![]() Trump I, Ganellino from Earlier Minchiate | |
Origin | Florence |
Alternative names | Germini, Gallerini, Ganellini |
Type | Trick-taking |
Players | 2-4 |
Skills | Tactics, Strategy, Cooperation |
Cards | 97 |
Rank (high→low) | Trump suit 40-1 Long suits: K Q C J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Round suits: K Q C J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Play | Counter-clockwise |
Playing time | 30 min. |
Chance | Moderate |
Related games | |
Tarocchini |
Minchiate is an early 16th-century card game, originating in Florence, Italy. It is no longer widely played. Minchiate can also refer to the special deck of 97 playing cards used in the game. The deck is closely related to the tarot cards, but contains an expanded suit of trumps. The game was similar to but more complex than tarocchi. The minchiate represents a Florentine variant on the original game.
Florence is one of the contenders for the birthplace of tarot. The earliest reference to tarot cards, then known as trionfi, is dated to 1440 when a notary in Florence recorded the transfer of two decks to Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. [1]
The word minchiate comes from a dialect word meaning "nonsense" or "trifle", derived from mencla, the vulgar form of mentula, a Latin word for "phallus". [2] The word minchione is attested in Italian as meaning "fool", and minchionare means "to laugh at" someone. The intended meaning may be "the game of the fool", considering that the card "The Fool", also called "The Excuse", features prominently in the game play of all tarot games. In tarocchini, sminchiate is a signal used to communicate to a teammate.
The earliest reference to minchiate is found in a 1466 letter by Luigi Pulci to Lorenzo de' Medici. This game was believed to be played by a 78-card deck as evidenced by the Rosenwald sheets, uncut sheets of Florentine tarots dated from 1480 to 1500. [3] There are two other differences from 97-card minchiate. First, in 97-card minchiate the sequence for some of the lower trumps goes from lowest to highest: Fortitude, Justice, Wheel, and Chariot. In the Rosenwald ordering it is Justice, Fortitude, Chariot, and Wheel. [4]
Second, the Rosenwald sheets contains the Popess as the second trump, which is not found in the 97-card deck. In a Florentine song written around 1500, the trumps in a tarot deck were listed as almost exactly as the Rosenwald sheets, with the exception of the missing Popess which likely means that this card was dropped from the deck by that time. [4] The song also ranks the other trumps as Fortitude, Justice, Chariot, and Wheel, which suggests it is a transitional stage from the Rosenwald sheets to the 97-card deck's order.
97-card minchiate was first known as germini, after the Gemini (XXXV) card, the highest of the newly introduced trumps. The earliest record of germini dates to 1506. [5] This deck was created by inserting the 20 new trumps as a single block between trump 15 and The Star, which is now trump 36. The new deck proved so much more popular, that the 77-card deck ceased production and the older name of minchiate was transferred over to the larger deck during the 17th century.
The game spread from Florence to the rest of Italy and France during the 1600s. In Sicily, it was called gallerini. In Liguria it was known as ganellini. The rules used in these regions are lost, except for cryptic references that they were quite different from the Florentine game. All surviving rules are derived from the type played in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Papal States.
By the 18th century, minchiate had overtaken the original game of tarot in popularity in Italy. Paolo Minucci published a commentary on the game in 1676. The game is described in detail by Romain Merlin in Origine des cartes à jouer, published in Paris in 1869. It was also known in Germany during the late 18th century. The game was still played in Genoa in the 1930s, but its popularity declined in the late 19th and early 20th century.
The minchiate deck differs from other tarot decks in several features. The first and most obvious difference is that the trumps have almost doubled in number; there are 40 trumps in the minchiate, in addition to the unnumbered card the Madman, The Fool or the excuse. Minchiate uses Roman numerals for its trumps. Due to the large number of trumps, players generally called them by their number with the exception of the arie.
Suit | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
English | Swords | Cups | Coins | Clubs |
Italian | Spade | Coppe | Denari | Bastoni |
Spanish | Espadas | Copas | Oros | Bastos |
Minchiate decks come in two standard patterns, earlier and later, which coexisted for almost two centuries. Earlier Minchiate dates from the early 16th century or even the late 15th century. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] As seen in the table below, there are the four standard Latin suits of swords, clubs, coins, and cups. These contain pip cards from ace to ten, and four face cards: a jack, a knight, a queen, and a king.
