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Temporal range: Late Eocene
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Mesonychia
Family: Mesonychidae
Genus: Guilestes
Zheng & Chi, 1978
G. acares
Binomial name
Guilestes acares
Zheng & Chi, 1978

Guilestes acares is a mesonychid mesonychian mammal that lived during the late Eocene in southern China. Fossils, primarily jaw fragments and teeth, are found in latest Eocene-aged strata from the Nado Formation, of Guansi. It is similar in size to Dissacus and some of the smaller species of Yantanglestes (née "Lestes"), and differs from either by having no metaconids whatsoever on the trigonids of the lower molars, and a loss of M2. [1]

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  1. 广西始新世几种新的踝节类化石 ("Some of the Latest Eocene Condylarthra Mammals From Guansi, South China")