Liu Bao

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  1. Some records state that Liu Bao was the Wise Prince of the Right. (是時并州右賢王劉豹並為一部...) Sanguozhi, vol.28 There are also records that assert that the Wise Prince of the Left after Huchuquan's ascension was Qubei. (韓暹及匈奴左賢王去卑...) Hou Hanshu, vol.9
  2. Bichurin N.Ya., "Collection of information on peoples in Central Asia in ancient times", 1851, vol. 1, p. 147
  3. (是時并州右賢王劉豹並為一部,艾上言曰:戎狄獸心,不以義親,強則侵暴,弱則內附,故周宣有玁狁之寇,漢祖有平城之圍。每匈奴一盛,為前代重患。自單于在外,莫能牽制長卑。誘而致之,使來入侍。由是羌夷失統,合散無主。以單于在內,萬里順軌。今單于之尊日疏,外土之威浸重,則胡虜不可不深備也。聞劉豹部有叛胡,可因叛割為二國,以分其勢。去卑功顯前朝,而子不繼業,宜加其子顯號,使居雁門。離國弱寇,追錄舊勳,此禦邊長計也。) Sanguozhi, vol.28
  4. (咸熙之際,以一部太強,分爲三率,泰始之初,又增爲四... 今五部之衆...) Jin Shu, vol.56
  5. Tang, Changru; 唐长孺 (2017). Wei jin nan bei chao shi lun cong (Di 1 ban ed.). Beijing. ISBN   978-7-100-15269-3. OCLC   1096382148.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  6. "[田野调查与研究]去卑监国的败局与屠各刘豹的崛起-文学100". Retrieved 2023-10-16.
  7. (興平中,天下喪亂,文姬為胡騎所獲,沒於南匈奴左賢王,在胡中十二年,生二子。曹操素與邕善,痛其無嗣,乃遣使者以金璧贖之,而重嫁於祀。) Hou Hanshu, vol.84
Liu Bao
Traditional Chinese 劉豹
Simplified Chinese 刘豹