Kola Province

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Geological map of the Scandinavian Peninsula and Fennoscandia:
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Archean rocks of the Karelia, Belomorian, and Kola domains
Proterozoic rocks of the Karelia and Kola domains
Svecofennian Domain
Transscandinavian Igneous Belt
Timanide Orogen
Sveconorwegian Domain inc. the Western Gneiss Region
Caledonian nappes Overview Baltic shield.tiff
Geological map of the Scandinavian Peninsula and Fennoscandia:
   Archean rocks of the Karelia, Belomorian, and Kola domains
   Proterozoic rocks of the Karelia and Kola domains

The Kola Province (also known as Kola Block and Kola Domain) is an area of the Fennoscandian Shield spanning an area near the borders of Russia, Finland, and Norway, including the bulk of its namesake Kola Peninsula. The continental crust that makes up the province is a collage of Mesoarchean and Neoarchean age with some lesser amounts being of Paleoproterozoic age. [1]


  1. Hölttä, Pentti; Balagansky, Victor; Garde, Adam A.; Mertanen, Satu; Peltonen, Petri; Slabunov, Alexander; Sorjonen-Ward, Peter; Whitehouse, Martin (2008). "Archean of Greenland and Fennoscandia". Episodes . 31 (1): 13–19.