Cinema of Bulgaria |
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List of Bulgarian films |
1915–1949 |
1950s |
1960s |
1970s |
1980s |
1990s |
2000s |
2010s |
2020s |
A list of the most notable films produced in Bulgaria in 1910-1949 ordered by year and decade of release. For an alphabetical list of articles on Bulgarian films see.
Title | Title (Latin) English | Director | Notes | |||
1915 | ||||||
Българан е галант | Bulgaran is Gallant | Vasil Gendov | feature-length silent comedy (lost except for 1-2 frames) | |||
1917 | ||||||
Баронът | Baronet | Kevork Kuyumdjian | feature film | |||
Богдан Стимов | Bogdan Stimov | Georg Jacoby | feature film | |||
Любовта е лудост | Love Is Crazy | Vasil Gendov | ||||
1918 | ||||||
Децата на балкана | Sons of the Balkans | Kevork Kuyumdjian | feature film | |||
1919 | ||||||
Пристигането на българската делегация от конференцията в Париж | Pristiganeto na bulgarskata delegatziya ot konferentziuata v Parizh Arrival of the Bulgarian Delegation from the Conference in Paris |
Title | Title (Latin) English | Director | Notes | |||
1921 | ||||||
Дяволът в София | Dyavolat v Sofia The Devil in Sofia | Vasil Gendov | ||||
Лилиана | Liliana | Nikolai Larin and Dimiter Panchev | ||||
Виновна ли е? | Vinovna li e? Is She to Blame? | Nikolai Larin | ||||
1922 | ||||||
Бай Ганьо | Bay Ganyo | Vasil Gendov | ||||
Момина скала | Momina skala Maiden's Rock | Nikolai Larin | ||||
Под старото небе | Pod staroto nebe Under the Old Sky | Nikolai Larin | ||||
Военни действия в мирно време | Voenni deystviya v mirno vreme Military Operations in Peacetime | Vasil Gendov | ||||
1924 | ||||||
Чарли Чаплин на Витоша | Charli Chaplin na Vitosha Charlie Chaplin on Mount Vitosha | Vasil Bakardzhiev | The director stars as Chalie Chaplain | |||
1925 | ||||||
Атентатът в Света Неделя | Atentatat v Sveta Nedelya Outrage in the Church Sveta Nedelya | Vasil Bakardzhiev | 22 min documentary | |||
Коварната принцеса Турандот | Kovarnata printzesa Turandot/Crafty Princess Turandot | Rayko Aleksiev | The director stars as Charlie Chaplain | |||
1926 | ||||||
Курортен сън | Kurorten san A Holiday Dream | |||||
1927 | ||||||
Човекът, който забрави Бога | Chovekat, koyto zabravi Boga The Man Who Forsook God | Vasil Gendov | ||||
В ноктите на порока | V noktite na poroka In the Clutches of Vice | Yohan Rozenblat | 51 min feature film (drama) | |||
1928 | ||||||
50 години от освобождението на град Плевен | 50 godini ot osvobozhdenieto na grad Pleven 50 Years from the Liberation of Pleven | Kiril Petrov | 38 min documentary | |||
В царството на розите | In the Realm of Roses | Alexander Vazov | documentary | |||
Когато любовта говори | Kogato lyubovta govori When Love Speaks | Panayot Kenkov | 28-min dramatic short | |||
Любов и престъпление | Lyubov i prestaplenie Love and Crime | Georgi Ivanov Nisim Koenson | 55 min feature film (drama) | |||
Пътят на безпътните | Patyat na bezpatnite In a Blind Alley | Vasil Gendov | ||||
Сърцето на България (Мини 'Перник') | Sartzeto na Bulgariya (Mini 'Pernik') | Vassil Stoev | 42 min documentary | |||
Весела България | Vesela Bulgaria Merry Bulgaria | Boris Grezhov | 11 min | |||
1929 | ||||||
Беловърха Витоша | Belovarha Vitosha Snowcapped Mount Vitosha | feature film (drama) | ||||
Нащето море | Nasheto more Our sea | Kiril Petrov | 14 min documentary | |||
Най-вярната стража | Nay-vyarnata strazha The Most Loyal Guard | Vasil Poshev | ||||
Пленникът от Трикери | Plennikat ot Trikeri | Mihail Slavov | ||||
След пожара над Русия | Sled pozhara nad Rusiya After the Fire Over Russia | Boris Grezhov | ||||
Улични божества | Ulichni bozhestva Street Idols | Vasil Gendov |
