Takhtajan system

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A system of plant taxonomy, the Takhtajan system of plant classification was published by Armen Takhtajan, in several versions from the 1950s onwards. It is usually compared to the Cronquist system. It admits paraphyletic groups.



The first classification was published in Russian in 1954, and came to the attention of the rest of the world after publication of an English translation in 1958 as Origin of Angiospermous Plants. Further versions appeared in 1959 (Die Evolution der Angiospermen) and 1966 (Sistema i filogeniia tsvetkovykh rastenii). [1] The latter popularised Takhtajan's system when it appeared in English in 1969 (Flowering plants: Origin and dispersal). A further revision appeared in 1980. [2] [3]

1966 system

1997 system

As published in Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants [5] [3] [6] [7]

2009 system

As published in Flowering Plants [8]

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  1. Takhtajan 1966.
  2. Takhtajan 1980.
  3. 1 2 Singh 2004, pp. 269–277.
  4. Takhtajan 1966, p. 51.
  5. Takhtajan 2009.
  6. Reveal 1998.
  7. Reveal 1997.
  8. Takhtajan 2009, Synopsis of families pp. xxxvii–xlv.
  9. Takhtajan 2009, p. 1.


Works by Takhtajan