List of high-proper-motion stars

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This is a list of high-proper motion stars. There is no specific velocity that is considered high, but the proper motion article notes that the majority of stars have a proper motion of 0.01 arc-seconds per year. Note that the closer a star is to earth, the faster it will appear to travel in arc-seconds per year for a given "real" velocity; therefore, the PM values here are apparent velocities.


Included in the table is also the radial motion (RM) if available. In cases where the numerical PM value is not available in a simple arc-seconds per year form, "high" has been used in the table; for instance, in the case of 5 Cancri, "high" is used because the values available in the available article do not resolve the right ascension and declination proper motions into a single numerical value.

In the table below PM values are shown in arc seconds per year and RM values are shown in kilometers per second, positive and negative values indicating away (+) or toward (-) Earth.

'PM' = Proper Motion; 'RM' = Radial Motion
Star articleOther namePM (arc sec/yr)RM (km/s)citations
3 Andromedae 0.236-35PM; [1] RM [2]
5 Andromedae 0.201-2.6PM; [1] RM [3]
5 Cancri "high"+10PM; [4] RM [5]
6 Andromedae 0.272-32.4PM; [1] RM [3]
15 Delphini "high"-4.1PM; [G 1] RM [2]
23 Andromedae 0.191-27PM; [1] RM [6]
23 Leonis Minoris "high"-16PM; [G 2] RM[ citation needed ]
25 Cancri 0.245+38PM; [1] RM [G 3]
32 Boötis 0.194-23PM; [1] RM [3]
35 Pegasi 0.318+54PM; [1] RM [7]
37 Librae "high"+49PM; [4] RM [8]
38 Aurigae 0.181+34PM; [1] RM [3]
39 Arietis Lilii Borea"high"Name; [9] PM [4]
39 Aurigae 0.151+34PM; [1] RM [6]
40 Eridani Omicron2 Eridani4.088-42.47Name; [10] PM; [10] RM [G 4]
40 Leonis Minoris "variable"+10PM; [11] RM [2]
41 Andromedae 0.171+10PM; [1] RM [6]
58 Andromedae 0.159+8PM; [1] RM [3]
61 Cygni 61 Cygni A5.281-65.97PM; [10] RM [G 5]
61 Cygni 61 Cygni B5.172-64.59PM; [10] RM [G 6]
68 Aquarii "high"+24.5PM; [G 7] RM [3]
83 Cancri 0.185-15PM; [1] RM [3]
89 Leonis "high"+4.8PM; [G 8] RM [12]
Alpha Centauri A Rigil Kentaurus3.710-21.4Name; [13] PM; [10] RM [14]
Alpha Centauri B Tollman3.724-18.6Name; [13] PM; [10] RM [14]
Barnard's Star 10.358-110PM; [10] RM [G 9]
Delta Phoenicis "high"-7PM; [4] RM [2]
Epsilon Indi ε Ind A4.704-40.43PM; [10] RM [G 10]
Eta Eridani Azha"high"-20.32Name; [9] PM; [15] RM[ citation needed ]
Gliese 1 CD-37 154926.1+23.6Name; [10] PM; [10] [16] RM [17]
Gliese 412 4.511+64.9PM; [10] RM [18]
Gliese 514 "high"+14.606PM; [G 11] RM [19]
Gliese 809 0.77-17.3PM; [S 1] RM [20]
Groombridge 1830 Argelander's Star7.058-98Name; [21] PM; [10] RM [18]
HD 26755 "high"-38PM; [G 12] RM [2]
HD 29559 "high"+24.2PM; [G 13] RM [2]
HD 30432 "high"-6PM; [G 14] RM [2]
HD 30442 "high"-37PM; [G 15] RM [7]
HD 32820 "high"+29.8PM; [G 16] RM [22]
HD 36187 "high"+50PM; [G 17] RM [23]
HD 39194 "high"+13.9PM; [G 18] RM [2]
HD 43899 "high"+66.5PM; [G 19] RM [2]
HD 46568 "high"+39PM; [G 20] RM [2]
HD 46815 "high"+32.2PM; [G 21] RM [2]
HD 73468 "high"-26.5PM; [G 22] RM [2]
HD 83332 "high"+30PM; [G 23] RM [17]
HD 85725 "high"+61.6PM; [G 24] RM [20]
HD 88218 "high"+36.7PM; [G 25] RM [20]
HD 90132 "high"+17PM; [G 26] RM [2]
HD 91324 "high"+21PM; [G 27] RM [G 27]
HD 99015 "high"-5.9PM; [G 28] RM [2]
HD 101917 "high"+33PM; [G 29] RM [2]
HD 117440 HIP 659365.834-2Name; [10] PM; [10] RM [23]
HD 117566 "high"+14PM; [G 30] RM [24]
HD 134439 and HD 134440 HIP 74234 and HIP 742353.681+310 (approx)Name; [10] PM; [10] RM[ citation needed ]
HD 138289 "high"+13.1PM; [G 31] RM [18]
HD 140283 Methuselah star"high"−169Name; [25] PM; [4] RM [S 2]
HD 154556 "high"-24PM; [G 32] RM [2]
HD 154972 "high"-3.1PM; [G 33] RM [2]
HD 164712 "high"+14.8PM; [G 34] RM [2]
HD 167096 "high"-27PM; [G 35] RM [23]
HD 168592 "high"+18PM; [G 36] RM [2]
HD 174474 "high"-44PM; [G 37] RM [2]
HD 176664 "high"-60PM; [G 38] RM [2]
HD 178845 "high"-25PM; [G 39] RM [2] [G 40]
HD 182893 "high"-27PM; [G 41] RM [2]
HD 191806 "high"-15.28PM; [G 42] RM[ citation needed ]
HD 192886 "high"-29.6PM; [G 43] RM [2]
HD 194012 "high"4.5PM; [G 44] RM [2]
HD 194953 "high"-28PM; [G 45] RM [2]
HD 197630 "high"-30PM; [G 46] RM[ citation needed ]
HD 198716 "high"+20PM; [G 47] RM [2]
HD 200779 0.569-67PM; [G 48] [S 3] RM [26]
HD 201772 "high"-41PM; [G 49] RM [2]
HD 204018 "high"+18.3PM; [G 50] RM [2]
HD 208741 "high"+8PM; [G 51] RM [2]
HD 210056 "high"+24PM; [G 52] RM [2]
HR 8526 "high"+15PM; [G 53] RM [2] [14]
Kapteyn's Star 8.671+245PM; [10] RM [G 54]
Lacaille 8760 Gliese 8253.455+20.7Name; [27] PM; [10] RM [28]
Lacaille 9352 6.896+9.7PM; [10] RM [28]
Lalande 21185 4.802-85.6PM; [10] RM [29]
LP 40-365 "high"+498PM; [30] RM [30]
Luyten's Star 3.73817.35PM; [10] RM [G 55]
Mu Cassiopeiae Al Marfik3.777-98Name; [31] PM; [4] [10] RM [32]
Omicron Columbae "high"PM [4]
Proxima Centauri 3.853-22.2PM; [10] [33] RM [34]
Q Scorpii "high"-49PM; [G 56] RM [2]
SSSPM J1549-3544 "high"PM [G 57]
Teegarden's Star 5+68.3PM [S 4] [ better source needed ]; RM [35]
Upsilon Octantis "high"+19PM; [G 58] RM [23]
Upsilon Pegasi Alkarab"high"-8.6Name; [9] PM; [4] RM [36]
V718 Coronae Australis "high"+28.5PM; [G 59] RM [2]
V744 Centauri 0.05 (minim)PM [37]

