List of A Fazenda contestants

Last updated

This is a list of participants in A Fazenda (English: The Farm), a Brazilian television show in which celebrity contestants compete against each other to be the last farm resident and win the grand prize. The series first aired in May 2009, and 16 seasons have been filmed as of December 2024.


A total of 274 participants have competed, and 11 of them have competed in multiple seasons; actress Franciely Freduzeski (season 1), assistant referee Ana Paula Oliveira (season 2) and TV host Monique Evans (season 3), who were the first celebrities to be evicted in their respectives seasons, returned in Season 4 for another chance to win the grand prize. [1] Style Consultant Fábio Arruda (season 1), dancer Adriana Bombom (season 2), footballer Dinei (season 4), TV Host Nicole Bahls (season 5), singer Rita Cadillac (season 6) and model Ana Paula Minerato (season 8) returned in Season 9 for a new chance, alongside other ten contestants of Brazilian reality shows. Businesswoman Nadja Pessoa (season 10) and entrepreneur Shayan Haghbin (season 14) returned in Season 15 for a new chance.

The youngest contestant was dancer Bia Miranda from season 14, who entered the farm at age 18. The oldest contestant was singer Nahim, from season 9, who entered the farm at age 65.

Some contestants have kinship with other ones: Andressa Oliveira (season 2) is ex-girlfriend of Théo Becker (season 1). Gui Pádua (season 4) is ex-boyfriend of Janaina Jacobina (season 3). From Season 6, Bárbara Evans is daughter of Monique Evans (seasons 3 and 4), Mateus Verdelho is ex-husband of Dani Bolina (season 4) and Márcio Duarte is Vavá's (season 5) twin brother. Mara Maravilha (season 8) is ex-girlfriend of Roy Rosselló (season 7), Aritana Maroni (season 9) is daughter of Oscar Maroni (season 7), Conrado (season 9) is husband of Andréia Sorvetão (season 7), Phellipe Haagensen (season 11) is Jonathan Haagensen's (season 1) younger brother, Mariano (season 12) is ex-boyfriend of Carla Prata (season 8) and Dynho Alves (season 13) is Mirella's (season 12) husband. From season 14, André Marinho is Drika Marinho's (season 11) husband, while Bia Miranda is Gretchen's (season 5) granddaughter. WL Guimarães (season 15) is ex-boyfriend of Ingrid Ohara (season 14), Lucas Souza is ex-husband of Jojo Todynho (season 12) and Jenny Miranda (season 15) is mother of Bia Miranda (season 14).

In sixteen seasons, the state of São Paulo has the largest number of contestants with 89 contestants. Followed by Rio de Janeiro with 78, Minas Gerais with 22, Rio Grande do Sul with eleven, Bahia, Goiás and Paraná with nine, Distrito Federal and Santa Catarina with eight, Pernambuco with seven, Espírito Santo with four, Alagoas with three, Acre, Ceará, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul with two, and Amazonas, Maranhão, Pará, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia and Sergipe with only one. The states of Amapá, Piauí, Roraima and Tocantins never had representatives until the 16th edition. Only four contestants were born outside of Brazil: From season 4, the boxer Duda Yankovich was born in Jagodina, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), the musician and former Menudo Roy Rosselló, from season 7, was born in Río Piedras, in Puerto Rico, while actress Valentina Francavilla from season 13 was born in Rome, Italy and the entrepreneur Shayan Haghbin from seasons 14 & 15 is from Tehran, Iran.

Through telephone, Internet, and SMS text voting, viewers have chosen as winners actor Dado Dolabella, actress Karina Bacchi, model Daniel Bueno, personal trainer Joana Machado, actress Viviane Araújo, model Bárbara Evans, singer DH Silveira, actor Douglas Sampaio, actress Flávia Viana, singer Rafael Ilha, model Lucas Viana, singer Jojo Todynho, digital influencer Rico Melquiades, actress Bárbara Borges, model Jaquelline Grohalski and actor Sacha Bali. [2] [3] [4]


Biographical information according to Record official series site, plus footnoted additions.
