List of reporting marks: A

Last updated

Note: Marks ending in U are for container owners; marks ending in X are not common carriers; marks ending in Z are for trailers without flanged wheels. All other marks are of common-carrier railroads.


Common carriers (operating railroads)

A Alton Railroad
AA Ann Arbor Railroad (1895-1976)Ann Arbor Railroad (1988)
A&A Anniston and Atlantic Railroad
AAR Association of American Railroads
AB Akron Barberton Cluster Railway
ABB Akron and Barberton Belt Railroad
ABCK Alaska British Columbia Transportation Company
ABEC Aberdeen Electric Company
ABL Alameda Belt Line
ABM Texas and Pacific RailwayMissouri Pacific Railroad
ABN Alabama Northern RailwayAshland Railway
ABPR Aberdeen and Briar Patch RailwayAberdeen, Carolina and Western Railway
ABR Athens Line
ABS Alabama Southern Railroad
AC Algoma Central and Hudson Bay RailwayAlgoma Central Railway
ACBL American Commercial Barge Lines
ACIS Algoma Central Railway
ACJR Ashtabula, Carson and Jefferson Railroad
ACL Atlantic Coast Line RailroadSeaboard Coast Line RailroadSeaboard System RailroadCSX Transportation
ACRC Andalusia and Conecuh Railroad
ACWR Aberdeen, Carolina and Western Railway
ACY Akron, Canton and Youngstown RailroadNorfolk and Western RailwayNorfolk Southern Railway
AD Atlantic and Danville RailwayNorfolk, Franklin and Danville Railway
ADBF Adrian and Blissfield Railroad
ADIR Adirondack Railway
ADN Ashley, Drew and Northern RailwayArkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi Railroad
AE Arizona Eastern Railroad
AEC Atlantic and East Carolina Railway
AEFR Aurora, Elgin and Fox River Electric
AER Algoma Eastern Railway
AERC Albany and Eastern Railroad
AF Alabama and Florida Railway
AFLR Alabama and Florida Railroad
AG Abbeville-Grimes RailwayA&G RailroadBay Line Railroad
AGCR Alamo Gulf Coast Railroad
AGE Albertson Great Eastern Railroad
AGLF Atlantic and Gulf RailroadKnoxville and Holston River Railroad
AGR Alabama and Gulf Coast Railway
AGRD A&G Railroad
AGS Alabama Great Southern Railroad
A&GW Alberta and Great Waterways Railway
AHMR Arlington Heights Motor Railway
AHT Alaska Hydro-Train
AHW Ahnapee and Western RailwayFox Valley and Western Ltd.
AIRI Alabama Industrial Railroad
AJ Alma and Jonquieres Railway
AJR Artemus-Jellico Railroad
AKC Arkansas Central Railroad
AKDN Acadiana Railway
AKMD Arkansas Midland Railroad
AL Almanor Railroad
ALAB Alabama Railroad
AL&G Arkansas, Louisiana and Gulf Railway
ALLN Allentown and Auburn Railroad
ALM Arkansas and Louisiana Midland RailwayArkansas and Louisiana Missouri RailwayArkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi Railroad
ALQS Aliquippa and Southern Railroad
ALS Alton and Southern RailroadAlton and Southern Railway
ALT Airlake Terminal Railway
ALU Alcolu Railroad
ALY Allegheny RailroadAllegheny and Eastern Railroad
A&M Alabama and Mississippi Railroad
AM Arkansas and Missouri Railroad
AMC Amador Central Railroad
AMHR Amherst IndustriesLandisville Railroad
AMID Alabama Midland Railway
AMR Arcata and Mad River Railroad
AMT Agence métropolitaine de transport (Montréal, Québec)
AMTK Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
AN Apalachicola Northern RailroadAN Railway
ANC Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad
ANE Abbotsford and Northeastern Railroad
AN&N Anthony and Northern Railway
ANR Angelina and Neches River Railroad
ANY Athabasca Northern Railway
AO Appalachian and Ohio Railroad
AOK Arkansas-Oklahoma Railroad
AOR Aliquippa and Ohio River Railroad
APA Apache Railway
APD Albany Port District
APNC Appanoose County Community Railroad
AR Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad
ARA Arcade and Attica Railroad
ARC Alexander Railroad
ARDP Missouri Pacific RailroadUnion Pacific Railroad
ARE A&R Line
ARMD Arnaud Railway
ARMH Missouri Pacific RailroadUnion Pacific Railroad
ARMN Missouri Pacific RailroadUnion Pacific Railroad
ARN Alberta RailNetCanadian National Railway
ARR Alaska Railroad
ARRG Altra Railroad
ARS Arkansas Southern Railroad
ART American Refrigerator Transit Company
ARW Arkansas Western Railway
ARZC Arizona and California Railroad
AS Abilene and Southern RailwayMissouri Pacific Railroad
A&SA Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay Railway
ASAB Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay RailwayBay Line Railroad
ASDA Asbestos and Danville Railway
ASML Atlanta, Stone Mountain and Lithonia Railway
ASR Allegheny Southern Railroad
ASRW Allegheny Southern Railway
ASRY Ashland Railway
AT Auto Train
ATCO Arnold Transit
ATLT AT&L Railroad
ATN Alabama & Tennessee River Railway
ATR Alliance Terminal Railroad
ATRW Anthracite Railway
ATSF Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe RailwayBNSF Railway
ATW Atlantic and Western Railway
AUAR Austin Area Terminal Railroad
AUG Augusta Railroad
AUNW Austin and Northwestern Railroad
AUS Augusta Southern Railroad
AUS Augusta and Summerville Railroad
AUT Autauga Northern Railroad
A&V Alabama and Vicksburg Railway
AVNE Avera & Northeastern Railroad
AVL Aroostook Valley Railroad
AVR Allegheny Valley Railroad
AVRR AG Valley Railroad
A&W Alexandria and Western Railway
AW Ahnapee and Western Railway
AWP Atlanta and West Point RailroadSeaboard System RailroadCSX Transportation
AWRR Austin Western Railroad
AWW Algers, Winslow and Western Railway
AYSS Allegheny and South Side Railway
AZER Arizona Eastern Railway
AZS Arizona Southern Railroad

