position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Australia ([[ARIA Charts|ARIA]]){{cite web|url=http://www.aria.com.au/charts/singles-chart/2021-01-18|title=ARIA Top 50 Singles Chart|publisher=[[Australian Recording Industry Association]]|date=January 18,2021|accessdate=January 16,2021}}\n| 49\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Austria"},"2":{"wt":"14"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"February 20,2021"}},"i":2}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Flanders"},"2":{"wt":"15"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"March 5,2021"}},"i":3}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Wallonia"},"2":{"wt":"4"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"April 9,2021"}},"i":4}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Bulgaria ([[PROPHON]]){{cite web|url=https://www.prophon.org/en/charts/08-jan-2021|title=Архивкласации|trans-title=Rankings|date=January 8,2021|publisher=[[PROPHON]]|language=bg|access-date=July 10,2021}}\n| 8\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Canada"},"2":{"wt":"92"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"January 12,2021"}},"i":5}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Croatia ([[Croatian Radiotelevision|HRT]]){{cite web|url=https://radio.hrt.hr/clanak/arc-100-datum-1-ozujka-2021/259806/|title=ARC 100 –datum:datum:1. ožujka 2021.|trans-title=ARC 100 –date:1 March 2021|last=Komerički|first=Goran|language=hr|publisher=[[Hrvatska radiotelevizija]]|date=March 1,2021|access-date=July 10,2021}}\n| 20\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardeurodigital"},"2":{"wt":"6"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"February 19,2021"}},"i":6}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"France"},"2":{"wt":"30"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"February 15,2021"}},"i":7}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Germany"},"2":{"wt":"9"},"songid":{"wt":"2103627"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"February 19,2021"}},"i":8}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardglobal200"},"2":{"wt":"90"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"July 10,2021"}},"i":9}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Hungarydance"},"2":{"wt":"20"},"year":{"wt":"2022"},"week":{"wt":"6"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"February 17,2022"}},"i":10}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Hungary"},"2":{"wt":"2"},"year":{"wt":"2021"},"week":{"wt":"25"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"July 1,2021"}},"i":11}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Hungarysingle"},"2":{"wt":"16"},"year":{"wt":"2021"},"week":{"wt":"17"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"May 6,2021"}},"i":12}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Ireland4"},"2":{"wt":"43"},"date":{"wt":"20210115"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"January 16,2021"}},"i":13}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Dutch40"},"2":{"wt":"3"},"year":{"wt":"2021"},"week":{"wt":"02"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"January 8,2021"}},"i":14}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Dutch100"},"2":{"wt":"6"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"January 9,2021"}},"i":15}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Poland"},"2":{"wt":"1"},"chartid":{"wt":"3673"},"year":{"wt":"2021"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"March 1,2021"}},"i":16}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Romania ([[Romanian record charts|Airplay 100]]){{cite news|url=https://www.unsitedemuzica.ro/topuri/Top-Airplay-100-Jason-Derulo-hit-viral-primul-loc-p12107|title=Top Airplay 100 - Jason Derulo aduce un hit viral pe primul loc!|trans-title=Top Airplay 100 –Jason Derulo brings a viral hit atop the chart!|author=Arvunescu,Victor|date=22 February 2021|accessdate=22 February 2021|language=Romanian|publisher=Un site de muzică|archive-date=22 February 2021|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210222132235/https://www.unsitedemuzica.ro/topuri/Top-Airplay-100-Jason-Derulo-hit-viral-primul-loc-p12107|url-status=live}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Slovakia ([[International Federation of the Phonographic Industry|Singles Digitál Top 100]]){{cite web|url=http://hitparada.ifpicr.cz/index.php?hitp=D|title=ČNS IFPI|publisher=IFPI ČR|id=Note:Select SK SINGLES DIGITAL TOP 100 and insert 20215 into search.