(ages stated are at time of contest)

Dado Dolabella, Season 1 Champion Dado Dolabella.jpg
Dado Dolabella, Season 1 Champion
Danielle Souza, Season 1 Danielle Souza01.jpg
Danielle Souza, Season 1
Karina Bacchi, Season 2 Champion Atores do Brasil IMG 1808 (24560604261).jpg
Karina Bacchi, Season 2 Champion
Andre Segatti, Season 2 Andre Segatti.jpg
André Segatti, Season 2
Daniel Bueno, Season 3 Champion Daniel Bueno (modelo brasileiro).jpg
Daniel Bueno, Season 3 Champion
Monique Evans, Seasons 3 and 4 Monique Evans.jpg
Monique Evans, Seasons 3 and 4
Dani Bolina, Season 4 Carnival of Sao Paulo - Dani Bolina (16443894961).jpg
Dani Bolina, Season 4
Viviane Araujo, Season 5 Champion Viviane Araujo.jpg
Viviane Araújo, Season 5 Champion
Nicole Bahls, Seasons 5 and 9 Nicole Bahls.jpg
Nicole Bahls, Seasons 5 and 9
Diego Pombo, Season 5 Diego Pombo.jpg
Diego Pombo, Season 5
Gretchen, Season 5 Gretchen cantora 2.jpg
Gretchen, Season 5
Barbara Evans, Season 6 Champion Barbara Evans.png
Bárbara Evans, Season 6 Champion
Scheila Carvalho, Season 6 Scheila Carvalho.jpg
Scheila Carvalho, Season 6
Debora Lyra, Season 7 Miss Brazil 2010 on Miss Universe 2010.jpg
Débora Lyra, Season 7
Robson Caetano, Season 7 Robson caetano.jpg
Robson Caetano, Season 7
Li Martins, Season 8 Grupo Rouge no Lady Night com Tata Werneck 03.jpg
Li Martins, Season 8
Ana Paula Minerato, Season 8 and 9 Gavioes da Fiel (24289337610).jpg
Ana Paula Minerato, Season 8 and 9
Flavia Viana, Season 9 Champion FlaviaViana.jpg
Flávia Viana, Season 9 Champion
Ana Paula Renault, Season 10 AnaPaulaBBB16.jpg
Ana Paula Renault, Season 10
Felipe Sertanejo, Season 10 Felipe Sertanejo Arantes.jpg
Felipe Sertanejo, Season 10
Evandro Santo, Season 10 Evandro Santos-002 (15514136557).jpg
Evandro Santo, Season 10
Rodrigo Phavanello, Season 11 Rodrigo Phavanello actor.JPG
Rodrigo Phavanello, Season 11
Hariany Almeida, Season 11 HarianyAlmeida.jpg
Hariany Almeida, Season 11
Lucas Viana, Season 11 Champion Lucas viana fotos 2020.jpg
Lucas Viana, Season 11 Champion
Fernandinho Beatbox, Season 12 Fernandinho Beat Box.jpg
Fernandinho Beatbox, Season 12
Carol Narizinho, Season 12 Carol Narizinho selfie.jpg
Carol Narizinho, Season 12
MC Mirella, Season 12 Mc Mirella (51893938577).png
MC Mirella, Season 12
Jakelyne Oliveira, Season 12 Jakelyne Oliveira.jpg
Jakelyne Oliveira, Season 12
Mariano, Season 12 Mariano MeM 2020.jpg
Mariano, Season 12
Mateus Carrieri, Season 12 Mateus Carrieri.jpg
