Middle rectal artery

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Middle rectal artery
The blood vessels of the rectum and anus, showing the distribution and anastomosis on the posterior surface near the termination of the gut. (Labeled as hemorrhoidal artery.)
The arteries of the pelvis.
Source Internal iliac artery
Vein Middle rectal veins
Supplies Rectum, seminal vesicle, vagina
Latin arteria rectalis media,
arteria haemorrhoidalis media
TA98 A12.2.15.036
TA2 4338
FMA 18826
Anatomical terminology

The middle rectal artery is an artery in the pelvis that supplies blood to the rectum.



Internal iliac artery, showing branches, including middle rectal artery Internal iliac branches.PNG
Internal iliac artery, showing branches, including middle rectal artery

The middle rectal artery usually arises from the internal iliac artery. [1] It is distributed to the rectum above the pectinate line. [2] It anastomoses with the inferior vesical artery, superior rectal artery, and inferior rectal artery. [2]

In males, the middle rectal artery may give off branches to the prostate and the seminal vesicles. In females, the middle rectal artery gives off branches to the vagina.


The middle rectal artery supplies the rectum above the pectinate line. [2]

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  1. "Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage". Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Procedures (2nd ed.). Elsevier. 2018. pp. 376–389. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-52481-0.50052-5. ISBN   978-0-323-52481-0.
  2. 1 2 3 Edozien, G. Y. Bajowa (2016). "Sexual Offenses, Adult: Normal Anogenital Anatomy and Variants". Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (2nd ed.). Elsevier. pp. 286–311. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-800034-2.00074-4. ISBN   978-0-12-800055-7.