Capanemia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 9 recognized species, all from South America:
- Capanemia adelaidaePorto & Brade - Brazil
- Capanemia brachycion(Griseb.) Schltr. - Rio Grande do Sul, northern and eastern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Capanemia carinataBarb.Rodr. - Minas Gerais, São Paulo
- Capanemia gehrtiiHoehne - Brazil
- Capanemia micromeraBarb.Rodr. - Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Capanemia paranaensisSchltr. - Paraná
- Capanemia pygmaea(Kraenzl.) Schltr. - Brazil, probably extinct
- Capanemia superflua(Rchb.f.) Garay - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
- Capanemia theresaeBarb.Rodr. - Brazil

Chaubardia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 3 recognized species, all endemic to South America.
Coccineorchis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 7 accepted species, native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
- Coccineorchis bracteosa(Ames & C.Schweinf.) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador
- Coccineorchis cernua(Lindl.) Garay - Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Coccineorchis cristataSzlach., Rutk. & Mytnik - Panama
- Coccineorchis dressleriSzlach., Rutk. & Mytnik - Panama
- Coccineorchis navarrensis(Ames) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia
- Coccineorchis standleyi(Ames) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras
- Coccineorchis warszewiczianaSzlach. - Costa Rica

Dimorphorchis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 5 known species, all endemic to Borneo. This genus is known for its dimorphism of flowers and its name is derived from this unique characteristic. In the pendant inflorescences the proximal flowers show a different colouration than the distal flowers. However, this dimorphism is not split equally. The proportion of proximal flowers is significantly smaller than the distal flower morphs. In Dimorphorchis lowii two to three proximal flowers and 4 to 18 distal flowers are formed. The vegetative morphology resembles a Vanda species.
- Dimorphorchis graciliscapa(A.L.Lamb & Shim) P.J.Cribb - Sabah
- Dimorphorchis lowii(Lindl.) Rolfe
- Dimorphorchis rohaniana(Rchb.f.) P.J.Cribb
- Dimorphorchis rossiiFowlie - Sabah
- Dimorphorchis tenomensis(A.L.Lamb) P.J.Cribb - Sabah
Dunstervillea is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. At present, only one species is known, Dunstervillea mirabilis, native to Venezuela to Brazil, and eastern Ecuador. It is named after the orchidologist G. C. K. Dunsterville.

Epistephium is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, with a few species in Belize and Trinidad.
- Epistephium amabileSchltr.
- Epistephium amplexicaulePoepp. & Endl.
- Epistephium brevicristatumR.E.Schult.
- Epistephium duckeiHuber
- Epistephium elatumKunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth
- Epistephium ellipticumR.O.Williams & Summerh. (Belize)
- Epistephium frederici-augustiRchb.f. & Warsz.
- Epistephium hernandiiGaray
- Epistephium lamprophyllumSchltr.
- Epistephium laxiflorumBarb.Rodr.
- Epistephium lobulosumGaray
- Epistephium lucidumCogn. in C.F.P.von Martius
- Epistephium matogrossenseHoehne
- Epistephium parviflorumLindl.
- Epistephium portellianumBarb.Rodr.
- Epistephium praestansHoehne
- Epistephium sclerophyllumLindl.
- Epistephium sessiliflorumLindl.
- Epistephium speciosumBarb.Rodr.
- Epistephium subrepensHoehne
- Epistephium williamsiiHook.f.

Eulophiella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 5 known species, all endemic to Madagascar.
- Eulophiella capuronianaBosser & Morat
- Eulophiella elisabethaeLinden & Rolfe
- Eulophiella ericophilaBosser
- Eulophiella galbana(Ridl.) Bosser & Morat
- Eulophiella roempleriana(Rchb.f.) Schltr

Fernandezia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains about 30-40 species, native to northern South America, Central America, and southern Mexico.

Galeottia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America and southern Mexico.
- Galeottia acuminata(C.Schweinf.) Dressler & Christenson
- Galeottia antioquiana(Kraenzl.) Dressler & Christenson
- Galeottia burkei(Rchb.f.) Dressler & Christenson
- Galeottia ciliata(C.Morel) Dressler & Christenson
- Galeottia colombiana(Garay) Dressler & Christenson
- Galeottia fimbriata(Linden & Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Galeottia grandifloraA.Rich.
- Galeottia jorisiana(Rolfe) Schltr.
- Galeottia marginata(Garay) Dressler & Christenson
- Galeottia negrensisSchltr.
- Galeottia peruvianaD.E.Benn. & Christenson
- Galeottia prainiana(Rolfe) Dressler & Christenson

Gomphichis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to Costa Rica and northern South America.
Helonoma is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It includes 4 known species, all native to South America.
- Helonoma americana(C.Schweinf. & Garay) Garay - Venezuela, Ecuador
- Helonoma bifida(Ridl.) Garay - Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
- Helonoma chiropterae(Szlach.) Carnevali & G.A.Romero in G.A.Romero & G.Carnevali - Venezuela
- Helonoma peruviana(Szlach.) Salazar, H.C.Dueñas & Fern.Alonso - Colombia, Peru

