Xanthomonas citri

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Xanthomonas citri
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Pseudomonadota
Class: Gammaproteobacteria
Order: Xanthomonadales
Family: Xanthomonadaceae
Genus: Xanthomonas
X. citri
Binomial name
Xanthomonas citri
(Hasse 1915) Gabriel et al. 1989
Bacterial X. citri black spot on a mango, note that each black lesion has "cracks" Bacterial black spot of mango - 9077467185.jpg
Bacterial X. citri black spot on a mango, note that each black lesion has “cracks”

Xanthomonas citri is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium. Although it is harmless for humans, it is a phytopathogen, known for being the causing agent of citrus canker.


Bacterial killing via a secretion system

Xanthomonas citri uses its type IV secretion system to kill other Gram-negative bacterial species in a contact-dependent manner. The secretion of the effector proteins requires a conserved C-terminal domain, and its bacteriolytic activity is neutralized by a cognate immunity protein. [1] [2]

Defense against predators

Xanthomonas citri also uses type VI secretion system in defense against the predatory amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum . [3]

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Gabriel Waksman FMedSci, FRS, is Courtauld professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at University College London (UCL), and professor of structural and molecular biology at Birkbeck College, University of London. He is the director of the Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB) at UCL and Birkbeck, head of the Department of Structural and Molecular Biology at UCL, and head of the Department of Biological Sciences at Birkbeck.

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  1. Souza DP, Oka GU, Alvarez-Martinez CE, Bisson-Filho AW, Dunger G, Hobeika L, Cavalcante NS, Alegria MC, Barbosa LR, Salinas RK, Guzzo CR, Farah CS (2015). "Bacterial killing via a type IV secretion system". Nature Communications. 6: 6453. Bibcode:2015NatCo...6.6453S. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7453 . PMID   25743609.
  2. Sgro GG, Costa TR, Cenens W, Souza DP, Cassago A, Coutinho de Oliveira L, Salinas RK, Portugal RV, Farah CS, Waksman G (2018). "Cryo-EM structure of the bacteria-killing type IV secretion system core complex from Xanthomonas citri". Nature Microbiology. 3 (12): 1429–1440. doi:10.1038/s41564-018-0262-z. PMC   6264810 . PMID   30349081.
  3. Bayer-Santos, Ethel; Lima, Lídia dos Passos; Ceseti, Lucas de Moraes; Ratagami, Camila Yuri; de Santana, Eliane Silva; da Silva, Aline Maria; Farah, Chuck Shaker; Alvarez-Martinez, Cristina Elisa (2018). "Xanthomonas citri T6SS mediates resistance to Dictyostelium predation and is regulated by an ECF σ factor and cognate Ser/Thr kinase". Environmental Microbiology. 20 (4): 1562–1575. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14085. ISSN   1462-2912. PMID   29488354. S2CID   3579518.