John McLeod (card game researcher)

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John McLeod (born 1949) is a British mathematician, author, historian and card game researcher who is particularly well known for his work on tarot games as well as his reference website which contains the rules for over 500 card games worldwide. He is described as a "prominent member" of the International Playing Card Society [1] and is Secretary of the British Skat Association.



John McLeod was born in 1949. He studied mathematics at Cambridge University before entering industry. During his time at Cambridge, he came across a pack of tarot cards and "as I opened the box, I was immediately fascinated by the cards. They looked totally different from anything I had seen before". He was then a research student in the mathematics department of the university and spent many evenings playing the Austrian tarock game of Königrufen with his students. [2]

Later McLeod toured Europe to study the individual variants of tarock games and captured his findings in the monumental 2-volume work A History of Games Played with the Tarot Pack which he co-authored with Professor Sir Michael Dummett, the "leading authority on the history of the Tarot". [3] According to McLeod, Tarock belongs to one of the largest and perhaps most interesting families of card games in the world. [4]

In 2005/06 McLeod and fellow researcher, Sally Prime, travelled to Vienna to participate in the international Tarock Cup where McLeod came 35th out of 100 participants. [4]

McLeod created the website in 1995. [5] It has been described by card game historian, David Parlett as the "most important" card game website, its "intrinsic authority [being] constantly enhanced by the contributions of interested and knowledgeable players from all over the world". [1] The website describes the rules of over 500 contemporary card games world wide. It also categorises games by mechanism, objective and equipment used. The website is in English and German. [6]



McLeod's magnum opus is the two-volume set on the history of tarot card games which he co-authored with Michael Dummett. Volume One deals with games in which the Fool is used to excuse the player from following suit or playing a trump to a trick; Volume Two deals with games played in Central Europe from the late 18th century onward, in which the Fool is used as the highest trump. [7]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Trick-taking game</span> Type of card game

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tarot</span> Cards used for games or divination

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Königrufen</span> Card game

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tarot card games</span> Card games played with tarot decks

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<i>Industrie und Glück</i> Pattern of French suited Tarot playing cards

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tapp Tarock</span>

Tapp Tarock, also called Viennese Tappen, Tappen or Tapper, is a three-player tarot card game which traditionally uses the 54-card Industrie und Glück deck. Before the Anschluss (1938), it was the preferred card game of Viennese coffee houses, for example, the Literatencafés and Café Central. Even today Tapp Tarock is played sporadically. The exact date when it appeared is not possible to identify; some sources suggest it may have been developed in Austria in the early 19th century, but its mention in caricature operas in 1806 suggest it was well known even by then and must have arisen in the late 18th century. The oldest description of the actual rules is dated to 1821. Tapp Tarock is considered a good entry level game before players attempt more complex Tarock forms like Cego, Illustrated Tarock or Königrufen.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bauerntarock</span> Card game

Bauerntarock also called Brixentaler Bauerntarock or Brixental Tarock, is a point-trick card game played in the Brixental, Austria. It may have originated in the 19th century either as an adaptation of 54-card Tapp Tarock onto the cheaper and smaller 36-card German pack. Another possibility is that it was adapted from the 78-card Grosstarock or Taroc l'Hombre game as the ratio of trumps to non-trumps is almost the same. It uses the Skat Schedule found in popular regional games such as Jass and Schafkopf. It is closely related to Bavarian Tarock, German Tarok, Württemberg Tarock and especially Dobbm. Like Bavarian Tarock and Tapp, Brixental Bauerntarock and Dobbm do not belong to the true tarot games, but have adopted rules from Tapp Tarock. The most fundamental difference between these games and true tarot games is in the use of German or French decks instead of true Tarot playing cards.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Talon (cards)</span> Stack of undealt cards

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dobbm</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Neunzehnerrufen</span>

Neunzehnerrufen is an Austrian card game of the Tarock (tarot) family for four players. Under the name Taroky or Czech Taroky it is the national Tarock variant of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but - with certain variations – is also played in parts of the Austrian states of Upper Austria, Lower Austria and the Styria as well as in Poland south of the River Vistula.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Point Tarock</span> Three-player tarot card game

Point Tarock was a three-player tarot card game, played mainly in Austria, which used the 54-card Industrie und Glück deck. It is probably extinct. Furr describes it as being "identical to Tapp but for the addition of a special announcement, allowing a Declarer to capitalize on a very good hand... spicing up the game considerably." Point Tarock is sometimes confused with its close cousin, Illustrated Tarock.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Droggn</span> Tarock card game for three players

Droggn, sometimes called French Tarock is an extinct card game of the Tarock family for three players that was played in the Stubai valley in Tyrol, Austria until the 1980s. Droggn is originally local dialect for "to play Tarock", but it has become the proper name of this specific Tarock variant. An unusual feature of the game compared with other Tarock games is the use of a 66-card deck and that, until recently, there was no record in the literature of a 66-card game and no current manufacturers of such a deck. The structure of the game strongly indicates that it is descended from the later version of Tarok l'Hombre, a 78-card Tarock game popular in 19th-century Austria and Germany, but with the subsequent addition of two higher bids.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Blank (playing card)</span> Card worth few or no points

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Grosstarock is an old three-handed card game of the Tarock family played with a full 78-card Tarot pack. It was probably introduced into the southern German states around 1720 but spread rapidly into Austria and northwards as far as the Netherlands and Scandinavia. It only survives today in Denmark where it is called Tarok.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ace–ten game</span> Type of card game in which the aces and tens are of particularly high value

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Husarln</span> Card game, an Austrian variant of Hungarian Tarok

Husarln ("Hussar") is a mid-20th century, three-hand card game of the Austrian branch of the Tarot family. It is a 42-card variant of Illustrated Tarock and appears to be a close Austrian relative of the 42-card Hungarian tarock card games. The game is dominated by the distribution of Tarocks, giving it a "brisk and energetic feel" that is reflected in its name. It is also known as Block Tarock, although that name was given to a quite different and older game.

Viennese Grosstarock is a modern, three-player Austrian card game of the Tarock family that emerged in Vienna during the 1950s and 1960s. The game died out in the 1970s, but was revived in 2004 and further developed.


  1. 1 2 Parlett 2008, p. xii.
  2. McLeod 2003, p. 11.
  3. History of Games Played with the Tarot Pack Volume One at Retrieved 3 Jan 2020.
  4. 1 2 Auch Südpolen gehört noch zum Reich Tarockaniens at Retrieved 3 Jan 2020.
  5. Pagat 20th birthday at Retrieved 24 Mar 2020.
  6. Retrieved 21 Apr 2020.
  7. A History of Games Played with the Tarot Pack at Retrieved 3 Jan 2020.
