List of Ediacaran genera

Last updated

The existence of animal life before the Cambrian had long been the subject of debate in paleontology. The apparent suddenness of the Cambrian explosion had no explanation, and Charles Darwin himself recognized the challenge it posed for his theory of evolution. [1] While reports of Precambrian organisms have been made since Alexander Murray's 1868 discovery of Aspidella , it wasn't until the discovery of Charnia in 1956 that considerable evidence of Precambrian life had been presented. [2]


The period immediately preciding the Cambrian, the Ediacaran, is now widely accepted of containing animal life. It spans from 635 to 540 million years ago, and covers approximately 2% of Earth's history. There is a current total of 243 described genera from the Ediacaran, 160 of which are confirmed to be valid.



Albumares [3] [4] Fedonkin1976 Trilobozoa Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Alienum [5] Liu et al.2024 Vetulicolia? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Amorphia [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Anabylia [7] Vodanjuk1989 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Andiva [8] Fedonkin2002 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Anfesta [9] Fedonkin1984 Trilobozoa Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Annulatubus [10] Calla A. Carbone et al.2015 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Annulusichnus [11] Zhang1986 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Gaojiashania , tubular fossilFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Arborea [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Was considered a junior synonym of Charniodiscus, now thought to be a colonial Eumetazoan unrelated to Rangeomorphs [13] Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Archaeaspinus [14] Ivantsov2007 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Archaeichnium [15] Glaessner1963 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular conical fossilFlag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Archangelia [4] [16] Fedonkin1979 Symbol confirmed.svg Bilaterally symmetric organism with ovoid shape, and midline axial zone. Junior synonym of Onegia nenoxa (according to Grazhdankin, Ph.D. ms.). [17] [18] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Arimasia [19] Runnegar et al.2024 Porifera Symbol confirmed.svg Early sponge, possibly a member of Archaeocyatha Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Arkarua [20] Gehling1987 Echinodermata? Symbol confirmed.svg Has 5-sided symmetry similar to modern echinodermsFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Armillifera [4] [21] Fedonkin1980 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Arumberia [22] Glaessner et Walter1975 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Askinica [23] Bekker1996 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Aspidella [24] [25] Billings1872 Symbol confirmed.svg Biradial discoid fossilFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Astra [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Atakia [26] Palij1979 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Attenborites [27] Droser et al.2018 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Auroralumina [28] Dunn et al.2022 Cnidaria Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Ausia [29] Hahn et Pflug1985 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Avalofractus [30] Narbonne, Laflamme, Greentree et Trusler2009 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Aviculaichnus [31] Grytsenko2009 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Nenoxites Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Baikalina [32] [33] Sokolov1972 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Ernietta Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Barmia [23] Bekker1996 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Beltanella [34] Sprigg1947 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Beltanelliformis [35] Menner1974 Cyanobacterial colony Symbol confirmed.svg Discoid fossilFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Beltanelloides [32] [33] Sokolov1972 Symbol rename vote.svg Nomen nudum, synonym of Beltanelliformis Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Beothukis [36] Brasier et Antcliffe2009 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Bernashevia [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Bessarabia [37] Gureev1988 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Bilinichnus [16] Fedonkin et Palij1979 Trace fossil Symbol question.svg Trace fossil or pseudofossil Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Blackbrookia [38] Boynton et Ford1995 Symbol delete vote.svg Rejected as valid taxon, "ivesheadiomorph"-type fossil structureFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Bomakellia [39] Fedonkin1985 Symbol rename vote.svg Possible junior synonym of Rangea Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Bonata [21] [40] Fedonkin1980 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Brachina [41] Wade1972 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Bradgatia [38] Boynton et Ford1995 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Bronicella [42] Zaika-Novatsky1965 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Buchholzbrunnichnus [43] Germs1973 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Bunyerichnus [44] Glaessner1969 Symbol delete vote.svg Pseudofossil [45] Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Burykhia [46] Fedonkin, Vickers-Rich, Swalla, Trusler et Hall2012 Tunicata? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Calyptrina [47] Sokolov1965 Annelida? Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Catellichnus [48] Bekker1989 Palaeopascichnid Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Catenasphaerophyton [49] Yan et al.1992 Palaeopascichnid Symbol question.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Cephalonega [3] Fedonkin1976 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Charnia [50] Ford1958 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Charniodiscus [50] Ford1958 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Chondroplon [51] Wade1971 Symbol rename vote.svg Probably a junior synonym of Dickinsonia Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Cloudina [52] Germs1972 Annelida? Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Cocardia [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Conomedusites [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Cnidaria? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Conotubus [11] [53] Zhang et Lin1986 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Coronacollina [54] Clites, Droser et Gehling2012 Porifera? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Corumbella [55] Hahn, Hahn, Leonardos, Pflug et Walde1982 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Costatubus [56] Selly et al.2020 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of the United States.svg  USA
