List of heirs to the French throne

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Coat of arms of the Dauphin of France, a title used by the heir-apparent to the French throne from 1350 to 1791, and from 1824 to 1830. Coat of Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg
Coat of arms of the Dauphin of France, a title used by the heir-apparent to the French throne from 1350 to 1791, and from 1824 to 1830.
Heraldic crown of the Dauphin of France. Crown of the Dauphin of France.svg
Heraldic crown of the Dauphin of France.

The following is a list of the heirs to the throne of the Kingdom of France, that is, those who were legally next in line to assume the throne upon the death of the King.


From 987 to 1792, all heirs to the French throne were male-line descendants of Hugh Capet.

Capetian associate kings

The crown of France under the earliest Capetian monarchs was elective, not hereditary. There was no mechanism for automatic succession unless an heir was crowned as associate king, ready to step up as primary king when the previous king died. This procedure was very similar to the method by which the Germans elected a King of the Romans during the lifetime of the German monarch. The early Capetians generally made sure their sons were crowned as associate kings with them, with such success that the inheritance of the eldest son and heir to the kingship came to be accepted as a matter of right. Louis VI of France was the first king to take the throne without having been crowned in his father's time; however, his right to take the throne was initially contested.

to Monarch
CrownedCo-kingship ceasedReasonMonarch
Robert (II) son30 December 98724 October 996became sole king Hugh Capet
Hugh Magnus son19 June 101717 September 1025died Robert II of France
Henry (I) son14 May 102720 July 1031became sole king
Philip (I) son23 May 10594 August 1060became sole king Henry I of France
Philip son14 April 112913 October 1131died Louis VI of France
Louis (VII) son25 October 11311 August 1137became sole king
Philip (II) son1 November 117918 September 1180became sole king Louis VII of France

Capetian heirs by Salic succession I

After the accession of Philip II of France, the throne became de jure as well as de facto hereditary, so that on the death of the king, the legal heir became king immediately, and could exercise authority without coronation. The throne passed to the closest male heir.

Heirs who actually succeeded are shown in bold type. From 1350 on, the heir apparent to the French throne was styled Dauphin. Heirs so styled are accompanied on the table below by an image of the Dauphin's coat of arms. The title was abandoned in 1791 in favor of the style Prince Royal, less than a year before the abolition of the monarchy.

