Windows Metafile

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Windows Metafile (WMF) is an image file format originally designed for Microsoft Windows in the 1990s. The original Windows Metafile format was not device-independent (though could be made more so with placement headers) and may contain both vector graphics and bitmap components. It acts in a similar manner to SVG files. WMF files were later superseded by Enhanced Metafiles (EMF files) which did provide for device-independence. EMF files were then themselves enhanced via EMF+ files.


Essentially, a metafile stores a list of records consisting of drawing commands, property definitions and graphics objects to display an image on screen. [1] The drawing commands used are closely related to the commands of the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) API used for drawing in Microsoft Windows.

There are three major types of metafiles – a WMF is a 16-bit format introduced in Windows 3.0. It is the native vector format for Microsoft Office applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher. As of April 2024, revision 18 of the Windows Metafile Format specification is available. [2] EMF files, which replaced WMF files, work on the same principle only it is a 32-bit file format that also allows for the embedding of private data within "comment" records. [3] EMF+ is an extension to EMF files and embedded in these comment records, allowing for images and text using commands, objects and properties that are similar to Windows GDI+. [4]


The original 16 bit WMF file format was fully specified in volume 4 of the 1992 Windows 3.1 SDK documentation [5] (at least if combined with the descriptions of the individual functions and structures in the other volumes), but that specification was vague about a few details. These manuals were published as printed books available in bookstores with no click through EULA or other unusual licensing restrictions (just a general warning that if purchased as part of a software bundle, the software would be subject to one).

Over time the existence of that historic specification was largely forgotten and some alternative implementations resorted to reverse engineering to figure out the file format from existing WMF files, which was difficult and error prone. [6] In September 2006, Microsoft again published the WMF file format specification in a more complete form [7] in the context of the Microsoft Open Specification Promise, promising to not assert patent rights to file format implementors. [8]

Microsoft later deprecated WMF files in favour of 32-bit EMF files as WMF files had real issues with device independence, despite the use of a "placeable" file header which provided basic device independence. Microsoft found that developers who use the format were "[embedding] application, location, or scaling comments in the metafiles... Others added headers to the metafile that provided various application-specific information", causing major compatibility issues. [9] Thus, in 1992 with Windows NT 3.1, Microsoft introduced the Enhanced Metafile format (EMF) [10] a format which was based on the Win32 API and with which they built-in device independence. [11] [9] these were also known as NT metafiles. [12] With the release of Windows XP and GDI+, the set of records had to be significantly increased and so Microsoft released EMF+ as an extension to the existing EMF file format. [10] [13]

Metafile structure

Comparison of Windows Metafiles - WMF files can include EMF+ records Microsoft Metafile comparisons.svg
Comparison of Windows Metafiles – WMF files can include EMF+ records

WMF, EMF and EMF+ files all consist of a series of records that are played back to produce graphical output. Some records define objects which can specify graphical objects used to determine how graphics should be drawn (e.g. pens specify the color and width of lines). Each of these objects are stored in metafiles and are placed into an object table, which tracks the usage of graphic objects while processing the metafile. The object table is an associative array of indexes to graphical object structures defined within the metafile.

WMF and EMF files handle object processing differently to EMF+ records in EMF files. As a WMF and EMF file is being processed, the records are read into an object table once an object is defined. If an object is deleted then the object is released from the table and the identifier can be reused. Notably an object will not be used until it is specifically selected during record playback. [14] [15] This differs for EMF+ files, which also use an associative array via a hashmap which records the object along with an object identifier. However, unlike WMF and EMF files which can delete an object, when a new object is created that has the same index as an existing object, the entry in the table is replaced with the new object. An EMF file also does not need to specifically select an object before it is used. [16]


Windows Metafile
Filename extension
Internet media type
image/wmf [10]
Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) [10]
Type of format Vector graphics
Extended to EMF
Structures of original and placeable Windows metafiles WMF-structure.svg
Structures of original and placeable Windows metafiles

WMF files were not originally designed to be device independent, meaning that a file could not be played back on output devices that differed from the original device on which the file was recorded. A partial solution to this issue was invented by Aldus Corporation, who added an additional "placeable" header, called the "APM header", [18] which added a bounding rectangle, a metafile version, metafile size, number of objects in the metafile and the size of the largest single record in the metafile. [19] [20] This was later incorporated into the WMF format by Microsoft, starting in Windows 2000. [21]

WMF files are structured by a series of records, starting with a number of control records: the header record, [19] [22] the aforementioned optional placeable record, [23] and finished by an end of file record. [19] [24]

Encapsulated by the control records are the records that make up the image itself. These records work within what is known as the playback device context, which is the collection of properties and objects that make up a device's graphical environment as the metafile is being "played back" onto this output device. [25]

Records other than control records can be largely grouped into bitmap records, drawing records, object records, state records and escape records.

