Superior vesical artery

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Superior vesical artery
Internal iliac branches.PNG
Male internal iliac artery and some of its branches. Superior vesical labeled at left.
Source Umbilical artery or anterior trunk of internal iliac artery
Vein Vesical venous plexus
Supplies Urinary bladder, ureter
Latin arteriae vesicales superiores
TA98 A12.2.15.024
TA2 4320
FMA 18839
Anatomical terminology

The superior vesical artery supplies numerous branches to the upper part of the bladder. This artery often also gives branches to the vas deferens and can provide minor collateral circulation for the testicles.



The superior vesical artery, a vital component of the pelvic vascular system, stems from the umbilical artery, which serves as a conduit for oxygenated blood during fetal development. Emerging typically as a single vessel, the superior vesical artery exhibits consistent anatomical features across individuals. Its trajectory leads it towards the superior aspect of the bladder, where it branches intricately to supply blood to this organ and surrounding structures.

In males, a noteworthy branch arising from the superior vesical artery is the vesiculo-prostatic artery. This branch extends its reach to the prostate gland, contributing to its vascularization. The consistent presence of this arterial branch underscores its significance in male pelvic anatomy and physiology.


Other branches supply the ureter.[ further explanation needed ] The superior vesical artery is a branch of the internal iliac artery. It provides blood supply to various structures in the pelvis, particularly to the bladder.

In terms of distribution, the superior vesical artery typically supplies the upper part of the bladder, including the dome and the superior surface. Additionally, it may provide branches to adjacent structures such as the ureters, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, and the ductus deferens.

The arterial supply to the bladder is crucial for maintaining its viability and proper function, as it ensures oxygen and nutrient delivery to this organ. Dysfunction or compromise of the superior vesical artery can lead to conditions such as bladder ischemia or necrosis, which can have significant clinical implications.


Anatomical variations in the branching pattern of the superior vesical artery are well-documented. Among these variations is the presence of the middle vesical artery, which traditionally arises as a branch of the superior vesical artery. The middle vesical artery typically extends its distribution to the fundus of the bladder and the seminal vesicles. Despite its potential significance in pelvic vascular anatomy, modern anatomy textbooks often omit mention of this artery, instead highlighting the variability in the number and origin of vessels supplying the bladder region.

Furthermore, variations in the origin and course of the superior vesical artery may exist, with some individuals demonstrating multiple vessels arising from a common source. These variations underscore the complex nature of pelvic vascular anatomy and emphasize the importance of thorough anatomical knowledge in clinical practice and surgical interventions.


During embryonic development, the superior vesical artery derives from the umbilical artery, which serves as a vital conduit for oxygenated blood from the placenta to the developing fetus. Specifically, the initial segment of the superior vesical artery represents the terminal portion of the fetal hypogastric artery, highlighting its developmental origin from the umbilical arterial system. Understanding the embryological development of the superior vesical artery provides valuable insights into its anatomical trajectory and functional significance in the adult pelvic vasculature.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vesical nervous plexus</span>

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Vesical arteries are variable in number. They supply the bladder and terminal ureter. The two most prominent are the superior vesical artery and the inferior vesical artery. The superior vesical artery comes off of the internal iliac artery and sometimes the umbilical artery. The inferior vesical artery comes off of the internal iliac artery. The inferior vesical artery is a pelvic branch of the internal iliac artery in men; and in women it branches from the vaginal artery. This literature has been reviewed recently with observations of variation in pelvic vascularization and the close relationship between vaginal and bladder vascularization in women.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outline of human anatomy</span> Overview of and topical guide to human anatomy

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The vesiculodeferential artery, also known as the middle vesical artery, is an artery that supplies blood to the seminal vesicles.


PD-icon.svgThis article incorporates text in the public domain from page 615 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

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  3. Embryology Textbooks (Available for Purchase or University Libraries):
    • Langman's Medical Embryology
    • The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology
  4. Online Educational Resources:
    • The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman
    • Khan Academy