Moraine-dammed lake

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Lake Tekapo, New Zealand Lake Tekapo 01.jpg
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

A moraine-dammed lake, occurs when the terminal moraine has prevented some meltwater from leaving the valley. When a glacier retreats, there is a space left over between the retreating glacier and the piece that stayed intact which holds leftover debris (moraine). Meltwater from both glaciers seep into this space creating a ribbon-shaped lake due to the pattern of ice melt. This ice melt may cause a glacier lake outburst flood, leading to severe damage to the environment and communities nearby. Examples of moraine-dammed lakes include:


Francisco Perito Moreno Discovery

In the 19th century the Argentine explorer Francisco Perito Moreno suggested that many Patagonian lakes draining to the Pacific were in fact part of the Atlantic basin but had been moraine dammed during the quaternary glaciations changing their outlets to the west. He argued that as originally belonging to the Atlantic basin these lakes should be awarded to Argentina. Most of the lakes situated in the Himalaya of Nepal and Bhutan are also of the moraine dammed type. They may burst at any time. That is why the areas below such lakes have high risk of flooding.

Moraine-dammed lake Studies

1. The Relationship Between GLOFs and Moraine-Dammed Lakes

Glacier lake outburst floods, or GLOFs, occur when the water level of a lake made of a glacier's melted ice overflows, causing damage to the environment and communities. Researchers have discovered that moraine-dammed lakes are the most common proglacial lake to flood. There are a total of 100,000 moraine-dammed lakes and 15% of them are susceptible to GLOFs. With this being said, researchers are working hard to understand this threat so they can come up with a way to slow this data down. 15% of 100,000 is 15,000. 15,000 lakes have a high chance of flooding the areas surrounding it. One of the first signs of climate change is water-levels, land changes, and air quality. This is why moraine-dammed lakes are perfect places to research climate change because of their constant change of shoreline and water levels. [3]

The study took place at The Cordillera Blanca in Peru and consisted of an assessment of these moraine-dammed lakes using remote sensing, GIS, and statistical analysis. Researchers want to stop these GLOFs because they can be catastrophic, causing flooding, landslides, and damage to the environment and to communities living nearby. Newer research and observations have discovered that bedrock-dammed lakes have been creating this same issue and may overtake moraine-dammed lakes in the near future based on GLOF occurrence. Researchers expect GLOF incidents to decrease in moraine-dammed lakes in the next few decades based on topographic disposition. [3]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glacier</span> Persistent body of ice that is moving downhill under its own weight

A glacier is a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving downhill under its own weight. A glacier forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation over many years, often centuries. It acquires distinguishing features, such as crevasses and seracs, as it slowly flows and deforms under stresses induced by its weight. As it moves, it abrades rock and debris from its substrate to create landforms such as cirques, moraines, or fjords. Although a glacier may flow into a body of water, it forms only on land and is distinct from the much thinner sea ice and lake ice that form on the surface of bodies of water.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glaciology</span> Scientific study of ice and natural phenomena involving ice

Glaciology is the scientific study of glaciers, or, more generally, ice and natural phenomena that involve ice.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Proglacial lake</span> Lake formed by the action of ice

In geology, a proglacial lake is a lake formed either by the damming action of a moraine during the retreat of a melting glacier, a glacial ice dam, or by meltwater trapped against an ice sheet due to isostatic depression of the crust around the ice. At the end of the last ice age about 10,000 years ago, large proglacial lakes were a widespread feature in the northern hemisphere.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hubbard Glacier</span> Glacier in Alaska, US, and Yukon, Canada

Hubbard Glacier is a glacier located in Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve in eastern Alaska and Kluane National Park and Reserve in Yukon, Canada, and named after Gardiner Hubbard.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jökulhlaup</span> Type of glacial outburst flood

A jökulhlaup is a type of glacial outburst flood. It is an Icelandic term that has been adopted in glaciological terminology in many languages. It originally referred to the well-known subglacial outburst floods from Vatnajökull, Iceland, which are triggered by geothermal heating and occasionally by a volcanic subglacial eruption, but it is now used to describe any large and abrupt release of water from a subglacial or proglacial lake/reservoir.

