List of bombs

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This is a list of the types of bombs.

TypeInformationDate createdInventorplace of origin
Barrel bomb Improvised aerial bomb1948 Israel
Blockbuster bomb "High capacity" bomb for maximum blast effect, only used during World War II April 1941 United Kingdom
Bouncing bomb Skips across water; designed to attack German dams in World War IIApril 1942 Barnes Wallis United Kingdom
Bunker buster The first type were Röchling shell 1942 August Coenders Germany
C4 1956
Car bomb A vehicle is packed with explosives and detonated.
Cluster bomb Over a hundred nations outlaw them now. The first one was Butterfly Bomb Germany
General-purpose bomb
Glide bomb
Guided bomb
Improvised explosive device
Land mine Explodes when pressure is applied to the bomb. Outlawed in 164 nations.1832 Ming Dynasty
Laser guided bomb
Molotov cocktail Improvised incendiary grenade often made in a beer bottle
Nail bomb 1970
Pipe bomb
Pressure cooker bomb the pressure of the pressure cooker places high explosive power
Smoke bomb 1848 United Kingdom
Stink bomb Stink bombs range in effectiveness from simple pranks to military grade or riot control chemical agents.1943
Suicide vest or suicide bomber China
Suitcase bomb Nuclear bomb designed to fit inside a suitcase.1950s
Thermometric bomb
Time bomb
Trinitrotoluene Commonly known as TNT 1863 Julius Wilbrand Germany
Unguided bomb
MOAB Massive Ordnance Air Burst. Colloquially known as the Mother of All Bombs. United States
FOAB Father of All Bombs2007 Russia
Electromagnetic bomb 1962
Napalm bomb
Dirty bomb scatters radioactive material
Nuclear bomb 1945 J. Robert Oppenheimer United States
Tsar Bomba October 1961 Soviet Union
Cobalt bomb A nuclear bomb designed to spread as much radiation around as possible
Hydrogen bomb second-generation nuclear weapon design using non-fissile depleted uranium to create a nuclear fusion reaction1952 Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam United States
Neutron bomb A nuclear weapon designed to destroy with lethal radiation while not damaging structures.
BLU-82 Used for creating clearings in forested areas