Lifting property

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In mathematics, in particular in category theory, the lifting property is a property of a pair of morphisms in a category. It is used in homotopy theory within algebraic topology to define properties of morphisms starting from an explicitly given class of morphisms. It appears in a prominent way in the theory of model categories, an axiomatic framework for homotopy theory introduced by Daniel Quillen. It is also used in the definition of a factorization system, and of a weak factorization system, notions related to but less restrictive than the notion of a model category. Several elementary notions may also be expressed using the lifting property starting from a list of (counter)examples.


Formal definition

A morphism in a category has the left lifting property with respect to a morphism , and also has the right lifting property with respect to , sometimes denoted or , iff the following implication holds for each morphism and in the category:

Model category lifting.png

This is sometimes also known as the morphism being orthogonal to the morphism ; however, this can also refer to the stronger property that whenever and are as above, the diagonal morphism exists and is also required to be unique.

For a class of morphisms in a category, its left orthogonal or with respect to the lifting property, respectively its right orthogonal or , is the class of all morphisms which have the left, respectively right, lifting property with respect to each morphism in the class . In notation,

Taking the orthogonal of a class is a simple way to define a class of morphisms excluding non-isomorphisms from , in a way which is useful in a diagram chasing computation.

Thus, in the category Set of sets, the right orthogonal of the simplest non-surjection is the class of surjections. The left and right orthogonals of the simplest non-injection, are both precisely the class of injections,

It is clear that and . The class is always closed under retracts, pullbacks, (small) products (whenever they exist in the category) & composition of morphisms, and contains all isomorphisms (that is, invertible morphisms) of the underlying category. Meanwhile, is closed under retracts, pushouts, (small) coproducts & transfinite composition (filtered colimits) of morphisms (whenever they exist in the category), and also contains all isomorphisms.


A number of notions can be defined by passing to the left or right orthogonal several times starting from a list of explicit examples, i.e. as , where is a class consisting of several explicitly given morphisms. A useful intuition is to think that the property of left-lifting against a class is a kind of negation of the property of being in , and that right-lifting is also a kind of negation. Hence the classes obtained from by taking orthogonals an odd number of times, such as etc., represent various kinds of negation of , so each consists of morphisms which are far from having property .

Examples of lifting properties in algebraic topology

A map has the path lifting property iff where is the inclusion of one end point of the closed interval into the interval .

A map has the homotopy lifting property iff where is the map .

Examples of lifting properties coming from model categories

Fibrations and cofibrations.

and be
Then are the classes of fibrations, acyclic cofibrations, acyclic fibrations, and cofibrations. [3]

Elementary examples in various categories

In Set,

In the category of modules over a commutative ring ,

In the category of groups,

For a finite group ,

In the category of topological spaces, let , resp. denote the discrete, resp. antidiscrete space with two points 0 and 1. Let denote the Sierpinski space of two points where the point 0 is open and the point 1 is closed, and let etc. denote the obvious embeddings.

In the category of metric spaces with uniformly continuous maps.


  1. Hovey, Mark. Model Categories. Def. 2.4.3, Th.2.4.9
  2. Hovey, Mark. Model Categories. Def. 3.2.1, Th.3.6.5
  3. Hovey, Mark. Model Categories. Def. 2.3.3, Th.2.3.11

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