This list contains the names of fruits that are considered edible either raw or cooked in various cuisines. The word fruit is used in several different ways. The definition of fruit for this list is a culinary fruit, defined as "Any edible and palatable part of a plant that resembles fruit, even if it does not develop from a floral ovary; also used in a technically imprecise sense for some sweet or semi-sweet vegetables, some of which may resemble a true fruit or are used in cookery as if they were a fruit, for example rhubarb." [a] [1]
Many edible plant parts that are considered fruits in the botanical sense are culinarily classified as vegetables (for example: the tomato, zucchini, and so on), and thus do not appear on this list. Similarly, some botanical fruits are classified as nuts (e.g. brazil nut) and do not appear here either. This list is otherwise organized botanically.
Pomes include any crunchy accessory fruit that surrounds the fruit's inedible "core" (composed of the plant's endocarp) and typically has its seeds arranged in a star-like pattern.
Common name | Species name |
African pear | Manilkara obovata |
Almond-leaved pear | Pyrus spinosa |
Altai apple | Malus sieversii |
Amelanchier parviflora | Amelanchier parviflora |
Apple | Malus domestica |
Apricot-leaved pear | Pyrus armeniacifolia |
Asian pear | Pyrus pyrifolia |
Balatá | Manilkara bidentata |
Birchleaf pear | Pyrus betulifolia |
Bronze loquat | Eriobotrya deflexa |
Callery pear | Pyrus calleryana |
Calva crabapple | Malus kansuensis |
Canadian serviceberry | Amelanchier canadensis |
Caqui | Manilkara kauki |
Cerrado pear | Eugenia klotzschiana |
Chicle | Manilkara chicle |
Chinese crab apple | Malus hupehensis |
Chinese flowering apple | Malus spectabilis |
Chinese pearleaf crabapple | Malus asiatica |
Chinese quince | Pseudocydonia sinensis |
Chinese serviceberry | Amelanchier sinica |
Chinese white pear | Pyrus × bretschneideri |
Chokeberry | Aronia melanocarpa |
Coastal serviceberry | Amelanchier obovalis |
Cocky apple | Planchonia careya |
Cow tree fruit | Manilkara elata |
Downy serviceberry | Amelanchier arborea |
Dusky pear | Pyrus phaeocarpa |
Eastern crabapple | Malus orientalis |
Eastern mayhaw | Crataegus aestivalis |
European crab apple | Malus sylvestris |
European wild pear | Pyrus pyraster |
Florentine crabapple | Malus florentina |
Greene's mountain-ash fruit | Sorbus scopulina |
Hall crabapple | Malus halliana |
Hawthorn | Crataegus rhipidophylla |
Indian wild pear | Pyrus pashia |
Intermediate serviceberry | Amelanchier intermedia |
Jagua | Genipa americana |
Japanese crab | Malus floribunda |
Juneberry | Amelanchier lamarckii |
Kaido crab apple | Malus × kaido |
Kazak pear | Pyrus korshinskyi |
Khirni | Manilkara hexandra |
Korean juneberry | Amelanchier asiatica |
Lebanese wild apple | Malus trilobata |
Loquat | Eriobotrya japonica |
Lovi-lovi | Flacourtia inermis |
Low juneberry | Amelanchier spicata |
Low serviceberry | Amelanchier humilis |
Manchurian crab apple | Malus mandshurica |
Massaranduba | Manilkara bella |
Medlar | Mespilus germanica |
Mountain serviceberry | Amelanchier bartramiana |
Nantucket serviceberry | Amelanchier nantucketensis |
Niedzwetzky's apple | Malus niedzwetzkyana |
Nokaidō | Malus spontanea |
Oleaster-leafed pear | Pyrus elaeagrifolia |
Pacific crabapple | Malus fusca |
Pale serviceberry | Amelanchier pallida |
Pear | Pyrus communis |
Pillar apple | Malus tschonoskii |
Plumleaf crab apple | Malus prunifolia |
Plymouth pear | Pyrus cordata |
Prairie crabapple | Malus ioensis |
Pratt's crabapple | Malus prattii |
Pyrus glabra | Pyrus glabra |
Quince | Cydonia oblonga |
Ramontchi | Flacourtia indica |
Red-checked crab apple | Malus toringoides |
Regel pear | Pyrus regelii |
Roundleaf serviceberry | Amelanchier sanguinea |
Rowan | Sorbus aucuparia |
Sapodilla | Manilkara zapota |
Sargent crabapple | Malus sargentii |
Saskatoon | Amelanchier alnifolia |
Scarlet firethorn | Pyracantha coccinea |
Shipova | × Pyraria irregularis |
Shrub apple | Malus brevipes |
Siberian crab apple | Malus baccata |
Sikkim crabapple | Malus sikkimensis |
Small-fruited crab apple | Malus transitoria |
Smooth serviceberry | Amelanchier laevis |
Snow pear | Pyrus nivalis |
Snowy mespilus | Amelanchier ovalis |
Sorb | Sorbus domestica |
Southern crabapple | Malus angustifolia |
Sweet crabapple | Malus coronaria |
Syrian pear | Pyrus syriaca |
Taiwan crabapple | Malus doumeri |
Taiwanese rowan | Sorbus randaiensis |
Toringo crabapple | Malus toringo |
Toyon | Heteromeles arbutifolia |
Ussurian pear | Pyrus ussuriensis |
Utah serviceberry | Amelanchier utahensis |
Vilmorin's rowan | Sorbus vilmorinii |
Whitebeam fruit | Sorbus aria |
Wiegand's serviceberry | Amelanchier interior |
Wild dilly | Manilkara jaimiqui |
Wild service tree fruit | Sorbus torminalis |
Wood pear | Pyrus xerophila |
Yunnan crabapple | Malus yunnanensis |
Zumi crabapple | Malus × zumi |
Drupes represent any fruit that has only one seed (or "stone") or one hard capsule containing seeds.
