Population statistics for Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Last updated

Map of Israeli settlements (magenta) in the West Bank in 2020 West Bank Access Restrictions June 2020.pdf
Map of Israeli settlements (magenta) in the West Bank in 2020

The population statistics for Israeli settlements in the West Bank are collected by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. As such, the data contains only population of settlements recognized by the Israeli authorities. Israeli outposts, which are illegal by Israeli law, are not tracked, and their population is hard to establish. All settlements in the West Bank were advised by the International Court of Justice to be unlawful. [1]


As of January 2023, there are 144 Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including 12 in East Jerusalem. [2] In addition, there are over 100 Israeli illegal outposts in the West Bank. In total, over 450,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem, with an additional 220,000 Jewish settlers residing in East Jerusalem. [3] [4]

The construction of the West Bank barrier keeps a significant number of settlements behind it. The total number of settlers east of the barrier lines in 2012 was at least 79,230. By comparison, the number of Gaza Strip settlers in 2005 who refused to move voluntarily and be compensated, and that were forcibly evicted during the Israeli disengagement from Gaza, was around 9,000. [5]


Statistics below refer to the period between 1999 and 2018. For more recent data, see List of Israeli settlements .

Population of Israeli West Bank settlements
NameHebrew2018 [6] 2017 [7] 2016 [8] 2015 [9] 2010 [10] 2005 [11] 2003 [12] 2000 [13] 1999 [14] Est. [10] Fence [15] CouncilSubarea or bloc
Adora אדורה4404404214042402061912712911984E Har Hebron West
Alei Zahav עלי זהב27392133164313004986844243913551982W Shomron Western S.
Alfei Menashe אלפי מנשה7865780177807638707955415,3474,5804,4101983W Shomron Western S. [16]
Alon Shvut אלון שבות3151321331803218303332913,1462,6802,2301970W Gush Etzion Etzion
Almog אלמוג2532502392071701591411671561977V Megilot Dead Sea
Almon (Anatot)עלמון (ענתות)13781391132912868937627266986721982W Binyamin Adumim
Argaman ארגמן1331281311331691661691641551968V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Ariel אריאל20456196261922018717176681652016,05315,60015,1001978W Shomron Western S. [17]
Asfar (Metzad)מיצד (אספר)8357296885834012582323613561983E Gush Etzion Judean Mtns
Ateret עטרת9138978758947703733493022871981E Mateh Binyamin Western B.
Avnei Hefetz אבני חפץ1895183617591709155311279647856951990E Shomron Western S.
Barkan ברקן1833182517981741140112311,2171,1501,0801981W Shomron Western S.
Bat Ayin בת עין15451428130712269878047671989W Gush Etzion Etzion
Beit Aryeh-Ofarim בית אריה5139495548424721390934572,5222,3802,3301981W Shomron Western S. [16]
Beit El בית אל6042610161156046562649674,6274,1203,8001977E Mateh Binyamin [16] Ramallah
Beit HaArava בית הערבה290222183159120835455451980V Megilot Dead Sea
Beit Horon בית חורון136212741240122811158488227727201977W Mateh Binyamin Giv'on
Beit Yatir
(Mezadot Yehuda)
בית יתיר
(מצדות יהודה)
5124924664673794314124224121983W Har Hebron South
Beitar Illit ביתר עילית56746545575163649343375752699622,92615,80012,7001985W Gush Etzion Etzion [17]
Beka'ot בקעות1761841871821621561451441441972V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Brukhin ברוכין1093919818719n/a2012W Shomron Western S.
Carmei Tzur כרמי צור10211037104710367257136234814221984E Gush Etzion Etzion
Carmel כרמל4364224014073833303212462521981E Har Hebron South
Dolev דולב1341140013311302119510349738808501983E Mateh Binyamin Western B.
Efrat(a) אפרת10088911686588301745474287,0376,4306,2301980W Gush Etzion Etzion [16]
El'azar אלעזר2510257125682577190511318827847471975W Gush Etzion Etzion
Eli עלי4311428142334092310824202,0581,9001,7301984E Mateh Binyamin Eli
Elkana אלקנה3812388438983945358729633,0502,9902,9401977W Shomron Western S. [16]
Elon Moreh אלון מורה1946191218611794144712121,0971,0601,0501979E Shomron Nablus
Einav ענב8598007497116045384735005041981E Shomron Enav
Eshkolot אשכולות5675215154946192252201711481982W Har Hebron South
Etz Efraim עץ אפרים22922204202218227606426175255001985W Shomron Western S.
Ganei Modi'in גני מודיעין2760244524112347n/a1996W Mateh Binyamin Modi'in
