Hevea is a genus of flowering plants in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, with about ten members. It is also one of many names used commercially for the wood of the most economically important rubber tree, H. brasiliensis. The genus is native to tropical South America but is widely cultivated in other tropical countries and naturalized in several of them. It was first described in 1775.

Conceveiba is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae, first described as a genus in 1775. It is native to South America and Central America.
- Conceveiba guianensisAubl. - Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, 3 Guianas
- Conceveiba hostmaniiBenth. - Guyana, Suriname, Amazonas State in Brazil
- Conceveiba krukoffiiSteyerm. - Venezuela, French Guiana, NW Brazil
- Conceveiba latifoliaBenth. - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Amazonas State in Brazil
- Conceveiba martianaBaill. - Venezuela, French Guiana, NW Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia
- Conceveiba maynasensisSecco - Loreto in Peru
- Conceveiba parvifoliaMcPherson - Panama, NW Colombia
- Conceveiba pleiostemonaDonn.Sm. - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela
- Conceveiba praealta(Croizat) Punt ex J.Murillo - NW Brazil
- Conceveiba ptariana(Steyerm.) Jabl. - S Venezuela
- Conceveiba rhytidocarpaMüll.Arg. - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Conceveiba santanderensisJ.Murillo - NW Colombia
- Conceveiba terminalis(Baill.) Müll.Arg. - Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, NW Brazil, Colombia, Peru
- Conceveiba tristigmataJ.Murillo - Colombia, Venezuela, NW Brazil

Mabea is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described in 1775. It is native to Central and South America as well as Mexico and Trinidad.
Discocarpus is a genus of the plant family Phyllanthaceae first described as a genus in 1841. It is native to northern South America. It is dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate plants.
- Discocarpus essequeboensisKlotzsch - Brazil, Venezuela (Amazonas), Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
- Discocarpus gentryiS.M.Hayden - S Venezuela (Amazonas), Peru (Loreto), N Brazil
- Discocarpus pedicellatusFiaschi & Cordeiro - State of Bahia in Brazil
- Discocarpus spruceanusMüll.Arg. - Venezuela (Amazonas), Brazil, Suriname (Sipaliwini), Bolivia

Pouteria is a genus of flowering trees in the gutta-percha family, Sapotaceae. The genus is widespread throughout the tropical Americas, with outlier species in Cameroon and Malesia. It includes the canistel, the mamey sapote, and the lucuma. Commonly, this genus is known as pouteria trees, or in some cases, eggfruits.

Couratari is a genus of trees in the family Lecythidaceae, first described as a genus in 1775. They are native to tropical South America and Central America.

Aspidosperma is a genus of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1824. It is native to South America, Central America, southern Mexico, and the West Indies.

Micropholis is genus of trees in the family Sapotaceae, described in 1891.

Hirtella is a genus of 110 species of woody trees in family Chrysobalanaceae. It was first described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1753. Hirtella naturally occurs in tropical forests throughout Latin America, the West Indies, southeast Africa, and Madagascar. The flowers are mainly pollinated by butterflies.
Malouetia is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1844. It is native to Africa, South America, Central America, and the West Indies.

Syngonanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Eriocaulaceae. It is native to tropical Africa and to Latin America.

Couepia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Chrysobalanaceae described as a genus in 1775.

Piresia is a genus of South American plants in the grass family.
- Piresia goeldiiSwallen - French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela (Amazonas), Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador, Peru (Loreto), Brazil
- Piresia leptophyllaSoderstr. - Colombia (Amazonas), Ecuador, Peru, Brazil(Pernambuco, Amazonas, Bahia), Trinidad & Tobago
- Piresia macrophyllaSoderstr. - French Guiana, Peru, Brazil
- Piresia palmulaM.L.S.Carvalho & R.P.Oliveira - Brazil (Bahia)
- Piresia sympodica(Döll) Swallen - Venezuela, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago

Olyra is a genus of tropical bamboos in the grass family. It is native primarily to the Western Hemisphere, with one species extending into Africa.

Chomelia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It is native to Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and much of South America as far south as Argentina.

Odontadenia is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1841. It is native to southern Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies.
- Odontadenia anomala(Van Heurck & Müll.Arg.) J.F.Macbr. - Peru, Bolivia
- Odontadenia campanulataJ.F.Morales - Colombia
- Odontadenia funigeraWoodson - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil
- Odontadenia geminata(Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.) Müll.Arg. - 3 Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, N Brazil
- Odontadenia glaucaWoodson - Amazonas State in S Venezuela
- Odontadenia gracilipes(Stadelm.) Woodson - Minas Gerais
- Odontadenia hypoglauca(Stadelm.) Müll.Arg. - Bolivia, Brazil
- Odontadenia killipiiWoodson - French Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, N Brazil
- Odontadenia kochiiPilg. - Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, N Brazil
- Odontadenia laxiflora(Rusby) Woodson - Peru, Bolivia, N Brazil
- Odontadenia lutea(Vell.) Markgr. - Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
- Odontadenia macrantha(Roem. & Schult.) Markgr. - Oaxaca, Chiapas, Central America, Trinidad & Tobago, 3 Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil
- Odontadenia markgrafianaJ.F.Morales - French Guiana, N Brazil
- Odontadenia matogrossanaJ.F.Morales - Goiás, Mato Grosso
- Odontadenia nitida(Vahl) Müll.Arg. - Trinidad & Tobago, 3 Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia
- Odontadenia perrottetii(A.DC.) Woodson - Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Guyana, French Guiana
- Odontadenia polyneura(Urb.) Woodson - Hispaniola
- Odontadenia puncticulosa(Rich.) Pulle - Central America, 3 Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia
- Odontadenia stemmadeniifoliaWoodson - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil
- Odontadenia verrucosa(Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) K.Schum. ex Markgr. - 3 Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua
- Odontadenia cuspidataRusby = Mandevilla cuspidata(Rusby) Woodson
- Odontadenia duckeiMarkgr. = Mandevilla pohliana(Stadelm.) A.H.Gentry
- Odontadenia glandulosa(Ruiz & Pav.) K.Schum. = Mandevilla glandulosa(Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson
- Odontadenia macrocalyx(Müll.Arg.) Miers = Tabernaemontana macrocalyxMüll.Arg.

Pausandra is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae first described in 1870. It is native to Central America and South America.
- Pausandra fordiiSecco - Amapá, French Guiana
- Pausandra hirsutaLanj. - Peru, Brazil, Bolivia (Pando), Colombia (Amazonas)
- Pausandra macropetalaDucke - Brazil, Peru (Loreto), Venezuela (Amazonas)
- Pausandra macrostachyaDucke - Pará
- Pausandra martiniBaill. - French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil
- Pausandra megalophyllaMüll.Arg. - Rio de Janeiro
- Pausandra morisiana(Casar.) Radlk. - Brazil
- Pausandra trianae(Müll.Arg.) Baill. - widespread from Honduras to Bolivia
Exellodendron is a genus of plant in the family Chrysobalanaceae described as a genus in 1972.

Rapatea is a group of plants in the family Rapateaceae described as a genus in 1775.