Mateus Carrieri, Season 12
Biel, Season 12 Biel 2015.png
Biel, Season 12
Jojo Todynho, Season 12 Champion Jojo Todynho em 2019.png
Jojo Todynho, Season 12 Champion
Nego do Borel, Season 13 Nego do Borel.jpg
Nego do Borel, Season 13
Mussunzinho, Season 13 Mussunzinho (cropped).jpg
Mussunzinho, Season 13
Tati Quebra Barraco, Season 13 TatiQuebraBarraco2021.jpg
Tati Quebra Barraco, Season 13
MC Gui, Season 13 MC Gui 2016-02-27.jpg
MC Gui, Season 13
Aline Mineiro, Season 13 Aline Mineiro-001 (26938932771).jpg
Aline Mineiro, Season 13
Solange Gomes, Season 13 Carnival of Rio de Janeiro 2011 - Samba Dancers (6776105192) (cropped).jpg
Solange Gomes, Season 13
Bil Araujo, Season 13 Arcrebiano Araujo during A Eliminacao on February 10, 2021 01.jpg
Bil Araújo, Season 13
Rosiane Pinheiro, Season 14 Rosiane Pinheiro 01 cropped.jpg
Rosiane Pinheiro, Season 14
Tati Zaqui, Season 14 Baile de Patrao (16569796433).jpg
Tati Zaqui, Season 14
Thomaz Costa, Season 14 Thomaz Costa 2016.jpg
Thomaz Costa, Season 14
Kerline Cardoso, Season 14 Kerline Cardoso during "A Eliminacao" on February 3, 2021 02.jpg
Kerline Cardoso, Season 14
Ellen Moranguinho, Season 14 GRES Unidos do Porto da Pedra Carnaval 2010 03 (5192353874).jpg
Ellen Moranguinho, Season 14
Andre Marinho, Season 14 SA - alFOT 8058.jpg
André Marinho, Season 14
Laranjinha, Season 15 Darlan Cunha.jpg
Laranjinha, Season 15
Rachel Sheherazade, Season 15 Rachel Sheherazade.png
Rachel Sheherazade, Season 15
Henrique Martins, Season 15 Henrique Martins (cropped).jpg
Henrique Martins, Season 15
Kally Fonseca, Season 15 Kally Fonseca 2023.jpg
Kally Fonseca, Season 15
Radames Furlan, Season 15 Radames Martins.jpg
Radamés Furlan, Season 15
Cezar Black, Season 15 Cezar Black - BBB A Eliminacao 2023.png
Cezar Black, Season 15
Andre Goncalves, Season 15 Andre Goncalves 01.jpg
André Gonçalves, Season 15
Vivi Fernandez, Season 16 ViviFernandesCrop.jpg
Vivi Fernandez, Season 16
Larissa Tomasia, Season 16 LarissaTomasia1.jpg
Larissa Tomásia, Season 16
Ze Love, Season 16 Ze Eduardo.jpg
Zé Love, Season 16
Gizelly Bicalho, Season 16 Gizelly Bicalho during "A Eliminacao" on April 16, 2020 01.jpg
Gizelly Bicalho, Season 16
Babi Muniz, Season 16 Babi Muniz-002 (26403422873) (cropped).jpg
Babi Muniz, Season 16
Flor Fernandez, Season 16 Flor Fernandez 2023.png
Flor Fernandez, Season 16
Sidney Sampaio, Season 16 Atores do Brasil IMG 1745 (24642780855).jpg
Sidney Sampaio, Season 16
  Contestant played the game for a second time.