Ganim גנים0 [18] 1391581491983E Shomron Northern S.
Geva Binyamin
גבע בנימין (אדם)5525540952785232437024361,8011,0207071984E Mateh Binyamin Ramallah
Gilgal, Bik'at HaYarden גלגל1781801781711661641621801641970V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Gitit גיתית4764574303762971911191001091973V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Giv'at Ze'ev גבעת זאב17922173231686516123117641065610,79010,30010,0001983W Mateh Binyamin [16] Giv'on
Giv'on Hadasha גבעון החדשה1086113911351151109711471,2241,1901,1801980W Mateh Binyamin Giv'on
Hagai בית חגי (חגי)6355965735925024523884064051984E Har Hebron Hebron
Halamish חלמיש147813141328127810909419159221,1001977E Mateh Binyamin Western B.
Hamra חמרה175126124127881321311471491971V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Har Adar
(Giv'at HaRadar)
הר אדר
(גבעת הרדאר)
4056405839803858342622601,8391,4201,3801986W Mateh Binyamin [16] Giv'on
Har Brakha
הר ברכה
2620246823392267169110948807527141983E Shomron Nablus
Har Gilo הר גילה15901568157015056023813693631972W Gush Etzion Etzion
Hashmonaim חשמונאים2760282028262762261022252,0971,8301,7701985W Mateh Binyamin Modi'in
Hebronחברון5541980E Har Hebron Hebron [19]
Hemdat חמדת2782482302331781401071980V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Hermesh חרמש2282152232191842122292792721982E Shomron Rehan
Hinanit חיננית13231295116410898137606694814321981W Shomron Rehan
Homesh חומש0 [18] 1561591631980E Shomron Northern S.
Immanuel עמנואל3693344033093253294825832,4553,0403,1501983W Shomron Western S. [16]
Itamar איתמר123811991151130511016515575415111984E Shomron Nablus
Kadim קדים0 [18] 1281481381983E Shomron Northern S.
Kalya קלי"ה4163993863943062712602602621968V Megilot Dead Sea
Karnei Shomron קרני שומרון7713736971026905628462806,0935,8905,5901978W Shomron Western S. [16]
Kedar קדר156515901555149010287286244473931985W Gush Etzion Adumim
Kedumim קדומים4596448143234338387730872,9342,6602,5401977W Shomron Kedumim [16]
Kfar Adumim כפר אדומים4513438142714145328621271,8661,6901,5901979W Mateh Binyamin Adumim
Kfar Etzion כפר עציון11521145109910718044224044274211967W Gush Etzion Etzion
Kfar Tapuach כפר תפוח12381166107197010256485233473521978E Shomron Western S.
Kiryat Arba קרית ארבע7323733972727108724868196,6056,3806,2401972E Har Hebron Hebron [16]
Kiryat Netafim קרית נטפים9379299108656904383842492401983W Shomron Western S.
Kokhav HaShahar כוכב השחר2122205319851945155714491,3671,1501,0801977V Mateh Binyamin Jordan
Kokhav Ya'akov
(Abir Ya'akov)
כוכב יעקב
(אביר יעקב)
8194768773947313600649193,8191,6401,2601985E Mateh Binyamin Ramallah
Lapid לפיד2459248525202551249722472,1761996W Hevel Modi'in Modi'in
Livne שני (לבנה)5465405024714414244384834901989W Har Hebron South
Ma'ale Adumim מעלה אדומים38193378173767037525356733016227,25924,90023,8001975W Gush Etzion [17] Adumim
Ma'ale Amos מעלה עמוס5354213903842553402993363421981E Gush Etzion Judean Mtns
Ma'ale Efraim מעלה אפרים1241120512091206125014231,4431,4801,4601970V Bik'at HaYarden [16] Jordan Valley
Ma'ale Levona מעלה לבונה8668138267666865454974454471983E Mateh Binyamin Eli
Ma'ale Mikhmas מעלה מכמש1463140213231351110411269808267531981V Mateh Binyamin
Ma'ale Shomron מעלה שומרון10121045103710158375745335274861980W Shomron Western S.
Ma'on מעון5755605395023573473272832651981E Har Hebron South
Maskiot משכיות286276253206n/an/a507N/A1986V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Masua משואה1701611621481411361451481401970V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Matityahu מתתיהו84780277269846513531,3651,3801,4101981W Mateh Binyamin Modi'in
Mehola מחולה5755375174714003623273063151968V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Mekhora מכורה1611361421411311201251131201973V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Kfar HaOranim (Menora)כפר האורנים
2664270826782700250918041,2407683321998W Mateh Binyamin Modi'in
Mevo Dotan מבוא דותן4033933863642803032893103141978E Shomron Rehan
Mevo Horon מבוא חורון265025892566251717719507124974941970W Mateh Binyamin Modi'in
Migdal Oz מגדל עוז5706056054394123342982892801977W Gush Etzion Etzion
Migdalim מגדלים3683353052691421501521541501983E Shomron Western S.
Mitzpe Shalem מצפה שלם2111841741731661801932102081971V Megilot Dead Sea
Mitzpe Yeriho מצפה יריחו2453239423192307185115361,4301,2101,1601978V Mateh Binyamin Jordan