Bitmap records

Bitmap records manage and output bitmap images.

META_BITBLTSpecifies how to do a bit block transfer. These records can specify a bitmap to use as the source, or a region. [26]
META_DIBBITBLTSpecifies how to do a bit block transfer of a device-independent bitmap image. These records can specify a bitmap to use as the source, or a region. [27]
META_DIBSTRETCHBITBLTSpecifies how to do a bit block transfer of a device-independent bitmap image, but allows for expansion or contraction of the image. These records can specify a bitmap to use as the source, or a region. [28]
META_SETDIBTODEVSpecifies color to set a block of pixels in a device-independent bitmap image. These records can specify a bitmap to use as the source, or a region. [29]
META_STRETCHBLTSpecifies how to do a bit block transfer, but allows for expansion or contraction of the image. [30]
META_STRETCHDIBSpecifies how to do a bit block transfer of a device-independent bitmap image, but allows for expansion or contraction of the image. These records can specify a bitmap to use as the source, or a region. [31]

Drawing records

Drawing records produce graphics output.

META_ARCDraws an elliptical arc. [32]
META_CHORDDraws a chord. [33]
META_ELLIPSEDraws an elliptical arc. [34]
META_EXTFLOODFILLFills an area with a brush. [35]
META_EXTTEXTOUTDraw text with font, background color and text color of the playback device context. [36]
META_FILLREGIONFills a region with a specified brush. [37]
META_FLOODFILLFills an area with a brush. [38]
META_FRAMEREGIONDraws a border around a region of the page with a brush. [39]
META_INVERTREGIONPaints a region of the graphic with inverted colors. [40]
META_LINETODraws a half-open line from the drawing position defined in the playback device context to a specified point. [41]
META_PAINTREGIONPaint a region with the current brush specified in the playback device context. [42]
META_PATBLTPaint a region with the current brush specified in the playback device context and then combine the brush color and surface color(s) using a raster operation. [43]
META_PIEDraw a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials the line is set via the pen set via the playback device context, and the area bounded by the pie shape is filled in by the current brush of the playback device context. [44]
META_POLYLINEDraws a series of line segnments by connecting the points in a specified array. [45]
META_POLYGONPaints a polygon consisting of two or more vertices connected by straight lines. The polygon is outlined by using the pen and filled by using the brush and polygon fill mode that are defined in the playback device context. [46]
META_POLYPOLYGONPaints a series of closed polygons, which may overlap. Each polygon is outlined by using the pen and filled by using the brush and polygon fill mode that are defined in the playback device context. [47]
META_RECTANGLEPaints a rectangle, which is outlined by using the pen and filled by using the brush and is filled by using the brush that is defined in the playback device context. [48]
META_ROUNDRECTPaints a rectangle with rounded corners. The rectangle is outlined by using the pen and filled by using the brush and is filled by using the brush that is defined in the playback device context. [49]
META_SETPIXELSets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the specified color. [50]
META_TEXTOUTOutputs a character string at the specified location by using the font, background color, and text color that are defined in the playback device context. [51]

Object records

Object records create and manage graphics objects. In WMF files there are two broad categories of objects – graphics objects and structure objects. Structure objects are not explicitly created or deleted in a WMF, they are instead of complex structures. For example, the BitmapCoreHeader contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap, [52] which is itself part of a DeviceIndependentBitmap object. [53] A graphics object, however, specifies parameters for graphics output and during playback of the WMF it sets up the playback device context. [54]

Graphics objects can be brushes (defines the style, color and pattern of a brush which defines how to paint an area of the graphic), fonts (defines properties that affect how text is displayed), palettes (specifies colors as device-independent values, defined by an application), pens (specifies the graphical attributes of a line), and regions (which specify line and curve segments that define a shape). [54]