1 Franciely Freduzeski30Actress Laranjeiras do Sul Evicted: Day 0815th
Bárbara Koboldt33Reporter Porto Alegre Walked: Day 0914th
Babi Xavier 34TV Host Niterói Evicted: Day 1513th
Théo Becker 32Actor Pelotas Evicted: Day 2212th
Fábio Arruda †38 Style Consultant Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2911th
Miro Moreira 25Model São Paulo Evicted: Day 3610th
Luciele di Camargo31Actress Goiânia Evicted: Day 439th
Mirella Santos25Dancer Florianópolis Evicted: Day 508th
Jonathan Haagensen 25Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 577th
Fabiana Alvarez32Actress São José Evicted: Day 646th
Danielle Souza28Model Lages Evicted: Day 715th
Pedro Leonardo22Musician Anápolis Evicted: Day 784th
Carlinhos da Silva28Comedian São Paulo Evicted: Day 813rd
Danni Carlos 33Singer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 85Runner-up
Dado Dolabella 28Actor Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 85Winner
2 Ana Paula Oliveira31 Assistant Referee São Paulo Evicted: Day 0814th
Maria João Abujamra28Reporter São Paulo Evicted: Day 1513th
Adriana Bombom 35Dancer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2212th
Andressa Oliveira21Actress São Paulo Evicted: Day 2911th
Fernando Scherer 35Top Swimmer Florianópolis Evicted: Day 3610th
Maurício Manieri39Musician São Paulo Evicted: Day 439th
Caco Ricci31Model São Paulo Evicted: Day 508th
Sheila Mello 31Dancer São Paulo Evicted: Day 577th
Cacau Melo25Actress Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 646th
MC Leozinho32 Funk singer Niterói Evicted: Day 715th
Igor Cotrim35Actor São Paulo Evicted: Day 784th
Mateus Rocha35Actor Niterói Evicted: Day 853rd
André Segatti 37Actor São Paulo Finalist: Day 89Runner-up
Karina Bacchi 33Actress São Manuel Finalist: Day 89Winner
3 Monique Evans 54TV Host Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1115th
Geisy Arruda21 Businesswoman Diadema Evicted: Day 1814th
Tico Santa Cruz 32Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2513th
Sergio Mallandro 52Comedian Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3211th
Nany People45 Drag queen Machado Evicted: Day 3912th
Dudu Pelizzari25Actor São Paulo Evicted: Day 4610th
Viola 41 Football Player São Paulo Evicted: Day 539th
Carlos Carrasco44 Make Up Artist São José Evicted: Day 598th
Andressa Soares22 Funk singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 677th
Janaina Jacobina29Reporter Cuiabá Evicted: Day 746th
Ana Carolina Dias22Actress Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 795th
Luiza Gottschalk26TV Host São Paulo Evicted: Day 844th
Lizi Benites 30Model & Former Panicat Porto Alegre Finalist: Day 873rd
Sérgio Abreu 34Actor Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 87Runner-up
Daniel Bueno 33Model Porto Alegre Finalist: Day 87Winner
Renata Banhara36Media Personality Taubaté Evicted: Day 1116th
François Teles37Model Vitória Evicted: Day 1815th
Duda Yankovich34 WIBA Boxer Champion Jagodina, Serbia Ejected: Day 2314th
Taciane Ribeiro23Model Itapira Evicted: Day 2513th
João Kléber 53TV Host São Paulo Evicted: Day 3212th
Dani Bolina 27Model & Former Panicat Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 3911th
Anna Markun36Actress Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 4610th
Compadre Washington 50 É o Tchan! Vocalist Salvador Evicted: Day 539th
Gui Pádua37 Parachutist São Paulo Evicted: Day 608th
Dinei 40Former Football Player São Paulo Evicted: Day 677th
Thiago Gagliasso22Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 746th
Marlon33Musician Criciúma Evicted: Day 795th
Valesca Popozuda 32 Funk Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 844th
Raquel Pacheco 26DJ & Writer São Paulo Finalist: Day 873rd
Monique Evans 55TV Host Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 87Runner-up
Joana Machado 30 Personal trainer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 87Winner
