![]() Constitution of Australia |
Chapters of the Constitution |
Text of the Constitution |
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Section 13 of the Constitution of Australia provides for three aspects of the terms of members of the Australian Senate: the timing of elections, the commencement date of their terms and for the Senate to allocate long (six-year) and short (three-year) terms following a double dissolution of the Parliament of Australia. [1] While members of the House of Representatives and territory senators have a maximum three-year term, state senators have a fixed six-year term, subject only to the parliament being dissolved by a double dissolution.
Senate elections must be held in the 12 months prior to the expiry of the fixed term of the senate. The constitution originally provided for senate terms on calendar years, beginning on 1 January and ending on 31 December 6 years later. The 1906 referendum changed the terms to begin on 1 July and end on 30 June, primarily to enable simultaneous elections to be held in March. [2] The amendments were passed, being approved by 82.65% of voters with a majority in all six states. [3] Despite the intention to hold elections in March, the first such Federal election was March 1983. The changes made to section 13 in 1906 are:
In relation to the commencement of terms, there is a subtle difference between a half senate election and a double dissolution. For a half senate election, the election can be held up to one year before the commencement of the new senate term on 1 July, which means there can be a considerable delay between the election and Senators taking their seats. For example, those elected at the 21 August 2010 election were required to wait 314 days before they took their seats. For a double dissolution, the terms are deemed to have commenced from the previous 1 July. This made no difference at the 2 July 2016 election where the backdating was just one day. The timing of the March 1983 election and May 1974 election meant that the "3-year" short term was less than 2.5 years.
Most members of the Australian Senate ordinarily serve fixed six-year terms, with half-senate elections every three years. When the Senate was initially formed, and on seven occasions since then, the entire Senate has been elected at once. On those occasions, the Constitution of Australia provides for the Senate to choose which of its members will serve long (six-year) terms and which will serve short (three-year) terms. The Constitution does not provide a process for the allocation of terms and it is left to the Senate to decide itself. [4] Thus if one party had a majority in the Senate, in theory the Senate could decide that members of that party receive long terms, with the result that following the next half Senate election, the party would retain a significant majority, grossly distorting the intentions of the voters. The Senate is constrained from acting in this way by concerns about the potential political controversy, rather than any provision in the Constitution to prevent such an outcome. [5]
There were originally six senators elected from each state for a total of 36 members. In 1948, Senate representation was increased to 10 senators for each state for a total to 60. In 1975, four senators were added to represent the territories, however their terms are synchronised with the House of Representatives. In 1984 the number of senators from each state was increased to 12, resulting in a total of 76.
Apart from the first election, whole-senate elections have been a consequence of a double dissolution where both houses were dissolved to address a deadlock.
Following the first election, several methods of allocating short and long terms were considered (including drawing lots), [6] but the method eventually adopted was that the first three senators (of six) to be elected in each state received six-year terms, and those with fewer votes received three-year terms. [7] The senate has continued to allocate the longer terms to the first-elected senators from each state following every whole-senate election.
The electoral system used in the senate can affect the allocation of long and short terms after a double dissolution.
From 1901 the method of voting for the Senate was block voting, where each elector voted for as many candidates as there were vacancies. This system tended to result in all senators from a state belonging to the same party, the extreme of which was in the 1943 election where all 18 senators were members of the Labor party, with the following election in 1946 returning 15 of 18 senators for Labor, save for 2 Liberal and 1 Country senators from Queensland, meaning that from 1947 to 1950 Labor held 33 of the 36 Senate seats. The system did, however, make the allocation of terms simple. Thus in 1901 [8] and 1914, [9] the Senate resolved that the first three candidates elected would receive the long term.
The voting system used for the Senate changed in 1949 to a single transferable vote, which is designed to achieve proportional representation. In 1950 the Menzies Government saw difficulties with Senate voting after a double dissolution and passed a bill for a referendum that would enable the voters to determine which Senators would have a long (six-year) term and which have a short (three-year) term. [10] [11] The bill was not passed by the Senate. While the Government could have requested the Governor-General submit the proposal to a referendum under section 128 of the Constitution, [12] it did not do so and the bill lapsed at the 1951 double dissolution. Despite Prime Minister Menzies' claim that a deadlock was "next door to being inevitable" following a double dissolution, the Coalition government won a Senate majority, winning six of the ten senate seats in Queensland, [13] and Western Australia. [14]
In 1951 the Senate again resolved that the first five candidates elected would receive the long term, [15] The result of this division was that 18 Coalition & 12 Labor Senators received long terms, while 14 Coalition & 16 Labor Senators received short terms.