|access-date=5 April 2021}}\n| 61\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Slovakia2"},"2":{"wt":"2"},"year":{"wt":"2021"},"week":{"wt":"10"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"March 15,2021"}},"i":17}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Slovenia ([[SloTop50]]){{cite web|url=https://www.slotop50.si/Glasbene-lestvice/Tedenske-lestvice/?year=2021&week=7|title=SloTop50 –Slovenian official singles chart|publisher=slotop50.si|access-date=23 February 2021}}\n| 32\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Sweden"},"2":{"wt":"97"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"December 2,2020"}},"i":18}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Switzerland"},"2":{"wt":"5"},"artist":{"wt":"Jason Derulo x Nuka"},"song":{"wt":"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"February 7,2021"}},"i":19}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"UK"},"2":{"wt":"26"},"date":{"wt":"20210122"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"accessdate":{"wt":"January 23,2021"}},"i":20}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Ukraine"},"2":{"wt":"91"},"date":{"wt":"2022-09-02"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"September 9,2022"}},"i":21}},"\n|}\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"col-2","href":"./Template:Col-2"},"params":{},"i":22}},"\n\n===Year-end charts===\n{| class=\"wikitable sortable plainrowheaders\"style=\"text-align:center\"\n|+ 2021 year-end chart performance for \"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)\"\n! scope=\"col\"| Chart (2021)\n! scope=\"col\"| Position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Austria (Ö3 Austria Top 40){{cite web|url=https://oe3.orf.at/charts/stories/3020713/|title=Ö3-Austria Top40 Single-Jahrescharts 2021|publisher=Ö3 Austria Top 40|access-date=January 2,2022|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220101195812/https://oe3.orf.at/charts/stories/3020713/|archive-date=January 1,2022}}\n| 30\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Belgium (Ultratop Flanders){{cite web|url=https://www.ultratop.be/nl/annual.asp?year=2021|title=Jaaroverzichten 2021|publisher=Ultratop|access-date=January 5,2022}}\n| 57\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Belgium (Ultratop Wallonia){{cite web|url=https://www.ultratop.be/fr/annual.asp?year=2021|title=Rapports annuels 2021|publisher=Ultratop|access-date=January 5,2022}}\n| 22\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| France (SNEP){{cite web|url=https://snepmusique.com/les-tops/le-top-de-lannee/top-singles-annee/?categorie=Top%20Single%20de%20l%E2%80%99ann%C3%A9e&annee=2021|title=Top de l'année Top Singles 2021|publisher=SNEP|language=fr|access-date=April 15,2022}}\n| 109\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Germany (Official German Charts){{cite web|url=https://www.mtv.de/info/xu0nnf/jahrescharts-2021|title=Jahrescharts 2021|publisher=[[GfK Entertainment charts]]|access-date=December 15,2021}}\n| 24\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Hungary (Dance Top 40){{cite web|url=http://slagerlistak.hu/archivum/eves-osszesitett-listak/dance/2021|title=Dance Top 100 - 2021|access-date=February 2,2022|publisher=[[Mahasz]]}}\n| 85\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Hungary (Rádiós Top 40){{cite web|url=http://slagerlistak.hu/archivum/eves-osszesitett-listak/radios/2021|title=Rádiós Top 100 - hallgatottsági adatok alapján - 2021|access-date=February 2,2022|publisher=[[Mahasz]]}}\n| 18\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Hungary (Single Top 40){{cite web|url=http://slagerlistak.hu/archivum/eves-osszesitett-listak/single_db/2021|title=Single Top 100 –eladási darabszám alapján –2021|publisher=Mahasz|language=hu|access-date=February 1,2022}}\n| 90\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Netherlands (Dutch Top 40){{cite web|url=https://www.top40.nl/bijzondere-lijsten/top-100-jaaroverzichten/2021|title=Top 100-Jaaroverzicht van 2021|publisher=[[Dutch Top 40]]|language=nl|access-date=January 4,2022}}\n| 20\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Netherlands (Single Top 100){{cite web|url=https://dutchcharts.nl/jaaroverzichten.asp?year=2021&cat=s|title=Jaaroverzichten –Single 2021|publisher=[[MegaCharts]]|language=nl|access-date=January 4,2022}}\n| 54\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Poland (ZPAV){{cite web|url=http://bestsellery.zpav.pl/aktualnosci.php?idaktualnosci=2001|title=\"Friday\"Riton i Nightcrawlers z udziałem Mufasa &Hypemana –radiowym numerem jeden w 2021 roku|publisher=[[Polish Society of the Phonographic Industry]]|language=pl|access-date=January 27,2022}}\n| 17\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Switzerland (Schweizer Hitparade){{cite web|url=https://hitparade.ch/charts/jahreshitparade/2021|title=Schweizer Jahreshitparade 2021|website=hitparade.ch|access-date=December 27,2021}}\n| 32\n|}\n\n{| class=\"wikitable plainrowheaders\"style=\"text-align:center\"\n|+ 2022 year-end chart performance for \"Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)\"\n! scope=\"col\"| Chart (2022)\n! scope=\"col\"| Position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Hungary (Dance Top 40){{cite web |publisher=Association of Hungarian Record Companies (MAHASZ) |title=Dance Top 100 - a hazai DJ-k játszásai alapján - 2022 |url=https://slagerlistak.hu/archivum/eves-osszesitett-listak/dance/2022 |access-date=January 