Common name | Species name |
Açaí | Euterpe oleracea |
Acerola | Malpighia emarginata |
Afghan cherry | Prunus jacquemontii |
African mango | Irvingia gabonensis |
African mangosteen | Garcinia livingstonei |
African oil palm fruit | Elaeis guineensis |
Aguasiqui | Prunus gentryi |
Alaskan bunchberry | Cornus × unalaschkensis |
Allegheny plum | Prunus alleghaniensis |
Almond | Prunus amygdalus |
Amazon grape | Pourouma cecropiifolia |
Ambarella | Spondias dulcis |
American oil palm fruit | Elaeis oleifera |
American plum | Prunus americana |
Apricot | Prunus armeniaca |
Apricot plum | Prunus simonii |
Arabian wild almond | Prunus arabica |
Arnott's mountain black plum | Syzygium densiflorum |
Atoto | Syzygium thompsonii |
Avocado | Persea americana |
Bambangan | Mangifera pajang |
Beach butia | Butia catarinensis |
Beach plum | Prunus maritima |
Bear's plum | Prunus ursina |
Beccari | Butia capitata |
Ber | Ziziphus nummularia |
Bignay | Antidesma bunius |
Binjai | Mangifera caesia |
Bird cherry | Prunus padus |
Black cherry | Prunus serotina |
Black plum | Prunus nigra |
Blue guarri | Euclea crispa |
Blue lilly pilly | Syzygium oleosum |
Bokhara plum | Prunus bokhariensis |
Bolivian mountain coconut | Parajubaea torallyi |
Briançon apricot | Prunus brigantina |
Broad-leaved lilly pilly fruit | Syzygium hemilamprum |
Broom jelly palm fruit | Butia pubispatha |
Brush cherry | Syzygium australe |
Buffalo-thorn | Ziziphus mucronata |
Burdekin plum | Pleiogynium timoriense |
Bush butter fruit | Dacryodes edulis |
Butia arenicola | Butia arenicola |
Butia campicola | Butia campicola |
Butia matogrossensis | Butia matogrossensis |
Cabeçudo | Butia purpurascens |
Calligonum junceum | Calligonum junceum |
Canadian bunchberry | Cornus canadensis |
Casimiroa | Casimiroa edulis |
Cedar Bay cherry | Eugenia reinwardtiana |
Changunga | Byrsonima crassifolia |
Cherry elaeagnus | Elaeagnus multiflora |
Cherry laurel | Prunus laurocerasus |
Cherry of the Rio Grande | Eugenia involucrata |
Cherry plum | Prunus cerasifera |
Chickasaw plum | Prunus angustifolia |
Chinese bush cherry | Prunus glandulosa |
Chinese date | Ziziphus mauritiana |
Chinese plum | Prunus salicina |
Chinese sour cherry | Prunus pseudocerasus |
Choke cherry | Prunus virginiana |
Chupón | Pouteria amygdalicarpa |
Clove cherry | Prunus apetala |
Coarse dodder-laurel fruit | Cassytha melantha |
Cocoplum | Chrysobalanus icaco |
Coconut | Cocos nucifera |
Coffeeberry | Frangula californica |
Cone cherry | Prunus conadenia |
Coolamon | Syzygium moorei |
Cornelian cherry | Cornus mas |
Corozo palm fruit | Bactris guineensis |
Country-almond | Terminalia catappa |
Creek plum | Prunus rivularis |
Crowberry | Empetrum nigrum |
Curry berry | Murraya koenigii |
Cyclamin cherry | Prunus cyclamina |
Damson | Prunus domestica subsp. insititia |
Darvaz plum | Prunus darvasica |
Date | Phoenix dactylifera |
David's peach | Prunus davidiana |
Dawyck cherry | Prunus × dawyckensis |
Desert almond | Prunus fasciculata |
Desert apricot | Prunus fremontii |
Desert peach | Prunus andersonii |
Desert quandong | Santalum acuminatum |
Dhung | Syzygium caryophyllatum |
Dog cherry | Prunus buergeriana |
Dwarf butia | Butia lallemantii |
Dwarf jelly palm fruit | Butia archeri |
Dwarf Russian almond | Prunus tenella |
Dwarf yatay palm fruit | Butia paraguayensis |
Emblic | Phyllanthus emblica |
Emu apple | Owenia acidula |
Engkala | Litsea garciae |
European dwarf cherry | Prunus fruticosa |
European Plum | Prunus domestica |
Fenzl's almond | Prunus fenzliana |
Fergana peach | Prunus ferganensis |
Fibrous satinash fruit | Syzygium fibrosum |
Flatwoods plum | Prunus umbellata |
Flowering almond | Prunus triloba |
Fuji cherry | Prunus incisa |
Gandaria | Bouea macrophylla |
Gansu peach | Prunus kansuensis |
Gomortega | Gomortega keule |
Gowok | Syzygium polycephalum |
Gray-leaf cherry | Prunus canescens |
Greengage | Prunus domestica subsp. italica |
Green plum | Buchanania obovata |
Grey satinash fruit | Syzygium claviflorum |
Guavaberry | Myrciaria floribunda |
Guarana | Paullinia cupana |
Gubinge | Terminalia ferdinandiana |
Guinea sour pod | Dialium guineense |
Hackberry | Celtis occidentalis |
Hairless rambutan | Nephelium xerospermoides |
High-eaves syzygium | Syzygium oblatum |
Himalayan bird cherry | Prunus cornuta |
Hokkaido bird cherry | Prunus ssiori |
Hollyleaf cherry | Prunus ilicifolia |
Hortulan plum | Prunus hortulana |
Italian plum | Prunus cocomilia |
Jackal jujube | Ziziphus oenopolia |
Jambolan | Syzygium cumini |
Japanese alpine cherry | Prunus nipponica |
Japanese apricot | Prunus mume |
Japanese bird cherry | Prunus grayana |
Japanese bush cherry | Prunus japonica |
Japanese cherry | Prunus serrulata |
Japanese silverberry | Elaeagnus umbellata |
Jelly palm fruit | Butia odortata |
Jocote | Spondias purpurea |
Johnstone River satinash fruit | Syzygium erythrocalyx |
Jujube | Ziziphus jujuba |
Kaong | Arenga pinnata |
Kelsey plum | Prunus salicina spp. |
King coconut | Cocos nucifera var. aurantiaca |
Lipote | Syzygium curranii |
Lipote | Syzygium polycephaloides |
Korlan | Nephelium hypoleucum |
Lala palm | Hyphaene coriacea |
Lemonadeberry | Rhus integrifolia |
Lemon aspen fruit | Acronychia acidula |
Lilly pilly | Syzygium smithii |