Others (assigned to companies or individuals who own railcars, but are not operating railroads)

AAAX Ann Arbor Railroad (1895-1976)Ann Arbor Railroad (1988)
AACX Alaska Division of Agriculture)
AADX Airco Alloys and Carbide
AAEX American Aniline and Extract Company
AAIX ACS International Inc
AAKX Amulco Asphalt Company
AALX Advanced Aromatics
AAMX Shippers' Car Line Division of ACF Industries; Arrendadora de Carros de Ferrocarril del Atlantico; Arrendadora de Carros de Ferrocarril
AARX Association of American Railroads
AATX Ampacet Corporation
AAX American Agricultural Chemical Company; Agrico Chemical Company
ABBX Abbott Labs
ABCX American Bitumuls Company; Merchants Despatch Transportation Corporation; Falcon Coal Company; Tennessee Valley Authority
ABEX Abbey Chemical Corporation; CPS Processing Corporation; CPS Chemical Company; Abbey Chemical Corporation; Advanced BioEnergy
ABGX American Black Granite Company
ABIX Anheuser-Busch
ABLX American Refrigerator Transit Company
ABMX Albers Brothers Milling Company
ABOX American Rail Box Car Company; Railbox Company; TTX Company
ABPX Ashland By-Product Coke Company; Animal By-Products Corporation
ABRX Merchants Despatch Transportation Corporation; AB Rail Investments, Inc.; Railmark Holdings, Inc.
ABSX American Beet Sugar Company; American Crystal Sugar Company; Albert Brothers Inc
ABTX Aubrey Bartlett; North American Car Corporation; General Electric Railcar Services Corp.
ABWX Asea Brown Boveri, Inc.
ABX Adirondack Bottled Gas Corporation; Home Gas Corporation of Great Barrington
ACAX Aluminum Company of America; Allied Chemical Canada; Allied Chemical Corporation; Honeywell International
ACBX Scandinavian Oil Company; American Cast Iron Pipe Company
ACCX Ansul Chemical Company; Consolidation Coal Company
ACDX Allied Chemical Corporation; First Union Properties; Allied Chemical Corporation; Allied Signal; Honeywell International
ACEX Atlantic City Electric Power Company; Atlantic Cement Company; Blue Circle Atlantic; Ace Cogeneration Company
ACFX ACF Industries; General Electric Rail Services Corporation; Wells Fargo Rail
ACGX Acme Gas Corporation; Suburban Propane, LP
ACIX Arkansas Chemicals, Inc.; Great Lakes Chemical Corporation
ACJU American Coastal Lines Joint Venture, Inc.
ACLU Atlantic Container Line, Ltd.
ACLX American Car Line Company
ACMX Allis-Chalmers Corporation; Voith Hydro
ACOU Associated Octel Company, Ltd.
ACOX Aurora Cooperative Elevator Company (grain shippers)
ACPX Amoco Canada Petroleum Company, Ltd.; Amoco Oil Company; Union Tank Car Lines
ACPZ American Concrete Products Company
ACRX American Chrome and Chemicals, Inc.; Elementis Chromium, LP
ACSU Atlantic Cargo Services, AB
ACSX First Union Properties, Inc.; Honeywell International
ACSZ American Carrier Equipment
ACTU Associated Container Transport (Australia), Ltd.
ACTX Allied Chemical Corporation; Honeywell International
ACUU Acugreen Limited
ACWZ Union Pacific Railroad
ACXU Atlantic Cargo Services, AB
ACXX Anderson Columbia Company, Inc.
ACZX A C Railroad Service Company, Norfolk Southern Railway Company
ADCU Flexi-Van Leasing, Inc.
ADCX Adolph Coors Company
ADIXAdirondack Railway Preservation Society (Adirondack Scenic Railroad)
ADMX Archer Daniels Midland
ADRX Addeleston Recycling Corporation
ADSX Andrew Merrilees, Ltd.
AECX Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
AEIX Alan Eslisk
AEIZ Farrell Lines, Inc.