In the minchiate deck, in the suits of cups and coins, the "knaves" or "pages" (Italian fanti) have been replaced by "maids" (fantine). The knights, mounted figures in the tarot of Marseilles and similar designs, are centaurs or sphinxes in many minchiate decks. The suits follow the Portuguese pattern, with the exception of the clubs which are depicted as batons which follows from the northern Italian suit-system. This pattern died out around 1900.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Jack | Knight | Queen | King | |
Clubs | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Coins | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Cups | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Swords | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
The Republic of Lucca produced their own version of Minchiate decks which were very similar to the ones used in nearby Florence but with several graphical differences. [7] Kings are seated under arches, knights are humans riding horses, all knaves are male, and the Fool is playing with a dog. This pattern died out in the eighteenth century.
The Later Minchiate pattern appeared around the early 18th century as a luxury edition. [16] [17] [18] [19] In this version, the eight highest trumps lose their red backgrounds. Around 1820, this pattern was redesigned to give it a flatter, plainer appearance with changes to a quarter of the trump and court cards while restoring the red background to the high trumps. [20] [21] This pattern survived in Liguria until the 1930s.
The trumps of the minchiate deck, and their corresponding Tarot of Marseilles and the de Poilly cards are:
Card number | Image | Italian name [22] | English translation | corresponding de Poilly card [23] | corresponding tarot of Marseilles card |
![]() | Il matto | The madman | Momus | Le Mat (the madman) | |
I | ![]() | Papa uno; l'Uno; il Papino; Ganellino [24] | Pope one | (1 Mercure) | I Le Bateleur (the trivial performer) |
II | ![]() | Papa due; l'Imperatrice [25] | Pope two; The Empress | — | III L'impératrice (the empress) |
III | ![]() | Papa tre; l'Imperatore [4] [25] | Pope three; The Emperor | — | IIII L'empereur (the Emperor) |
IIII | ![]() | Papa quattro; il Papa [4] [25] | Pope four; The Pope | (4 Bacchus) | V Le Pape (the Pope) |
V | ![]() | Papa cinque; L'amore | Pope five; Love | 2 l'Amour (3 Venus Naiſſante) | VI L'amoureux (the Lover) |
VI | ![]() | la Temperanza | Temperance | — | XIIII Temperance |
VII | ![]() | la Fortezza | Fortitude | 9 La Force | XI La Force (fortitude) |
VIII | ![]() | la Giustizia | Justice | 7 La Justice | VIII La Justice |
IX | ![]() | la Ruota della Fortuna | Wheel of Fortune | 10 La Fortune | X La Roue de Fortune |
X | ![]() | il Carro | Chariot | — | VII Le Chariot |
XI | ![]() | Il gobbo; il tempo | Hunchback; time | 11 Les Ages, la Vieilesse, (12 Age Viril), (13 Age Adolescences), (14 Ages l'Enfence) | VIIII L'Ermite |
XII | ![]() | L'impiccato; il traditore | The hanged man; the traitor | — | XII Le Pendu |
XIII | ![]() | la Morte | Death | — | XIII (nameless) |
XIV | ![]() | Il Diavolo; il demonio | The Devil | — | XV Le Diable |
XV | ![]() | la Casa del diavolo | The house of the Devil | (15 Les Sens, le Gout), (16 Les Sens, le Toucher), (17 Les Sens l'odorat), (18 Les Sens, l'Ouye), (19 Les Sens, la Veue) | XVI La Maison Dieu (the house of God) |
XVI | ![]() | la Speranza | Hope | 8 l'Esperence | — |
XVII | ![]() | la Prudenza | Prudence | 5 La Prudence | — |
XVIII | ![]() | la Fede | Faith | — | — |
XVIIII | ![]() | la Carità | Charity | 6 La Charité | — |
XX to XXIII | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | il Fuoco, l'Acqua, la Terra, l'Aria | The four elements: fire, water, earth, air | 20 Element le Feu, 22 Element l'Eau, 21 Element Terre, 23 Element l'Aire | — |
XXIIII to XXXV | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | la Bilancia, la Vergine, lo Scorpione, l'Ariete, il Capricorno, il Sagittario, il Cancro, i Pesci, l'Acquario, il Leone, il Toro, i Gemelli | The zodiac (Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Gemini) | 26 Septembre, 28 Aoust, 27 Octobre, 33 Mars, 24 Decembre, 25 Novembre, 30 Juin, 34 Fevrier, 35 Janvier, 29 Juillet, 32 Avril, 31 May | — |