Little gooseberry | Buchanania arborescens |
Lockerbie satinash fruit | Syzygium branderhorstii |
Longan | Dimocarpus longan |
Long-flowered syzygium | Syzygium cerasiforme |
Long-peduncled almond | Prunus pedunculata |
Lychee | Litchi chinensis |
Magenta lilly pilly | Syzygium paniculatum |
Malay rose apple | Syzygium malaccense |
Mamey sapote | Pouteria sapota |
Manchurian apricot | Prunus mandshurica |
Manchurian cherry | Prunus maackii |
Mango | Mangifera indica |
Mardarrgu | Ziziphus quadrilocularis |
Marula | Sclerocarya birrea |
Mexican plum | Prunus mexicana |
Millaa millaa | Elaeagnus triflora |
Miracle fruit | Synsepalum dulcificum |
Mistol | Ziziphus mistol |
Miyama cherry | Prunus maximowiczii |
Moriche palm fruit | Mauritia flexuosa |
Muntrie | Kunzea pomifera |
Murray's plum | Prunus murrayana |
Nance | Byrsonima crassifolia |
Nanjing cherry | Prunus tomentosa |
Nannyberry | Viburnum lentago |
Nectarine | Prunus persica var. nucipersica |
Neem | Azadirachta indica |
Nepali hog plum | Choerospondias axillaris |
Nipa palm fruit | Nypa fruticans |
Nutmeg fruit | Myristica fragrans |
Oklahoma plum | Prunus gracilis |
Olosapo | Couepia polyandra |
Oshima cherry | Prunus speciosa |
Otaheite gooseberry | Phyllanthus acidus |
Pacific plum | Prunus subcordata |
Paho mango | Mangifera altissima |
Paperbark satinash fruit | Syzygium papyraceum |
Partridgeberry | Mitchella repens |
Peach | Prunus persica |
Peanut butter fruit | Bunchosia glandulifera |
Pequi | Caryocar brasiliense |
Phalsa | Grewia asiatica |
Pigeon plum | Coccoloba diversifolia |
Pili | Canarium ovatum |
Pin cherry | Prunus pensylvanica |
Pink satinash fruit | Syzygium sayeri |
Pitanga | Eugenia uniflora |
Pitomba | Talisia esculenta |
Prunus alaica | Prunus alaica |
Prunus bifrons | Prunus bifrons |
Prunus cortapico | Prunus cortapico |
Pulasan | Nephelium mutabile |
Queen palm fruit | Syagrus romanzoffiana |
Rambutan | Nephelium lappaceum |
Red bush apple | Syzygium suborbiculare |
Rex satinash fruit | Syzygium apodophyllum |
Riberry | Syzygium luehmannii |
River cherry | Syzygium tierneyanum |
Russian olive | Elaeagnus angustifolia |
Sabal palm fruit | Sabal palmetto |
Sageretia | Sageretia theezans |
Sand cherry | Prunus pumila |
Sansapote | Licania platypus |
Sargent's cherry | Prunus sargentii |
Savannah cherry | Eugenia calycina |
Saw palmetto fruit | Serenoa repens |
Sea apple | Syzygium grande |
Sea coconut | Lodoicea maldivica |
Sea grape | Coccoloba uvifera |
Shoebutton ardisia | Ardisia elliptica |
Short-stemmed plum | Prunus brachypetala |
Siberian apricot | Prunus sibirica |
Silver almond | Prunus argentea |
Silver buffaloberry | Shepherdia argentea |
Silver peanut butter fruit | Bunchosia argentea |
Silverberry | Elaeagnus commutata |
Sloe | Prunus spinosa |
Smooth stone peach | Prunus mira |
Soh-sang | Elaeagnus latifolia |
Sour cherry | Prunus cerasus |
Sour cherry | Syzygium corynanthum |
Sourplum | Ximenia afra |
Spanish cherry | Mimusops elengi |
Spanish lime | Melicoccus bijugatus |
Staghorn sumac | Rhus typhina |
Swamp maire | Syzygium maire |
Syzygium alternifolium | Syzygium alternifolium |
Syzygium calophyllifolium | Syzygium calophyllifolium |
Syzygium calubcob | Syzygium calubcob |
Syzygium cordatilimbum | Syzygium cordatilimbum |
Syzygium crassipes | Syzygium crassipes |
Syzygium eucalyptoides | Syzygium eucalyptoides |
Syzygium gilletii | Syzygium gilletii |
Syzygium incarnatum | Syzygium incarnatum |
Syzygium mananquil | Syzygium mananquil |
Syzygium masukuense | Syzygium masukuense |
Syzygium micklethwaitii | Syzygium micklethwaitii |
Syzygium multipetalum | Syzygium multipetalum |
Syzygium nervosum | Syzygium nervosum |
Syzygium owariense | Syzygium owariense |
Syzygium scortechinii | Syzygium scortechinii |
Syzygium simile | Syzygium simile |
Syzygium xanthophyllum | Syzygium xanthophyllum |
Taiwan cherry | Prunus campanulata |
Tamarind-plum | Dialium indum |
Tangut Almond | Prunus tangutica |
Tapia | Uapaca bojeri |
Texas almond | Prunus minutiflora |
Texas peach | Prunus texana |
Tianshan cherry | Prunus tianshanica |
Velvet tamarind | Dialium cochinchinense |
Viagra palm fruit | Calamus erectus |
Water apple | Syzygium jambos |
Water berry | Syzygium cordatum |
Water pear | Syzygium guineense |
Watery rose apple | Syzygium aqueum |
Wax apple | Syzygium samarangense |
White apple | Syzygium forte |
White aspen berry | Acronychia oblongifolia |
White satinash fruit | Syzygium puberulum |
Wild cherry | Prunus avium |
Wild Himalayan cherry | Prunus cerasoides |
Wild jujube | Ziziphus lotus |
Wild peach | Terminalia carpentariae |
Willow leaf cherry | Prunus incana |
Winter-flowering cherry | Prunus × subhirtella |
Wongi | Manilkara kauki |
Wooly jelly palm fruit | Butia eriospatha |
Xiao putao | Syzygium acuminatissimum |
Yangmei | Myrica rubra |
Yatay palm fruit | Butia yatay |
Yellow mombin | Spondias mombin |
Yellow plum | Ximenia americana |
Yoshino cherry | Prunus × yedoensis |
Ziziphus budhensis | Ziziphus budhensis |
Ziziphus incurva | Ziziphus incurva |
Zunna berry | Ziziphus rugosa |
Zwetschge | Prunus domestica subsp. domestica |
Botanical berries represent any fruit that has a relatively thin exterior, with mostly flesh and more than one seed inside.