META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECTCreates a brush object from a LogBrush (logical brush) object. [55]
META_CREATEFONTINDIRECTCreates a brush object from a font object. [56]
META_CREATEPALETTECreates a palette object.
META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH [57] Creates a brush object from a LogBrush (logical brush) object. [58]
META_CREATEPENINDIRECTCreates a pen object. [59]
META_CREATEREGIONCreates a region object. [60]
META_DELETEOBJECTDelete an object. [61]
META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECTCreates a brush object from a LogBrush (logical brush) object. [62]
META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSHCreates a brush object from a device-independent bitmap. [63]
META_SELECTCLIPREGIONSpecifies the region object that will be the current clipping region. [64]
META_SELECTOBJECTSelects the object that will be the current object for the playback device context, which works on all graphics objects except palette objects, which must be set with META_SELECTPALETTE. [65]
META_SELECTPALETTESelects the logical palette for the playback device context. [66]

State records

State records manage the graphics properties of the playback device context. [67]

META_ANIMATEPALETTERedefines entries in the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context with a specified Palette Object. [68]
META_EXCLUDECLIPRECTSets the clipping region that is defined in the playback device context to the existing clipping region minus a specified rectangle. [69]
META_INTERSECTCLIPRECTSets the clipping region that is defined in the playback device context to the intersection of the existing clipping region and a specified rectangle. [70]
META_MOVETOSets the output position in the playback device context to a specified point. [71]
META_OFFSETCLIPRGNMoves the clipping region that is defined in the playback device context by specified offsets. [72]
META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORGMoves the viewport origin in the playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets. [73]
META_OFFSETWINDOWORGMoves the output window origin in the playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets. [74]
META_REALIZEPALETTEMaps entries from the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context to the system palette. [75]
META_RESIZEPALETTERedefines the size of the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context. [76]
META_RESTOREDCRestores the playback device context from a previously saved device context. [77]
META_SAVEDCSaves the playback device context for later retrieval. [78]
META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTScales the horizontal and vertical extents of the viewport that is defined in the playback device context using the ratios formed by specified multiplicands and divisors. [79]
META_SCALEWINDOWEXTScales the horizontal and vertical extents of the output window that is defined in the playback device context using the ratios formed by specified multiplicands and divisors. [80]
META_SETBKCOLORSets the background color in the playback device context to a specified color. [81]
META_SETBKMODESets the background mix mode in the playback device context. [82]
META_SETLAYOUTDefines the layout orientation in the playback device context. [83]
META_SETMAPMODEDefines the mapping mode in the playback device context. [84]
META_SETMAPPERFLAGSDefines the algorithm that the font mapper uses when it maps logical fonts to physical fonts. [85]
META_SETPALENTRIESDefines RGB color values in a range of entries in the logical palette that is defined in the playback device context. [86]
META_SETPOLYFILLMODEDefines polygon fill mode in the playback device context for graphics operations that fill polygons. [87]
META_SETRELABSUnused record. [88]
META_SETROP2Defines the foreground raster operation mixing mode in the playback device context. [89]
META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODEDefines the bitmap stretching mode in the playback device context. [90]
META_SETTEXTALIGNDefines text-alignment values in the playback device context. [91]
META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRADefines inter-character spacing for text justification in the playback device context. [92]
META_SETTEXTCOLORDefines the text foreground color in the playback device context. [93]
META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATIONDefines the amount of space to add to break characters in a string of justified text. [94]
META_SETVIEWPORTEXTDefines the horizontal and vertical extents of the viewport in the playback device context. [95]
META_SETVIEWPORTORGDefines the viewport origin in the playback device context. [96]
META_SETWINDOWEXTDefines the horizontal and vertical extents of the output window in the playback device context. [97]
META_SETWINDOWORGDefines the output window origin in the playback device context. [98]

Escape records

WMF generic escape record WMF Escape Record.svg
WMF generic escape record

Escape records are a means to extend metafile functionality via records that are not otherwise defined as a WMF record type. Each escape record contains a record function, an escape function and potentially escape data.

The following escape records make up a WMF file.