to Monarch
Became heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
Relation to heir, dates
Louis heir apparentson5 September 1187born14 July 1223became kingsuccession uncertain (1187–1209) [1] Philip II of France
son (1209–1218)
son (1218–1223)
Louis heir apparentson14 July 1223father became king8 November 1226became king Robert
Louis VIII of France
Robert I of Artois heir presumptivebrother8 November 1226brother became king25 February 1244son born to kingJean Tristan, Count of Anjou
brother (1226–1232)
Louis IX of France
Alfonso, Count of Poitou
brother (1232–1244)
Louis heir apparentson25 February 1244born11 January 1260died Robert I of Artois
uncle (1244–1245)
brother (1245–1260)
Philip heir apparentson11 January 1260brother died25 August 1270became king Jean Tristan
brother (1260–1264)
son (1264–1270)
Louis heir apparentson25 August 1270father became kingMay 1276died Philip
Philip III of France
Philip heir apparentsonMay 1276brother died5 October 1285became king Charles, Count of Valois
Charles, Count of Valois heir presumptivebrother5 October 1285brother became king4 October 1289son born to king Louis
Philip IV of France
Louis heir apparentson4 October 1289born29 November 1314became king Charles, Count of Valois
uncle (1289–1293)
Philip, Count of Poitou
brother (1293–1314)
Philip of Poitou heir presumptivebrother/
29 November 1314brother became king20 November 1316became king Charles, Count of La Marche
brother (1314–1316)
Louis X of France
son (Nov 15-20, 1316)
John I of France [2]
Philipheir apparentson20 November 1316father became king24 February 1317died Charles, Count of La Marche
Philip V of France
Charles of La Marche heir presumptivebrother24 February 1317king's son died3 January 1322became kingPhilip
Philipheir apparentson3 January 1322father became king24 March 1322died Charles, Count of Valois
Charles IV of France
Charles of Valois heir presumptiveuncle24 March 1322king's son died20 March 1324son born to king Philip
Louisheir apparentson20 March 1324born21 March 1324died Charles, Count of Valois
Charles of Valois heir presumptiveuncle21 March 1324king's son died16 December 1325died Philip
Philip of Valois heir presumptive1st cousin16 December 1325father died1 February 1328became king John
John heir apparentson1 February 1328father became king22 August 1350became king Charles II, Count of Alençon
uncle (1328–1330)
Philip VI of France
brother (17 Jan, 1330)
Charles II of Alençon
uncle (1330–1333)
brother (2 Oct, 1333)
Charles II of Alençon
uncle (1333–1336)
Philip, Duke of Orléans
brother (1336–1338)
son (1338–1350)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charles heir apparentson22 August 1350father became king8 April 1364became king Louis, Duke of Anjou
John II of France
Louis, Duke of Anjou heir presumptivebrother8 April 1364brother became king7 June 1366son born to king John, Duke of Berry
Charles V of France
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Johnheir apparentson7 June 1366born21 December 1366died Louis, Duke of Anjou
Louis, Duke of Anjou heir presumptivebrother21 December 1366king's son died3 December 1368son born to king John, Duke of Berry
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charles heir apparentson3 December 1368born16 September 1380became king Louis, Duke of Anjou
uncle (1368–1372)
brother (1372–1380)
Louis I, Duke of Orléans heir presumptivebrother16 September 1380brother became king25 September 1386son born to king Louis, Duke of Anjou
uncle (1380–1384)
Charles VI of France
Louis II, Duke of Anjou
1st cousin (1384–1386)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charlesheir apparentson25 September 1386born28 December 1386died Louis I, Duke of Orléans
Louis I, Duke of Orléans heir presumptivebrother28 December 1386king's son died6 February 1392son born to king Louis II, Duke of Anjou
1st cousin
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charlesheir apparentson6 February 1392born13 January 1401died Louis I, Duke of Orléans
uncle (1392–1397)
brother (1397–1401)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis heir apparentson13 January 1401brother died18 December 1415died John
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg John heir apparentson18 December 1415brother died5 April 1417died Charles
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charles heir apparentson5 April 1417brother died21 October 1422became king [3] Charles, Duke of Orléans
1st cousin

Lancastrian succession

On May 21, 1420, the government of Charles VI was obliged to sign the Treaty of Troyes, which provided a legal framework for the transfer of power to Henry V, King of England, who had invaded and occupied northern France, including Paris. Under the treaty, Henry, who was to marry Charles' daughter Catherine, was named as "Heir of France" and the Dauphin Charles was disinherited. The treaty was not recognized by those factions which were still at war with England, and only had legal force in English-occupied territory and, more briefly, in the Burgundian lands (1420–1435) and in Brittany.

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Henry V, King of England heir apparentson-in-law21 May 1420treaty31 August 1422diedsuccession uncertain, (1420–1421) Charles VI
Henry, Duke of Cornwall
son, (1421–1422)
Henry VI, King of England heir apparentgrandson31 August 1422father died21 October 1422became kingsuccession uncertain (Aug.-Oct. 1422)
succession uncertain 1422–1453 “Henry II”
Edward of Westminster heir apparentson13 October 1453born19 October 1453father deposedsuccession uncertain

Capetian heirs by Salic succession II

In southern France, the treaty of Troyes was never regarded as valid, and Charles VII was considered to have become king upon his father's death. Given his repudiation by his father, however, his status remained uncertain until his coronation at Reims on 17 July 1429. In the following two decades Charles VII regained control of most of France; the English were finally expelled from Guienne on 19 October 1453, retaining only the port of Calais.