(XXXVI to XXXVIII, but usually unnumberred) | ![]() ![]() ![]() | La stella, la Luna, il Sole | The star, the moon, the sun | 36 Les Etoiles, 37 La Lune, 38 Le Soleil | XVII L'étoile, XVIII La Lune, XVIIII Le Soleil |
(XXXVIIII, usually unnumbered) | ![]() | il Mondo | the World | 39 Le Monde | XXI Le Monde |
(XL, usually unnumbered) | ![]() | Le trombe | The trumpets | 40 Le Renommé | XX Le Jugement |
By comparing the Rosenwald sheet with 16th century trump lists, the Popess (II) was likely dropped in the late 15th century which shifted every trump above the first down one rank. [4] [25] The Empress, Emperor, and Pope became the new II, III, and IIII respectively, the latter now wearing a secular crown as opposed to a papal tiara.
Since the five lowest trumps were collectively known as the papi (popes), Love was added to this group after its demotion. The identification of middle papi was largely forgotten for centuries as players generally called cards by their number (pope 2, pope 3, etc.) French writer Romain Merlin (1869) is the only source that called trumps II, III, and IIII the Grand Duke, Western Emperor, and Eastern Emperor.
Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance were three classical "cardinal virtues" depicted in the more familiar tarot trumps. The minchiate supplies the remaining cardinal virtue — Prudence — and inserts them with the three theological virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity. The only other deck to have the theological virtues was the Cary-Yale deck. This is the only deck to include all seven virtues.
Minchiate is a southern tarot pattern so it shares many qualities with the Bolognese and Sicilian tarots as opposed to the western patterns like the tarot of Marseilles. While the Tower is called The House of God in the Marseilles tarot, it is called the House of the Devil or Hellmouth in the minchiate deck and it depicts a nude woman fleeing a burning building. The Moon depicts an astrologer studying the moon instead of the tarot of Marseilles howling dogs and lobster.
The card corresponding to the Hermit is often called Time, or the Hunchback. It depicts an elderly man on crutches with an hourglass in the background. Like other southern decks, the final card in the series is not the World, but Judgement. The minchiate completes the series by adding all the zodiac signs, in random order, and the four classical elements.
The eight highest ranking trumps have a red background while the top five (the arie) are unnumbered. A 98th card was made for some decks. [22] It is a trump with a red background and is also unnumbered like the arie. It depicts a nude woman running in a wheel, probably representing Fortuna. While 98-card decks were mentioned as being played in Sicily during the early 18th century, only a few examples from Genoa survive. It is uncertain how this card ranked and how it affected the versicole sequences in the game. Also unknown is how it relates to the 98-card version of de Poilly's Minchiate described below.
Educational decks were produced in Florence during the 18th century. [26] [27] Instead of the usual figures and pips, each card would have text explaining a certain topic. One history deck has each suit teaching the history of Assyria, Persia, Greece, or Rome with the trumps teaching myths and legends. Geography decks contained maps of the known world.
French engraver François de Poilly (1623–93) produced a French-suited Minchiate deck in the late 1650s after his return from Italy. Each of the plain suits represent a different continent; spades for Africa, hearts for Europe, clubs for the Americas, and diamonds for Asia. The engravings share motifs with both the Italian Minchiate and the later Tarot Nouveau as well as taking unique motifs from Roman Mythology. [28] [29]
97 cards with 40 trumps and Fool order: [30]
The September and October cards are out of order, apparently in error. The eight highest trumps have a red background just like in the Italian cards. All trumps use Arabic numerals as corner indices while the plain suits lack them.
