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Aliases TEKTIP1 , chromosome 19 open reading frame 71, C19orf71, tektin bundle interacting protein 1
External IDs MGI: 1921072 HomoloGene: 47801 GeneCards: TEKTIP1
RefSeq (mRNA)



RefSeq (protein)



Location (UCSC) Chr 19: 3.54 – 3.54 Mb Chr 10: 81.2 – 81.2 Mb
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TEKTIP1, also known as tektin-bundle interacting protein 1, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TEKTIP1 gene. [5] [6]



Tektin bundle interacting protein 1 (TEKTIP1) is a protein which in humans is encoded by the TEKTIP1 mRNA. [5] The longest mRNA produced is 826 bases long. [7]


Alias of the protein is C19orf71. [8]


The TEKTIP1 gene is located at 19p13.3. [9]

Transcriptional Regulation

Several predicted transcription factors may bind in the promoter region: TFDP1, PLAGL1, ZSCAN4, POU2F3. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

Chemical Interactions

Acrylamide, [15] cisplatin, [16] and silicon dioxide [17] decrease expression, while butanal (butyraldehyde), and pentanal increase expression [18] of TEKTIP1 mRNA.

Sequence orthology also suggests that valproic acid increases methylation of TEKTIP1 mRNA. [19]


The mRNA of TEKTIP1 is 654 nucleotides long. [5] [8] It contains five exons. [5] The human TEKTIP1 protein is 209 amino acids long and has a predicted molecular mass of 24.5 kDa. [8] The human protein has a theoretical isoelectric point of 9.1. [20]


There are two splice isoforms of the protein, X1 [21] and X2. [22]

X1 & X2 Isoform Orthologs
Tibetan macaque [23] Chimpanzee [24]
Olive baboon [25] Olive baboon [26]
Panamanian white-faced capuchin [27] Common marmoset [28]
Golden [29] and Black [30]

snub-nosed monkeys

Golden sub-nosed monkey [31]
Elk [32] Elk [33]
Red deer [34] Red deer [35]
Greater horseshoe bat [36] Bats [37] [38] [39]
Red fox [40] Polar bear [41]

Characteristics & structure

TEKTIP1 is highly enriched in tryptophan and tyrosine. [42] Additionally, the protein is semi-enriched in arginine and proline. [43]


TEKTIP1 is tissue specific and is found in higher levels in the kidney, testis and thymus. [9]

In fetal development, it is found in higher levels in the Adrenal glands during weeks 16-20. [9]

TEKTIP1 protein is said to be specific to the testis and is found in early spermatids during spermatogenesis. [44]



Over 240 organisms have orthologs with human gene TEKTIP1. [9] The most distant organism with an orthologous sequence to human TEKTIP1 is the West African lungfish (estimated date of divergence of 408 MYA). [45] [46]

Selected Orthologs for TEKTIP1
Genus and SpeciesCommon NameTaxonomic GroupMedian Date of Divergence (MYA)Accession #Sequence length (aa)Sequence Identity to Human Protein %Sequence Similarity to Human Protein %
Homo sapiens HumanPrimates/Hominidae0 NP_001129052.1 209100100
Pan troglodyte ChimpanzeePrimates6.4 XP_003316050.1 20998.198.6
Mus musculus MouseRodentia87 NP_001014836.2 21745.660.4
Bos taurus CowArtiodactyla94 NP_001070550 20876.684.2
Panthera tigris TigerCarnivora94 XP_042833719.1 21034.138.9
Orcinus orca Killer whaleCetacea94 XP_012394771.2 2166373.1
Phascolarctos cinereus KoalaDiprodontia160 XP_020824948.1 21152.967.4
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald EagleAccipitiformes319 XP_010580112.1 20641.452
Dromaius novaehollandiae EmuAves319 XP_025961204.1 19044.856.7
Gallus gallus domesticus ChickenAves319 XP_015155269.2 18838.248.4
Crocodylus porosus Saltwater CrocodileCrocodilia319 XP_019406144.1 21054.368.3
Caretta caretta Loggerhead Sea TurtleTestudines319 XP_048687032.1 21647.857.3
Zootoca vivipara Common lizardSquamata319 XP_034975173.1 20048.859.5
Crotalus tigris Tiger RattlesnakeSquamata319 XP_039190693.1 19945.857.5
Protobothrops mucrosquamatus Venomous Pit ViperSquamata319 XP_015665555.1 19945.156.7
Bufo bufo Common ToadSalientia353 XP_040276375 13624.734.3
Geotrypetes seraphini Gaboon CaecilianCaecilians353 XP_033813379.1 15636.145.8
Microcaecilia unicolor Tiny CaecilianCaecilians353 XP_030074922.1 14234.342.6
Protopterus annectens West African LungfishActinopterygii408 XP_043910031.1 14228.639

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