ABORTDOCStops processing the current document. [99]
BEGIN_PATHOpens a path. [100]
CHECK_JPEGFORMATDetermines whether it can handle the given JPEG image. [101]
CHECK_PNGFORMATDetermines whether it can handle the given PNG image. [102]
CLIP_TO_PATHApplies a function to the current PostScript clipping path. [103]
DOWNLOAD_FACESets the font face name on the output device. [105]
DOWNLOAD_HEADERDownloads sets of PostScript procedures. [106]
DRAW_PATTERNRECTDraws a rectangle with a defined pattern. [107]
ENCAPSULATED_POSTSCRIPTSends arbitrary encapsulated PostScript (EPS) data directly to the printer driver. [108]
END_PATHEnds a path. [109]
ENDDOCNotifies the printer driver that a new print job is ending. [110]
EPS_PRINTINGIndicates the start and end of EPS printing. [111]
EXTTEXTOUTDraws text using the currently selected font, background color, and text color. [112]
GET_COLORTABLEGets color table values from the printer driver. [113]
GET_DEVICEUNITSGets the device units currently configured on the output device. [114]
GET_EXTENDED_TEXTMETRICSGets the extended text metrics that are currently configured on the printer driver. [115]
GET_FACENAMEGets the font face name currently configured on the output device. [116]
GET_PAIRKERNTABLEGets the font kern table currently defined on the output device. [117]
GET_PHYSPAGESIZERetrieves the physical page size currently selected on the output device. [118]
GET_PRINTINGOFFSETRetrieves the offset from the upper-left corner of the physical page where the actual printing or drawing begins. [119]
GET_PS_FEATURESETTINGQueries the printer driver for information about PostScript features supported on the output device. [120]
GET_SCALINGFACTORRetrieves the scaling factors for the x-axis and the y-axis of a printer. [121]
META_ESCAPE_ENHANCED_METAFILEUsed to embed an EMF metafile within a WMF metafile. [122]
METAFILE_DRIVERQueries the printer driver about its support for metafiles on the output device. [123]
NEWFRAMENotifies the printer driver that the application has finished writing to a page. [124]
NEXTBANDNotifies the printer driver that the application has finished writing to a band. [125]
PASSTHROUGHPasses through arbitrary data to the printer driver. [126]
POSTSCRIPT_DATASends arbitrary PostScript data to the output device. [127]
POSTSCRIPT_IDENTIFYSets the printer driver to either PostScript-centric or GDI-centric mode. [128]
POSTSCRIPT_IGNORENotifies the output device to ignore PostScript data. [129]
POSTSCRIPT_INJECTIONInserts a block of raw data into a PostScript stream. [130]
POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGHSends arbitrary data directly to a printer driver, which is expected to process this data only when in PostScript mode. [131]
OPEN_CHANNELActs the same as STARTDOC, with a NULL document and output filename, and data in raw mode. [132]
QUERY_DIBSUPPORTQueries the printer driver about its support for DIBs on the output device. [133]
QUERY_ESCSUPPORTQueries the printer driver to determine whether a specific WMF escape function is supported on the output device. [134]
SET_COLORTABLESets color table values. [135]
SET_COPYCOUNTSets the number of copies. [136]
SET_LINECAPSpecifies the line-ending mode to use in drawing to the output device. [137]
SET_LINEJOINSpecifies the line-joining mode to use in drawing to the output device. [138]
SET_MITERLIMITSets the limit for the length of miter joins to use in drawing to the output device. [139]
SPCLPASSTHROUGH2Enables documents to include private procedures and other arbitrary data in documents. [140]
STARTDOCNotifies the printer driver that a new print job is starting. [141]

There was a major vulnerability found in escape records around the Abort escape record, which stores the abort procedure code within the record itself. This affected Windows systems (see CVE - 2005-4560) and the Wine project (see CVE - 2006-0106). According to Secunia, "The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the handling of Windows Metafile files ('.wmf') containing specially crafted SETABORTPROC 'Escape' records. Such records allow arbitrary user-defined function to be executed when the rendering of a WMF file fails." [142] According to the Windows 3.1 SDK documentation, the SETABORTPROC escape was obsoleted and replaced by the function of the same name in Windows 3.1, long before the WMF vulnerability was discovered. [143] However the obsoleted escape code was retained for compatibility with 16 bit programs written for (or at least backwards compatible with) Windows 3.0. This change happened at approximately the same time as Microsoft was creating the 32 bit reimplementation of GDI for Windows NT, and it is likely that the vulnerability occurred during this effort.