Common name | Species name |
Abiu | Pouteria caimito |
Aboirana | Pouteria venosa |
American black elderberry | Sambucus canadensis |
American persimmon | Diospyros virginiana |
American red elderberry | Sambucus pubens |
Apple berry | Billardiera scandens |
Arabian coffee | Coffea arabica |
Araza | Eugenia stipitata |
Babaco | Vasconcellea × heilbornii |
Banana | Musa acuminata |
Banana passionfruit | Passiflora tarminiana |
Barberry | Berberis vulgaris |
Bearberry | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Bell apple | Passiflora nitida |
Bengal currant | Carissa carandas |
Bilberry | Vaccinium myrtillus |
Bilberry cactus fruit | Myrtillocactus geometrizans |
Bilimbi | Averrhoa bilimbi |
Black currant | Ribes nigrum |
Black sapote | Diospyros nigra |
Blue passionfruit | Passiflora caerulea |
Blue sweet calabash | Passiflora morifolia |
Blueberry | Vaccinium corymbosum |
Bola verde | Anisocapparis speciosa |
Bolivian fuchsia fruit | Fuchsia boliviana |
Borojó | Alibertia patinoi |
Bolwarra | Eupomatia laurina |
Bombona | Solanum pachyandrum |
Brazil cherry | Eugenia brasiliensis |
Brazilian guava | Psidium guineense |
Burahol | Stelechocarpus burahol |
Bushveld bluebush | Diospyros lycioides |
Cactus pineapple | Selenicereus setaceus |
Cainito | Chrysophyllum cainito |
Calabur fruit | Muntingia calabura |
Cambuci | Campomanesia phaea |
Camu camu | Myrciaria dubia |
Canistel | Pouteria campechiana |
Cape gooseberry | Physalis peruviana |
Cardón fruit | Pachycereus pringlei |
Cattley guava | Psidium cattleyanum |
Ceylon gooseberry | Dovyalis hebecarpa |
Chilean guava | Ugni molinae |
Cinnamon apple | Pouteria hypoglauca |
Conkerberry | Carissa spinarum |
Costa Rican guava | Psidium friedrichsthalianum |
Costa Rican pitahaya | Selenicereus costaricensis |
Cranberry | Vaccinium macrocarpon |
Crimson passionfruit | Passiflora cinnabarina |
Cuajilote | Parmentiera aculeata |
Curuba | Passiflora mixta |
Darwin's barberry | Berberis darwinii |
Date-plum | Diospyros lotus |
Davidson's plum | Davidsonia jerseyana |
Desert passionfruit | Passiflora pentaschista |
Dragon fruit | Selenicereus undatus |
Dutchman's laudanum | Passiflora rubra |
Elderberry | Sambucus nigra |
Fe'i banana | Musa × troglodytarum |
Feijoa | Feijoa sellowiana |
Fox grape | Vitis labrusca |
Garlic passionfruit | Passiflora loefgrenii |
Giant granadilla | Passiflora quadrangularis |
Giant highland banana | Musa ingens |
Glenniea philippinensis | Glenniea philippinensis |
Golden kiwifruit | Actinidia chinensis |
Gooseberry | Ribes uva-crispa |
Grape | Vitis vinifera |
Green sapote | Pouteria viridis |
Guab | Diospyros malabarica |
Guava | Psidium guajava |
Hardy kiwi | Actinidia arguta |
Honeyberry | Lonicera caerulea |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera periclymenum |
Huckleberry | Vaccinium ovatum |
Jabuticaba | Plinia cauliflora |
Kei apple | Dovyalis afra |
Kiwifruit | Actinidia deliciosa |
Kubal | Willughbeia sarawacensis |
Langsat | Lansium parasiticum |
Lingonberry | Vaccinium vitis-idaea |
Lúcuma | Pouteria lucuma |
Malabar plum | Syzygium jambos |
Mammee | Mammea americana |
Mandacaru | Cereus jamacaru |
Mangaba | Hancornia speciosa |
Maqui berry | Aristotelia chilensis |
Maracuja Bravo | Passiflora gibertii |
Maracuja Mochila | Passiflora cincinnata |
Maracuja Redondo | Passiflora picturata |
Mayapple | Podophyllum peltatum |
Maypop | Passiflora incarnata |
Midgen berry | Austromyrtus dulcis |
Mortiño | Vaccinium floribundum |
Mountain granadilla | Passiflora ambigua |
Mountain papaya | Vasconcellea pubescens |
Muscadine | Vitis rotundifolia |
Musho | Jaltomata cajacayensis |
Naranjilla | Solanum quitoense |
Native currant | Acrotriche depressa |
New Zealand passionfruit | Passiflora tetrandra |
Nipple beehive cactus fruit | Coryphantha macromeris |
Ocoki | Pouteria ucuqui |
Ooray | Davidsonia pruriens |
Oowel paap | Passiflora serratifolia |
Oregon grape | Mahonia aquifolium |
Oubli fruit | Pentadiplandra brazzeana |
Papaya | Carica papaya |
Passiflora ampullacea | Passiflora ampullacea |
Passiflora platyloba | Passiflora platyloba |
Passionfruit | Passiflora edulis |
Pepino | Solanum muricatum |
Perfumed passionfruit | Passiflora vitifolia |
Persimmon | Diospyros kaki |
Peruvian apple cactus fruit | Cereus repandus |
Pink banana | Musa velutina |
Pitahaya de ocampo | Selenicereus ocamponis |
Pitaya-da-guatemala | Selenicereus guatemalensis |
Pitomba-da-bahia | Eugenia luschnathiana |
Planchonella maclayana | Planchonella maclayana |
Plantain | Musa balbisiana |
Pomegranate | Punica granatum |
Poro poro | Passiflora pinnatistipula |
Prickly pear fruit | Opuntia ficus-indica |
Purple apple-berry | Billardiera longiflora |
Purple guava | Psidium rufum |
Puruí | Alibertia edulis |
Red banana passionfruit | Passiflora antioquiensis |
Red currant | Ribes rubrum |
Red huckleberry | Vaccinium parvifolium |
Red passionfruit | Passiflora manicata |
Rukam | Flacourtia rukam |
Saguaro fruit | Carnegiea gigantea |
Salal | Gaultheria shallon |
Scarlet passionfruit | Passiflora coccinea |
Sea anemone passionfruit | Passiflora actinia |
Sea buckthorn | Hippophae rhamnoides |
Selenicereus stenopterus | Selenicereus stenopterus |
Small-leaved fuchsia | Fuchsia microphylla |
Small-leaved myrtle berry | Archirhodomyrtus beckleri |
Smooth davidson's plum | Davidsonia johnsonii |
Solomon's plume | Maianthemum racemosum |
South American sapote | Quararibea cordata |
Star fruit | Averrhoa carambola |
Stinking passionfruit | Passiflora foetida |
Strawberry tree fruit | Arbutus unedo |
Sugar plum | Uapaca kirkiana |
Susung-kalabaw | Uvaria rufa |
Swartbas | Diospyros whyteana |
Sweet apple-berry | Billardiera cymosa |
Sweet calabash | Passiflora maliformis |
Sweet granadilla | Passiflora ligularis |
Tamarillo | Solanum betaceum |
Texas persimmon | Diospyros texana |
Tumbo | Passiflora tripartita |
Velvet apple | Diospyros blancoi |
Wampee | Clausena lansium |
Water lemon | Passiflora laurifolia |
White passionfruit | Passiflora subpeltata |
Wild orange | Capparis mitchellii |
Wild passionfruit | Passiflora membranacea |
Winged-stem passionfruit | Passiflora alata |
Wolfberry | Lycium barbarum |
Wooly abiu | Pouteria torta |
Yellow dragon fruit | Selenicereus megalanthus |
Yellow granadilla | Passiflora edulis f flavicarpa |
Pepos represent any fruit that is covered by a hard, thick rind with soft flesh inside, and seeds filling each locule. Melons are good examples of this.