After his death, his son François (1666-1741), inherited his engravings. He should not be confused with his identically named cousin (1671-1723). Circa 1715-1730, he reused his father's engravings to create a copper-colored monochrome 98-card deck. Possibly out of ignorance of the original game, he rearranged the order of many trumps. Momus is no longer the Fool but a numbered trump card. The lowest trump is the newly introduced "Le Chaos". The resultant deck cannot be used for any known Minchiate ruleset.
98 cards with 42 trumps order:
He or another member of the family also reused the engravings to create a 78-card tarot set. It has 21 numbered trumps and Momus as the Fool. Based on the order of the two highest trumps, it is arranged like the Tarot of Marseilles.
78 cards with 21 trumps and Fool order: [31]
The de Poilly family's packs are the oldest know French-suited tarot decks, predating even the Animal Tarots that appeared around 1740.
Mysterious French-suited decks produced by Piatnik of Vienna around 1930 also featured forty trumps. [32] [33] It resembles the Industrie und Glück decks used for Central European tarock. Like the 54-card Industrie und Glück pattern, the plain suits consists of only 32 cards while the 40 trumps feature rustic genre scenes. With the Sküs (the Fool), the total number of cards is 73. Compounding the mystery is that the packaging is in French. Industrie und Glück type decks are not known to have a community of players in any French speaking country while the game of Minchiate is thought to have been restricted to only a few players in Genoa by the 1930s.
Minchiate can be played by two to four players with the most common version played by four players divided into two partnerships. [22] The game, like other tarot games, is a trick taking game in which points are scored by capturing certain cards and sets of cards. As in most tarot games, the pip cards in cups and coins are in reverse order and play is counter-clockwise.
The lowest five trumps were called papi ("popes"). The highest five trumps (Star, Moon, Sun, World, Trumpets) were called arie ("airs") and have a special high scoring value in the game. Minchiate is similar in many ways to tarocchini played in Bologna. In these games, combinations (melds) of cards are more important than the value of individual cards.
Cards | Points |
Trumps 36-40 | 10 |
The Fool, Kings, and Trumps 1, 10, 13, 20, 28, (29), 30-35 | 5 |
Trumps 2-5 | 3 |
All others | 0 |
The last trick is worth 10 points. Trump 29 is a unique card, by itself it is worth nothing but when used in combinations (versicole), it is worth 5 points. Versicole are formed through a sequence of three or more of consecutive point cards. In addition, there are four irregular versicole:
All versicole have to be declared at the beginning of the game. At the end of the round, each team will assemble versicole from their captured tricks. Trumps 1, 3, 13, 20, 28, and 30-38 are considered valuable cards to capture or protect because they are required to form some versicole or to deny the opposition the same. The Fool can be added to every versicola.
The minchiate deck was also used to play two games that don't use normal tarot rules, Al Palio and A sei tocchi.
This is the simplest version of the game; it was not considered serious but only as an introduction to the more complex four player versions. Jetons are used to keep track of scoring. The dealer gives 25 cards to his opponent and himself. His opponent leads the first trick but instead of letting the dealer play, she declares any meld she has and scores. The dealer then declares his melds and scores. Each takes back their own cards and the dealer finishes the first trick. Players must follow suit. If they are unable to do so, they must play a trump. If unable to play a trump, then any card can be discarded. The winner of each trick immediately scores from the captured cards and leads to the next trick.
The Fool excuses the player from following suit, it can neither capture nor be captured. The player gives a worthless card from his trick pile in exchange to his opponent.
At the end of the round, each player adds to their running total the captured cards, melds from the captured cards, and the last trick bonus. The player who has captured more than 25 cards gets a bonus point for each extra card. The two players then compare their sums with the loser having to pay the winner the difference.
Although no divination system using this pack of cards ever existed in previous centuries, and because of this allegorical and cosmological content, in recent years tarot occultists have proposed systems of divination and cartomancy that use the minchiate deck. In Charles Godfrey Leland's 1890 book Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches , an incantation is given that mentions the use of "40 cards", which are renamed in the spell as 40 gods who are being invoked to compel the goddess Laverna to do the caster's bidding. [34]
Paul Huson has speculated that these 40 cards are the 40 trumps of the minchiate deck. [35] He has also pointed out that Leland's book Etruscan-Roman Remains in Popular Tradition (1892) contains a spell that is cast with tarocco cards, [36] [37] to invoke Janus.
