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Temporal range: Late Ediacaran, 558–555  Ma
Palaeophragmodictya spinosa pareohuragumodeikuchiya.jpg
Fossil of P. spinosa
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Porifera
Class: Hexactinellida
Order: Reticulosa
Genus: Palaeophragmodictya
Gehling & Rigby, 1996
  • P. reticulata
    Gehling & Rigby, 1996
  • P. spinosaSerezhnikova, 2007

Palaeophragmodictya is an extinct genus of sponge-grade organisms from the Ediacaran Period. Originally interpreted as a hexactinellid sponge, [1] the organism also bears some coelomate characteristics, including bilateral symmetry. [2] [3]



The organisms take the form of a rounded, dome-like bag, 768 mm in diameter, with an uneven margin. Radial grooves define sac-like compartments within the bag. The radial pattern has an element of bilateral symmetry. A stalk emerges from the central point of some specimens, at the top of the organism; in life, it probably extended into the water column. Ray-like filaments radiate outwards from the edge of the bag. [2] Some structures in the organism have been interpreted as spicules. [1] [4]


The organisms have been interpreted as tall suspension feeders, reaching 10 cm or more up into the sea water above them. [1] [5]

Original description

The genus was originally considered to be a member of the Dictyospongiidae family (hexactinellia), and was among the first Precambrian sponges to be described. [1]


First found in the Pound group of Australia, fossils have also been recovered from the White Sea region of Russia. [2]

Other Sponge-Grade Ediacarans

See also

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  2. 1 2 3 Serezhnikova, E. (2007), "Palaeophragmodictya spinosa sp. Nov., a bilateral benthic organism from the Vendian of the Southeastern White Sea Region", Paleontological Journal, 41 (4): 360–369, Bibcode:2007PalJ...41..360S, doi:10.1134/S0031030107040028, archived from the original on 2016-02-22, retrieved 2008-08-16
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