5 Lui Mendes41Actor & Producer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1116th
Gustavo Salyer36Model & Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1815th
Sylvinho Blau Blau47Musician Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2514th
Shayene Cesário25 Brazilian Carnival Star Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3213th
Rodrigo Capella30Comedian Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3912th
Gretchen 53Singer Rio de Janeiro Walked: Day 4111th
Ângela Bismarchi46 Media Personality Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 5310th
Diego Pombo25 Football Referee Salvador Evicted: Day 609th
Penélope Nova 38TV Host Salvador Evicted: Day 678th
Vava38Musician Santos Evicted: Day 747th
Simone Sampaio35Dancer São Paulo Evicted: Day 816th
Robertha Portella26Dancer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 885th
Nicole Bahls 26Model & Former Panicat Londrina Evicted: Day 914th
Leo Aquilla42 Drag queen Teófilo Otoni Finalist: Day 943rd
Felipe Folgosi 38Actor São Paulo Finalist: Day 94Runner-up
Viviane Araújo 37Model & Actress Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 94Winner
Márcio Duarte39Singer Santos Evicted: Day 1116th
Lu Schievano38Singer & Actress São Paulo Evicted: Day 1815th
Aryane Steinkopf 25Former Panicat Vila Velha Evicted: Day 2514th
Rita Cadillac 59Singer & Dancer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3213th
Ivo Meirelles51Musician Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 4612th
Scheila Carvalho 39TV Host Juiz de Fora Evicted: Day 5311th
Paulo Nunes 41Former Football Player Pontalina Evicted: Day 6710th
Beto Malfacini31 International Model Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 749th
Yudi Tamashiro20TV Host & Singer Santos Evicted: Day 818th
Andressa Urach 25Media Personality Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 867th
Yani de Simone25 Funk Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 926th
Gominho24Reporter Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 965th
Mateus Verdelho29Model & DJ São Paulo Evicted: Day 974th
Marcos Oliver36Actor Taubaté Finalist: Day 1003rd
Denise Rocha 29Lawyer Brasília Finalist: Day 100Runner-up
Bárbara Evans 21Model Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 100Winner
Oscar Maroni63Businessman Jundiaí Evicted: Day 2117th
Diego Cristo35Actor Ponta Grossa Evicted: Day 2816th
Roy Rosselló 43Musician Río Piedras, Puerto Rico Evicted: Day 3515th
Lorena Bueri26Model Pirapora Evicted: Day 4214th
Cristina Mortágua44Model Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 4913th
Robson Caetano 50 Olympic Medalist Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 5612th
Felipeh Campos40Journalist São Paulo Evicted: Day 6311th
Débora Lyra 24 Miss Brasil 2010 Vitória Evicted: Day 6810th
Bruna Tang35Singer & TV Host Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 709th
Marlos Cruz35Model & Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 758th
MC Brunninha21 Funk Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 827th
Andréia Sorvetão42Former Paquita Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 826th
Leo Rodriguez 25 Sertanejo Singer Descalvado Evicted: Day 845th
Pepê & Neném39Singers Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 874th
Heloisa Faissol †44Socialite Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 903rd
Babi Rossi 24Model & Former Panicat São Paulo Finalist: Day 90Runner-up
DH Silveira 27 Cine Vocalist São Paulo Finalist: Day 90Winner
Amaral 42Former Football Player Capivari Evicted: Day 1016th
Edu K46Musician Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 1715th
Veridiana Freitas27Model Balneário Camboriú Evicted: Day 2414th
Ovelha60Musician Olinda Evicted: Day 3113th
Thiago Servo29 Sertanejo singer Maringá Walked: Day 3312th
Rebeca Gusmão 31Former Swimmer Brasília Evicted: Day 3811th