After Steve Gibson accused Microsoft of deliberately implementing a backdoor into their code, [144] [145] Mark Russinovich provided a rebuttal, and stated that:

...things were different when the format was architected. In the Windows 3.1 “large” memory model code is inherently location-independent and Windows was never patched, so both Windows and an application could simply copy an application function into the WMF file and assume it would work when played back by the same application in a later run session. In any case, its not clear that the developers envisioned applications creating on-disk metafiles with abort procedures. Also, as Microsoft’s Stephen Toulouse pointed out in Microsoft’s rebuttal to Steve’s claims, the security landscape in the early 1990s was very different than today and all code, including that stored in a WMF file, was inherently trusted. [146]

Peter Ferrie of Symantec Security Response, USA also disagreed with Gibson, noting that:

Gibson claimed that a thread is created to run the SetAbortProc handler. In fact, no thread is created to run the handler – it is a callback, which is called by the parser, and the parser has to wait until the callback returns, otherwise the whole point of the function (to abort the printing) is lost. By his own admission, Gibson did not read the documentation (in fact, he claimed that he couldn’t find it, although it is freely available on Microsoft’s Web site), and he claimed that the device context is not available to the function handler. Of course the device context is available to the function handler it is one of the two parameters that is passed to it (see above), and it is required in order to abort the printing. Finally, Gibson claimed that the control flow could not return to Windows. It is simply a matter of the function returning and discarding the parameters that were passed on the stack. If the record is well formed, Windows will continue to parse the file, as before. ... Gibson admits that he was guessing about a number of things. Unfortunately, he guessed poorly. I guess we know better now. [147]


Enhanced Metafile
Filename extension
Internet media type
image/emf [10]
Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) [10]
Type of format Vector graphics
Extended from WMF
Extended to EMF+
Windows Enhanced Metafile headers EMF headers.svg
Windows Enhanced Metafile headers

EMF files have three possible versions of headers. The original headers is just a container for images, the second and third version encapsulates the original header and contains a pixel format record and support for OpenGL records, and the third version encapsulates the second header extension and increases EMF accuracy and scalability of EMFs as it adds the ability to measure distances of device surfaces using the metric system. [148]

Each EMF header starts with an EMR_HEADER record, and records the relevant properties of the device on which the metafile image was recorded. The original EMF header has an 80 byte header and an optional variable length description string. [149] Other metafiles contain extension fields, which encapsulate the original header. EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 is a record that is inserted directly after the original EMF header, specifies whether there is a pixel format descriptor and the offset to the descriptor object within the header, as well as a field that specifies if OpenGL records exist in the metafile. [150] The pixel format descriptor specifies the capabilities of the drawing surface and whether a pixel is encoded in RGBA or is an index into a color table. [151] EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 is a record that is inserted directly after the EmfMetafileHeaderExtension1 record, and it contains two fields with the X and Y values to measure the device surface in micrometers. [152]

Like WMF files, records can be classified by function, however there are more record types in EMF files than there are in WMF files. Records can be classified as control, bitmap, clipping, comment, drawing, escape, object creation, object manipulation, OpenGL, path bracket, state and transform records.


With the release of Windows XP, the Enhanced Metafile Format Plus Extensions (EMF+) format was introduced. EMF+ provides a way to serialize calls to the GDI+ API in the same way that WMF/EMF stores calls to GDI.

There are also compressed versions of Windows Metafiles known as Compressed Windows Metafile (WMZ) and Compressed Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMZ), [153] which are basically gzip compressed WMF and EMF files correspondingly.


The WMF format was designed to be executed by the Windows GDI layer in order to restore the image, but as the WMF binary files contain the definition of the GDI graphic primitives that constitute this image, it is possible to design alternative libraries that render WMF binary files or convert them into other graphic formats.