Modi'in Illit מודיעין עילית73080700816684764179486393048424,29016,40013,0001996W Mateh Binyamin Modi'in [16]
Na'ale נעלה194218041661157310356235561371051988E Mateh Binyamin
Nahliel נחליאל7136636396654122642482442301984E Mateh Binyamin Western B.
Negohot נגוהות356332289288245150134409n/a1999E Har Hebron West
Netiv HaGdud נתיב הגדוד1991911901811861271201391431976V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Neve Daniel נווה דניאל2315237022782275182414671,0739338681982W Gush Etzion Etzion
Nili נילי17141597155214388468528067216661981E Mateh Binyamin
Na'aran נירן9292918552495256451977V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Nofim נופים7947206906384214004023853621987W Shomron Western S.
Nokdim נוקדים225021602052193714137296466115261982E Gush Etzion Judean Mtns
Na'omi (Na'ama)נעמ"ה1511351161181001301231211331982V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Ofarim עופריםn/a [20] 8706866231989W Mateh Binyamin
Ofra עפרה3039360736053189329623842,2141,8801,8701975E Mateh Binyamin Ramallah
Oranit אורנית8807965586528495620555855,3165,0704,7801985W Shomron Western S. [16]
Otniel עתניאל103710039769097877476985605531983E Har Hebron South
Ovnat אבנת185201193128101n/a1983V Megilot Dead Sea
Peduel פדואל1910174616821622118511131,0888858341984W Shomron Western S.
Ma'ale Hever
(Pnei Hever)
מעלה חבר
(פני חבר)
5865615484323803753763042661982E Har Hebron Hebron
Petza'el פצאל2832622572502142152132242281975V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Psagot פסגות1903184818471902165814641,2781,0901,0301981E Mateh Binyamin Ramallah
Rehelim רחלים790747668583n/a2013 Shomron
Reihan ריחן3082652242131771501291201001977W Shomron Rehan
Revava רבבה246623892181197412628277035043891991W Shomron Western S.
Rimonim רימונים6876756255986325615124994741977V Mateh Binyamin Jordan
Ro'i רועי1691681651621571171181411331976V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Rosh Tzurim ראש צורים9269349349156063642632652901969W Gush Etzion Etzion
Rotem רותם212207196168n/a1983V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Sa-Nur שא-נור0 [18] 5552541982E Shomron Northern S.
Sal'it סלעית119010108186935254474414103771977W Shomron Enav
Sansana סנסנה458408377334n/a1997 Har Hebron
Sha'arei Tikva שערי תקווה6011592158115638472737093,6923,3803,2201983W Shomron Western S.
Shadmot Mehola שדמות מחולה6456526085534945165073994001979V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Shaked שקד9729368648516615275244974681981W Shomron Rehan
Shavei Shomron שבי שומרון9299008978796886066045735691977E Shomron Western S.
Shilo שילה4153398837273379217219451,8101,5801,4901979E Mateh Binyamin Eli
Shim'a שמעה7146495925383163493572962631985E Har Hebron South
Susya סוסיא13011170111510419237006434824681983E Har Hebron South
Talmon טלמון4349405838793704279719641,6181,2501,1501989E Mateh Binyamin Western B.
Tekoa תקוע3882375036333495180812431,1169809481977E Gush Etzion Judean Mtns
Telem תלם432391362336241152127971011982E Har Hebron West
Tene Omarim (Tene)טנא עומרים8487997687566085325635615801983E Har Hebron South
Tomer תומר2832662622472342812983083071978V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Vered Jericho ורד יריחו3172982522391961561611641551980V Megilot Dead Sea
Yafit יפית19716413914910799951251181980V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Yakir יקיר218320561901186312859849328227651981W Shomron Western S.
Yitav ייט"ב3483273212791391561361141071970V Bik'at HaYarden Jordan Valley
Yitzhar יצהר16351553146813809825904403293281983E Shomron Nablus
Zofin צופים2369218820871976125110431,0408577941989W Shomron Kedumim
Total (excl. East Jerusalem):430,147416,693401,556388,285313,928249,901226,852192,976177,411
Total (incl. East Jerusalem):401,820362,945
Population of East Jerusalem neighborhoods
NameHebrew2003 [12] 2000 [13] Est. [10] Fence [15]
East Talpiot תלפיות מזרח12,43912,8451967W
French Hill הגבעה הצרפתית6,6288,1931969W
Gilo גילֹה27,42527,6371973W
Giv'at Hamivtar גבעת המבתר2,9582,9121970W
Har Homa, Givat Hamatos הר חומה2,1527631997W
Ma'alot Dafna מעלות דפנה3,6643,6451972W
Neve Yaakov נווה יעקב20,30620,2881972W
Pisgat Ze'ev פסגת זאב39,74736,6491985W
Ramat Eshkol רמת אשכול3,1232,9171970W
Ramat Shlomo רמת שלמה13,39011,3481995W
Ramot רמות אלון39,38337,9341974W
Sanhedria Murhevet סנהדריה המורחבת4,9995,0181970W