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Charles, Duke of Orléans heir presumptive1st cousin21 October 1422cousin became king3 July 1423son born to king John, Count of Angoulême
Charles VII of France
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis heir apparentson3 July 1423born22 July 1461became king Charles, Duke of Orléans
1st cousin -1 (1423–1426)
John of France
brother (Sept 19, 1426)
Charles, Duke of Orléans
1st cousin -1 (1426–1432)
James of France
brother (1432–1437)
Charles, Duke of Orléans
1st cousin -1 (1437–1446)
Charles of France
brother (1446–1458)
Louis of France
son (1458–1460)
Charles of France
brother (1460–1461)
Charles, Duke of Berry heir presumptivebrother22 July 1461brother became king4 December 1466son born to king Charles, Duke of Orléans
1st cousin -1 (1461–1465)
Louis XI of France
Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin (1465–1466)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Francisheir apparentson4 December 1466born4 December 1466died Charles, Duke of Berry
Charles, Duke of Berry heir presumptivebrother4 December 1466king's son died30 June 1470son born to king Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charles heir apparentson30 June 1470born30 August 1483became king Charles, Duke of Berry
uncle (1470–1472)
Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin -1 (May–Sept 1472)
Francis, Duke of Berry
brother (1472–1473)
Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin -1 (1473–1483)
Louis, Duke of Orléans heir presumptive2nd cousin -130 August 1483cousin became king11 October 1492son born to king Charles, Count of Angoulême
1st cousin
Charles VIII of France
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charles–Orland heir apparentson11 October 1492born6 December 1495died Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin -2
Louis, Duke of Orléans heir presumptive2nd cousin -16 December 1495king's son died8 September 1496son born to king Charles, Count of Angoulême
1st cousin (1495–1496)
Francis, Count of Angoulême
1st cousin +1 (Jan–Sep 1496)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Charlesheir apparentson8 September 1496born2 October 1496died Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin -2
Louis, Duke of Orléans heir presumptive2nd cousin -12 October 1496king's son diedJuly 1497son born to king Francis, Count of Angoulême
1st cousin +1
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Francisheir apparentsonJuly 1497bornJuly 1497died Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin -2
Louis, Duke of Orléans heir presumptive2nd cousin -1July 1497king's son died7 April 1498became king Francis, Count of Angoulême
1st cousin +1
Francis, Count of Angoulême heir presumptive1st cousin +17 April 1498cousin became king1 January 1515became king Charles IV, Duke of Alençon
5th cousin -1
Louis XII of France
Charles IV, Duke of Alençon heir presumptive5th cousin –11 January 1515cousin became king28 February 1518son born to king Charles III, Duke of Bourbon
7th cousin
Francis I of France
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Francis heir apparentson28 February 1518born10 August 1536died Charles IV, Duke of Alençon
5th cousin -2 (1518–1519)
Henry, Duke of Orléans
brother (1519–1536)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Henry heir apparentson10 August 1536brother died31 March 1547became king Charles, Duke of Orléans
brother (1536–1544)
Francis of France
son (1544–1547)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Francis heir apparentson31 March 1547father became king10 July 1559became king Antoine, Duke of Vendôme
8th cousin –2 (1547–1549)
Henry II of France
Louis, Duke of Orléans
brother (1549–1550)
Charles, Duke of Orléans
brother (1550–1559)
Charles, Duke of Orléans heir presumptivebrother10 July 1559brother became king5 December 1560became king Henry of France
Francis II of France