Homalopetalum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 8 known species native to Central America, northern South America, Mexico and the West Indies.
- Homalopetalum alticola(Garay & Dunst.) Soto Arenas - Venezuela
- Homalopetalum hypoleptum(Lindl.) Soto Arenas - Brazil
- Homalopetalum kienastii(Rchb.f.) Withner - Mexico
- Homalopetalum leochilus(Rchb.f.) Soto Arenas - Cuba, Dominican Republic
- Homalopetalum pachyphyllum(L.O.Williams) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum pumilio(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Mexico, Central America, Ecuador
- Homalopetalum pumilum(Ames) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum vomeriforme(Sw.) Fawc. & Rendle - Cuba, Jamaica

Huttonaea is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 5 known species, all native to southern Africa. This genus was named in honour of Caroline Hutton née Atherstone.
- Huttonaea fimbriata(Harv.) Rchb.f.
- Huttonaea grandiflora(Schltr.) Rolfe in W.H.Harvey
- Huttonaea oreophilaSchltr.
- Huttonaea pulchraHarv.
- Huttonaea woodiiSchltr.

Koellensteinia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is named by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach for the Captain Carl Kellner von Koellenstein, an Austrian military officer and a botanical correspondent of Reichenbach.
Mesadenus is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 6 currently recognized species, native to Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, Brazil and Florida.
- Mesadenus chiangii(M.C.Johnst.) Garay - Coahuila
- Mesadenus glaziovii(Cogn.) Schltr. - Rio de Janeiro
- Mesadenus lucayanus(Britton) Schltr. - widespread across Mexico, Florida, Guatemala, West Indies
- Mesadenus polyanthus(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Mexico, Belize
- Mesadenus rhombiglossus(Pabst) Garay - Minas Gerais
- Mesadenus tenuissimus(L.O.Williams) Garay - Morelos

Myrmechis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to eastern and southeastern Asia from the Kuril Islands south to New Guinea, west to the Himalayas.
- Myrmechis aurea(J.J.Sm.) Schuit. - Maluku
- Myrmechis bakhimensisD.Maity, N.Pradhan & Maiti - Sikkim
- Myrmechis bilobulifera(J.J.Sm.) Schuit. - Sulawesi
- Myrmechis chalmersii(Schltr.) Schuit. - New Guinea
- Myrmechis chinensisRolfe - Sichuan, Hubei, Fujian
- Myrmechis drymoglossifoliaHayata - Taiwan
- Myrmechis glabraBlume - Java
- Myrmechis gracilis(Blume) Blume - Java, Sumatra, Philippines
- Myrmechis japonica(Rchb.f.) Rolfe - Japan, Korea, Kuril Islands, Fujian, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan
- Myrmechis kinabaluensisCarr - Sabah
- Myrmechis perpusillaAmes - Luzon
- Myrmechis philippinensiisAmes - Philippines
- Myrmechis pumila(Hook.f.) Tang & F.T.Wang - Yunnan, Bhutan, Assam, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam
- Myrmechis quadrilobata(Schltr.) Schuit. - Sulawesi
- Myrmechis seranicaJ.J.Sm. - Seram
- Myrmechis tsukusianaMasam. - Yakushima
- Myrmechis urceolataTang & K.Y.Lang - Yunnan, Guangdong, Hainan

Myrosmodes is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to South America.

Orleanesia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 9 known species, all native to South America.
- Orleanesia amazonicaBarb.Rodr. - Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, the Guianas
- Orleanesia cuneipetalaPabst - Brazil
- Orleanesia ecuadoranaDodson - Ecuador
- Orleanesia maculataGaray - Venezuela
- Orleanesia mineirosensisGaray - Brazil
- Orleanesia peruvianaC.Schweinf. - Peru
- Orleanesia pleurostachys(Linden & Rchb.f.) Garay & Dunst. - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador
- Orleanesia richteriPabst - Brazil
- Orleanesia yauaperyensisBarb.Rodr. - Brazil, Venezuela
Platylepis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across sub-Saharan Africa and also on various islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
- Platylepis bigibbosaH.Perrier - Madagascar
- Platylepis bombusJ.J.Sm. - Seram
- Platylepis commelynae(Lindl.) Rchb.f. - Society Islands
- Platylepis constricta(J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm. - New Guinea
- Platylepis densifloraRolfe - Réunion
- Platylepis geluana(Schltr.) Schuit. & de Vogel - New Guinea
- Platylepis glandulosa(Lindl.) Rchb.f. - widespread across tropical and southern Africa
- Platylepis grandiflora(Schltr.) Ormerod - New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Futuna
- Platylepis heteromorphaRchb.f. - Samoa
- Platylepis intricataSchuit. & de Vogel - Papua New Guinea
- Platylepis lamellataSchltr. - New Guinea
- Platylepis margaritiferaSchltr. - Madagascar
- Platylepis occulta(Thouars) Rchb.f. - Madagascar, Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles
- Platylepis polyadeniaRchb.f. - Madagascar, Comoros
- Platylepis rufa(Frapp.) Schltr. - Réunion
- Platylepis tidorensisJ.J.Sm. - Maluku
- Platylepis viscosa(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Réunion
- Platylepis xerosteleOrmerod - Cameroon
- Platylepis zeuxinoidesSchltr. - New Guinea

Schiedeella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to the Western Hemisphere: Mexico, the West Indies and Central America, with one species (S. arizonica) in the southwestern United States.