See also

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  1. Windows Metafile Format (PDF), Microsoft, p. 16
  2. "[MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format". MSDN. 2021-04-26. Retrieved 2023-09-13.
  3. [MS-EMF]: Enhanced Metafile Format (PDF), Microsoft, p. 17
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  26. " META_BITBLT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 101–103, retrieved 2020-01-24
  27. " META_DIBBITBLT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), Microsoft, pp. 103–106, retrieved 2020-01-24
  28. " META_DIBSTRETCHBITBLT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), Microsoft, pp. 106–108, retrieved 2020-01-24
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  31. " META_STRETCHDIB Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), Microsoft, pp. 103–106, retrieved 2020-01-24
  32. " META_ARC Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 101–103, retrieved 2020-01-24
  33. " META_CHORD Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 117–118, retrieved 2020-01-24
  34. " META_ELLIPSE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 119, retrieved 2020-01-24
  35. " META_EXTFLOODFILL Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 119–120, retrieved 2020-01-24
  36. " META_EXTTEXTOUT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 119–120, retrieved 2020-01-24
  37. " META_FILLREGION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 121, retrieved 2020-01-24
  38. " META_FLOODFILL Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 119–120, retrieved 2020-01-24
  39. " META_FRAMEREGION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 122–123, retrieved 2020-01-24
  40. " META_INVERTREGION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 123, retrieved 2020-01-24
  41. " META_LINETO Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 123–124, retrieved 2020-01-24
  42. " META_PAINTREGION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 124, retrieved 2020-01-24
  43. " META_PATBLT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 124–125, retrieved 2020-01-24
  44. " META_PIE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 125–126, retrieved 2020-01-24
  45. " META_POLYLINE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 126, retrieved 2020-01-24
  46. " META_POLYGON Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 127, retrieved 2020-01-24
  47. " META_POLYPOLYGON Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 127–128, retrieved 2020-01-24
  48. " META_RECTANGLE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 127–128, retrieved 2020-01-24
  49. " META_ROUNDRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 128–129, retrieved 2020-01-24
  50. " META_SETPIXEL Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 129–130, retrieved 2020-01-24
  51. " META_TEXTOUT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 130, retrieved 2020-01-24
  52. " BitmapCoreHeader Object", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 85, retrieved 2020-01-25
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  55. " META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 131–132, retrieved 2020-01-25
  56. " META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 132, retrieved 2020-01-25
  57. " META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 133–135, retrieved 2020-01-25
  58. " META_CREATEPALETTE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 132–133, retrieved 2020-01-25
  59. " META_CREATEPENINDIRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 134–135, retrieved 2020-01-25
  60. " META_CREATEREGION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 135, retrieved 2020-01-25
  61. " META_DELETEOBJECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 135, retrieved 2020-01-25
  62. " META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 135–136, retrieved 2020-01-25
  63. " META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 136–137, retrieved 2020-01-25
  64. " META_SELECTCLIPREGION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 137, retrieved 2020-01-25
  65. " META_SELECTOBJECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 137–138, retrieved 2020-01-25
  66. " META_SELECTPALETTE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 139, retrieved 2020-01-25
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  68. " META_ANIMATEPALETTE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 140, retrieved 2020-01-28
  69. " META_EXCLUDECLIPRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 140–141, retrieved 2020-01-28
  70. " META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 141–142, retrieved 2020-01-28
  71. " META_MOVETO Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 142, retrieved 2020-01-28
  72. " META_OFFSETCLIPRGN Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 142–143, retrieved 2020-01-28
  73. " META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORG Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 143, retrieved 2020-01-28
  74. " META_OFFSETWINDOWORG Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 131–132, retrieved 2020-01-28
  75. " META_REALIZEPALETTE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 143–144, retrieved 2020-01-28
  76. " META_RESIZEPALETTE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 144, retrieved 2020-01-28
  77. " META_RESTOREDC Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 145, retrieved 2020-01-28
  78. " META_SAVEDC Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 145, retrieved 2020-01-28
  79. " META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 145–146, retrieved 2020-01-28
  80. " META_SCALEWINDOWEXT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 146–147, retrieved 2020-01-28
  81. " META_SETBKCOLOR Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 147, retrieved 2020-01-28
  82. " META_SETBKMODE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 147–148, retrieved 2020-01-28
  83. " META_SETLAYOUT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 148, retrieved 2020-01-28