Li Martins 31Singer & Actress Sertanópolis Evicted: Day 4510th
Quelynah Simão34Singer & Actress São Paulo Evicted: Day 529th
Carla Prata34 Dancer & TV Host Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 598th
Mara Maravilha47Singer & TV Host Itapetinga Evicted: Day 667th
Marcelo Bimbi30Model Rio Branco Evicted: Day 716th
João Paulo Mantovani31Model & TV Host Campinas Evicted: Day 735th
Rayanne Morais27Beauty Queen Jeceaba Evicted: Day 754th
Luka Ribeiro44Actor Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 783rd
Ana Paula Minerato24Model & Former Panicat São Paulo Finalist: Day 78Runner-up
Douglas Sampaio22Actor Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 78Winner
(Nova Chance)
Nicole Bahls 31Comedian & TV Host Londrina Evicted: Day 1016th
Adriana Bombom 43TV Host & Reporter Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1715th
Fábio Arruda †47Style Consultant & TV Host Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2414th
Dinei 47Former Football Player São Paulo Evicted: Day 3113th
Nahim †65TV Host & Singer Miguelópolis Evicted: Day 3812th
Conrado49Singer Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 4511th
Aritana Maroni38Chef São Paulo Evicted: Day 5210th
Ana Paula Minerato26Model & Reporter São Paulo Evicted: Day 599th
Marcelo Zangrandi31Comedian & Businessman São Paulo Evicted: Day 668th
Monique Amin29Model & Businesswoman Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 737th
Yuri Fernandes31Model & Sports Businessman Goiânia Evicted: Day 806th
Rita Cadillac 63Actress & Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 845th
Monick Camargo24Model Anápolis Evicted: Day 854th
Matheus Lisboa27YouTuber Barra Longa Finalist: Day 873rd
Marcos Härter38Doctor Porto Alegre Finalist: Day 87Runner-up
Flávia Viana33Actress São Paulo Finalist: Day 87Winner
(+ Conectada)
Vida Vlatt59Actress & Comedian São Paulo Evicted: Day 1016th
Sandro Pedroso34Actor Ponta Grossa Evicted: Day 1715th
Ana Paula Renault 36Journalist Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 2414th
Perlla 29Singer Nilópolis Evicted: Day 3113th
Aloísio Chulapa 43Former Football Player Atalaia Evicted: Day 3812th
Gabi Prado31Model & TV Host Brasília Evicted: Day 4511th
Nadja Pessoa30Businesswoman Recife Ejected: Day 5010th
Fernanda Lacerda 30Former Panicat São Bernardo do Campo Evicted: Day 529th
Luane Dias24YouTuber Nova Iguaçu Evicted: Day 598th
Léo Stronda26Rapper & Bodybuilder Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 667th
Cátia Paganote42Former Paquita Brasília Ejected: Day 736th
Felipe Sertanejo30Mixed Martial Artist São Paulo Evicted: Day 785th
Evandro Santo 43Comedian Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 844th
Caique Aguiar24Model & Personal Trainer São Paulo Finalist: Day 873rd
João Zoli26Singer & Actor Niterói Finalist: Day 87Runner-up
Rafael Ilha43Singer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 87Winner
Drika Marinho40Dancer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1017th
Phellipe Haagensen 25Actor Rio de Janeiro Ejected: Day 1316th
Arícia Silva26Former Panicat Florianópolis Evicted: Day 1715th
Túlio Maravilha 50Former Football Player Goiânia Evicted: Day 2414th
Tati Dias29Businesswoman São Paulo Evicted: Day 3113th
Jorge Sousa38Event Producer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3812th
Bifão29Chef São Paulo Evicted: Day 4511th
Andréia de Nóbrega52Socialite Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 5210th
Guilherme Leão27Model São Paulo Evicted: Day 599th
Netto26DJ Goiânia Evicted: Day 668th
Thayse Teixeira33Digital Influencer Juazeiro do Norte Evicted: Day 737th
Viny Vieira40Comedian São João Nepomuceno Evicted: Day 766th
Rodrigo Phavanello42Actor Campinas Evicted: Day 845th
Sabrina Paiva24Beauty Queen Caconde Evicted: Day 844th
Diego Grossi36Advertising Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 873rd
Hariany Almeida21Digital Influencer Senador Canedo Finalist: Day 87Runner-up