Henry of Poland heir presumptivebrother5 December 1560brother became king30 May 1574became king Francis, Duke of Alençon
Charles IX of France
François, Duke of Anjou heir presumptivebrother30 May 1574brother became king10 June 1584died Henry III of Navarre
9th cousin -1
Henry III of France
Henry III of Navarre heir presumptive9th cousin -110 June 1584king's brother died2 August 1589became king Charles of Bourbon
Charles of Bourbon heir presumptiveuncle2 August 1589nephew became king9 May 1590died Henry, Prince of Condé
Henry IV of France
Henry, Prince of Condé heir presumptive1st cousin +19 May 1590great-uncle died27 September 1601son born to king Francis, Prince of Conti
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis heir apparentson27 September 1601born14 May 1610became king Henry, Prince of Condé
2nd cousin (1601–1607)
Nicolas Henry, Duke of Orléans
brother (1607–1610)
Nicolas Henry, Duke of Orléans heir presumptivebrother14 May 1610brother became king17 November 1611died Gaston, Duke of Anjou
Louis XIII of France
Gaston, Duke of Orléans heir presumptivebrother17 November 1611brother died5 September 1638son born to king Henry, Prince of Condé
2nd cousin
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis heir apparentson5 September 1638born14 May 1643became king Gaston, Duke of Orléans
uncle (1638–1640)
Philip, Duke of Anjou
brother (1640–1643)
Philip I, Duke of Orléans heir presumptivebrother14 May 1643brother became king1 November 1661son born to king Gaston, Duke of Orléans
uncle (1643–1660)
Louis XIV of France
Louis II, Prince of Condé
3rd cousin (1660–1661)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis
Le Grand Dauphin
heir apparentson1 November 1661born14 April 1711died Philip I, Duke of Orléans
uncle (1661–1668)
Philip Charles, Duke of Anjou
brother (1668–1671)
Philip I, Duke of Orléans
uncle (1671–1672)
Louis Francis, Duke of Anjou
brother (Jun–Nov 1672)
Philip I, Duke of Orléans
uncle (1672–1682)
Louis, Duke of Burgundy
son (1682–1711)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis
Le Petit Dauphin
heir apparentgrandson14 April 1711father died18 February 1712died Louis, Duke of Brittany
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis heir apparentgreat–grandson18 February 1712father died8 March 1712died Louis, Duke of Anjou
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis heir apparentgreat–grandson8 March 1712brother died1 September 1715became king Philip V of Spain
uncle (1712-1713) [4]
Charles, Duke of Berry
uncle (1713–1714)
Philip II, Duke of Orléans
1st cousin –2 (1714–1715)
Philip II, Duke of Orléans
Regent of France
heir presumptive1st cousin –21 September 1715cousin became king2 December 1723died Louis, Duke of Chartres
Louis XV of France
Louis, Duke of Orléans heir presumptive2nd cousin –12 December 1723father died4 September 1729son born to king Louis Henry, Prince of Condé
5th cousin +1 (1723–1725)
Louis Philippe, Duke of Chartres
son (1725–1729)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis heir apparentson4 September 1729born20 December 1765died Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin –2 (1729–1730)
Philip, Duke of Anjou
brother (1730–1733)
Louis, Duke of Orléans
2nd cousin –2 (1733–1751)
Louis, Duke of Burgundy
son (1751–1761)
Louis–Auguste, Duke of Berry
son (1761–1765)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis–Auguste heir apparentgrandson20 December 1765father died10 May 1774became king Louis, Count of Provence
Louis, Count of Provence heir presumptivebrother10 May 1774brother became king22 October 1781son born to king Charles, Count of Artois
Louis XVI of France
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis Joseph heir apparentson22 October 1781born4 June 1789died Louis, Count of Provence
uncle (1781–1785)
Louis–Charles, Duke of Normandy
brother (1785–1789)
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis Charles heir apparentson4 June 1789brother died21 September 1792 monarchy abolished Louis, Count of Provence