Cyanorus [57] Ivantsov2004 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Cyclomedusa [34] Sprigg1947 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Dactyloichnus [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Dickinsonia [34] Sprigg1947 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Ediacaria [34] Sprigg1947 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Elainabella [58] Stephen M. Rowland and Margarita G. Rodriguez2014 Viridiplantae? Symbol confirmed.svg Multicellular algaFlag of the United States.svg  USA
Elasenia [59] Fedonkin1983 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Eoandromeda [60] Tang, Yin, Bengtson, Liu, Wang et Gao2008 Ctenophora? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Eocyathispongia [61] Zongjun Yin et al.2015 Porifera? Symbol confirmed.svg Small 3 chambered sponge-like organismFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Eoporpita [41] Wade1972 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Epibaion [62] Ivantsov2002 Trace fossil Symbol confirmed.svg Grazing traces of Proarticulata Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Ernietta [63] [64] Pflug1966 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Evmiaksia [9] Fedonkin1984 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Fedomia [65] Serezhnikova et Ivantsov2007 Porifera? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flavostratum [66] Serezhnikova2013 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Fractofusus [67] [68] Gehling et Narbonne2007 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Frondophyllas Bamforth et Narbonne2009 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Funisia [69] Droser et Gehling2008 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Finkoella [70] Andrej Martyshyn2021 Symbol question.svg F. ucrainica is a Pseudofossil, however F. oblonga is of microbial originFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Ganarake [71] Retallack2022 Lichen? Symbol confirmed.svg First interpreted as tubestones, now thought to be earliest preserved remains of a LichenFlag of the United States.svg  USA
Gaojiashania [11] [72] Yang, Zhang et Lin1986 Annelida? Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Garania [23] Bekker1996 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Gehlingia [73] McMenamin1998 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Gibbavasis [74] Vaziri, Majidifard et Laflamme2018 Tunicata? Symbol confirmed.svg Small, oval-shaped form similar to Ausia fenestrata Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Gigarimaneta [75] Taylor et al.2021 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Glaessnerina [76] Germs1973 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Charnia Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Gureevella Menasova2006 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Hadrynichorde Hofmann, O'Brien, et King2008 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Hagenetta [77] Hahn et Pflug1988 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Beltanelliformis Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Hallidaya Wade1969 Trilobozoa Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Haootia Liu et al.2014 Cnidaria Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Harlaniella [32] [33] [78] Sokolov1972 Vendotaenid Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Hapsidophyllas Bamforth et Narbonne2009 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Helicolocellus [79] Wang et al.2024 Porifera Symbol confirmed.svg Likely a hexactinellid Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Hiemalora [80] Fedonkin1982 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Hylaecullulus [81] Kenchington, Dunn & Wilby2018 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Multifoliate Petalonamid similar to Primocandelabrum and Bradgatia.Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Ichnusa Debrenne et Naud1981 Cnidaria Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Ikaria Evans et al.2020 Symbol confirmed.svg Stem-bilateranFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Inaria Gehling1987 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Inkrylovia Fedonkin1979 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Onegia Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Intrites [21] Fedonkin1980 Palaeopascichnid Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Irridinitus [59] Fedonkin1983 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Ivesheadia [38] Boynton et Ford1995 Symbol delete vote.svg Rejected as valid taxon, "ivesheadiomorph"-type fossil structureFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Ivovicia [14] Ivantsov2007 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Jampolium [37] Gureev1988 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Kaisalia [9] Fedonkin1984 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Karakhtia [82] Ivantsov2004 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Keretsa [83] Ivantsov2017 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Khatyspytia [39] Fedonkin1985 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Kimberella [12] [41] [84] [85] Glaessner & Wade1966 Mollusca? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Kimberichnus [86] Ivantsov2013 Trace fossil Symbol confirmed.svg Grazing traces of Kimberella Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Komarovia [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Not to be confused with Komarovia, extant genus of flowering plant.Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Kuibisia [29] Hahn et Pflug1985 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Kuckaraukia [87] Razumovskiy, Ivantsov, Novikov et Korochantsev2015 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Lamonte [88] Meyer, Xiao, Gill, Schiffbauer, Chen, Zhou et Yuan2014 Trace fossil Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Lantianella [89] Wan et al.2016 Symbol confirmed.svg Putative animal, bears similarities to conulariids Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Lobodiscus [90] Zhao et al.2024 Trilobozoa Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Lomoziella [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Lomosovis [59] Fedonkin1983 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Lorenzinites [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Rugoconites Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Lossinia [14] Ivantsov2007 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Madigania [91] Sprigg1949 Symbol rename vote.svg Not Madigania (Whitley, 1945), replaced by the Spriggia Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Mamsetia [92] McIlroy et al.2024 Cnidaria Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Margaritiflabellum Ivantsov2014 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Marywadea [93] Glaessner1976 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Mawsonites [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Medusina [91] Sprigg1949 Symbol rename vote.svg Not Medusina (Walcott, 1898), replaced by the Medusinites Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Medusinites [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Medvezichnus [39] Fedonkin1985 Trace fossil Symbol question.svg Unique specimen of doubtful natureFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Mezenia [94] [95] Sokolov1976 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Mialsemia [39] Fedonkin1985 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Bomakellia (or Rangea )Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Nadalina Narbonne et Hofmann1987 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Namacalathus [96] Grotzinger, Watters, et Knoll2000 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Namalia Germs1968 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Namamedusium Zessin2008 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Beltanelliformis Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Namapoikia Wood, Grotzinger et Dickson2002 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Nasepia [76] Germs1973 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Nemiana Palij1976 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Beltanelliformis Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Nenoxites Fedonkin1976 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Nilpenia [97] Droser et al.2014 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Nimbia [21] Fedonkin1980 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Noffkarkys [98] Retallack and Broz2020 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Obamus Dzaugis, Evans, Droser, Gehling et Hughes2018 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Olgerdina [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Onegia [94] Sokolov1976 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Orbisiana [94] Sokolov1976 Palaeopascichnid Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Orthogonium [99] [100] [101] Gürich1930 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Otavia [102] Brain et al.2012 Porifera? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Ovatoscutum [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Palaeopascichnus [103] Palij1976 Palaeopascichnid Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Palaeophragmodictya [104] Gehling et Rigby1996 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Palaeospinther [105] Menasova2003 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Palaeoplatoda [106] Fedonkin1979 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Paliella [21] Fedonkin1980 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Pambikalbae Jenkins et Nedin2007 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Papillionata [34] Sprigg1947 Proarticulata Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Dickinsonia Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Paracharnia Sun1986 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Paramedusium [99] [100] [101] Gürich1933 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Paravendia [57] Ivantsov2004 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Parvancorina [107] Glaessner1958 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Parviscopa Hofmann, O'Brien et King2008 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Pectinifrons [108] Bamforth, Narbonne et Anderson2008 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Persimedusites Hahn et Pflug1980 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Petalostoma Pflug1973 Symbol delete vote.svg Rejected as valid taxonFlag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Phyllozoon Jenkins et Gehlig1978 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Piyuania [89] Wan et al.2016 Symbol confirmed.svg Putative animal, bears similarities to Cnidaria Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Planomedusites [33] Sokolov1972 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Platypholinia [39] Fedonkin1985 Symbol question.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Plexus [109] Joel, Droser & Gehling2014 Bilateria Symbol confirmed.svg Although more studies are needed, it has been identified as bilaterian.Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Podolimirus [59] Fedonkin1983 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Podoliina Gureev1988 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Nenoxites Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Pollukia Gureev1987 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Pomoria Fedonkin1980 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Tribrachidium Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Praecambridium [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Primocandelabrum Hofmann, O'Brien et King2008 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Propalaeolina Menasova2006 Symbol question.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Protechiurus [110] Glaessner1979 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Protodipleurosoma [91] Sprigg1949 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Protoniobea [91] Sprigg1949 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Pseudohiemaloraichnus Grytsenko2009 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Nenoxites Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Pseudorhizostomites [91] Sprigg1949 Symbol question.svg Problematic biogenic structureFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Pseudorhopilema [91] Sprigg1949 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Pseudorhizostomites Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Pseudovendia [111] Boynton et Ford1979 Symbol delete vote.svg Rejected as valid taxon, "ivesheadiomorph"-type fossil structuresFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Pteridinium [99] Gürich1933 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Qianchuania [89] Wan et al.2016 Symbol confirmed.svg Putative animal, bears similarities to Cnidaria Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Quaestio [112] Evans et al.2024 