Common name | Species name |
African baobab fruit | Adansonia digitata |
Australian baobab fruit | Adansonia gregorii |
Bael | Aegle marmelos |
Bailan melon | Cucumis melo var. inodorus 'Bailan' |
Banana melon | Cucumis melo 'Banana' |
Banana yucca | Yucca baccata |
Canary melon | Cucumis melo var. inodorus 'Canary' |
Citron melon | Citrullus amarus |
Cucumis prophetarum | Cucumis prophetarum |
Cassabanana | Sicana odorifera |
Crane melon | Cucumis melo 'Crane' |
Crenshaw melon | Cucumis melo 'Crenshaw' |
Doub palm fruit | Borassus flabellifer |
European cantaloupe | Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis |
Fony baobab fruit | Adansonia rubrostipa |
Gaya melon | Cucumis melo 'Gaya' |
Honeydew melon | Cucumis melo var. inodorus |
Hydnora abyssinica | Hydnora abyssinica |
Jackal food | Hydnora africana |
Jícara | Crescentia cujete |
Kajari melon | Cucumis melo 'Kajari' |
Kiwano | Cucumis metuliferus |
Kiwano rund | Cucumis metuliferus var. rund |
Kolkhoznitsa melon | Cucumis melo 'Kolkhoznitsa' |
Limelon | Cucumis melo |
Mirza melon | Cucumis melo 'Mirza' |
Muskmelon | Cucumis melo |
Natal orange | Strychnos spinosa |
North American cantaloupe | Cucumis melo var. reticulatus |
Oriental melon | Cucumis melo Makuwa Group |
Santa Claus melon | Cucumis melo var. inodorus 'Sancho' |
Sprite melon | Cucumis melo 'Sprite' |
Tigger melon | Cucumis melo 'Tigger' |
Watermelon | Citrullus lanatus |
Wood-apple | Limonia acidissima |
Also known as citruses, Hesperidiums possess thick and leathery rinds. These fruits are generally sour and acidic to some extent and have a wagon wheel-like cross section.
Common name | Species name |
African cherry orange | Citropsis articulata |
Amanatsu | Citrus × natsudaidai |
Bajoura citron | Citrus medica ssp. bajoura |
Bergamot orange | Citrus bergamia |
Bitter orange | Citrus × aurantium |
Blood lime | Citrus australasica var. sanguinea × 'Ellendale' |
Blood orange | Citrus × sinensis Blood Group |
Buddha's hand | Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis |
Calamansi | Citrus × microcarpa |
Cam sành | Citrus reticulata × sinensis |
Centennial variegated kumquat | Citrus margarita 'Centennial Variegated' |
Citron | Citrus medica |
Clementine | Citrus × clementina |
Desert lime | Citrus glauca |
Etrog | Citrus medica var. ethrog |
Finger lime | Citrus australasica |
Florentine citron | Citrus × limonimedica |
Grapefruit | Citrus × aurantium f. aurantium |
Haruka | Citrus tamurana × natsudaidai |
Hyuganatsu | Citrus tamurana |
Ichang papeda | Citrus cavaleriei |
Iyokan | Citrus × iyo |
Jiangsu kumquat | Citrus obovata |
Kabosu | Citrus sphaerocarpa |
Kaffir lime | Citrus hystrix |
Kanpei | Citrus reticulata 'Kanpei' |
Kawachi bankan | Citrus kawachiensis |
Key lime | Citrus × aurantiifolia |
Kinkoji unshiu | Citrus obovoidea × unshiu |
Kinnow | Citrus nobilis × citrus × deliciosa |
Kiyomi | Citrus unshiu × sinensis |
Kobayashi mikan | Citrus natsudaidai × unshiu |
Koji orange | Citrus leiocarpa |
Kuchinotsu No.37 | Citrus unshiu × sinensis 'Kiyomi' × Citrus nobilis × deliciosa 'Encore' |
Kumquat | Citrus japonica |
Lemon | Citrus × limon |
Lime | Citrus × latifolia |
Limeberry | Triphasia trifolia |
Limequat | Citrus × floridana |
Mandarin orange | Citrus reticulata |
Mangshanyegan | Citrus mangshanensis |
Melogold | Citrus maxima × Citrus × aurantium f. aurantium |
Meyer lemon | Citrus × meyeri |
Micrantha | Citrus hystrix var. micrantha |
Moro blood orange | Citrus × sinensis Blood Group 'Moro' |
Myrtle-leaved orange | Citrus myrtifolia |
Ōgonkan | Citrus flaviculpus |
Ojai pixie | Citrus reticulata 'Ojai Pixie' |
Orange | Citrus × sinensis |
Cara Cara navel orange | Citrus × sinensis 'Cara Cara' |
Oroblanco | Citrus maxima × Citrus × aurantium f. aurantium |
Oval kumquat | Citrus margarita |
Pomelo | Citrus maxima |
Pompia | Citrus medica var. tuberosa |
Ponderosa lemon | Citrus × pyriformis |
Rangpur | Citrus × limonia |
Round lime | Citrus australis |
Sanguinello blood orange | Citrus × sinensis Blood Group 'Sanguinello' |
Satsuma mandarin | Citrus unshiu |
Shangjuan | Citrus cavaleriei × Citrus maxima |
Shonan gold | Citrus flaviculpus × Citrus unshiu 'Imamura' |
Sudachi | Citrus sudachi |
Sweet limetta | Citrus limetta |
Sweet orange | Citrus × aurantium f. aurantium |
Taiwan tangerine | Citrus × depressa |
Tangelo | Citrus × tangelo |
Tangerine | Citrus × tangerina |
Tangor | Citrus reticulata × sinensis |
Tarocco blood orange | Citrus × sinensis Blood Group 'Tarocco' |
Ugli fruit | Citrus reticulata × Citrus × aurantium f. aurantium |
Volkamer lemon | Citrus volkameriana |
Yuzu | Citrus × junos |
Aggregate fruits are a cluster of many fruits produced from a single flower.