Title | Title (Latin) English | Director | Notes | |||
1930 | ||||||
Буря на младостта | Burya na mladostta Stormy Youth | Vasil Gendov | feature film (drama) | |||
Моделът | Modelat The Model | Vasil Poshev | ||||
На тъмен кръстопът | Na tamen krastopat At a Dark Crossroads | Vasil Bakardzhiev | ||||
Под орловото гнездо | Pod orlovoto gnezdo Under the Eagle's Nest | Petko Chirpanliev | ||||
Земя | Zemya/Land | Peter Stojchev | ||||
1931 | ||||||
Безкръстни гробове | Bezkrustni grobove Unmarked Graves | Vasil Gendov Boris Grezhov | ||||
Кражбата в експреса | Krazhbata v ekspresa Theft in the Express | Vasil Bakardzhiev | ||||
1933 | ||||||
Бунтът на робите | Buntat na robite The Slaves' Revolt | Vasil Gendov | ||||
Фамозният килим | Famozniyat kilim The Fabulous Carpet | Vasil Bakardzhiev | ||||
1934 | ||||||
Димчо Дебелянов поетът - воин | Dimcho Debelyanov poetat-voin Dimcho Debelyanov: The Poet Soldier | Angel Temelkov-Anzhelo | ||||
Песента на Балкана | Pesenta na Balkana The Song of the Mountains | Peter Stojchev | ||||
1935 | ||||||
Пред отечеството да забравим омразата си | Pred otechestvoto da zabravim omrazata si Let's Forget Our Animosity for Our Country's Sake | Vasil Bakardzhiev | ||||
1937 | ||||||
Грамада | Gramada Cairn | Alexander Vazov | ||||
Птицеразвъдството в България | Ptizevadstvoto v Bulgaria | Minko Balkanski | ||||
Земята гори | Zemyata gori The Earth Is on Fire | Vasil Gendov | ||||
1938 | ||||||
Пожарна команда | Pozharna komanda | n/a | ||||
Страхил войвода | Strahil voyvoda | Josip Novak | 34 min feature film (short) | |||
Врагове | Vragove/Rivals | Vasil Bakardzhiev | ||||
1939 | ||||||
Настрадин Ходжа и Хитър Петър | Nastradin Hodzha i Hitar Petar Nasredin Hodja and Sly Peter | Alexander Vazov | ||||
Селското чудовище | Selskoto chudovishte The Village Monster | Vasil Bakardzhiev |
Title | Title (Latin) English | Director | Notes | |||
1940 | ||||||
Избор на Царица на лъдженския плаж | Izbor na Tzaritza na Ladzhenskiya plazh A Choice for a Queen at the Ladzhen's Beach | Spas Totev | ||||
Пийте само шуменско пиво | Piyte samo shumensko pivo Drink Only Shumen Ale | Spas Totev | ||||
Те победиха | Te pobediha They Were Victorious | Boris Borozanov Josip Novak | 45 min feature film | |||
За Родината | Za Rodinata In the Name of the Motherland | Boris Grezhov | ||||
1941 | ||||||
Български орли | Bulgarski orli Bulgarian Eagles | Boris Borozanov | 69 min feature film | |||
Любовта на семкаря | Lyubovta na semkarya The Love of the Peanut Vendor | Spas Totev | ||||
Шушу-мушу | Shushu-mushu Tittle-Tattle | Boris Grezhov | ||||
1942 | ||||||
Изпитание | Izpitanie Time of Trial | Hrisan Tzankov | 91 min feature film | |||
Стойне у костенурка | Stoyne u kostenurka Stoine in a Tortoise | Boris Borozanov | ||||
1943 | ||||||
Ива самодива | Iva samodiva Iva the Nymph | Béla Lévay Kiril Petrov | ||||
Негово Величество Цар Борис Трети - обединител | Negovo velichestvo tsar Boris III - obedinitel His Majesty Czar Boris III - Integrator | Boris Borozanov | ||||
Сватба | Svatba The Wedding | Boris Borozanov | 69 min feature film | |||
1944 | ||||||
Българо-унгарска рапсодия | Bulgaro-ungarska rapsodiya A Bulgarian-Hungarian Rhapsody | Boris Borozanov Frigyes Bán | ||||
Росица | Rositza | Boris Borozanov | ||||
1945 | ||||||
Българи от старо време | Bulgarian Old Times | Dimitar Minkov | 71 min feature film | |||
Ще дойдат нови дни | New days will come | Anton Marinovich | 88 min feature film | |||
1946 | ||||||
Борба за щастие | Struggle for Happiness | Ivan Fichev | 67 min feature film (drama) | |||
Мене ме, мамо, змей люби | Me Me, Mom, dragon love | Vasil Bakardjiev | 65 min feature film | |||