Tarot is a pack of playing cards, used from at least the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play card games such as Tarocchini. From their Italian roots, tarot-playing cards spread to most of Europe, evolving into a family of games that includes German Grosstarok and modern games such as French Tarot and Austrian Königrufen. In the late 18th century French occultists made elaborate, but unsubstantiated, claims about their history and meaning, leading to the emergence of custom decks for use in divination via tarot card reading and cartomancy. Thus, there are two distinct types of tarot packs in circulation: those used for card games and those used for divination. However, some older patterns, such as the Tarot de Marseille, originally intended for playing card games, are also used for cartomancy.
Tarocchini are point trick-taking tarot card games popular in Bologna, capital city of the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy and has been confined mostly to this area. They are the diminutive form of tarocchi, referring to the reduction of the Bolognese pack from 78 to 62 cards, which probably occurred in the early 16th century.
In playing cards, a suit is one of the categories into which the cards of a deck are divided. Most often, each card bears one of several pips (symbols) showing to which suit it belongs; the suit may alternatively or additionally be indicated by the color printed on the card. The rank for each card is determined by the number of pips on it, except on face cards. Ranking indicates which cards within a suit are better, higher or more valuable than others, whereas there is no order between the suits unless defined in the rules of a specific card game. In most decks, there is exactly one card of any given rank in any given suit. A deck may include special cards that belong to no suit, often called jokers.
The game of French Tarot is a trick-taking strategy tarot card game played by three to five players using a traditional 78-card tarot deck. The game is played in France and also in French-speaking Canada. It should not be confused with French tarot, which refers to all aspects of cartomancy and games using tarot cards in France.
Playing cards have been in Italy since the late 14th century. Until the mid 19th century, Italy was composed of many smaller independent states which led to the development of various regional patterns of playing cards; "Italian suited cards" normally only refer to cards originating from northeastern Italy around the former Republic of Venice, which are largely confined to northern Italy, parts of Switzerland, Dalmatia and southern Montenegro. Other parts of Italy traditionally use traditional local variants of Spanish suits, French suits or German suits.
The Tarot of Marseilles is a standard pattern of Italian-suited tarot pack with 78 cards that was very popular in France in the 17th and 18th centuries for playing tarot card games and is still produced today. It was probably created in Milan before spreading to much of France, Switzerland and Northern Italy. The name is sometimes spelt Tarot of Marseille, but the name recommended by the International Playing-Card Society is Tarot de Marseille, although it accepts the two English names as alternatives. It was the pack which led to the occult use of tarot cards, although today dedicated decks are produced for this purpose.
Trionfi are 15th-century Italian playing card trumps with allegorical content related to those used in tarocchi games. The general English expression "trump card" and the German "trumpfen" have developed from the Italian "Trionfi". Most cards feature the personification of a place or abstraction.
A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its usual rank in trick-taking games. Typically an entire suit is nominated as a trump suit; these cards then outrank all cards of plain (non-trump) suits. In other contexts, the terms trump card or to trump refers to any sort of action, authority or policy which automatically prevails over all others.
Troccas is a member of the Tarot family of card games. It is a four player game played in the Romansh speaking part of the canton Grisons of Switzerland. It is not known exactly how this game entered Switzerland but it is generally thought to have arrived from Italy during the 17th century.
Troggu is a member of the tarot family of card games. Synonyms for the game's name are: Trogga, Tappu and Tappä. It is played in the area of Visp, Switzerland, in Upper Wallis, especially in St. Niklaus and Grächen. After Troccas, it is the second most played tarot card game in Switzerland.
The Bourgeois Tarot deck is a mid-19th century pattern of tarot cards of German origin that is used for playing card games in western Europe and Canada. It is not designed for divinatory purposes. This deck is most commonly found in France, Belgian Wallonia, Swiss Romandy and the Canadian province of Québec for playing French Tarot; in southwest Germany for playing Cego and Dreierles; and in Denmark for Danish Tarok.