The Joint Committee on Constitutional Review in 1959 considered that constitutional effect should be given to past practice of the allocation of terms according to their relative success at the election. While a bill was introduced to the Senate in 1964 by the opposition, it was not passed and no such referendum was held. [16]
The Senate again resolved that the first five candidates elected would receive the long term following the double dissolution elections in 1974, [17] 1975, [18] and 1983. [19]
Since 1984, each Australian state is represented in the Senate by twelve senators, and they serve for six years each, roughly double the term of a member of the House of Representatives. Half of these face re-election at each normal election. Following a double dissolution election, Australia's constitution re-establishes the rotation of senators by allowing the senate to allocate half of the elected state senators a short term. The same method has been used to allocate long (six-year) and short (three-year) terms on every occasion, though the voting system has changed during that time. That method is to allocate the longer terms to the senators who were elected first in each state.
Section 282 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 was introduced as an amendment in 1984 with the effect of providing access to another method of allocating short and long terms. In both of the double dissolution elections that have taken place since that section was added, two parties have collaborated to allocate themselves two extra long term seats by choosing the more favourable method. In both cases, this was the traditional method. Despite two senate resolutions to use the new method, it has never been employed.
Year of election | State represented | Party represented | Senator name | Term allocated | Collaborating parties | Reference |
1987 | NSW | Democrats | Paul McLean | Long | Labor/Democrats | [20] |
1987 | NSW | Nationals | David Brownhill | Short | Labor/Democrats | [20] |
1987 | VIC | Democrats | Janet Powell | Long | Labor/Democrats | [20] |
1987 | VIC | Nationals | Julian McGauran | Short | Labor/Democrats | [20] |
1987 | SA | Labor | Graham Maguire | Long | Labor/Democrats | [21] |
1987 | SA | Liberal | Robert Hill | Short | Labor/Democrats | [21] |
1987 | QLD | Liberal | Warwick Parer | Long | Labor/Democrats | [21] |
1987 | QLD | Labor | Gerry Jones | Short | Labor/Democrats | [21] |
2016 | NSW | Labor | Deborah O'Neill | Long | Liberal/Labor | [22] |
2016 | NSW | Australian Greens | Lee Rhiannon | Short | Liberal/Labor | [22] |
2016 | VIC | Liberal | Scott Ryan | Long | Liberal/Labor | [22] |
2016 | VIC | Justice Party | Derryn Hinch | Short | Liberal/Labor | [23] |
In 1983 the Joint Select Committee on Electoral Reform unanimously recommended an alternative "recount" method to reflect proportional representation. Their recommendations included:
Section 282 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 was introduced as an amendment in 1984 with the effect of providing access to another method of allocating short and long terms. The amendment requires the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) to conduct a recount of all the votes in each state. This special recount provides a way to allocate long terms for half of the seats (presently six of twelve). The AEC makes the results of the special recount available to the Senate. However, the order of election of the twelve senators from each state, on which the traditional allocation method is based, is also made public as a result of transparency in the vote counting process. Thus the outcome of the legislation is that two systems for allocating seats are made available by the AEC to the Senate. Although the Senate is permitted by the constitution to use any method it pleases, these appear to be the only two methods that the Senate could get away with using without the parties responsible suffering a significant voter backlash at the next election.
The alternative allocation method introduced in 1984 has not yet been used. Following double dissolution elections in 1987 and 2016, the order-elected method continued to be used, despite Senate resolutions in 1998 and 2010 agreeing to use the new method. [23] In both cases two parties worked together in the senate to allocate themselves two extra long term seats by choosing the more favourable method. In both cases, this was the traditional method.
Changes to the Electoral Act in 1984 by the Labor Hawke government included:
After the 1987 double dissolution election, the Coalition moved to use the recount method (based on the 1984 legislation introduced by Labor) to allocate terms. This was rejected by Labor and the Democrats, who ignored the unanimous recommendation for reform from the Joint Select Committee and the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act, and instead maintained the previous (order-elected) system to allocate the long (six-year) terms ending on 30 June 1993 and short (three-year) terms ending on 30 June 1990. The effect of this decision was that Democrat Senators Paul McLean and Janet Powell got a long term instead of National Senators David Brownhill and Julian McGauran. There was no net effect on Labor and Liberal in that in South Australia, Labor Senator Graham Maguire got a long term instead of Liberal Senator Robert Hill, while in Queensland, Liberal Senator Warwick Parer got a long term instead of Labor Senator Gerry Jones. [5] [20] Senators took their seats immediately following the election on 11 July 1987. The four territory senators were elected in July 1987 and their terms ended at the next federal election, which was March 1990.