AEPU American Lines, Inc.
AEPX American Electric Power Service Corporation
AEQX ATEL Equipment Corporation
AESX A. E. Staley Manufacturing; GE Railcar Services Corporation
AEVX AKZO Coatings, Inc.
AEX The Andersons
AFCU Afram Lines, Inc.
AFCX Atel Capital Equipment Fund
AFCZ Afram Lines, Inc.
AFEX Farmers Elevator Company of Arthur, ND
AFIU ABS Industrial Verification, Inc.
AFIZ Agmark Foods
AFPX Fibers and Plastics Company (Allied Corporation); Honeywell International
AFRX AF Railway Industries, Inc.
AFSX Astoria, LLC
AFTX American Freedom Train
AGCX Alberta Gas Chemicals, Inc.; PROCOR
AGEX A. G. Pipe Lines, Inc.; Nova Chemicals, Ltd.
AGFX Anchor Gas and Fuel Company, Inc.
AGHX Agrium US, Inc.
AGIX AGRI Financial Services, Inc.; AGRI Industries
AGLX Andrews Gas Liquids Service; Andrews Petroleum
AGMX Terra Nitrogen, LP
AGPX AG Processing, Inc.
AGRX Agrifos, LLC
AGYX American Gypsum Company; Centrex Construction Products, Inc.
AHCX Arcadian Corporation
AHMX Altos Homos de Mexico, SA de CV
AHWZ Fox Valley and Western
AICX Hoeganaes Corporation
AIDU Albermarle Corporation
AIEU Aviation Import Export, Inc.
AIIZ III Transportation
AIMX American Iron & Metal Company
AINX TTX Company (Acorn Division)
AIPX Atlas Iron Processors, Inc.
AITU Western Intermodal
AJCU Australia Japan Container Line
AJPX North American Chemical Company; IMC Chemicals
AKFX AKF Corporation
AKMX Helm Financial Corporation
AKZX Azko Nobel Chemicals, Inc.
ALAX Lyondell Petrochemical; Equistar Chemicals, LP
ALBX Albert City Elevator
ALCX Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd.; Alcan Smelters and Chemicals, Ltd.
ALEX AGRI Financial Services, Inc.; AGRI Industries
ALGX Amsterdam Leasing
ALKX Airlake Terminal Railway Company
ALLX Alliance Machine Company
ALLZ Alliance Shippers
ALMX Trinity Rail Management, Inc.
ALNX Government of Alberta
ALPX Government of Alberta
ALRX A and R Leasing, LLP
ALSX Albis Canada, Inc.
ALTU VTG Vereinigte Tanklage U Transportmittel, GMBH
ALTX Southern Illinois Railcar, Inc.
ALUX Alumax of South Carolina, Inc.
ALWX GE Railcar Services Corporation
AMAX AMAX Coal Company
AMBU Amber Line, Inc.
AMBX Amherst Industries, Inc.; American Boiler Works, Inc.
AMCX Amoco Chemicals Corporation; Amoco Oil Company; BP Amoco Chemical Company (Chemical Division)
AMCZ Interbulk, Inc.
AMEX Albamex; Allied Enterprises
AMFU Amphibious Container Leasing, Ltd.
AMGX AMG Resources Corporation
AMIU American Marine Industries
AMIX Railcar Leasing Specialists, Inc.
AMIZ American Marine Industries
AMLX American Railcar Company
AMMU Hyundai
AMMX Amoco Minerals Company; Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Company
AMNX American Railcar Leasing Partners
AMOX Amoco Oil Company; BP Products North America, Inc.
AMOZ American Oil Company
AMPX GE Railcar Services Corporation
AMRU Alaska Marine Lines, Inc.
AMRX Consolidated Oil and Transportation Company, Inc.
AMRZ American Chassis Leasing, Inc.
AMSX AllTrans Management Services Corporation
AMTZ Amtrak
AMWX Amway Corporation
AMXU Americas Marine Express, Inc.
ANAU Alliance Navigation Line, Inc.
ANAX Excel Railcar Corporation; GE Rail Services Corporation
ANBX Anbel Corporation
ANCX Norit Americas, Inc.
ANDX Andesite Rock Company
ANIX Associacion National de la Industria Quimca, A.C.
ANKX A and K Railroad Materials, Inc.
ANSX Ansco Investment Company
AOCU Associated Octel
AOCX Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa)
