo PequeninoPara os Braços da Minha Mãe Pedro Abrunhosa with Camané
2015 António Zambujo Rua da Emenda Dead Combo A Bunch of MeninosPica do 7 António Zambujo
2016 Agir Leva-me a Sério D.A.M.A Dá-me um SegundoDia de Folga Ana Moura
2017 Carminho Carminho Canta Tom Jobim Capitão Fausto Capitão Fausto Têm os Dias ContadosO Amor é AssimHMB with Carminho
2018 Raquel Tavares Roberto Carlos por Raquel TavaresHMBMais Amar pelos dois Salvador Sobral
From 2019, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
YearBest PerformerBest Live ActBest Song
2019 Capitão Fausto Mariza A vida toda Carolina Deslandes
2021 Bárbara Tinoco Carlos do Carmo in Coliseu dos Recreios (November 2019)Por um triz Carolina Deslandes
2022 Dino D'Santiago Carolina Deslandes in Coliseu dos Recreios (January 2022)Andorinhas Ana Moura


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YearPersonality of the Year
1996Nuno Gama
1997José Carlos
1998José António Tenente e Maria Gambina
1999Manuel Alves e José Manuel Gonçalves
2000Ana Isabel
2001 Portugal Fashion
In 2006, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
YearBest Female ModelBest Male ModelBest Designer
2006FlorNuno Lopes Felipe Oliveira Baptista
YearBest Female ModelBest Male ModelBest StylistPersonality of the Year
2007ElsaNuno Lopes Miguel Vieira Filipe Carrilho
YearBest Female ModelBest Male ModelBest Designer
2008AliceCentral ModelsIsaac AlfaiateFilipe Faísca
2009Erika OliveiraLoft ModelsJonathan and Kevin SampaioCentral ModelsJosé António Tenente
2010Jani GabrielCentral ModelsBruno RosendoL’AgenceAna Salazar
2011 Sara Sampaio Central ModelsLuís BorgesCentral Models Luís Buchinho
2012 Sara Sampaio Central Models Gonçalo Teixeira Central Models Miguel Vieira
2013 Sharam Diniz L’Agence Gonçalo Teixeira Central ModelsNuno Baltazar
2014 Sara Sampaio Central ModelsFernando CabralKaracterLuís Onofre
2015 Sara Sampaio Central ModelsRuben RuaEliteFilipe Faísca
2016 Sara Sampaio Central Models Gonçalo Teixeira Central Models Luís Buchinho
2017Maria ClaraL'AgenceFrancisco HenriquesCentral ModelsLuís Carvalho
2018Maria MiguelL'AgenceFernando CabralKaracterAlexandra Moura
From 2019, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
YearPersonality of the Year
2019 Sara Sampaio
2021Luís Carvalho


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YearPersonality of the Year
1996 Eunice Muñoz
1997 Paulo Pires
1998 João Mota
1999 Ruy de Carvalho
2000 Luís Miguel Cintra
2001 Filipe La Féria
In 2002, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
YearBest ActressBest ActorBest Play
ActressPlay or showActorPlay or showPlayDirector
2002 Irene Cruz João Perry Amadeus Carlos Avilez
2003 Eunice Muñoz On Golden Pond Virgílio Castelo My Fair Lady Filipe La Féria
2004 Carmen Dolores Luís Alberto Copenhagen João Lourenço
2005Cucha CarvalheiroA Cabra, ou Quem é SílviaMiguel SeabraEndgameEndgameBruno Bravo
2006 Luísa Cruz A Cadeira, Orgia e Sangue no Pescoço da GataJoão GrossoOrgiaA Mais Velha ProfissãoFernando Lapa
2007 Maria do Céu Guerra Todos os que CaemJoão LagartoComeçar a AcabarMúsica no Coração Filipe La Féria
2008 Beatriz Batarda The Master Builder Diogo Infante Hamlet   The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Luís Miguel Cintra
2009 Maria José Pascoal Vieira da Silva par elle même José Raposo Fiddler on the Roof West Side Story Filipe La Féria
2010 Manuela Maria On Golden Pond Virgílio Castelo The Dresser The Dresser João Mota
2011 Luísa Cruz A Cidade Miguel Guilherme Mr Puntila and his Man Matti Mr Puntila and his Man Matti João Lourenço
2012Sandra Faleiro Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? António Fonseca The Balcony The Balcony Luís Miguel Cintra
2013 Maria Rueff Lar, Doce Lar Henrique Feist Broadway Baby Três Dedos Abaixo do Joelho Tiago Rodrigues
2014 Maria José Pascoal Palace of the End João Perry The Price The Public António Pires
2015Sara CarinhasA Farsa Diogo Infante Ode MarítimaTropa FandangaPedro Zegre Penim e José Maria Vieira Mendes
2016 Maria Rueff António e Maria Marco d'Almeida Macbeth Richard III Tónan Quito
2017 Isabel Abreu Um Diário de Preces João Perry The Father Música Luís Miguel Cintra
2018Rita CabaçoA EstupidezMiguel LoureiroEsquecerSopro Tiago Rodrigues
2019 Luísa Cruz The Maid ZerlinaPaulo Pinto Uncle Vanya Uncle Vanya Bruno Bravo
2021 Bárbara Branco Suddenly Last Summer Cláudio da Silva If This Is a Man Life Will Swallow You UpTónan Quito