Lucas Viana28Model Ipatinga Finalist: Day 87Winner
Fernandinho Beatbox45Musician São Paulo Evicted: Day 1220th
JP Gadêlha 31Firefighter Recife Evicted: Day 1919th
Rodrigo Moraes35TV Host Diadema Evicted: Day 2618th
Lucas Cartolouco25Journalist São Paulo Evicted: Day 3317th
Carol Narizinho 30Former Panicat Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 4016th
Luiza Ambiel48Actress Itatiba Evicted: Day 4715th
Victoria Villarim29Model & Dancer São Paulo Evicted: Day 5414th
Juliano Ceglia42TV Host São Paulo Evicted: Day 6113th
Lucas Maciel 26TV Host São Paulo Evicted: Day 6812th
MC Mirella25Singer São Caetano do Sul Evicted: Day 7511th
Raissa Barbosa29Model Rio Branco Evicted: Day 8210th
Jakelyne Oliveira 27Miss Brasil 2013 Rondonópolis Evicted: Day 899th
Mariano33Singer Campo Grande Evicted: Day 968th
Mateus Carrieri53Actor São Paulo Evicted: Day 987th
Lidi Lisboa 35Actress Guaíra Evicted: Day 1006th
Tays Reis 25Singer Ilhéus Evicted: Day 1015th
Lipe Ribeiro 28Digital Influencer Curitiba Finalist: Day 1034th
Stefani Bays 25Make-up Artist São Leopoldo Finalist: Day 1033rd
Biel 24Singer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 103Runner-up
Jojo Todynho 23Singer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 103Winner
(Um Celeiro de Lendas)
Medrado 28Rapper Guarulhos Walked: Day 1222nd
Liziane Gutierrez35Model Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1221st
Nego do Borel 29Singer Rio de Janeiro Ejected: Day 1420th
Mussunzinho28Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1919th
Erika Schneider30Dancer Recife Evicted: Day 2618th
Victor Pecoraro43Actor São Caetano do Sul Evicted: Day 3317th
Lary Bottino 23Model Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 4016th
Tati Quebra Barraco 41Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 4715th
Erasmo Viana36Model Salvador Evicted: Day 5414th
Tiago Piquilo37Singer Fartura Evicted: Day 6113th
Valentina Francavilla41Actress Rome, Italy Evicted: Day 6812th
Gui Araujo 33Digital influencer São Paulo Evicted: Day 7511th
Dayane Mello 32Model Joinville Evicted: Day 8210th
Mileide Mihaile32Digital Influencer Imperatriz Evicted: Day 899th
MC Gui 23Singer São Paulo Evicted: Day 938th
Aline Mineiro 29Former Panicat São Paulo Evicted: Day 937th
Dynho Alves 25Dancer & Singer Ponta Porã Evicted: Day 946th
Sthe Mattos21Digital Influencer Salvador Evicted: Day 945th
Marina Ferrari28Digital Influencer Maceió Finalist: Day 964th
Solange Gomes47Former Model & Writer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 963rd
Bil Araújo 29Physical Educator Vila Velha Finalist: Day 96Runner-up
Rico Melquiades 30Comedian Maceió Finalist: Day 96Winner
(O Celeiro de Lendas)
Bruno Tálamo33Journalist São Paulo Evicted: Day 1221st
Ingrid Ohara 25Digital Influencer & TV Host Belém Evicted: Day 1920th
Rosiane Pinheiro48Dancer Salvador Evicted: Day 2619th
Tati Zaqui 28 Funk Singer São Caetano do Sul Evicted: Day 3318th
Thomaz Costa 22Actor São Paulo Evicted: Day 4017th
Tiago Ramos24 Football Player & Model Taguatinga Ejected: Day 4116th
Shayan Haghbin 31Entrepreneur Tehran, Iran Ejected: Day 4115th
Vini Büttel 32Model & Cinematographer Petrópolis Evicted: Day 4714th
Lucas Santos21Actor & Singer São Paulo Evicted: Day 5413th
Alex Gallete 33Actor & TV Host Aracaju Evicted: Day 6112th
Deborah Albuquerque 37Actress São Paulo Evicted: Day 6111th
Ruivinha de Marte25Comedian Urucará Evicted: Day 6810th
Kerline Cardoso 30Digital Influencer Fortaleza Evicted: Day 759th
Deolane Bezerra 34Lawyer Vitória de Santo Antão Walked: Day 858th
Pétala Barreiros23Digital Influencer Ribeirão Preto Walked: Day 867th
Ellen Moranguinho41Dancer São Paulo Evicted: Day 896th
André Marinho 43Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 935th
Pelé Milflows22Rapper São Gonçalo Evicted: Day 944th
Iran Malfitano40Actor Belo Horizonte Finalist: Day 963rd