Unreported Nahal settlements:

Localities of unknown status:

Other localities:

See also


  1. See the advisory opinion in Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory [2004] ICJ 3
  2. "Jerusalem". Peace Now. Retrieved 2023-01-05.
  3. "Growth rate of settlements plummets to all-time low". The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com. 5 September 2021. Retrieved 2022-06-01.
  4. "Population". Peace Now. Retrieved 2022-06-01.
  5. For prior statistics, see Population statistics for Israeli Gaza Strip settlements.
  6. "Population in the Localities 2018" (XLS). Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 25 August 2019. Retrieved 26 August 2019.
  7. Central Bureau of Statistics, Localities in Israel, 2017 (Hebrew),
  8. Central Bureau of Statistics, Localities in Israel, 2016 (Hebrew), Archived 2018-02-05 at the Wayback Machine
  9. Central Bureau of Statistics, Localities in Israel, 2015 (Hebrew),
  10. 1 2 3 Central Bureau of Statistics, Localities in Israel (Hebrew),
  11. Central Bureau of Statistics, Localities in Israel 2003-2008 (Hebrew),
  12. 1 2 Settlement Search Archived 2006-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
  13. 1 2 List of Localities: Their Population and Codes, 31.12.2000. Jerusalem: Central Bureau of Statistics, 2001.
  14. List of Localities: Their Population and Codes, 31.12.1999. Jerusalem: Central Bureau of Statistics, 2000.
  15. 1 2 W: West of barrier or on side towards Israel. E: East of barrier or on side towards major Palestinian areas. V: Jordan Valley is even farther east.
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Governed by own Local council (Israel) instead of the regional council
  17. 1 2 3 Governed as city instead of by the regional council
  18. 1 2 3 4 The settlements of Ganim, Hodesh, Kaddim and Sa Nur were evacuated in 2005 in Israel's unilateral disengagement plan.
  19. Governed by own Regional Committee (Israel) instead of by the regional council
  20. The settlement of Ofarim was appended to Beit Aryeh in 2004

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