Arms industry

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Unimog truck at the International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF) in 2007 Mercedes Benz Unimog Turkey exhibition side.JPG
Unimog truck at the International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF) in 2007

The arms industry, also known as the defence (or defense) industry, military industry, or the arms trade, is a global industry which manufactures and sells weapons and other military technology to a variety of customers, including the armed forces of states and civilian individuals and organizations. Products of the arms industry include weapons, munitions, weapons platforms, communications systems and other electronics, and related equipment. The arms industry also provides defense-related services, such as logistical and operational support.


As a matter of policy, many governments of industrialized countries maintain or support a network of organizations, facilities, and resources to produce weapons and equipment for their military forces (and sometimes those of other countries). This is often referred to as a defense industrial base. Entities involved in arms production for military purposes vary widely, and include private sector commercial firms, state-owned enterprises and public sector organizations, and scientific and academic institutions. [1] Such entities perform a wide variety of functions, including research and development, engineering, production, and servicing of military material, equipment, and facilities. The weapons they produce are often made, maintained, and stored in arsenals.

In 2024, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) estimated global military expenditure at $2.443 trillion, the highest level ever recorded by SIPRI and the steepest year-on-year increase since 2009. [2] SIPRI further found that the combined revenues of the top 100 largest defense companies totaled $597 billion in 2022, with the five largest companies by revenue being Lockheed Martin, RTX, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and General Dynamics. [3] SIPRI's data also showed that, between 2019 and 2023, the five largest arms exporting nations were the United States, France, Russia, China and Germany (taken together, they supplied approximately 75% of the world's arms exports during this period). [4]

In some regions of the world, there is a substantial trade in firearms for use by individuals (where such trade is legal, commonly cited purposes include self-defense and hunting/sporting). Trade in small arms, both legal and illegal, may be associated with violent crime and political instability. In 2017, the Small Arms Survey estimated that approximately one billion firearms were in global circulation; of those, 857 million (85%) were possessed by civilians, 133 million (13%) were possessed by national militaries, and 23 million (2%) belonged to law enforcement agencies. The Small Arms Survey also found that the number of firearms in circulation had increased significantly between 2006 and 2017, primarily due to increases in civilian possession. [5]


During the early modern period, England, France, Sweden and the Netherlands became self-sufficient in arms production, with diffusion and migration of skilled workers to more peripheral countries such as Portugal and Russia.[ citation needed ]

The modern arms industry emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century as a product of the creation and expansion of the first large military–industrial companies. As smaller countries (and even newly industrializing countries like Russia and Japan) could no longer produce cutting-edge military equipment with their indigenous resources and capacity, they increasingly began to contract the manufacture of military equipment, such as battleships, artillery pieces and rifles to foreign firms.[ citation needed ]

In 1854, the British government awarded a contract to the Elswick Ordnance Company to supply the latest breech loading rifled artillery pieces. This galvanized the private sector into weapons production, with the surplus increasingly exported to foreign countries. William Armstrong became one of the first international arms dealers, selling his systems to governments across the world from Brazil to Japan. [6] [ non-primary source needed ] In 1884, he opened a shipyard at Elswick to specialize in warship production – at the time, it was the only factory in the world that could build a battleship and arm it completely. [7] The factory produced warships for many navies, including the Imperial Japanese Navy. Several Armstrong cruisers played an important role in defeating the Russian fleet at the Battle of Tsushima in 1905.[ citation needed ]

In the American Civil War in 1861 the North had about ten times the manufacturing capacity of the economy of the Confederate States of America. This advantage over the South included the ability to produce (in relatively small numbers) breech-loading rifles for use against the muzzle-loading rifled muskets of the South. This began the transition to industrially produced mechanized weapons such as the Gatling gun. [8]

This industrial innovation in the defense industry was adopted by Prussia in its 1864, 1866 and 1870–71 defeats of Denmark, Austria and France respectively. By this time the machine gun had begun entering arsenals. The first examples of its effectiveness were in 1899 during the Boer War and in 1905 during the Russo-Japanese War. However, Germany led the innovation of weapons and this advantage in the weapons of World War I nearly defeated the allies.[ citation needed ]

Stacks of shells in a shell filling factory during World War I. Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection Q30049.jpg
Stacks of shells in a shell filling factory during World War I.

