The list of WACE courses is a list of the courses available to complete the Western Australian Certificate of Education.
These were the courses available in 2009. [1]
Subject code is "Stage number + unit letter + course code".
Course Code | Course Title | Available Units |
AIS | Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ABL | Aboriginal Languages of Western Australia | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ACF | Accounting and Finance | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ALB | Albanian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
HIA | Ancient History | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
APS | Animal Production Systems | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
AIT | Applied Information Technology | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ARA | Arabic | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ARM | Armenian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
AUS | Auslan | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VAU | Automotive a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B |
AET | Automotive Engineering and Technology | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
AVN | Aviation | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
BIO | Biological Sciences | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
BOS | Bosnian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
BCN | Building and Construction | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
BME | Business Management and Enterprise (2010 and onwards) | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VBS | Business Services a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 2C/2D |
CAE | Career and Enterprise | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
CHE | Chemistry | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
CFC | Children, Family and Community | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
CBS | Chinese: Background Speakers | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
CSL | Chinese: Second Language | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VCS | Community Services a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 2C/2D |
CSC | Computer Science | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VCO | Construction a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B |
VCA | Creative Industries: Art a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 2C/2D |
VME | Creative Industries: Media a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 2C/2D |
CRO | Croatian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
DAN | Dance | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
DES | Design | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 2C/2D |
DRA | Drama | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
DUT | Dutch | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
EES | Earth and Environmental Science | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ECO | Economics | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
EST | Engineering Studies | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ENG | English | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 2C/2D, 3A/3B |
ELD | English as an Additional Language/Dialect | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
FIL | Filipino | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
FST | Food Science and Technology | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
FRE | French | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
GEO | Geography | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
GER | German | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
HEA | Health Studies | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
HEB | Hebrew | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
HIN | Hindi | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VHO | Hospitality a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B |
HBS | Human Biological Science | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
HUN | Hungarian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
IBS | Indonesian: Background Speakers | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
IND | Indonesian: Second Language | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VIT | Information Technology a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 2C/2D |
ISC | Integrated Science | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ITA | Italian | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
JBS | Japanese: Background Speakers | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
JSL | Japanese: Second Language | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
KHM | Khmer | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
LIT | Literature | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
MAC | Macedonian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
MBS | Malay: Background Speakers | 3A/3B |
MAL | Maltese | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
MMT | Marine and Maritime Technology | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
MDT | Materials, Design and Technology | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
MAT | Mathematics | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 1E 2A/2B, 2C/2D, 3A/3B, 3C/3D |
MAS | Mathematics Specialist | 3A/3B, 3C/3D |
MPA | Media Production and Analysis | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
GRE | Modern Greek | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
HIM | Modern History | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
MUS | Music | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
OED | Outdoor Education | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
PBS | Persian Background Speakers | 3A/3B |
PAE | Philosophy and Ethics | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
PES | Physical Education Studies | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
PHY | Physics | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
PPS | Plant Production Systems | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
POL | Polish | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
PAL | Politics and Law | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
POR | Portuguese | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VPI | Primary Industries a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B |
PSY | Psychology | 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
PUN | Punjabi | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
REL | Religion and Life | PA/PB, 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
ROM | Romanian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
RUS | Russian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
RBS | Russian Background Speakers | 3A/3B |
SER | Serbian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
SIN | Sinhala | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
SPA | Spanish | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
SWE | Swedish | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
TAM | Tamil | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VTO | Tourism a (VET industry specific) | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B |
TUR | Turkish | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
UKR | Ukrainian | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VIE | Vietnamese | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
VAR | Visual Arts | 1A/1B, 1C/1D, 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
WPL | Workplace Learning | 1A/1B, 1C/1D |
YID | Yiddish | 2A/2B, 3A/3B |
^a A successful result in this course may result in a nationally recognised qualification (see VET )
Some WACE units may contribute to, or result in a nationally recognised qualification.
Unit Codes | Resulting Qualification Code | Resulting Qualification b |
1AVAU & 1BVAU | AUR10105 | Certificate I in Automotive |
1CVAU, 1DVAU, 2AVAU and 2BVAU | AUR20705 or AUR20505 | Certificate II in Automotive |
1AVCS & 1BVCS | CHC10102 | Certificate I in Work Preparation |
1CVCS & 1DVCS, or 2AVCS & 2BVCS | CHC20202 | Certificate II in Community Service Work |
1CVCS, 1DVCS, 2AVCS and 2BVCS | CHC30402 | Certificate III in Children's Services |
^b See 'Registered training organisation' for more information.
The units are organised into stages based on level of difficulty. This means 'P', the preliminary stage, is the easiest, through to 'Stage 3' which is the hardest. Since a school year in Western Australia is usually about 40 weeks, and a WACE unit is 16 weeks long, units are usually grouped together and taught together. This can be done concurrently (Both units taught in a mix) or separately (one unit in semester one, and one unit in semester two).