  84. " META_SETMAPMODE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 148–149, retrieved 2020-01-28
  85. " META_SETMAPPERFLAGS Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 131–132, retrieved 2020-01-28
  86. " META_ANIMATEPALETTE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 149, retrieved 2020-01-28
  87. " META_SETPALENTRIES Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 149–150, retrieved 2020-01-28
  88. " META_SETRELABS Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 150, retrieved 2020-01-28
  89. " META_SETROP2 Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 151, retrieved 2020-01-28
  90. " META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 151–152, retrieved 2020-01-28
  91. " META_SETTEXTALIGN Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 152, retrieved 2020-01-28
  92. " META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRA Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 152–153, retrieved 2020-01-28
  93. " META_SETTEXTCOLOR Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 153, retrieved 2020-01-28
  94. " META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 153–154, retrieved 2020-01-28
  95. " META_SETVIEWPORTEXT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 154, retrieved 2020-01-28
  96. " META_SETVIEWPORTORG Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 154–155, retrieved 2020-01-28
  97. " META_SETWINDOWEXT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 155, retrieved 2020-01-28
  98. " META_SETWINDOWORG Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 155, retrieved 2020-01-28
  99. " ABORTDOC Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 158–159, retrieved 2020-01-28
  100. " BEGIN_PATH Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 159, retrieved 2020-01-28
  101. " CHECK_JPEGFORMAT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 159–160, retrieved 2020-01-28
  102. " CHECK_PNGFORMAT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 160, retrieved 2020-01-28
  103. " CLIP_TO_PATH Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 160, retrieved 2020-01-28
  104. " CLOSE_CHANNEL Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 162, retrieved 2020-01-28
  105. " DOWNLOAD_FACE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 162–163, retrieved 2020-01-28
  106. " DOWNLOAD_HEADER Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 158–159, retrieved 2020-01-28
  107. " DRAW_PATTERNRECT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 163–164, retrieved 2020-01-28
  108. " ENCAPSULATED_POSTSCRIPT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 164, retrieved 2020-01-28
  109. " END_PATH Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 164–165, retrieved 2020-01-28
  110. " ENDDOC Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 165, retrieved 2020-01-28
  111. " EPS_PRINTING Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 165–166, retrieved 2020-01-28
  112. " EXTTEXTOUT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 166–167, retrieved 2020-01-28
  113. " GET_COLORTABLE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 167–168, retrieved 2020-01-28
  114. " GET_DEVICEUNITS Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 168, retrieved 2020-01-28
  115. " GET_EXTENDED_TEXTMETRICS Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 168–169, retrieved 2020-01-28
  116. " GET_FACENAME Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 169, retrieved 2020-01-28
  117. " GET_PAIRKERNTABLE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 169–170, retrieved 2020-01-28
  118. " GET_PHYSPAGESIZE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 170, retrieved 2020-01-28
  119. " GET_PRINTINGOFFSET Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 170–171, retrieved 2020-01-28
  120. " GET_PS_FEATURESETTING Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 171, retrieved 2020-01-28
  121. " GET_SCALINGFACTOR Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 171–172, retrieved 2020-01-28
  122. " META_ESCAPE_ENHANCED_METAFILE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 172–173, retrieved 2020-01-28
  123. " METAFILE_DRIVER Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 173–174, retrieved 2020-01-28
  124. " NEWFRAME Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 174–175, retrieved 2020-01-28
  125. " NEXTBAND Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 174–175, retrieved 2020-01-28
  126. " PASSTHROUGH Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 175, retrieved 2020-01-28
  127. " POSTSCRIPT_DATA Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 176, retrieved 2020-01-28
  128. " POSTSCRIPT_IDENTIFY Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 176–177, retrieved 2020-01-28
  129. " POSTSCRIPT_IGNORE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 177, retrieved 2020-01-28
  130. " POSTSCRIPT_INJECTION Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 177–178, retrieved 2020-01-28
  131. " POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 178, retrieved 2020-01-28
  132. " OPEN_CHANNEL Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 179, retrieved 2020-01-28
  133. " QUERY_DIBSUPPORT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 179–180, retrieved 2020-01-28
  134. " QUERY_ESCSUPPORT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 180, retrieved 2020-01-28
  135. " SET_COLORTABLE Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 180–181, retrieved 2020-01-28
  136. " SET_COPYCOUNT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 181, retrieved 2020-01-28
  137. " SET_LINECAP Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 181–182, retrieved 2020-01-28
  138. " SET_LINEJOIN Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 182–183, retrieved 2020-01-28
  139. " SET_MITERLIMIT Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), p. 183, retrieved 2020-01-28
  140. " SPCLPASSTHROUGH2 Record", [MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specification (PDF), pp. 183–184, retrieved 2020-01-28
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