One of the reasons advanced for not using the alternative count in 1987 was that the method should only be adopted if the Senate passed a resolution before the double dissolution. [5] To this end Labor Senator John Faulkner moved a motion in 1998 to use section 282 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act in a future double dissolution. It was noted in the debate that the motion could not bind the Senate in the future. [26] In 2010 by Liberal Senator Michael Ronaldson introduced the same motion, which passed again with the support of both major parties, and without debate. [27] [28]
Despite the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act and the bipartisan senate resolutions passed in 1998 [29] and 2010 [20] [28] [30] [27] in support of the recount method, following the July 2016 double dissolution election, an agreement between Liberal's Mathias Cormann and Labor's Penny Wong led the Senate to choose the order-elected method again. [31] [20] As a result, in New South Wales, Labor's Deborah O'Neill got a six-year term at the expense of The Greens' Lee Rhiannon getting a three-year term, while in Victoria Liberal's Scott Ryan got a six-year term at the expense of the Justice Party's Derryn Hinch getting a three-year term. Both methods of allocation had the same outcome for all other senators. [23] [22] [32] [33]
The older, conventional method, called the order-elected method (or similar) allocates the six longer terms in each state to the first six (of twelve) senators elected.
The newer method, called the recount method, attempts to allocate the six longer terms to those senators that would have been elected in a regular half-senate election. This requires the Electoral Commission to conduct a recount of all the ballots in each state. In this special recount, only the twelve elected senators are candidates [34] and only six 'seats' are to be filled. The winners of the special recount would then receive the longer (six-year) terms, and the remainder get the shorter (three-year) terms. The first step in such a recount is to re-allocate votes for all other candidates (outside the twelve elected) according to their preferences. This differs from the normal practice of awarding seats to candidates with a full quota of first preference votes as the first step, prior to eliminating minor candidates. The rationale for limiting the recount to the twelve elected candidates is to eliminate the possibility of an unsuccessful candidate 'winning' a six-year term as a result of the complex preference flows. [35]
The recount method is generally described as fairer, on the basis that it better reflects preferential (instant runoff) voting [36] and proportional representation [24] through the allocation of long terms according to a method almost identical to that used in a normal half senate election, which combines preferential voting and proportional representation. The order-elected method is more analogous to the plurality (first past the post) method rather than preferential voting, in that the candidates elected earliest in the count have a higher proportion of first preference votes to preference votes distributed from eliminated candidates. For a single member electorate (e.g. in the lower house) a candidate must secure 50% () of the vote to win a seat under preferential voting, whereas for first past the post voting a candidate can theoretically win a seat with as few as () votes, where n is the number of candidates. For a six-member electorate with preferential voting (e.g., a normal half senate election and the recount method), a candidate must secure a quota of 14.28% (), while for a 12-member electorate, a candidate requires 7.69% (). The order-elected method requires the six 'winners' to only gain 7.69% () to obtain a long term. Thus, when there is a difference between the two outcomes, it reflects the fact that the order-elected method introduces some arbitrariness to the process, by not considering the preferences of up to 53.85% () of voters in allocating the first six seats. This arises from the fact that seats are 'awarded' as soon as a candidate gains a quota of votes, often before any minor candidates are eliminated and their preferences distributed. For example, if the most popular candidate has two full quotas of first preference votes, he gains the first seat, and all those votes are then distributed according to their preference, but at only half their original value. If they all then go to the same candidate, he will also have a full quota, and will be awarded a seat prior to the elimination of the least popular candidate. Thus a candidate who gains the sixth long term seat under the order-elected method, but not under the recount method, presumably gains more support from first preference votes and the redistribution of votes from elected candidates rather than from the redistribution of preferences from eliminated candidates.