Following the abolition of the monarchy of France by the French National Convention, Louis XVI and his family were held in confinement. Louis XVI was found guilty by the Convention of treason against the state, and was executed on 21 January 1793. The Dauphin Louis–Charles was thereafter proclaimed "Louis XVII of France" by French royalists, but was kept confined and never reigned. He died of illness on 8 June 1795.

Louis–Stanislas–Xavier, Count of Provence, was subsequently proclaimed "Louis XVIII", but was in exile from France and powerless.

Bonaparte succession: First Empire

France passed through a series of republican regimes until a hereditary monarchy was restored in the person of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was proclaimed hereditary Emperor of the French on 18 May 1804. The succession law promulgated at the same time also demanded a Salic succession, in which Napoleon was to be succeeded by, first, his own legitimate offspring, then his elder brother Joseph Bonaparte and his descendants, and finally his younger brother Louis Bonaparte and his descendants. [5] (Napoleon's other brothers were omitted for various reasons.) The title of the heir apparent of the First Empire was King of Rome .

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Joseph Bonaparte heir presumptiveelder brother18 May 1804Empire proclaimed20 March 1811son born to Emperor Louis Bonaparte
Napoleon I
Napoleon Francis
King of Rome
heir apparentson20 March 1811born6 April 1814abdication of Napoleon I
end of the Empire
Joseph Bonaparte

Napoleon I was defeated by an alliance of most of the other European powers, and abdicated unconditionally, for himself and his son, on 6 April 1814 (an abdication given legal force by a treaty with the Allies dated 11 April 1814) and went into exile.

Restored Bourbon succession I

On 6 April 1814, the Senate of the French Empire summoned Louis Stanislas Xavier, Count of Provence—already styling himself "Louis XVIII"—to become head of a restored, but constitutional, French monarchy. Louis' younger brother, Charles, Count of Artois, came to Paris on 12 April and was appointed Lieutenant-General of the realm; Louis himself returned on 3 May, and on 4 June he authorized the publication of a constitution for France (the Charter of 1814) by which he became a constitutional monarch. With the acceptance of this constitution we can say that the monarchy was resumed, although by royalist principles the Republican and Imperial governments of 1792–1814 had all been illegitimate, and the monarchy itself had never ceased.

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Charles, Count of Artois heir presumptivebrother6 April 1814brother became king19 March 1815fall of royal government Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angoulême
Louis XVIII of France

On 1 March 1815, however, Napoleon returned to France. With Napoleon I within miles of the capital, Louis XVIII and all his family fled Paris on 19 March, and for the next several months they remained in exile, until the victory of Waterloo allowed them to return.

Restored Bonaparte succession

On 20 March Napoleon entered Paris and once again proclaimed the Empire. Although the Imperial Constitution was amended in a more democratic direction, the hereditary office of Emperor and the succession laws remained unchanged.

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Napoleon Francis
King of Rome
heir apparentson20 March 1815Empire re-proclaimed22 June 1815nominally became Emperor Joseph Bonaparte
Napoleon I of France
Joseph Bonaparte heir presumptiveuncle22 June 1815nephew became Emperor7 July 1815end of Empire Louis Bonaparte
Napoleon II of France

This restored First Empire lasted until 22 June 1815, when Napoleon abdicated again, this time in favor of a regency on behalf of his son (who had been separated from his father in 1814 and was living in Vienna, Austria). The nominal reign of Napoleon II lasted no longer than until 7 July 1815, when an Allied army occupied Paris. Napoleon I was now exiled to the Atlantic island of St. Helena, where he died a prisoner 5 May 1821. Napoleon II continued to live under close observation in Vienna until he died of tuberculosis 22 July 1832. Neither Joseph nor Louis Bonaparte ever made any effort on behalf of the imperial claims that had descended to them.

Restored Bourbon succession II

On July 8 Louis XVIII returned to Paris. Government was resumed under the 1814 Constitution as before.

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Charles, Count of Artois heir presumptivebrother8 July 1815resumption of royal government16 September 1824became king Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angoulême
Louis XVIII of France
Arms of the Dauphin of France.svg Louis-Antoine heir apparentson16 September 1824father became king2 August 1830father abdicated/
technically became king
Henry, Duke of Bordeaux
Charles X of France

Charles X's attempt in July 1830 to suspend the Charter of 1814 prompted a revolution. After several days of violence at the end of July and the beginning of August, Charles and his son fled Paris and signed an instrument of abdication. The intended beneficiary of the abdication was Charles' grandson (the Dauphin's nephew) Henry, Duke of Bordeaux, a child of 9.

Orléans succession

After several days of discussion, the French Chamber of Deputies chose to ignore the instrument and instead proclaimed Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orléans, as King on 9 August 1830.