Common name | Species name |
African custard-apple | Annona senegalensis |
American beautyberry | Callicarpa americana |
American red raspberry | Rubus strigosus |
Annona aurantiaca | Annona aurantiaca |
Annona conica | Annona conica |
Annona coriacea | Annona coriacea |
Annona cornifolia | Annona cornifolia |
Annona jahnii | Annona jahnii |
Annona longiflora | Annona longiflora |
Annona nutans | Annona nutans |
Annona paludosa | Annona paludosa |
Annona stenophylla | Annona stenophylla |
Annonilla | Annona nitida |
Araticum-cagão | Annona cacans |
Aratincum do Para | Annona sericea |
Arctic raspberry | Rubus arcticus |
Armenian blackberry | Rubus armeniacus |
Atemoya | Annona squamosa × Annona cherimola |
Atherton raspberry | Rubus probus |
Atibulnak | Rubus pectinellus |
Balloon berry | Rubus illecebrosus |
Beach strawberry | Fragaria chiloensis |
Beach sugar apple | Annona salzmannii |
Biribá | Rollinia deliciosa |
Black mulberry | Morus nigra |
Black raspberry | Rubus occidentalis |
Blackberry | Rubus allegheniensis |
Boysenberry | Rubus ursinus × Rubus idaeus |
California blackberry | Rubus ursinus |
Cawesh | Annona scleroderma |
Cherimoya | Annona cherimola |
Chinese bramble berry | Rubus tricolor |
Cloudberry | Rubus chamaemorus |
Creeping raspberry | Rubus hayata-koidzumii |
Cudrang | Maclura tricuspidata |
Custard apple | Annona reticulata |
Cutleaf evergreen blackberry | Rubus laciniatus |
Delicious raspberry | Rubus deliciosus |
Dewberry | Rubus flagellaris |
Dwarf red blackberry | Rubus pubescens |
Elephant apple | Dillenia indica |
Elmleaf blackberry | Rubus ulmifolius |
Emu berry | Grewia retusifolia |
European dewberry | Rubus caesius |
European red raspberry | Rubus idaeus |
Five-leaved bramble berry | Rubus pedatus |
Garden dewberry | Rubus aboriginum |
Golden Himalayan raspberry | Rubus ellipticus |
Gummy Bear fruit | Cecropia peltata |
Gympie-gympie fruit | Dendrocnide moroides |
Hawaiian raspberry | Rubus hawaiensis |
Ilama | Annona diversifolia |
Japanese bramble berry | Rubus parvifolius |
Korean blackberry | Rubus coreanus |
Korean raspberry | Rubus crataegifolius |
Kousa dogwood fruit | Cornus kousa |
Loganberry | Rubus × loganobaccus |
Marolo | Annona crassiflora |
Mock strawberry | Potentilla indica |
Molucca bramble berry | Rubus moluccanus |
Molucca raspberry | Rubus sieboldii |
Mora común | Rubus adenotrichos |
Mora de Castilla | Rubus glaucus |
Mountain raspberry | Rubus fraxinifolius |
Mountain soursop | Annona montana |
Mysore raspberry | Rubus niveus |
Nepalese raspberry | Rubus nepalensis |
Pennsylvania blackberry | Rubus pensilvanicus |
Pineberry | Fragaria virginiana × chiloensis |
Pond apple | Annona glabra |
Purple-flowered raspberry | Rubus odoratus |
Red mulberry | Morus rubra |
Rose hip | Rose Hip |
Roseleaf bramble berry | Rubus rosifolius |
Rubus adenophorus | Rubus adenophorus |
Rubus biflorus | Rubus biflorus |
Rubus corchorifolius | Rubus corchorifolius |
Rubus gratus | Rubus gratus |
Rubus roseus | Rubus roseus |
Rubus xanthocarpus | Rubus xanthocarpus |
Salmonberry | Rubus spectabilis |
Sawtooth blackberry | Rubus argutus |
Smooth blackberry | Rubus canadensis |
Snow raspberry | Rubus nivalis |
Soncoya | Annona purpurea |
Soursop | Annona muricata |
Stone bramble berry | Rubus saxatilis |
Strawberry | Fragaria × ananassa |
Sugar-apple | Annona squamosa |
Tasmanian alpine raspberry | Rubus gunnianus |
Tātarāmoa | Rubus cissoides |
Tayberry | Rubus fruticosus × Rubus idaeus |
Thimbleberry | Rubus parviflorus |
White bark raspberry | Rubus leucodermis |
White mulberry | Morus alba |
White-stemmed bramble | Rubus cockburnianus |
Wild cherimoya | Annona hypoglauca |
Wild strawberry | Fragaria vesca |
Wineberry | Rubus phoenicolasius |
Youngberry | Rubus caesius 'Youngberry' |
Multiple fruits are a cluster of many fruits produced from multiple flowers.
