Tannheim is a municipality in the district of Reutte in the Austrian state of Tyrol.
Tannheim is the principal town of the Tannheim valley, through which the Vils flows.
Alberschwende is a municipality and a village in the district of Bregenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Muggendorf is a municipality in the district of Wiener Neustadt-Land in the Austrian state of Lower Austria.
Jungholz is a village in the district of Reutte in the Austrian state of Tyrol that is only accessible via Germany. The lack of a road connection to anywhere else in Austria led to Jungholz being included in the German customs area before Austria joined the EU in 1995. It also used the Deutsche Mark instead of the Austrian schilling as currency until 2002, when the euro took over. Letters to Jungholz can be addressed with either a German or an Austrian postal code.
Weiz is a town in the eastern part of the Austrian state of Styria.
Bartholomäberg is a municipality and a village in the district of Bludenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Lassee is a town in the district of Gänserndorf in the Austrian state of Lower Austria.
Herzogenburg is a town in the district of Sankt Pölten-Land in the Austrian state of Lower Austria.
Zöblen is a municipality in the district of Reutte in the Austrian state of Tyrol.
Nesselwängle is a municipality in the district of Reutte in the Austrian state of Tyrol.
Grän is a municipality in the district of Reutte in the Austrian state of Tyrol.
Wölbling is a municipality in the district of Sankt Pölten-Land in the Austrian state of Lower Austria.
Bürserberg is a municipality in Austria in Vorarlberg in the Bludenz district with 549 inhabitants.
Raggal is a municipality in the district of Bludenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Sankt Gallenkirch is a municipality in the district of Bludenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Silbertal is a municipality in the district of Bludenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Sonntag is a municipality in the district of Bludenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Höchst is a municipality in the district of Bregenz in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Koblach is a municipality in the district of Feldkirch in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Mäder is a municipality in the district of Feldkirch in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Altschwendt is a municipality in the district of Schärding in the Austrian state of Upper Austria.