Bia Miranda18Dancer & Model Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 96Runner-up
Bárbara Borges43Actress Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 96Winner
(Baseado em Histórias Reais)
Nathalia Valente20Digital Influencer São Paulo Evicted: Day 1222nd
Laranjinha 35Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1921st
Cariúcha32Singer Nova Iguaçu Evicted: Day 2620th
Rachel Sheherazade 50Journalist João Pessoa Ejected: Day 3319th
Kamila Simioni37Businesswoman Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 4018th
Jenny Miranda 34Digital Influencer São Paulo Evicted: Day 4717th
Henrique Martins 31Olympic Swimmer Campinas Evicted: Day 5416th
Sander Mecca 40Singer São Paulo Evicted: Day 6115th
Lucas Souza23Digital Influencer Passos Walked: Day 6714th
Alicia X23Actress & Singer Taboão da Serra Evicted: Day 6813th
Kally Fonseca 30Singer Natal Evicted: Day 7512th
Yuri Meirelles22Model Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 8211th
Radamés Furlan 37 Football Player Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 8910th
Cezar Black 35Nurse & Digital Influencer Salvador Evicted: Day 899th
Shayan Haghbin 32Digital Influencer Tehran, Iran Evicted: Day 918th
Nadja Pessoa 35Businesswoman Recife Evicted: Day 917th
Lily Nobre21Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 946th
Tonzão Chagas35Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 945th
WL Guimarães 24Digital Influencer Duque de Caxias Finalist: Day 964th
Márcia Fu 54Former Volleyball Player Juiz de Fora Finalist: Day 963rd
André Gonçalves 47Actor Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 96Runner-up
Jaquelline Grohalski 29Model Rolim de Moura Finalist: Day 96Winner
Vivi Fernandez 46Actress Brasília Evicted: Day 1224th
Larissa Tomásia 28Digital Influencer Limoeiro Evicted: Day 1923rd
Raquel Brito23Manicurist & Digital Influencer Salvador Evacuated: Day 2222nd
Cauê Fantin26Actor & Producer Itapecerica da Serra Evicted: Day 2621st
Suelen Gervásio28Model & Digital Influencer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3320th
Julia Simoura 20Actress Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 4019th
Zaac 31Singer Diadema Walked: Day 4318th
Fernanda Campos27Model & Digital Influencer Carmo do Rio Claro Walked: Day 4317th
Camila Moura30Teacher Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 4716th
Zé Love 36Former Football Player Promissão Evicted: Day 5415th
Gizelly Bicalho 33Lawyer Iúna Evicted: Day 6114th
Babi Muniz 34Former Panicat São Paulo Evicted: Day 6813th
Fernando Presto 38Chef & Artisan Mogi das Cruzes Evicted: Day 7512th
Flora Cruz21Digital Influencer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 8211th
Luana Targinno 27Digital Influencer Recife Evicted: Day 8910th
Flor Fernandez 60TV Host São Caetano do Sul Evicted: Day 899th
Albert Bressan 54Businessman Ribeirão Pires Evicted: Day 928th
Gilson de Oliveira42Personal Trainer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 937th
Vanessa Carvalho 35Actress & Digital Influencer Teófilo Otoni Evicted: Day 946th
Juninho Bill 47Singer & Producer Guarulhos Evicted: Day 945th
Gui Vieira 21Actor & Model São Paulo Finalist: Day 964th
Yuri Bonotto34Model & Digital Influencer Porto Alegre Finalist: Day 963rd
Sidney Sampaio 44Actor & TV Host Lucélia Finalist: Day 96Runner-up
Sacha Bali 43Actor & Director Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 96Winner

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  1. "Três ex-fazendeiros voltam em a "Fazenda 4" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 13 July 2011.
  2. "Dado Dolabella vence "A Fazenda" (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 28 August 2009. Retrieved 19 January 2010.
  3. "Karina Bacchi vence "A Fazenda" (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 6 July 2011. Retrieved 10 February 2010.
  4. "Bárbara Evans vence 'A Fazenda 6' e ganha R$2 milhões" (in Portuguese).