Common name | Binomial name | Population | Status | Trend | Notes | Image |
Hainan black crested gibbon | Nomascus hainanus | 20–50 [1] | CR [1] | [1] | Population was estimated at over 2,000 in the late 1950s. [1] | |
Eastern black crested gibbon | Nomascus nasutus | 45–47 [2] | CR [2] | [2] | Previously thought to be possibly extinct. Numbers may be higher. [2] | |
Cat Ba langur | Trachypithecus poliocephalus | 51–54 [3] | CR [3] | [3] | | |
Popa langur | Trachypithecus popa | 135–176 [4] | CR [4] | [4] | Estimate for mature individuals. [4] | |
Raffles' banded langur | Presbytis femoralis | 200–250 [5] | CR [5] | [5] | | |
Sarawak surili | Presbytis chrysomelas | 200–500 [6] | CR [6] | [6] | | |
Perrier's sifaka | Propithecus perrieri | 230 [7] | CR [7] | [7] | One of the 25 most endangered primates. [7] | |
Delacour's langur | Trachypithecus delacouri | 234–275 [8] | CR [8] | [8] | The population of the species has radically decreased over the past decade. [8] | |
Silky sifaka | Propithecus candidus | 250 [9] | CR [9] | [9] | Estimate is believed to be a maximum. [9] | |
Tonkin snub-nosed monkey | Rhinopithecus avunculus | 250 [10] | CR [10] | [10] | | |
Barbara Brown's titi | Callicebus barbarabrownae | 260 [11] | CR [11] | [11] | Minimum estimation. [11] | |
Myanmar snub-nosed monkey | Rhinopithecus strykeri | 260–330 [12] | CR [12] | [12] | | |
Mentawai langur | Presbytis potenziani | 300–1,200 [13] | CR [13] | [13] | | |
Superagui lion tamarin | Leontopithecus caissara | 400 [14] | CR [14] | [14] | Maximum estimate. [14] | |
Blond capuchin | Cebus flavius | 500 | EN| [15] | | |
Greater bamboo lemur | Prolemur simus | 500 [16] | CR |  | | |
Kashmir gray langur | Semnopithecus ajax | 500 [17] | EN [17] | [17] | Maximum estimate; 250 mature. [17] | |
Coimbra Filho's titi | Callicebus coimbrai | 500–1,000 [18] | EN [18] | [18] | | |
Gray-shanked douc | Pygathrix cinerea | 550–700 [19] | CR [19] | [19] | | |
Arunachal macaque | Macaca munzala | 569 [20] | EN [20] | [20] | While one source gives a minimum estimate of 569, another claims adult species number less than 250. [20] | |
White-headed langur | Trachypithecus leucocephalus | 600 [21] | CR [21] | [21] | | |
Gray snub-nosed monkey | Rhinopithecus brelichi | 750 [22] | EN [22] | [22] | | |
Northern muriqui | Brachyteles hypoxanthus | 855 [23] | CR [23] | [23] | Minimum estimate. [23] | |
Black lion tamarin | Leontopithecus chrysopygus | 1,000 [24] | EN [24] | [24] | | |
Tana River mangabey | Cercocebus galeritus | 1,000–1,200 [25] | EN [25] | [25] | | |
Kipunji | Rungwecebus kipunji | 1,117 [26] | EN [26] | [26] | | |
Sanje mangabey | Cercocebus sanjei | 1,300 [27] | EN [27] | [27] | Estimate is likely a maximum. [27] | |
Southern muriqui | Brachyteles arachnoides | 1,300 [28] | EN [28] | [28] | | |
Black crested gibbon | Nomascus concolor | 1,300–2,000 [29] | CR [29] | [29] | | |
Siau Island tarsier | Tarsius tumpara | 1,358–12,470 [30] | CR [30] | [30] | Amongst the world's top 25 most endangered primates. [30] |
Golden bamboo lemur | Hapalemur aureus | 1,479 [31] | CR [31] | [31] | [31] | |
Red slender loris | Loris tardigradus | 1,500 [32] | EN [32] | [32] | | |
Sangihe tarsier | Tarsius sangirensis | 1,505–2,795 [33] | EN [33] | [33] | Population estimates are considered inconclusive. [33] | |
Zanzibar red colobus | Procolobus kirkii | 2,000 [34] | EN [34] | [34] | Maximum estimate. [34] | |
Black snub-nosed monkey | Rhinopithecus bieti | 2,000 [35] | EN [35] | [35] | Maximum estimate; less than 1,000 mature organisms. [35] | |
François' langur | Trachypithecus francoisi | 2,000–2,100 [36] | EN [36] | [36] | Estimate for mature individuals. [36] | |
Pagai Island macaque | Macaca pagensis | 2,100–3,700 [37] | CR [37] | [37] | Numbered 15,000 in 1980. [37] | |
Indochinese gray langur | Trachypithecus crepusculus | 2,400–2,500 [38] | EN [38] | [38] | Estimate for mature individuals. [38] | |
Lac Alaotra bamboo lemur | Hapalemur alaotrensis | 2,500 [39] | CR [39] | [39] | Estimates were for 2002 and showed a decline of over 50% in under ten years. [39] | |
Moor macaque | Macaca maura | 3,000–5,000 [40] | EN [40] | [40] | | |