AOEX American Orient Express Railway
AOIX Marathon Ashland Petroleum Company
AOKX Greenbrier Management Services, LLC
AOUX Alberta and Orient Glycol Company, Ltd.
APAX West Penn Power Company; Cementos Apasco, SA de CV
APAXX Cementos Apasco, SA de CV
APCU American President Lines, Ltd.
APCX Allied Products Company; Allied Lime Company
APEX Apex Tank Car Line
APHX Air Products Polymers, LP
APIX The Commonwealth Plan, Inc.
APLU American President Lines, Ltd.
APLX APL Land Transport Services, Inc.
APLZ American President Lines, Ltd.
APMU Maersk Lines
APMX Air Products Manufacturing Company
APMZ Maersk Equipment Service Company
APOX Alabama Power Company
APRX Air Products
APSX Arizona Public Service Company
APTX Air Products
APWX Appalachian Power Company
APXX Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions
AQCX Aqua-Chem, Inc. (Celaver Brooks Division)
ARCX Alaska Rail Car Company; Arizona Rail Car, Inc.
ARDU CATU Containers, SA
AREX Aeropres Corporation
ARGX Associated Railcar, Inc.
ARHU CATU Containers, SA
ARHX Arch Mineral Corporation
ARIX Arco Industrial Gases (a division of Arco, Inc.); GE Rail Services Corporation
ARJX Arch Chemicals
ARL Armour Refrigerator Line (expired)
ARMH Missouri Pacific Railroad; Texas-New Mexico Railway; Doniphan, Kensett and Searcy Railway; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad
ARMN Missouri Pacific Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad
ARMX American Rail and Marine Corporation
ARMZ Armasal Line
AROX GATX Corporation
ARPX Arco Petroleum Products Company; BP Products North America, Inc.
ARRX Anaconda Minerals Company; Anthracite Railroads Historical Society, Inc.
ARSX Aristech Chemical Corporation; Sunoco, Inc.
ARTU CATU Containers, SA
ARWX Alabama River Woodlands, Inc.
ASCX Algoma Steel Corporation; Armco Steel Company, LP
ASDX Allied Services
ASGX American Steel Foundries, Inc.
ASHU Anchorage Sand and Gravel Company; Ash Grove Cement Company
ASHC Maritainer France, SA
ASHX General American Transportation Corporation; American Soda, LLP
ASLX Algoma Steamships, Ltd.
ASMX Ames And Sons Machine Works
ASRX Amstar Corporation; Domino Sugar Company
ASRZ Agri/Share Cooperative
ASYX Avondale Shipyards, Inc.
ATAX Arizona Transit Assembly; Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
ATCX Austin and Texas Central Railroad; Southern Illinois Railcar, Inc.
ATEX Asplundh Tree Expert Company (Railroad Division)
ATGU Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway; BNSF Railway
ATGX ATEL Leasing Corporation
ATIU Societe Auxillaire De Transport Et D'Industries
ATIX Alstom Transportation, Inc.
ATLU American Marine Industries
ATLX Atlas Machine and Iron Works, Inc.
ATLZ American Marine Industries
ATMX United States Department of Energy (Albuquerque Operations Office)
ATOU Atochem
ATTX Trailer Train Company; TTX Corporation
AUBX US Plastic Lumber, Ltd.
AVCX AVCO Aerostructures Division
AVLU Allied Van Lines
AWCX Airco Welding Products
AWDX Atlantic of New York, Inc.
AWIX Albright and Wilson Americas, Inc.
AWVX 20th Century Fox
AWXX East Carbon Development Company
AWZZ McCloud Railway Company
AXCU Ace Transportation Company
AXXZ Agricultural Express of America
AZCX Azcon Corporation
AZEX Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
AZMX Arizona Railway Museum
AZXX Arizona Chemical Company

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