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YearPersonality of the Year
2019 Ricardo Araújo Pereira
2021 Ricardo Araújo Pereira


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YearPersonality of the Year
2019 Cristina Ferreira
2021 João Baião


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YearPersonality of the Year
2019Mariana Cabral (Bumba na Fofinha)
2021 Bruno Nogueira


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YearPersonality of the YearChannel
2019Conceição Lino SIC

Best Newcomer

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20102011 2012 2013201420152016
Daniela Ruah André Villas-Boas Nélson Oliveira Victoria GuerraSara MatosTiago Teotónio PereiraMariana Pacheco
Acting Sports Sports Acting Acting Acting Acting
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2017 2018 20192020202120222023
Beatriz Frazão Bárbara Bandeira João Félix Carolina Carvalho
Acting Music Sports Acting

Award for Merit and Excellence

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Agustina Bessa Luís José Hermano Saraiva Eusébio Raúl Solnado Herman José Eunice Muñoz
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200920102011 2012 201320142015
Manoel de Oliveira Artur Agostinho Simone de Oliveira Francisco Pinto Balsemão Mário Moniz Pereira Xutos & Pontapés Rede Globo
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2016 2017 2018 2019202020212022
Marco Paulo Fernando Santos José Cid Maria do Céu Guerra Vice-Admiral Gouveia e Melo Manuel Rui Azinhais Nabeiro

25 Years Special Award

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Cinema Teresa Villaverde
EntertainmentFernando Mendes
FashionEduarda Abbondanza
FictionMaria João Luís
HumorCésar Mourão
Music GNR
Revelation Filomena Cautela
TheatreRui Mendes



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YearPersonality of the Year
1996 Fernanda Ribeiro
1997 Fernanda Ribeiro
1998 Carla Sacramento
1999 Luís Figo
2000 Luís Figo
2001 Luís Figo
2019 Cristiano Ronaldo
YearBest NewcomerAward for Merit and Excellence
2005 Emanuel Silva José Mourinho
In 2006, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
YearBest FootballerBest Football CoachBest Sportsperson
2006 Deco José Mourinho Ticha Penicheiro Basketball
2007 Cristiano Ronaldo José Mourinho Vanessa Fernandes Athletics
2008 Cristiano Ronaldo Jesualdo Ferreira Vanessa Fernandes Athletics
2009 Cristiano Ronaldo Manuel José de Jesus Nelson Évora   Athletics
In 2010, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
Year Best Sportswoman Best Sportsman Best Coach
2010 Telma Monteiro Judo Nelson Évora Athletics José Mourinho Football
2011 Naide Gomes Athletics Cristiano Ronaldo Football José Mourinho Football
2012 Telma Monteiro Judo Cristiano Ronaldo Football André Villas-Boas Football
2013 Ana Dulce Félix Athletics Emanuel Silva and Fernando Pimenta Canoeing José Mourinho Football
2014 Sara Moreira Athletics Cristiano Ronaldo Football Paulo Bento Football
2015 Telma Monteiro Judo Cristiano Ronaldo Football Jorge Jesus Football
2016 Telma Monteiro Judo Cristiano Ronaldo Football Jorge Jesus Football
2017 Telma Monteiro Judo Cristiano Ronaldo Football Fernando Santos Football
2018 Inês Henriques Athletics Cristiano Ronaldo Football Leonardo Jardim Football
From 2019, a change has occurred in the subcategories.
YearPersonality of the Year
2019 Cristiano Ronaldo







Career Award