The Tarocco Piemontese is a type of tarot deck of Italian origin. It is the most common tarot playing set in northern Italy, much more common than the Tarocco Bolognese. The most popular Piedmontese tarot games are Scarto, Mitigati, Chiamare il Re, and Partita which are played in Pinerolo and Turin. This deck is considered part of Piedmontese culture and appeared in the 2006 Winter Olympics closing ceremony held in Turin. As this was the standard tarot pack of the Kingdom of Sardinia, it was also formerly used in Savoy and Nice before their annexation by France. Additionally, it was used as an alternative to the Tarocco Siciliano in Calatafimi-Segesta, Sicily. Outside of Italy, it is used by a small number of players in Ticino, Switzerland and was used by Italian Argentines.
Tarot games are card games played with tarot packs designed for card play and which have a permanent trump suit alongside the usual four card suits. The games and packs which English-speakers call by the French name tarot are called tarocchi in the original Italian, Tarock in German and similar words in other languages.
The Tarocco Siciliano is a tarot deck found in Sicily and is used to play Sicilian tarocchi. It is one of the three traditional Latin-suited tarot decks still used for games in Italy, the others being the more prevalent Tarocco Piemontese and the Tarocco Bolognese. The deck was heavily influenced by the Tarocco Bolognese and the Minchiate. It is also the only surviving tarot deck to use the Portuguese variation of the Latin suits of cups, coins, swords, and clubs which died out in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The Tarocco Bolognese is a tarot deck found in Bologna and is used to play tarocchini. It is a 62 card Italian suited deck which influenced the development of the Tarocco Siciliano and the obsolete Minchiate deck.
Industrie und Glück is a pattern of French suited playing cards used to play tarock. The name originates from an inscription found on the second trump card. This deck was developed during the nineteenth century in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The earliest known examples were made in Vienna in 1815. After the collapse of the empire in World War I, it remained the most widely used tarot deck in Central Europe and can be found throughout the former parts of the empire.
Scarto is a three player trick-taking tarot card game from Piedmont, Italy. It is a simple tarot game which can serve as an introduction to more complex tarot games. The name comes from the discarded cards that were exchanged with the stock, which is also the origin of the name for the Skat card game.
Triomphe, once known as French ruff, is a card game dating from the late 15th century. It most likely originated in France or Spain and later spread to the rest of Europe. When the game arrived in Italy, it shared a similar name with the pre-existing game and deck known as trionfi; probably resulting in the latter becoming renamed as Tarocchi (tarot). While trionfi has a fifth suit that acts as permanent trumps, triomphe randomly selects one of the existing four suits as trumps. Another common feature of this game is the robbing of the stock. Triomphe became so popular that during the 16th century the earlier game of trionfi was gradually renamed tarocchi, tarot, or tarock. This game is the origin of the English word "trump" and is the ancestor of many trick-taking games like Euchre and Whist. The earliest known description of Triomphe was of a point-trick game, perhaps one of the earliest of its type; later, the name was applied to a plain-trick game.
The Fool is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck. Traditionally, it is the lowest of the 22 trump cards, in tarot card reading called the 22 Major Arcana. However, in tarot card games it developed to be not one of the trump cards but a special card, serving a unique purpose by itself. In later Central European tarot card games, it re-developed to now become the highest trump. As a consequence and with respect to his unique history, The Fool is usually an unnumbered card with a unique design; but sometimes it is numbered as 0 or more rarely XXII. Design and numbering-or-not to not clearly indicate its role as a trump or special card in the specific game.
Droggn, sometimes called French Tarock is an extinct card game of the Tarock family for three players that was played in the Stubai valley in Tyrol, Austria until the 1980s. Droggn is originally local dialect for "to play Tarock", but it has become the proper name of this specific Tarock variant. An unusual feature of the game compared with other Tarock games is the use of a 66-card deck and that, until recently, there was no record in the literature of a 66-card game and no current manufacturers of such a deck. The structure of the game strongly indicates that it is descended from the later version of Tarok l'Hombre, a 78-card Tarock game popular in 19th-century Austria and Germany, but with the subsequent addition of two higher bids.