31,2024 |archive-url=https://archive.today/20230203184404/https://slagerlistak.hu/archivum/eves-osszesitett-listak/dance/2022 |archive-date=February 3,2023 |language=hu |url-status=live}}\n| 92\n|}\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"col-end","href":"./Template:Col-end"},"params":{},"i":23}}]}" id="mwLg">.mw-parser-output .col-begin{border-collapse:collapse;padding:0;color:inherit;width:100%;border:0;margin:0}.mw-parser-output .col-begin-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .col-break{vertical-align:top;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .col-break-2{width:50%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-3{width:33.3%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-4{width:25%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-5{width:20%}@media(max-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .col-begin,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody>tr,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody>tr>td{display:block!important;width:100%!important}.mw-parser-output .col-break{padding-left:0!important}}
Weekly charts
| Year-end charts
Region | Certification | Certified units/sales |
Australia (ARIA) [46] | Platinum | 70,000‡ |
Austria (IFPI Austria) [47] | 2× Platinum | 60,000‡ |
Belgium (BEA) [48] | Gold | 20,000‡ |
Denmark (IFPI Danmark) [49] | Gold | 45,000‡ |
France (SNEP) [50] | Platinum | 200,000‡ |
Germany (BVMI) [51] | Platinum | 400,000‡ |
Italy (FIMI) [52] | Gold | 35,000‡ |
Poland (ZPAV) [53] | Platinum | 20,000‡ |
Switzerland (IFPI Switzerland) [54] | Platinum | 20,000‡ |
United Kingdom (BPI) [55] | Silver | 200,000‡ |
‡ Sales+streaming figures based on certification alone. |
"Belly Dancer (Bananza)" is the fourth single from R&B singer Akon's debut studio album, Trouble. "Belly Dancer (Bananza)" peaked at number 30 on the Billboard Hot 100. Outside of the United States, "Belly Dancer (Bananza)" peaked within the top ten of the charts in the United Kingdom. The song samples "The Lunatics (Have Taken Over the Asylum)" by Fun Boy Three and "Body Rock" by Treacherous Three, and borrows from the chorus of "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield. It was used in the 2009 teen comedy film Fired Up!. A remix of the track, featuring Kardinal Offishall, was later included as a B-side to "Pot of Gold".
"9 PM (Till I Come)" is a song by German DJ and producer ATB from his debut studio album, Movin' Melodies (1999). It was co-written by ATB, Angel Ferrerons, Julio Posadas and Yolanda Rivera. It features vocals by Spanish model Yolanda Rivera and a synthesizer hook created on guitar. The track's hook would later be reworked into the single "Don't Stop!" in 1999, which also featured on Movin' Melodies and also proved very popular.
"In My Head" is a song by American singer Jason Derulo, released as the second single from his self-titled debut studio album. It was first released via download on December 10, 2009. The song topped the charts of Australia, Poland, and the United Kingdom and peaked within the top 10 of the charts in several other countries. The song's official remix has a heavier R&B sound and features rapper Nicki Minaj. Derulo performed the song on the ninth season of American Idol.
"Want to Want Me" is a song recorded by American singer Jason Derulo for his fourth studio album, Everything Is 4 (2015). It was released as the album's lead single on March 9, 2015. The song was written by Derulo, Sam Martin, Lindy Robbins, Mitch Allan, and its producer, Ian Kirkpatrick.
"Wiggle" is a song by American singer Jason Derulo featuring American rapper Snoop Dogg, released as the fourth single from the former's third U.S. studio album, Talk Dirty (2014) in North America. In Europe, the song was released as the sixth single from his third international album, Tattoos and the first single from the special edition of the album.
"Sweet Lovin'" is the second single from British musician Sigala. It features vocals from Bryn Christopher. It was released on 4 December 2015 as a digital download in the United Kingdom through Ministry of Sound. It is the follow-up to his UK number-one single "Easy Love". The song reached number 3 in the United Kingdom and number 6 in Ireland.
"Swalla" is a song by American singer Jason Derulo featuring Trinidadian-born rapper Nicki Minaj and fellow American singer Ty Dolla Sign, released on February 24, 2017, by Warner Bros. Records. The song was written by the artists alongside LunchMoney Lewis, Robert Diggs, Jacob Kasher Hindlin, Russell Jones. and producer Ricky Reed. The song was originally intended to be the first single from Derulo's album, titled 777, however the album was never released. It was later included on his fifth studio album Nu King (2024).
"Tip Toe" is a song by American singer and songwriter Jason Derulo, featuring Moroccan-American rapper French Montana, released on November 10, 2017. It was written alongside Soaky Siren, Johnny Mitchell, and producers Pip Kembo and Bantu.