Common name | Species name |
African peach | Sarcocephalus latifolius |
Antipolo | Artocarpus blancoi |
Artocarpus lowii | Artocarpus lowii |
Artocarpus styracifolius | Artocarpus styracifolius |
Breadfruit | Artocarpus altilis |
Breadnut | Artocarpus camansi |
Cempedak | Artocarpus integer |
Chaplaish | Artocarpus chama |
Clown fig | Ficus aspera |
Cluster fig | Ficus racemosa |
Desert fig | Ficus platypoda |
Dugdug | Artocarpus mariannensis |
Duguetia confinis | Duguetia confinis |
Duguetia spixiana | Duguetia spixiana |
Dye fig | Ficus tinctoria |
Entawak | Artocarpus anisophyllus |
False pineapple | Ananas macrodontes |
Ficus carrii | Ficus carrii |
Ficus insipida | Ficus insipida |
Ficus neriifolia | Ficus neriifolia |
Ficus parietalis | Ficus parietalis |
Ficus simplicissima | Ficus simplicissima |
Ficus sinuata | Ficus sinuata |
Ficus ulmifolia | Ficus ulmifolia |
Ficus wassa | Ficus wassa |
Fig | Ficus carica |
Hala fruit | Pandanus tectorius |
Jackfruit | Artocarpus heterophyllus |
Japanese fig | Ficus erecta |
Keledang | Artocarpus lanceifolius |
Kesusu | Prainea limpato |
Kwai muk | Artocarpus parvus |
Marang | Artocarpus odoratissimus |
Monkey fruit | Artocarpus lacucha |
Monkey jackfruit | Artocarpus rigidus |
Monstera deliciosa | Monstera deliciosa |
Noni | Morinda citrifolia |
Oakleaf fig | Ficus montana |
Peluntan | Artocarpus sericicarpus |
Pineapple | Ananas comosus |
Pingan | Artocarpus sarawakensis |
Pinkglow pineapple | Ananas comosus 'Pinkglow' |
Pudau | Artocarpus kemando |
Red fruit | Pandanus conoideus |
River sandpaper fig | Ficus capreifolia |
Sampang | Artocarpus gomezianus |
Sandpaper fig | Ficus coronata |
Strangler fig | Ficus aurea |
Sweet sandpaper fig | Ficus opposita |
Sycamore fig | Ficus sycomorus |
Tamaran | Artocarpus tamaran |
Terap | Artocarpus odoratissimus |
Terap hitam | Artocarpus scortechinii |
Terap nasi | Artocarpus elasticus |
Tilap | Artocarpus teysmannii |
White fig | Ficus virens |
White kwai muk | Artocarpus hypargyreus |
White sandpaper fig | Ficus fraseri |
Wild fig | Ficus palmata |
Wild jack | Artocarpus hirsutus |
Capsules represent a pod fruit with multiple carpels.
Common name | Species name |
Achacha | Garcinia humilis |
Ackee | Blighia sapida |
Aglaia teysmanniana | Aglaia teysmanniana |
Asam gelugur | Garcinia atroviridis |
Asam kelubi | Eleiodoxa conferta |
Bacupari | Garcinia brasiliensis |
Bacuri | Platonia insignis |
Bemange | Cola urceolata |
Binukaw | Garcinia binucao |
Black apple | Pouteria australis |
Blue tongue | Melastoma affine |
Boquila | Boquila trifoliolata |
Burmese grape | Baccaurea ramiflora |
Button mangosteen | Garcinia prainiana |
Cacao | Theobroma cacao |
Charichuelo | Garcinia madruno |
Chocolate vine fruit | Akebia quinata |
Copperleaf snowberry | Gaultheria hispida |
Courbaril | Hymenaea courbaril |
Cowa mangosteen | Garcinia cowa |
Cupuaçu | Theobroma grandiflorum |
Durian | Durio zibethinus |
Durio oxleyanus | Durio oxleyanus |
Eastern teaberry | Gaultheria procumbens |
Gấc | Momordica cochinchinensis |
Gamboge | Garcinia morella |
Garcinia afzelii | Garcinia afzelii |
Garcinia cambogia | Garcinia gummi-gutta |
Garcinia costata | Garcinia costata |
Garcinia forbesii | Garcinia forbesii |
Garcinia magnifolia | Garcinia magnifolia |
Garcinia pseudoguttifera | Garcinia pseudoguttifera |
Jentik | Baccaurea polyneura |
Keluak | Pangium edule |
Kokum | Garcinia indica |
Kola nut | Cola nitida |
Kundong | Garcinia parvifolia |
Lardizabala | Lardizabala biternata |
Lemon drop mangosteen | Garcinia intermedia |
Luóhàn guǒ | Siraitia grosvenorii |
Madan | Garcinia schomburgkiana |
Mangosteen | Garcinia mangostana |
Menteng | Baccaurea racemosa |
Mountain snowberry | Gaultheria depressa |
Mundu | Garcinia dulcis |
Pawpaw | Asimina triloba |
Red salak | Salacca affinis |
Salak | Salacca zalacca |
Santol | Sandoricum koetjape |
Seashore mangosteen | Garcinia celebica |
Small-leaved tamarind | Diploglottis campbellii |
Spanish tamarind | Vangueria madagascariensis |
Terengganu cherry | Lepisanthes alata |
Toad tree fruit | Tabernaemontana elegans |
Trichosanthes beccariana | Trichosanthes beccariana |
Vanilla | Vanilla planifolia |
Yantok | Calamus manillensis |
Legumes represent a pod fruit with one carpel.
Common name | Species name |
African locust bean | Parkia biglobosa |
Carob | Ceratonia siliqua |
Ice-cream bean | Inga edulis |
Monkeypod | Pithecellobium dulce |
Namu-namu | Cynometra cauliflora |
Tamarind | Tamarindus indica |
Zig-zag vine fruit | Melodorum leichhardtii |
Follicles represent a single ovary that splits along a single seam.
Common name | Species name |
Angular sea-fig | Carpobrotus glaucescens |
Dead man's fingers | Decaisnea fargesii |
Karkalla fruit | Carpobrotus rossii |
Sour fig | Carpobrotus edulis |
Plants with edible fruit-like structures are not technically fruit, but are used culinarily as such.
Common name | Species name |
Alligator juniper berry | Juniperus deppeana |
Arius | Podocarpus costalis |
Broad-leaved brown pine fruit | Podocarpus dispermus |
Broad-leaved yellowwood fruit | Podocarpus latifolius |
Brown pine fruit | Podocarpus neriifolius |
California juniper berry | Juniperus californica |
Cashew apple | Anacardium occidentale |
Creeping juniper berry | Juniperus horizontalis |
Desert juniper berry | Juniperus osteosperma |
Dwarf plum pine fruit | Podocarpus spinulosus |
East African yellowwood fruit | Podocarpus milanjianus |
Ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba |
Greek juniper berry | Juniperus excelsa |
Himalayan juniper berry | Juniperus recurva |
Jícama | Pachyrhizus erosus |
Juniper berry | Juniperus communis |
Juniperus turbinata | Juniperus turbinata |
Kahikatea | Dacrycarpus dacrydioides |
Koolah | Podocarpus drouynianus |
Manoao | Manoao colensoi |
Mountain juniper berry | Juniperus monticola |
Nageia | Nageia nagi |
Native cherry | Exocarpos cupressiformis |
One-seed juniper berry | Juniperus monosperma |
Pashtun juniper berry | Juniperus seravschanica |
Persian juniper berry | Juniperus polycarpos |
Phoenicean juniper berry | Juniperus phoenicea |
Plum pine fruit | Podocarpus elatus |
Podocarpus | Podocarpus elongatus |
Podocarpus lambertii | Podocarpus lambertii |
Prickly juniper berry | Juniperus oxycedrus |
Prumnopitys | Prumnopitys andina |
Raisin tree fruit | Hovenia dulcis |
Redberry juniper berry | Juniperus coahuilensis |
Rhubarb | Rheum × hybridum |
Rimu | Dacrydium cupressinum |
Rocky Mountain juniper berry | Juniperus scopulorum |
Southern juniper berry | Juniperus virginiana var. silicicola |
Syrian juniper berry | Juniperus drupacea |
Temple juniper berry | Juniperus rigida |
Totara | Podocarpus totara |
Virginian juniper berry | Juniperus virginiana |
Western juniper berry | Juniperus occidentalis |
Yew berry | Taxus baccata |
Yew plum pine fruit | Podocarpus macrophyllus |
In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants (angiosperms) that is formed from the ovary after flowering.