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Ramellina [21] Fedonkin1980 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Rangea [99] [100] [101] Gürich1929 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Redkinia Sokolov1977 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Rugoconites [12] Glaessner et Wade1966 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Saarina Sokolov1965 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Seirisphaera Chen, Xiao et Yuan1996 Palaeopascichnid Symbol question.svg Junior synonym of Orbisiana Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Sekwia Hofmann1981 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Sekwitubulus [10] Calla A. Carbone et al.2015 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Serebrina Istchenko1983 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Shaanxilithes Xing, Yue et Zhang1984 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Nenoxites Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Shepshedia [38] Boynton et Ford1995 Symbol delete vote.svg Rejected as valid taxon, "ivesheadiomorph"-type fossil structureFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  UK
Sinotubulites Chen, Chen et Qian1981 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Skinnera Wade1969 Trilobozoa Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Skolithos declinatus [39] Fedonkin1985 Trace fossil Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Solza [82] Ivantsov2004 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Somatohelix [113] Sappenfield, Droser et Gehling2011 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Spriggia [114] Southcott1958 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Spriggina [107] Glaessner1958 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Staurinidia [39] Fedonkin1985 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Stellaria [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Not to be confused with Stellaria, extant genus of flowering plant.Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Streptichnus [115] Jensen et Runnegar2005 Vendotaenid [116] or Trace fossil Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Studenicia [117] Gureev1983 Symbol question.svg Putative Monocraterion trace fossilFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Suzmites Fedonkin1981 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Onegia [ citation needed ]Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Swartpuntia [118] Narbonne, Saylor et Grotzinger1997 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Tamga [14] Ivantsov2007 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Tateana [91] Sprigg1949 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Temnoxa [82] Ivantsov2004 Mollusca? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Thectardis [119] Clapham, Narbonne, Gehling, Greentree et Anderson2004 Porifera? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Tirasiana [4] Palij1976 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Trepassia [30] Narbonne, Laflamme, Greentree et Trusler2009 Petalonamae Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Tribrachidium [120] Glaessner1959 Trilobozoa Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Triforillonia [121] Gehling, Narbonne et Anderson2000 Symbol rename vote.svg Deformed Aspidella Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Uncus [122] Hughes, Evans, Droser2024 Ecdysozoa Symbol confirmed.svg Possible stem nematoid Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Vaizitsinia Sokolov et Fedonkin1981 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Rangea Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Valdainia [59] Fedonkin1983 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Vaveliksia [59] Fedonkin1983 Porifera? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Velancorina [63] Pflug1966 Symbol question.svg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Vendella [123] Gureev1987 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic charactersFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Vendia Keller1969 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vendichnus Fedonkin1979 Symbol question.svg Possible pseudofossilFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vendoconularia [124] Ivantsov et Fedonkin2002 Conulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vendoglossa Seilacher2007 Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Protechiurus [125] Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia
Vendomia [3] Keller1976 Proarticulata Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Dickinsonia Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vendomyces [126] M. B. Burzin1993 Chytridiomycetes Symbol question.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vendotaenia Gnilovskaya1971 Vendotaenid Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Ventogyrus Ivantsov et Grazhdankin1997 Ctenophora? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Veprina [21] Fedonkin1980 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vernanimalcula Chen J. Y2004 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Vimenites Fedonkin1980 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Vinlandia [127] Brasier, Antcliffe et Liu2012 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Virgatia [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Vladimissa [39] Fedonkin1985 Symbol question.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Wigwamiella Runnegar1991 Symbol question.svg Discoid fossil with no clear diagnostic characters. Regarded as a taphomorph of Aspidella or junior synonym for Pseudorhizostomites [128] Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Windermeria [129] Narbonne1994 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Wutubus [130] Chen, Zhou, Xiao, Wang, Guan, Hong et Yuan2014 Symbol confirmed.svg Tubular fossilFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Yangtziramulus [131] Shen, Xiao, Zhou et Yuan2009 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Yarnemia [132] Nesov in Chistyakov et al.1984 Tunicata? Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Yelovichnus [39] Fedonkin1985 Palaeopascichnid Symbol rename vote.svg Junior synonym of Palaeopascichnus Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Yorgia [133] Ivantsov1999 Proarticulata Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Yilingia [134] Xiao et al.2020 Bilateria Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Yuria [6] Grytsenko2016 Symbol question.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Zolotytsia [4] Fedonkin1981 Symbol confirmed.svg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia



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