"Goodbye" is a song by American singer Jason Derulo and French music producer David Guetta featuring Trinidadian-born rapper Nicki Minaj and fellow French musician Willy William. It was adapted and written by the artists alongside Jmi Sissoko, DJ Paulito, Kinnda, JVZEL, VodKa, Phil Greiss, David Saint Fleur, Art Beatz, and Curtis Gray, the latter five receiving production credits along with Guetta; Francesco Sartori, Lucio Quarantotto, and Frank Peterson are credited due to the inclusion of elements of their composition "Time to Say Goodbye", as performed by Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli. "Goodbye" is included on Guetta's seventh studio album, 7 (2018).
"Kings & Queens" is a song by American singer Ava Max, released on March 12, 2020, through Atlantic Records as the lead single from her debut studio album, Heaven & Hell (2020). The song was written by Ava Max, Brett McLaughlin, Desmond Child, Hillary Bernstein, Jakke Erixson, Madison Love, Mimoza Blinsson, and producers Cirkut and RedOne. It is a power pop song that consists of an electric guitar with synthesizers, incorporating the message of women's empowerment.
"Savage Love ", originally known as "Savage Love", is a song by New Zealand music producer Jawsh 685 and American singer Jason Derulo. The song was officially released on 11 June 2020, following the resolution of sample clearance issues between the two artists.
"Head Shoulders Knees & Toes" is a song by French DJ duo Ofenbach and German DJ duo Quarterhead featuring vocals by American singer Norma Jean Martine. It was released through Ofenbach Music, Spinnin' Records, and Warner Music on 8 May 2020.
"Take You Dancing" is a song by American singer Jason Derulo. It was released as a single on July 21, 2020, by Atlantic Records, a sister of his previous home label Warner Records. The song was written by Teemu Brunila, Derulo, Emanuel "Eman" Kiriakou, Sarah Solovay and Shawn Charles.
"Let's Love" is a song by French DJ David Guetta and Australian singer-songwriter Sia. It was released as a single on 11 September 2020 through Parlophone. The song was written by Guetta, Giorgio Tuinfort, Marcus van Wattum and Sia.
"The Business" is a song by Dutch DJ and producer Tiësto, with uncredited vocals from James "Yami" Bell. It was released on 25 September 2020 as the lead single from his seventh studio album Drive.
Ridge Manuka Maukava, known by his stage name Nuka, is a New Caledonian beat maker and record producer known for his song "Love Not War ", a collaboration with American R&B singer Jason Derulo. Sony Music released the song on 20 November 2020 as a re-work of Nuka's 2018 composition "4 Brylean (WayzRmx2018)". Nuka produced the track and is an associate performer on it. The song has charted worldwide including on the UK Singles Chart and on charts in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland.
"Afterglow" is a song by English singer Ed Sheeran. Released on 21 December 2020, the song marked Sheeran's first single release in more than 18 months. An accompanying music video features a one-take performance by Sheeran with solo acoustic guitar accompaniment.
"Leave Before You Love Me" is a song by American record producer Marshmello and American group Jonas Brothers. It was released through Republic Records and Joytime Collective as a single on May 21, 2021. Produced by Marshmello and co-produced by Alesso, Digital Farm Animals, and Heavy Mellow, the producers wrote the song alongside Richard Boardman and Pablo Bowman of the songwriting collective the Six, Phil Plested, and William Vaughan. Christian Arnold, David Martin and Geoff Morrow of the band Butterscotch are also credited as songwriters, due to an interpolation of their song "Can't Smile Without You" in the chorus of "Leave Before You Love Me". Programming was solely handled by Marshmello and mixing and mastering was handled by Manny Marroquin. Of the Jonas Brothers' members individual contributions to the song, brothers Nick and Joe share vocals and brother Kevin plays guitar and background vocals. The song serves as the Jonas Brothers' first release of 2021.
"Acapulco" is a song by Jason Derulo, released as a single through Atlantic Records on September 3, 2021, accompanied by a music video. The song has charted all across Europe and in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
"Enemy" is a song by American pop rock band Imagine Dragons and American rapper JID. It was released through Interscope Records and Kidinakorner on October 28, 2021, as the lead single of the soundtrack to the Netflix animated series Arcane. The song was written by the artists alongside Justin Tranter and the producers Mattman & Robin. The song was also included on the Additional Track Version of the band's fifth studio album Mercury – Act 1 (2021). The song became JID's first song to reach the top 5 in the US, and became the band's first song to reach the top 5 since the 2017 song "Thunder". In 2023, for the 35th anniversary of Alternative Airplay – where "Enemy" charted for 54 weeks, of which 9 were spent at the top spot – Billboard ranked the song as the 14th-most successful in the chart's history.