In botany, a drupe is a type of fruit in which an outer fleshy part surrounds a single shell of hardened endocarp with a seed (kernel) inside. Drupes do not split open to release the seed, i.e., they are indehiscent. These fruits usually develop from a single carpel, and mostly from flowers with superior ovaries.
An accessory fruit is a fruit that contains tissue derived from plant parts other than the ovary. In other words, the flesh of the fruit develops not from the floral ovary, but from some adjacent tissue exterior to the carpel. As a general rule, the accessory fruit is a combination of several floral organs, including the ovary. In contrast, true fruit forms exclusively from the ovary of the flower.
A melon is any of various plants of the family Cucurbitaceae with sweet, edible, and fleshy fruit. It can also specifically refer to Cucumis melo, commonly known as the "true melon" or simply "melon". The term "melon" can apply to both the plant and its fruit. Botanically, a melon is a kind of berry, specifically a "pepo". The word melon derives from Latin melopepo, which is the latinization of the Greek μηλοπέπων (mēlopepōn), meaning "melon", itself a compound of μῆλον (mēlon), "apple", treefruit " and πέπων (pepōn), amongst others "a kind of gourd or melon". Many different cultivars have been produced, particularly of the true melon, such as the cantaloupe and honeydew.
A nut is a fruit consisting of a hard or tough nutshell protecting a kernel which is usually edible. In general usage and in a culinary sense, many dry seeds are called nuts, but in a botanical context, "nut" implies that the shell does not open to release the seed (indehiscent).
In botany, a capsule is a type of simple, dry, though rarely fleshy dehiscent fruit produced by many species of angiosperms.
In botany, a pome is a type of fruit produced by flowering plants in the subtribe Malinae of the family Rosaceae. Pome fruits consist of a central "core" containing multiple small seeds, which is enveloped by a tough membrane and surrounded by an edible layer of flesh. Pome fruit trees are deciduous, and undergo a dormant winter period that requires cold temperatures to break dormancy in spring. Well-known pomes include the apple, pear, and quince.
The scarlet gourds are a genus with 25 species. It is distributed in sub-Saharan Africa and with one species, C. grandis also in South Asia and Southeast Asia, and it is also introduced into the New World. Incidentally, C. grandis is also a cultivated crop and it is used for culinary and medical purposes.
Dehiscence is the splitting of a mature plant structure along a built-in line of weakness to release its contents. This is common among fruits, anthers and sporangia. Sometimes this involves the complete detachment of a part. Structures that open in this way are said to be dehiscent. Structures that do not open in this way are called indehiscent, and rely on other mechanisms such as decay or predation to release the contents.
An aggregate fruit or etaerio is a fruit that develops from the merger of several ovaries that were separated in a single flower. In contrast, a simple fruit develops from one ovary, and a multiple fruit develops from multiple flowers. In languages other than English, the meanings of "aggregate" and "multiple" fruit are reversed, so that "aggregate" fruits merge several flowers. The differences in meaning are due to a reversal in the terminology by John Lindley, which has been followed by most English-language authors.
In the flowering plants, an ovary is a part of the female reproductive organ of the flower or gynoecium. Specifically, it is the part of the pistil which holds the ovule(s) and is located above or below or at the point of connection with the base of the petals and sepals. The pistil may be made up of one carpel or of several fused carpels, and therefore the ovary can contain part of one carpel or parts of several fused carpels. Above the ovary is the style and the stigma, which is where the pollen lands and germinates to grow down through the style to the ovary, and, for each individual pollen grain, to fertilize one individual ovule. Some wind pollinated flowers have much reduced and modified ovaries.
In botany, a berry is a fleshy fruit without a stone (pit) produced from a single flower containing one ovary. Berries so defined include grapes, currants, and tomatoes, as well as cucumbers, eggplants (aubergines), persimmons and bananas, but exclude certain fruits that meet the culinary definition of berries, such as strawberries and raspberries. The berry is the most common type of fleshy fruit in which the entire outer layer of the ovary wall ripens into a potentially edible "pericarp". Berries may be formed from one or more carpels from the same flower. The seeds are usually embedded in the fleshy interior of the ovary, but there are some non-fleshy exceptions, such as Capsicum species, with air rather than pulp around their seeds.
A hesperidium is a modified berry with a tough, leathery rind, as in the oranges and lemons of the genus Citrus.
This page provides a glossary of plant morphology. Botanists and other biologists who study plant morphology use a number of different terms to classify and identify plant organs and parts that can be observed using no more than a handheld magnifying lens. This page provides help in understanding the numerous other pages describing plants by their various taxa. The accompanying page—Plant morphology—provides an overview of the science of the external form of plants. There is also an alphabetical list: Glossary of botanical terms. In contrast, this page deals with botanical terms in a systematic manner, with some illustrations, and organized by plant anatomy and function in plant physiology.
Fruits are the mature ovary or ovaries of one or more flowers. They are found in three main anatomical categories: aggregate fruits, multiple fruits, and simple fruits.
Simple fruits are the result of the ripening-to-fruit of a simple or compound ovary in a single flower with a single pistil. In contrast, a single flower with numerous pistils typically produces an aggregate fruit; and the merging of several flowers, or a 'multiple' of flowers, results in a 'multiple' fruit. A simple fruit is further classified as either dry or fleshy.
This is a categorically organized list of foods. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is produced either by plants, animals, or fungi, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells in an effort to produce energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth.
Annona macroprophyllata is a species of plant in the family Annonaceae. It is native to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. John Donnell Smith, the American botanist who first formally described the species, named it after its large leaves.