Under the Orléans régime, the style Dauphin was not used for the heir apparent to the French throne; he was called instead Prince Royal, in accordance with the 1791–1792 usage.

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans heir apparentson9 August 1830father elected king13 July 1842died Louis, Duke of Nemours
brother (1830–1838)
Louis-Philippe of France
Philippe, Count of Paris
son (1838–1842)
Philippe, Count of Paris heir apparentgrandson13 July 1842father died24 February 1848abdication of Louis-Philippe Robert, Duke of Chartres

After a further revolutionary upheaval in 1848, Louis-Philippe abdicated on 24 February in favor of his grandson Philippe. The choice of Philippe was not accepted by the Chamber of Deputies, and instead the monarchy was abolished and a new Republic declared.

Bonaparte succession: Second Empire

The Second Republic elected as its president Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, son of Napoleon I's brother Louis Bonaparte. President Bonaparte overthrew the Republic by self coup on 2 December 1851; exactly one year later, following a plebiscite, he converted himself into an Emperor, Napoleon III—considering the brief reign of "Napoleon II" in 1815 as valid.

The succession laws were similar to those of the First Empire, except that Jérôme Bonaparte and his male-line male descendants were, by special decree, eligible for the succession, following the descendants of Napoleon III himself (Joseph Bonaparte had died leaving no male children; other than Napoleon III, no other descendants of Louis Bonaparte survived by 1852).

The heir apparent of the Emperor was titled Prince Imperial, parallel to the Orléans title of Prince Royal.

HeirStatusRelationship to MonarchBecame heirCeased to be heirNext in succession
relation to heir, dates
Jérôme Bonaparte heir presumptiveuncle18 December 1852Imperial decree16 March 1856son born to Emperor Napoléon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte
son [6]
Napoleon III
Louis Napoléon, Prince Imperial heir apparentson16 March 1856born4 September 1870Third Republic declared Jérôme Bonaparte
great-uncle (1856–1860)
Napoléon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte
1st cousin -1 (1860–1870)

With the failure of the Imperial army at the Battle of Sedan in the Franco-Prussian War, Napoleon III was captured and his government collapsed. Two days after the battle a Third Republic was declared which would last for seventy years. The Imperial family went into exile. France has not been ruled by a monarchy from this point.

See also


  1. Philip II's closest living male relatives by Salic primogeniture, other than his own descendants, were his uncle, Robert I, Count of Dreux, from 1180-1188, and his first cousin, Robert II, Count of Dreux, from 1188-1209.
  2. John I was born five months posthumously to Louis X, and died after five days.
  3. Charles VII became king in little more than name, as in 1422 much of France was either in rebellion against his authority or under the control of an English occupation force, in the name of Henry VI of England, who had been proclaimed King of France. Over the course of his reign Charles VII reasserted control over most of France.
  4. Philip, the younger brother of Louis le petit Dauphin, had acquired the throne of Spain in the War of the Spanish Succession. In order to avoid the possibility of the union of the thrones of France and Spain, which was one of the primary concerns preventing the conclusion of a peace, Philip formally renounced the French throne for himself and his descendants in 1713, and they henceforth no longer formed part of the line of succession. This renunciation formed part of the Treaty of Utrecht.
  5. Napoleonic Succession Laws at Heraldica.
  6. Jérôme Bonaparte had an older son by a first marriage, Jérôme Napoléon Bonaparte, but he was an American citizen and he and his descendants were not considered part of the line of succession.