Огнена диря | Fire trail | Boris Borozanov, Atanas Georgiev | 91 min feature film | |||
1947 | ||||||
Бойка | ||||||
Изкупление | Atonement | Boris Grezhov | ||||
Отново в живота | Back to Life | Georgi Bogoyavlenski | 86 min feature film | |||
1949 | ||||||
Той не умира | He Does Not Die | Boris Grezhov | 83 min feature film |
Bulgaria, officially the Republic of Bulgaria, is a country in Southeast Europe. It is situated on the eastern flank of the Balkans, and is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. Bulgaria covers a territory of 110,994 square kilometres (42,855 sq mi), and is the sixteenth-largest country in Europe. Sofia is the nation's capital and largest city; other major cities are Plovdiv, Varna and Burgas.
The Terminal is a 2004 American comedy-drama film produced and directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Stanley Tucci. The film is about an Eastern European man who is stuck in New York's John F. Kennedy Airport terminal when he is denied entry to the United States and at the same time is unable to return to his native country because of a military coup.
Bulgaria has been producing films since 1915. Bulgarian cinema is known for the pioneering work of directors like Donyo Donev in the field of animation. The filming and screening of Vasil Gendov's film Bulgaran is Gallant (1915) is considered to be the beginning of Bulgarian cinematography. Historically, Bulgarian films have been noted for their realism, social themes and technical innovation.
A list of the most notable films produced in Bulgaria ordered by year and decade of release. For an alphabetical list of articles on Bulgarian films see Category:Bulgarian films.
Nina Kamenova Dobreva, credited professionally as Nina Dobrev, is a Canadian actress. She is best known for portraying Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce on The CW's supernatural drama series The Vampire Diaries (2009–2015).
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Bulgaria:
North Macedonia, officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a landlocked country in Southeast Europe. It shares land borders with Kosovo to the northwest, Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south, and Albania to the west. It constitutes approximately the northern third of the larger geographical region of Macedonia. Skopje, the capital and largest city, is home to a quarter of the country's 1.83 million people. The majority of the residents are ethnic Macedonians, a South Slavic people. Albanians form a significant minority at around 25%, followed by Turks, Romani, Serbs, Bosniaks, Aromanians and a few other minorities.
Sofia International Film Festival (SIFF), also known as Sofia Film Fest, is an annual film festival in Sofia, capital city of Bulgaria, taking place in March each year. It was established in 1997 and is the only film festival in Bulgaria recognised by FIPRESCI.
Devetàshka cave is a large karst cave around 7 km (4.3 mi) east of Letnitsa and 15 km (9.3 mi) northeast of Lovech, near the village of Devetaki on the east bank of the river Osam, in Bulgaria. The site has been continuously occupied by Paleo humans for tens of thousands of years, served as a shelter for various faunal species during extensive periods and is now home to nearly 30,000 bats.
Ága is a 2018 Bulgarian drama film directed by Milko Lazarov. It was selected as the Bulgarian entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 92nd Academy Awards, but it was not nominated.
Maria Valcheva Bakalova is a Bulgarian actress. She is the recipient of various accolades, including a Critics' Choice Award, in addition to nominations for an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award.