In geomorphology, an outburst flood—a type of megaflood—is a high-magnitude, low-frequency catastrophic flood involving the sudden release of a large quantity of water. During the last deglaciation, numerous glacial lake outburst floods were caused by the collapse of either ice sheets or glaciers that formed the dams of proglacial lakes. Examples of older outburst floods are known from the geological past of the Earth and inferred from geomorphological evidence on Mars. Landslides, lahars, and volcanic dams can also block rivers and create lakes, which trigger such floods when the rock or earthen barrier collapses or is eroded. Lakes also form behind glacial moraines or ice dams, which can collapse and create outburst floods.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kettle (landform)</span> Depression or hole in an outwash plain formed by retreating glaciers or draining floodwaters

A kettle is a depression or hole in an outwash plain formed by retreating glaciers or draining floodwaters. The kettles are formed as a result of blocks of dead ice left behind by retreating glaciers, which become surrounded by sediment deposited by meltwater streams as there is increased friction. The ice becomes buried in the sediment and when the ice melts, a depression is left called a kettle hole, creating a dimpled appearance on the outwash plain. Lakes often fill these kettles; these are called kettle hole lakes. Another source is the sudden drainage of an ice-dammed lake and when the block melts, the hole it leaves behind is a kettle. As the ice melts, ramparts can form around the edge of the kettle hole. The lakes that fill these holes are seldom more than 10 m (33 ft) deep and eventually fill with sediment. In acidic conditions, a kettle bog may form but in alkaline conditions, it will be kettle peatland.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outwash plain</span> Plain formed from glacier sediment transported by meltwater

An outwash plain, also called a sandur, sandr or sandar, is a plain formed of glaciofluvial deposits due to meltwater outwash at the terminus of a glacier. As it flows, the glacier grinds the underlying rock surface and carries the debris along. The meltwater at the snout of the glacier deposits its load of sediment over the outwash plain, with larger boulders being deposited near the terminal moraine, and smaller particles travelling further before being deposited. Sandurs are common in Iceland where geothermal activity accelerates the melting of ice flows and the deposition of sediment by meltwater.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glacial motion</span> Geological phenomenon

Glacial motion is the motion of glaciers, which can be likened to rivers of ice. It has played an important role in sculpting many landscapes. Most lakes in the world occupy basins scoured out by glaciers. Glacial motion can be fast or slow, but is typically around 25 centimetres per day (9.8 in/d).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glacial landform</span> Landform created by the action of glaciers

Glacial landforms are landforms created by the action of glaciers. Most of today's glacial landforms were created by the movement of large ice sheets during the Quaternary glaciations. Some areas, like Fennoscandia and the southern Andes, have extensive occurrences of glacial landforms; other areas, such as the Sahara, display rare and very old fossil glacial landforms.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glacial lake</span> Lake formed by a melted glacier

A glacial lake is a body of water with origins from glacier activity. They are formed when a glacier erodes the land and then melts, filling the depression created by the glacier.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Terminal moraine</span> Type of moraine that forms at the terminal of a glacier

A terminal moraine, also called an end moraine, is a type of moraine that forms at the terminal (edge) of a glacier, marking its maximum advance. At this point, debris that has accumulated by plucking and abrasion, has been pushed by the front edge of the ice, is driven no further and instead is deposited in an unsorted pile of sediment. Because the glacier acts very much like a conveyor belt, the longer it stays in one place, the greater the amount of material that will be deposited. The moraine is left as the marking point of the terminal extent of the ice.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lake Palcacocha</span> Lake in Peru

Palcacocha is a glacier lake in the Andes mountain range of South America in northwestern Peru located in the Ancash Region, Huaraz Province.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glacial lake outburst flood</span> Type of outburst flood that occurs when the dam containing a glacial lake fails

A glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) is a type of outburst flood caused by the failure of a dam containing a glacial lake. An event similar to a GLOF, where a body of water contained by a glacier melts or overflows the glacier, is called a jökulhlaup. The dam can consist of glacier ice or a terminal moraine. Failure can happen due to erosion, a buildup of water pressure, an avalanche of rock or heavy snow, an earthquake or cryoseism, volcanic eruptions under the ice, or massive displacement of water in a glacial lake when a large portion of an adjacent glacier collapses into it.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Meltwater</span> Water released by the melting of snow or ice

Meltwater is water released by the melting of snow or ice, including glacial ice, tabular icebergs and ice shelves over oceans. Meltwater is often found during early spring when snow packs and frozen rivers melt with rising temperatures, and in the ablation zone of glaciers where the rate of snow cover is reducing. Meltwater can be produced during volcanic eruptions, in a similar way in which the more dangerous lahars form. It can also be produced by the heat generated by the flow itself.

Fluvioglacial landforms or glaciofluvial landforms are those that result from the associated erosion and deposition of sediments caused by glacial meltwater. Glaciers contain suspended sediment loads, much of which is initially picked up from the underlying landmass. Landforms are shaped by glacial erosion through processes such as glacial quarrying, abrasion, and meltwater. Glacial meltwater contributes to the erosion of bedrock through both mechanical and chemical processes. Fluvio-glacial processes can occur on the surface and within the glacier. The deposits that happen within the glacier are revealed after the entire glacier melts or partially retreats. Fluvio-glacial landforms and erosional surfaces include: outwash plains, kames, kame terraces, kettle holes, eskers, varves, and proglacial lakes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Supraglacial lake</span> Pond of liquid water on the top of a glacier

A supraglacial lake is any pond of liquid water on the top of a glacier. Although these pools are ephemeral, they may reach kilometers in diameter and be several meters deep. They may last for months or even decades at a time, but can empty in the course of hours.

The glaciers in Bhutan, which covers about 3 percent of the total surface area, are responsible for feeding all rivers of Bhutan except the Amochu and Nyere Amachu.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lakes of Bhutan</span>

The lakes of Bhutan comprise its glacial lakes and its natural mountain lakes. Bhutanese territory contains some 2,674 high altitude glacial lakes and subsidiary lakes, out of which 25 pose a risk of GLOFs. There are also more than 59 natural non-glacial lakes in Bhutan, covering about 4,250 hectares (16.4 sq mi). Most are located above an altitude of 3,500 metres (11,500 ft), and most have no permanent human settlements nearby, though many are used for grazing yaks and may have scattered temporary settlements.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">South Lhonak Lake</span> Glacial-moraine-dammed lake

South Lhonak Lake is a glacial-moraine-dammed lake, located in Sikkim's far northwestern region. It is one of the fastest expanding lakes in the Sikkim Himalaya region, and one of the 14 potentially dangerous lakes susceptible to Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOFs).


  1. Kendra, Will; Singleton, Lynn (1987). Morphometry of Lake Chelan. Olympia, Washington: Washington State Department of Ecology. p. 8.
  2. Harrison, Stephan; Kargel, Jeffrey S.; Huggel, Christian; Reynolds, John; Shugar, Dan H.; Betts, Richard A.; Emmer, Adam; Glasser, Neil; Haritashya, Umesh K.; Klimeš, Jan; Reinhardt, Liam; Schaub, Yvonne; Wiltshire, Andy; Regmi, Dhananjay; Vilímek, Vít (2018-04-09). "Climate change and the global pattern of moraine-dammed glacial lake outburst floods". The Cryosphere. 12 (4): 1195–1209. Bibcode:2018TCry...12.1195H. doi: 10.5194/tc-12-1195-2018 . hdl: 10150/627657 . ISSN   1994-0424.
  3. 1 2 Emmer, Adam; Harrison, Stephan; Mergili, Martin; Allen, Simon; Frey, Holger; Huggel, Christian (2020-09-15). "70 years of lake evolution and glacial lake outburst floods in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru) and implications for the future". Geomorphology. 365: 107178. Bibcode:2020Geomo.36507178E. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107178. hdl: 10871/122634 . ISSN   0169-555X. S2CID   219027392.