Quotient of subspace theorem

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In mathematics, the quotient of subspace theorem is an important property of finite-dimensional normed spaces, discovered by Vitali Milman. [1]

Let (X, ||·||) be an N-dimensional normed space. There exist subspaces Z  Y  X such that the following holds:

is uniformly isomorphic to Euclidean. That is, there exists a positive quadratic form ("Euclidean structure") Q on E, such that


with K > 1 a universal constant.

The statement is relative easy to prove by induction on the dimension of Z (even for Y=Z, X=0, c=1) with a K that depends only on N; the point of the theorem is that K is independent of N.

In fact, the constant c can be made arbitrarily close to 1, at the expense of the constant K becoming large. The original proof allowed



  1. The original proof appeared in Milman (1984). See also Pisier (1989).
  2. See references for improved estimates.

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  1. It is nonnegative, meaning that for every vector
  2. It is positive on nonzero vectors, that is,
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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vitali Milman</span>

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