Golden lion tamarin | Leontopithecus rosalia | 3,200 [41] | EN [41] | [41] | Minimum estimate; wild only. [41] In addition to these, there are about 490 golden lion tamarins in 150 zoos around the world. [42] | |
Lion-tailed macaque | Macaca silenus | 4,000 [43] | EN [43] | [43] | Estimate is a maximum. [43] | |
Silvery gibbon | Hylobates moloch | 4,000–4,500 [44] | EN [44] | [44] | | |
Javan surili | Presbytis comata | 5,000–12,000 [45] | VU [45] | [45] | | |
Javan fuscous leaf monkey | Presbytis fredericae | 5,000–17,000 [46] | VU [46] | [46] | |
Gee's golden langur | Trachypithecus geei | 6,000–6,500 [47] | EN [47] | [47] | Estimate is for mature individuals. [47] | |
Eastern gorilla | Gorilla beringei | 5,880 [33] | CR [33] | [33] | Approximately 5,000 eastern lowland gorillas (G. b. graueri) [33] and 880 mountain gorillas (G. b. beringei). [48] | |
Cotton-top tamarin | Saguinus oedipus | 6,000 [49] | CR [49] | [49] | Estimate for mature organisms is 2,000. [49] | |
Golden-crowned sifaka | Propithecus tattersalli | 6,000–10,000 [50] | CR [50] | [50] | | |
Golden-headed lion tamarin | Leontopithecus chrysomelas | 6,000–15,000 [51] | EN [51] | [51] | | |
Muna-buton macaque | Macaca brunnescens | 6,221–18,435 [52] | VU [52] | [52] | Estimate is from 2007. [52] | |
Pig-tailed langur | Simias concolor | 6,700–17,300 [53] | EN [53] | [53] | Down from an estimated 26,000 in 1980. [53] | |
Gray-headed lemur | Eulemur cinereiceps | 7,265 [54] | CR [54] | [54] | Maximum population estimate is 7,265±2,268. [54] | |
Sumatran orangutan | Pongo abelii | 7,300 [55] | CR [55] | [55] | | |
Madame Berthe's mouse lemur | Microcebus berthae | 8,000 [56] | EN [56] | [56] | Estimate is a maximum. [56] | |
Natuna Island surili | Presbytis natunae | 10,000 [57] | VU [57] | [57] | | |
Roosmalens' dwarf marmoset | Callibella humilis | 10,000 [58] | VU [58] | [58] | | |
Siberut langur | Presbytis siberu | 11,014–27,439 [59] | EN [59] | [59] | Population is for Siberut National Park. [59] | |
Barbary macaque | Macaca sylvanus | 15,000 [60] | EN [60] | [60] | Population may be underestimated. [60] | |
Udzungwa red colobus | Procolobus gordonorum | 15,400 [61] | EN [61] | [61] | Population may be overestimated. [61] | |
Northern giant mouse lemur | Mirza zaza | 16,500–17,500 [62] | VU [62] | [62] | | |
Siberut macaque | Macaca siberu | 17,000–30,000 [63] | VU [63] | [63] | Numbered 39,000 in 1980. [63] | |
Capped langur | Trachypithecus pileatus | 18,600 [64] | VU [64] | [64] | | |
Nilgiri langur | Trachypithecus johnii | 20,000 [65] | VU [65] | [65] | Maximum estimate; mature individuals number less than 10,000. [65] | |
Red-eared guenon | Cercopithecus erythrotis | 20,000 [66] | VU [66] | [66] | Minimum estimate. [66] | |
Kloss's gibbon | Hylobates klossii | 20,000–25,000 [67] | EN [67] | [67] | | |
Bonobo | Pan paniscus | 29,500–50,000 [68] | EN [68] | [68] | Population may be underestimated. [68] | |
Bornean orangutan | Pongo pygmaeus | 47,000–73,000 [69] | CR [69] | [69] | | |
Heck's macaque | Macaca hecki | 100,000 [70] | VU [70] | [70] | Little is known about its populations. Estimate is for mature individuals only. [70] | |
Japanese macaque | Macaca fuscata | 114,431 [71] | LC | [72] | | |
Tonkean macaque | Macaca tonkeana | 150,000 [73] | VU [73] | [73] | | |
Western gorilla | Gorilla gorilla | 150,000–250,000 [74] | CR [74] | [74] | Figures are considered an overestimation. [74] | |
Chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes | 172,700–299,700 [75] | EN [75] | [75] | | |
Booted macaque | Macaca ochreata | 180,000 [76] | VU [76] | [76] | Estimate is from 2001. [76] | |
Gelada | Theropithecus gelada | 200,000 [77] | LC [77] | [77] | | |
Müller's Bornean gibbon | Hylobates muelleri | 250,000–375,000 [78] | EN [78] | [78] | | |
Crab-eating macaque | Macaca fascicularis | 3,000,000 [79] | EN [79] | [79] | Latest full estimation was made at the start of the 2000s. [79] | |
Senegal bushbaby | Galago senegalensis | 107,000,000 [80] | LC [81] | | Rough estimate based on population density and range. |
Human | Homo sapiens | 8,009,000,000 [82] | LC [83] | [83] | | |