In 1885, France decided to capitalize on this increasingly lucrative trade and repealed its ban on weapon exports. The regulatory framework for the period up to the First World War was characterized by a laissez-faire policy that placed little obstruction in the way of weapons exports. Due to the carnage of World War I, arms traders began to be regarded with odium as "merchants of death" and were accused of having instigated and perpetuated the war in order to maximize their profits from arms sales. An inquiry into these allegations in Britain failed to find evidence to support them. However, the sea change in attitude about war more generally meant that governments began to control and regulate the trade themselves.[ citation needed ]

The volume of the arms trade greatly increased during the 20th century, and it began to be used as a political tool, especially during the Cold War where the United States and the USSR supplied weapons to their proxies across the world, particularly third world countries (see Nixon Doctrine). [9]


Land-based weapon

British Mark V tank British Mark V (male) tank.jpg
British Mark V tank

This category includes everything from light arms to heavy artillery, and the majority of producers are small. Many are located in third world countries. International trade in handguns, machine guns, tanks, armored personnel carriers, and other relatively inexpensive weapons is substantial. There is relatively little regulation at the international level, and as a result, many weapons fall into the hands of organized crime, rebel forces, terrorists, or regimes under sanctions. [10]

Small arms

The AK series of weapons have been produced in greater numbers than any other firearm and have been used in conflicts all over the world. AK47.jpg
The AK series of weapons have been produced in greater numbers than any other firearm and have been used in conflicts all over the world.

The Control Arms Campaign, founded by Amnesty International, Oxfam, and the International Action Network on Small Arms, estimated in 2003 that there are over 639 million small arms in circulation, and that over 1,135 companies based in more than 98 countries manufacture small arms as well as their various components and ammunition. [11]

Aerospace systems

Encompassing military aircraft (both land-based and naval aviation), conventional missiles, and military satellites, this is the most technologically advanced sector of the market. It is also the least competitive from an economic standpoint, with a handful of companies dominating the entire market. The top clients and major producers are virtually all located in the western world and Russia, with the United States easily in the first place. Prominent aerospace firms include Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, Saab AB, Dassault Aviation, Sukhoi, Mikoyan, EADS, Leonardo, Thales Group, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, RTX Corporation, and Boeing. There are also several multinational consortia mostly involved in the manufacturing of fighter jets, such as the Eurofighter. The largest military contract in history, signed in October 2001, involved the development of the Joint Strike Fighter. [10]

Several of the world's great powers maintain substantial naval forces to provide a global presence, with the largest nations possessing aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and advanced anti-air defense systems. The vast majority of military ships are conventionally powered, but some are nuclear-powered. There is also a large global market in second-hand naval vessels, generally purchased by developing countries from Western governments. [10]


The cybersecurity industry is expected to be of increasing importance to defense, intelligence and homeland security agencies. [12] [13] [ better source needed ]

International arms transfers

Over time


Share of arms sales by country in 2013. Source is provided by SIPRI. Biggest arms sales 2013.png
Share of arms sales by country in 2013. Source is provided by SIPRI.

According to research institute SIPRI, the volume of international transfers of major weapons in 2010–14 was 16 percent higher than in 2005–2009. The five biggest exporters in 2010–2014 were the United States, Russia, China, Germany and France, and the five biggest importers were India, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan. The flow of arms to the Middle East increased by 87 percent between 2009–13 and 2014–18, while there was a decrease in flows to all other regions: Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania, and Europe. [15]


SIPRI has identified 67 countries as exporters of major weapons in 2014–18. The top 5 exporters during the period were responsible for 75 percent of all arms exports. The composition of the five largest exporters of arms changed between 2014 and 2018 remained unchanged compared to 2009–13, although their combined total exports of major arms were 10 percent higher. In 2014–18, significant increases in arms exports from the US, France and Germany were seen, while Chinese exports rose marginally and Russian exports decreased. [15]

In 2014–18, 155 countries (about three-quarters of all countries) imported major weapons. The top 5 recipients accounted for 33 percent of the total arms imports during the period. The top five arms importers – Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt, Australia and Algeria – accounted for 35 percent of total arms imports in 2014–18. Of these, Saudi Arabia and India were among the top five importers in both 2009–13 and 2014–18.

In 2014–18, the volume of major arms international transfers was 7.8 percent higher than in 2009–13 and 23 percent than that in 2004–08. The largest arms importer was Saudi Arabia, importing arms primarily from the United States, United Kingdom and France. Between 2009–13 and 2014–18, the flow of arms to the Middle East increased by 87 percent. Also including India, Egypt, Australia and Algeria, the top five importers received 35 percent of the total arms imports, during 2014–18. The five largest exporters were the United States, Russia, France, Germany and China. [15]


The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine changed the National Shooting Sports Foundation members ability to obtain an export license from taking a month to taking just four days. [16] This was due to the United States Department of Commerce and agencies associated with ITAR expediting weapons shipments to Ukraine. [17] In addition, the time it took to obtain a permit to buy a firearm in Ukraine also decreased from a few months to a few days. [18]

World's largest arms exporters

Top arms exporters by country in Trend-Indicator Values (TIV) Top arms exporters by country.webp
Top arms exporters by country in Trend-Indicator Values (TIV)
U.S. arms exports by year. The U.S. exported $238 billion in arms in 2023 U.S. arms exports by year.webp
U.S. arms exports by year. The U.S. exported $238 billion in arms in 2023

Figures are SIPRI Trend Indicator Values (TIVs) expressed in millions. These numbers may not represent real financial flows as prices for the underlying arms can be as low as zero in the case of military aid. The following are estimates from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. [20]

SupplierArms Exp
(in million TIV)
1Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 11,287
2Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 3,287
3Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 2,432
4Flag of France.svg  France 2,012
5Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1,437
6Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1,269
7Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 1,204
8Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 1,159
9Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 940
10Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 621
Sgraffito at the Lambert Sevart weapons factory, in Liege (Belgium) (early 20th century). Sgraffite marchand d' Armes.jpg
Sgraffito at the Lambert Sevart weapons factory, in Liege (Belgium) (early 20th century).