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Henri, Count of Chambord and Duke of Bordeaux was the Legitimist pretender to the throne of France as Henri V from 1844 until his death in 1883.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Legitimists</span> French royalist faction

The Legitimists are royalists who adhere to the rights of dynastic succession to the French crown of the descendants of the eldest branch of the Bourbon dynasty, which was overthrown in the 1830 July Revolution. They reject the claim of the July Monarchy of 1830–1848 which placed Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans, head of the Orléans cadet branch of the Bourbon dynasty, on the throne until he too was dethroned and driven with his family into exile.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pretender</span> Someone who claims to be rightful holder of a throne that is vacant or held by another

A pretender is someone who claims to be the rightful ruler of a country although not recognized as such by the current government. The term is often used to suggest that a claim is not legitimate. The word may refer to a former monarch or a descendant of a deposed monarchy, although this type of claimant is also referred to as a head of a house.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emperor of the French</span> Monarchical title of Napoleon I to III

Emperor of the French was the title of the monarch and supreme ruler of the First and the Second French Empires.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulême</span> French prince; eldest son of Charles X (1775–1844)

Louis Antoine of France, Duke of Angoulême was the elder son of Charles X and the last Dauphin of France from 1824 to 1830. He is identified by the Guinness World Records as the shortest-reigning monarch, reigning for less than 20 minutes during the July Revolution, but this is not backed up by historical evidence. He never reigned over the country, but after his father's death in 1836, he was the legitimist pretender as Louis XIX.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">House of Orléans</span> French noble family, a cadet branch of the House of Bourbon

The 4th House of Orléans, sometimes called the House of Bourbon-Orléans to distinguish it, is the fourth holder of a surname previously used by several branches of the Royal House of France, all descended in the legitimate male line from the dynasty's founder, Hugh Capet. The house was founded by Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, younger son of Louis XIII and younger brother of Louis XIV, the "Sun King".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Charles, Prince Napoléon</span> Prince Napoléon

Charles, Prince Napoléon is a French politician who is the disputed head of the Imperial House of France and, as such, heir to the legacy of his great-great-granduncle, Emperor Napoléon I.

An order, line or right of succession is the line of individuals necessitated to hold a high office when it becomes vacated, such as head of state or an honour such as a title of nobility. This sequence may be regulated through descent or by statute.

The Orléanist claimant to the throne of France is Jean, Count of Paris. He is the uncontested heir to the Orléanist position of "King of the French" held by Louis-Philippe, and is also considered the Legitimist heir as "King of France" by those who view the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht as valid. According to the Family Compact of 1909, only the descendants of Henri, Count of Paris are considered to be French dynasts. The founders of the cadet branches of Orleans-Braganza and Orléans-Galliera, by becoming foreigners, are considered under house law to have lost their rights to the throne.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">First Restoration</span> Period in French History (1814)

The First Restoration was a period in French history that saw the return of the House of Bourbon to the throne, between the abdication of Napoleon in the spring of 1814 and the Hundred Days in March 1815. The regime was born following the victory of the Sixth Coalition as part of the campaign of France, while the country was in conflict during the First Empire. While the Allied powers were divided over the person to be placed on the throne of France, a subtle game was established between the Bourbons in exile, the French institutions, and the foreign powers, before the abdication of Napoleon on 6 April opened the way to Louis XVIII, brother of Louis XVI, who returned to Paris at the end of the month and moved to the Tuileries Palace.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Succession to the former French throne (Bonapartist)</span>

The succession to the throne of the French Empire was vested by Bonapartist emperors in the descendants and selected male relatives of Napoleon I. Following the end of the Second French Empire in 1870, Bonapartist pretenders descended from Napoleon I's brothers have maintained theoretical claims to the imperial office.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Treaty of Fontainebleau (1814)</span> Peace treaty exiling Napoleon to Elba

The Treaty of Fontainebleau was an agreement concluded in Fontainebleau, France, on 11 April 1814 between Napoleon and representatives of Austria, Russia and Prussia. The treaty was signed in Paris on 11 April by the plenipotentiaries of both sides and ratified by Napoleon on 13 April. With this treaty, the allies ended Napoleon's rule as emperor of the French and sent him into exile on Elba.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Descendants of Louis XIV</span>

Louis XIV (1638–1715), the Bourbon monarch of the Kingdom of France, was the son of King Louis XIII of France and Queen Anne.

Succession to the French throne covers the mechanism by which the French crown passed from the establishment of the Frankish Kingdom in 486 to the fall of the Second French Empire in 1870.