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Temporal range: Early Paleocene
Eoconodon coryphaeus skull.jpg
Eoconodon coryphaeus skull, Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Eoconodon coryphaeusDB224.jpg
Life reconstruction of Eoconodon coryphaeus
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Mesonychia
Family: Triisodontidae
Genus: Eoconodon
Matthew & Granger, 1921
Type species
Eoconodon coryphaeus
(Cope, 1885)

See text

Eoconodon is an extinct genus of triisodontid mesonychian that existed during the early Paleocene of North America. [1] Characteristics of the genus include massive jaws, blunt builds, and strong canine teeth. [2]

E. coryphaeus jaw Eoconodon coryphaeus jaw.jpg
E. coryphaeus jaw

Eoconodon is considered to be a giant for mammals during the Early Paleocene, with E. coryphaeus weighing up to 47 kilograms (104 lb). [3]


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  1. Clemens, William A. (2011). "Eoconodon ("Triisodontidae," Mammalia) from the Early Paleocene (Puercan) of northeastern Montana, USA" (PDF). Palaeontologia Electronica. 14.
  2. Clemens, William A.; Williamson, Thomas E. (2005). "A new species of Eoconodon (Triisodontidae, Mammalia) from the San Juan Basin, New Mexico". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25 (1): 208–213. doi:10.1671/0272-4634(2005)025[0208:ANSOET]2.0.CO;2. S2CID   86047162.
  3. T. R. Lyson; I. M. Miller; A. D. Bercovici; K. Weissenburger; A. J. Fuentes; W. C. Clyde; J. W. Hagadorn; M. J. Butrim; K. R. Johnson; R. F. Fleming; R. S. Barclay; S. A. Maccracken; B. Lloyd; G. P. Wilson; D. W. Krause; S. G. B. Chester (October 2019). "Exceptional continental record of biotic recovery after the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction". Science. 366 (6468): 977–983. doi: 10.1126/science.aay2268 . PMID   31649141. S2CID   204883579.