It may at first appear that the order-elected method favours the major parties through this greater reliance on first preference votes, however in the two double dissolution elections in which the special recount has been conducted, the order-elected method benefited the Democrats by two seats, Labor by one (net) and Liberal by one (net) seat. This is because the first seats are awarded to candidates with the largest block of first preference votes, so the largest blocks are reduced first. The full quotas of first preference votes in support of the major parties are often exhausted by the time the sixth candidate is elected, so that the first preference votes given to a major party, to the extent they are distributed as a block, will fall anywhere between zero and one full quota in remaining value. This makes the difference in outcome between the two methods difficult to predict or generalise. It follows from the method definitions that the order-elected method will disadvantage those candidates who rely most heavily on accumulating preferences from eliminated candidates to gain the final seat in a normal half senate election. It is difficult to generalise about what type of candidate or party, if any, falls into this category in a consistent manner, though it may be the case that the smaller minor parties and independents who just scrape in, in a normal half senate election, will be consistently (but rarely) disadvantaged.[ citation needed ]
Only zero or one long term seat in each state has been affected by the difference between the two methods. It is however possible that more than one long term seat could be affected.
The following people have described the recount method as fairer:
The major parties supported the recount method in the Joint Select Committee on Electoral Reform in 1983 (which included Democrat, Labor and Liberal representatives [40] ), in passing the 1984 legislation and the 1998 and 2010 bipartisan senate resolutions.
In 2016, Labor Senate Leader Penny Wong described the order-elected method as consistent with convention and reflecting the will of voters. [32] Liberal deputy Leader in the senate, Mathias Cormann described the order-elected method as the fairest and reflective of the will of the people. [32]
The Australian Senate is the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Australia, the lower house being the House of Representatives.
The electoral system of Australia comprises the laws and processes used for the election of members of the Australian Parliament and is governed primarily by the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. The system presently has a number of distinctive features including compulsory enrolment; compulsory voting; majority-preferential instant-runoff voting in single-member seats to elect the lower house, the House of Representatives; and the use of the single transferable vote proportional representation system to elect the upper house, the Senate.
A double dissolution is a procedure permitted under the Australian Constitution to resolve deadlocks in the bicameral Parliament of Australia between the House of Representatives and the Senate. A double dissolution is the only circumstance in which the entire Senate can be dissolved.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1990 to 1993. Half of the state senators had been allocated a long term following the double dissolution election in 1987 and had terms due to finish on 30 June 1993; the other half of the state senators were elected at the March 1990 election and had terms due to finish on 30 June 1996. The territory senators were elected at the March 1990 election and their terms ended at the next federal election, which was March 1993.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1987 to 1990. It consisted of twelve senators for each of the six states of Australia and two senators representing each of the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory. All members were elected at the 1987 election following a double dissolution of both houses of parliament, rather than the normal case of only half of the state senators facing election.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1985 to 1987. The number of senators was increased from ten to twelve senators for each of the six states of Australia. The representation of the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory remained at two senators each. This would give a total of 76 senators in the Senate.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1983 to 1985. It consisted of ten senators for each of the six states of Australia and two senators representing each of the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory. All members were elected at the 1983 election following a double dissolution of both houses of parliament, rather than the normal case of only half of the state senators facing election.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 is an Act of the Australian Parliament which continues to be the core legislation governing the conduct of elections in Australia, having been amended on numerous occasions since 1918. The Act was introduced by the Nationalist Party of Billy Hughes, the main purpose of which was to replace first-past-the-post voting with instant-runoff voting for the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Labor Party opposed the introduction of preferential voting. The Act has been amended on several occasions since.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1975 to 1978. The 13 December 1975 election was a double dissolution of both houses, with all 127 seats in the House of Representatives, and all 64 seats in the Senate up for election. Malcolm Fraser had been commissioned as prime minister following the dismissal of Gough Whitlam's Labor government by Governor-General Sir John Kerr, on 11 November 1975. The same day, Fraser advised the calling of the election, in accordance with Kerr's stipulated conditions. Thus the Liberal Party of Australia, led by Fraser, with Coalition partner the National Country Party, led by Doug Anthony, went to the election as a caretaker government. The election resulted in the Coalition securing government with a 30-seat swing away from Labor in the House of Representatives.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1974 to 1975. The 18 May 1974 election was a double dissolution of both Houses, with all 127 seats in the House of Representatives, and all 60 seats in the Senate up for election. The incumbent Labor Party led by Prime Minister Gough Whitlam defeated the opposition Liberal Party led by Billy Snedden and their Coalition partner the Country Party led by Doug Anthony.
John Owen Critchley was an Australian politician who served as a Labor member of the South Australian House of Assembly from 1930 to 1933 and then the Australian Senate from 1947 to 1959. Born at Callington in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia, and schooled in and around Petersburg, Critchley completed an apprenticeship as a wheelwright, but was then sacked for forming a branch of his union. He was a founding member and also served twelve years on the executive of the Amalgamated Coach Rolling Stock Makers' and Wheelwrights' Society – later the Australian Coachmakers Employees' Federation then the Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation. He briefly served with the 10th Battalion on the Western Front in France and Belgium during World War I, but was repatriated as medically unfit, suffering from a neck condition.