Overall global arms exports rose of about 6 per-cent in the last 5 years compared to the period 2010–2014 and increased by 20 per-cent since 2005–2009. [21]

Rankings for exporters below a billion dollars are less meaningful, as they can be swayed by single contracts. A much more accurate picture of export volume, free from yearly fluctuations, is presented by 5-year moving averages.

Next to SIPRI, there are several other sources that provide data on international transfers of arms. These include national reports by national governments about arms exports, the UN register on conventional arms, and an annual publication by the U.S. Congressional Research Service that includes data on arms exports to developing countries as compiled by U.S. intelligence agencies. Due to the different methodologies and definitions used different sources often provide significantly different data.

World's largest arms exporters since 1950

SIPRI uses the "trend-indicator values" (TIV). These are based on the known unit production costs of weapons and represent the transfer of military resources rather than the financial value of the transfer. [22]

SupplierArms Exp
(in billion TIV)
1Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 741,384
2Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union (1950–1991)451,317
3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia (1992–present)155,994
4Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 145,889
5Flag of France.svg  France 139,022
6Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 93,626
7Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 63,831
8Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 38,557
9Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia (1950–1992)31,211
10Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 25,987

World's largest arms importers

Units are in Trend Indicator Values expressed as millions of U.S. dollars at 1990s prices. These numbers may not represent real financial flows as prices for the underlying arms can be as low as zero in the case of military aid. [23]

RecipientArms Imp
(in million TIV)
1Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 4,012
2Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 2,129
3Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 1,805
4Flag of India.svg  India 1,428
5Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 1,374
6Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 1,315
7Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 1,130
8Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 1,103
9Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 936
10Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 902

Arms import rankings fluctuate heavily as countries enter and exit wars. Export data tend to be less volatile as exporters tend to be more technologically advanced and have stable production flows. 5-year moving averages present a much more accurate picture of import volume, free from yearly fluctuations.

List of major weapon manufacturers

This is a list of the world's largest arms manufacturers and other military service companies who profit the most from the war economy, their origin is shown as well. The information is based on a list published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute for 2022. [24]

2022 RankCompany nameDefense Revenue
(US$ billions)
 % of Total Revenue
from Defense
1 Flag of the United States.svg Lockheed Martin 59.3990
2 Flag of the United States.svg RTX Corporation 39.5759
3 Flag of the United States.svg Northrop Grumman 32.3088
4 Flag of the United States.svg Boeing 29.3044
5 Flag of the United States.svg General Dynamics 28.3272
6 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg BAE Systems 26.9097
7 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Norinco 22.0627
8 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Aviation Industry Corporation of China 20.6225
9 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 19.5644
10 Flag of Russia.svg Rostec 16.8155
11 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 15.0827
12 Flag of the United States.svg L3Harris Technologies 12.6374
13 Flag of Italy.svg Leonardo 12.4783
14 Flag of Europe.svg Airbus 12.0920
15 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation 11.7732

Arms control

Arms control refers to international restrictions upon the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation and usage of small arms, conventional weapons, and weapons of mass destruction. [25] It is typically exercised through the use of diplomacy, which seeks to persuade governments to accept such limitations through agreements and treaties, although it may also be forced upon non-consenting governments.

Notable international arms control treaties

Global weapons sales from 1950 to 2006 Global weapons sales 1950-2006.jpg
Global weapons sales from 1950 to 2006

See also

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The defense industry of Israel is a strategically important sector and a large employer, as well as a major supplier of the Israel Defense Forces. The country is one of the world's major exporters of military equipment, accounting for 10% of the world total in 2007. Three Israeli companies were listed on the 2022 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute index of the world's top 100 arms-producing and military service companies: Elbit Systems, Israel Aerospace Industries and RAFAEL. It is also a major player in the global arms market with a 2.3% share of the global exports of major arms as of 2023. Total arms transfer agreements topped $12.9 billion between 2004 and 2011. There are over 150 active defense companies based in the country with combined revenues of more than $3.5 billion annually. Israeli defense equipment exports reached $7 billion in 2012, making it a 20 percent increase from the amount of defense-related exports in 2011. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, arms exports reached $12.5 billion in 2022. Much of the exports are sold to the United States and Europe. Other major regions that purchase Israeli defense equipment include Southeast Asia and Latin America. India is also major country for Israeli arms exports and has remained Israel's largest arms market in the world.

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