Joint Defence and Economic Co-operation Treaty

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Joint Defence and Economic Co-operation Treaty
Treaty of Joint Defence and Economic Co-operation of the League of Arab States
Type Collective security
Signed18 June 1950 (1950-06-18)
Location Cairo, Egypt
PartiesFlag of the Arab League.svg  Arab League member-states
Language Arabic

The Treaty of Joint Defence and Economic Co-operation of the League of Arab States (commonly, the Joint Defence and Economic Co-operation Treaty) is a treaty among the member states of the Arab League signed on 18 June 1950 in Cairo, Egypt. [1]


The Treaty created two of the principal institutions of the Arab League:

Both councils report to the Council of the Arab League. [3]

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  1. Osmańczyk 2003: 1294
  2. Ghantus 1982: 59
  3. Osmańczyk 2003: 1290
