\nWenn der Wind die Stämme rüttelt
\nUnd mit Rasseln bunt und bunter
\nBlatt auf Blatt herunterschüttelt.
\nDenn es träumt bei solchem Klange
\nSich gar schön vom Frühlingshauche,
\nVon der Nachtigall Gesange
\nUnd vom jungen Grün am Strauche.
\nLustig schreit’ ich durchs Gefilde,
\nWo verdorrte Disteln nicken,
\nDenk’ an Maienröslein milde
\nMit den morgenfrischen Blicken.
\nNach dem Himmel schau’ ich gerne,
\nWenn ihn Wolken schwarz bedecken,
\nDenk’ an tausend liebe Sterne,
\nDie dahinter sich verstecken."}},"i":0}}]}" id="mwOQ">Durch die Wälder streif’ ich munter,
Wenn der Wind die Stämme rüttelt
Und mit Rasseln bunt und bunter
Blatt auf Blatt herunterschüttelt.
Denn es träumt bei solchem Klange
Sich gar schön vom Frühlingshauche,
Von der Nachtigall Gesange
Und vom jungen Grün am Strauche.
Lustig schreit’ ich durchs Gefilde,
Wo verdorrte Disteln nicken,
Denk’ an Maienröslein milde
Mit den morgenfrischen Blicken.
Nach dem Himmel schau’ ich gerne,
Wenn ihn Wolken schwarz bedecken,
Denk’ an tausend liebe Sterne,
Die dahinter sich verstecken.
I walk cheerfully through the forests,
When the wind shakes the trunks,
And rattling shakes down
More colourful leaves.
Because in such sound one dreams
Pleasantly of a hint of spring,
Of the song of nightingale
and of young green on the bush.
I walk cheerfully through the fields,
Where withered thistles nod,
And think of the gentle may rose
With morning's fresh eyes.
I like to look to the sky
When black clouds cover it,
Think of thousand lovely stars,
Which are hidden behind.
The 69-bar long work in F-sharp minor is scored for TTBB choir, two soprano soloists and piano. [2] Strophe 1 is sung by the men's choir. Strophe 2 (from bar 17) is sung by the two soprano soloists, who are figuring the song of the nightingales, [1] with accompaniment of the men's choir. Strophe 3 is sung again by the men's choir. Strophe 4, which is sung again by the two soprano soloists with accompaniment of the men's choir, is ending pianissimo.
In the Göllerich/Auer biography, the song is described as ein treffliches Stimmungsbild herbstlicher Naturromantik (a felicitous evocation of autumnal nature-romanticism). [1]
The first recording of Herbstlied was by Theodor Rehmann with the Aachener Domchor in 1938 – 78 rpm: Electrola EG 6530 (transcription for choir)
There are two other recordings:
Inveni David, WAB 19, is a sacred motet composed by Anton Bruckner in 1868.
Am Grabe, WAB 2, is an elegy composed by Anton Bruckner in 1861, for men's voices a capella.
Trauungschor, WAB 49, is a wedding song composed by Anton Bruckner on 8 January 1865.
Laßt Jubeltöne laut erklingen, WAB 76, is a festive song composed by Anton Bruckner in 1854.
The Volkslied, WAB 94, is a patriotic song composed by Anton Bruckner in 1882 for a competition for a Hymne für das Deutsche Volk in Österreich.
Um Mitternacht, WAB 89, is a song composed by Anton Bruckner in 1864.
Um Mitternacht, WAB 90, is a song composed by Anton Bruckner in 1886 on a text of Robert Prutz. About twenty years earlier Bruckner had already composed a song on the same text.
Mitternacht (Midnight), WAB 80, is a song composed by Anton Bruckner in 1869.
"Ständchen" ("Serenade"), WAB 84.2, is a Lied composed by Anton Bruckner in c. 1846.
Der Abendhimmel, WAB 55, is a song composed by Anton Bruckner in 1862.
Sternschnuppen, WAB 73, is a song, which Anton Bruckner composed for his own men's voice quartet in c. 1848 during his stay in the Sankt Florian.
Sängerbund, WAB 82, is a patriotic song, which Anton Bruckner composed in 1882.
Du bist wie eine Blume, WAB 64, is a song, which Anton Bruckner composed in 1861.
"An dem Feste", WAB 59a, is a song composed by the 19-year-old Anton Bruckner in 1843 during his stay as schoolteacher's assistant in Kronstorf. In 1893, near the end of his life, Bruckner modified slightly its music score and let Karl Ptak put another text on the song, with as title "Tafellied", WAB 59c.
Das Lied vom deutschen Vaterland, WAB 78, is a patriotic song composed by Anton Bruckner in c. 1845 during his stay in St. Florian.
Der Lehrerstand, WAB 77, is a song composed by Anton Bruckner in c. 1847 during his stay in Sankt Florian.
Das edle Herz, WAB 66, is a song composed by Anton Bruckner in December 1857 during his stay in Linz. During his stay in St. Florian, Bruckner had already composed a first setting of the song for men's choir, WAB 65.
Vaterlandslied, WAB 92, is a patriotic song composed by Anton Bruckner during his stay in Linz.
Vaterländisch Weinlied, WAB 91, is a song composed by Anton Bruckner in 1866 during his stay in Linz.