Graham Ross Maguire is a former Australian politician. Born in Adelaide, South Australia, he was educated at the University of Adelaide and then the Australian National University in Canberra, becoming an economist. He was a ministerial advisor to South Australian Labor Premiers Don Dunstan, Des Corcoran and John Bannon. In 1983, he was elected to the Australian Senate as a Labor Senator for South Australia. He held the seat until his defeat in 1993.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1951 to 1953. The 28 April 1951 election was a double dissolution called by Prime Minister of Australia Robert Menzies in an attempt to gain control of the Senate and to pass the Commonwealth Bank Bill, if necessary at a joint sitting of both houses. All 121 seats in the House of Representatives, and all 60 seats in the Senate were up for election. The incumbent Liberal Party of Australia led by Menzies with coalition partner the Country Party led by Arthur Fadden defeated the Australian Labor Party led by Ben Chifley and gained control of the Senate with 32 seats to Labor's 28.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate from 1914 to 1917. The 5 September 1914 election was a double dissolution called by Prime Minister of Australia Joseph Cook in an attempt to gain control of the Senate. All 75 seats in the House of Representatives, and all 36 seats in the Senate were up for election. The incumbent Commonwealth Liberal Party was defeated by the opposition Australian Labor Party led by Andrew Fisher, who announced with the outbreak of World War I during the campaign that under a Labor government, Australia would "stand beside the mother country to help and defend her to the last man and the last shilling."
The 2013 Australian federal election to elect the members of the 44th Parliament of Australia took place on Saturday 7 September 2013. The centre-right Liberal/National Coalition opposition led by Opposition leader Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party of Australia and Coalition partner the National Party of Australia, led by Warren Truss, defeated the incumbent centre-left Labor Party government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in a landslide. It was also the third time in history that a party won 90 or more seats at an Australian election. Labor had been in government for six years since being elected in the 2007 election. This election marked the end of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor government and the start of the 9 year long Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Liberal-National Coalition government. Abbott was sworn in by the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, as Australia's new Prime Minister on 18 September 2013, along with the Abbott Ministry. The 44th Parliament of Australia opened on 12 November 2013, with the members of the House of Representatives and territory senators sworn in. The state senators were sworn in by the next Governor-General Peter Cosgrove on 7 July 2014, with their six-year terms commencing on 1 July.
The 2016 Australian federal election was a double dissolution election held on Saturday 2 July to elect all 226 members of the 45th Parliament of Australia, after an extended eight-week official campaign period. It was the first double dissolution election since the 1987 election and the first under a new voting system for the Senate that replaced group voting tickets with optional preferential voting.
This is a list of members of the Australian Senate following the 2016 Australian federal election held on 2 July 2016. The election was held as a consequence of a double dissolution in which both houses of parliament were dissolved. Ordinarily, only half of the senators terms end at each election. In this case, all 76 senators were elected. At the first sitting following the election, half of the senators representing each of the six states of Australia were allocated six-year terms to end on 30 June 2022, with the remainder allocated three-year terms to end on 30 June 2019. The terms of senators from the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory end on the day of the next federal election.
The 2016 Australian federal election in the Senate was part of a double dissolution election held on Saturday 2 July to elect all 226 members of the 45th Parliament of Australia, after an extended eight-week official campaign period. It was the first double dissolution election since the 1987 election and the first under a new voting system for the Senate that replaced group voting tickets with optional preferential voting.
The following tables show state-by-state results in the Australian Senate at the 1987 federal election. This election was a Double dissolution, which means that all 12 senators from each state were up for election. Senators total 29 coalition, 32 Labor, one Jo Vallentine Peace Group, four non-coalition National, seven Democrats, one Nuclear Disarmament and one Independent. Territory Senators served until the next federal election. State Senator terms were nominally three or six years, backdated from 1 July 1987. The Senate used the order-elected method to allocate three- and six-year seats, despite provisions for the AEC to conduct a special recount.
The 5 September 1914 election was a double dissolution election which meant all 36 seats in the Senate were up for election, with each Australian states electing six members, with half to serve a six-year term and the rest to serve a three year term. Terms were taken to have commenced on 1 July 1914. The Senate resolved that in each State the three senators who received the most votes would sit for a six-year term, finishing on 30 June 1920 while the other half would sit for a three-year term, finishing on 30 June 1917.