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  1. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  2. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  3. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  4. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  5. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  6. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  7. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (August 2018). "Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 616. A1. arXiv: 1804.09365 . Bibcode: 2018A&A...616A...1G . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833051 . Gaia DR2 record for this source at VizieR .
  8. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (August 2018). "Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 616. A1. arXiv: 1804.09365 . Bibcode: 2018A&A...616A...1G . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833051 . Gaia DR2 record for this source at VizieR .
  9. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  10. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  11. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  12. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  13. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  14. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  15. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  16. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  17. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  18. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  19. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  20. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  21. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  22. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  23. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (August 2018). "Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 616. A1. arXiv: 1804.09365 . Bibcode: 2018A&A...616A...1G . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833051 . Gaia DR2 record for this source at VizieR .
  24. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  25. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  26. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  27. 1 2 Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (August 2018). "Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 616. A1. arXiv: 1804.09365 . Bibcode: 2018A&A...616A...1G . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833051 . Gaia DR2 record for this source at VizieR .
  28. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  29. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  30. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  31. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  32. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  33. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  34. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  35. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  36. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  37. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  38. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  39. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  40. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (August 2018). "Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 616. A1. arXiv: 1804.09365 . Bibcode: 2018A&A...616A...1G . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833051 . Gaia DR2 record for this source at VizieR .
  41. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  42. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  43. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  44. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  45. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  46. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  47. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  48. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  49. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  50. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  51. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  52. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  53. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  54. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  55. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  56. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  57. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  58. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2021). "Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 649: A1. arXiv: 2012.01533 . Bibcode:2021A&A...649A...1G. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039657 . S2CID   227254300. (Erratum:  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039657e). Gaia EDR3 record for this source at VizieR .
  59. Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia Collaboration) (2022). "Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . arXiv: 2208.00211 . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243940 . Gaia DR3 record for this source at VizieR .